


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Samsung Galaxy Fold,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解, 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy Fold拆解, 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 在拆解前回顾一下硬件规格总是令人愉快,而且这次我们只要抄一下作业就行:改进版规格上几乎和4月版完全一致。

    • 1块7.3英寸超感官灵动折叠屏(分辨率2152 X 1536,362 PPI),以及一块4.6英寸Surper AMOLED副屏(分辨率1680 X 720,399PPI)

    • 64位高通骁龙 855八核心处理器

    • 12GB RAM佐以512GB 内部存储空间

    • 总计6个相机,从前往后分别是:10 MP自拍相机、8 MP RGB深度相机、16 MP超广角相机、12 MP广角相机、12 MP长焦相机

    • 结合Bixby功能的电容式指纹传感器

    • USB-C电源/数据接口,没有耳机孔

    • 噢!看起来我们这个易碎的蝴蝶比上次稍稍长胖了一点儿——13克,确切的说,总重提高到了276克。

  2. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 本次更新:屏幕出厂贴纸上罗列了详尽的注意事项,包括不要用力戳屏幕、不要将手机暴露在尘土之中等等。

    • 看起来三星是非常希望我们能小心对待这台手机……但是好像并没有说不要将手机拆成零件?所以我想我们可以继续吧?

    • “当设备折叠时,不要将任何物品,例如银行卡、硬币、钥匙等,放入屏幕之间。”所以千万不要这么干

    • 如果你还没有见过Fold折叠前后,那我们来为你展示:

    • 折叠状态下,它比Galaxy S10+更窄、更长、更厚。

    • 在展开状态下,呃,它……很大。虽然没有iPad mini 5那么大,但它的边框更小,所以在考虑实际可用屏幕空间的情况下,它们实际上是有可比性的。

    • 而且它明显比iPad Pro更容易折叠,毕竟你不会享受玻璃渣的洗礼。

    Would have been nice to see the iPad mini comparison with screens on, really get the idea of usable screen.

    Scott - 回复

  3. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 相对于这台手机的前一个版本,三星填补了许多可能导致灾难的漏洞。

    • 大概最重要的一个能让破坏屏幕的碎屑进入手机的入口就是折叠部位的两端,在硬质塑料屏幕边框的端点留下了一个巨大的缝隙。

    • 我们很高兴能看到三星在这里加入了一个小小的保护罩封住了缝隙,这样可以避免我们的撬片碎屑渗透到屏幕到后方。

    • 当手机处于折叠状态时,屏幕则会处于保护状态,但在铰链两侧依然能看到巨大的缝隙,这吸引我们撬片去尝试。这些缝隙看起来不太会导致那些让屏幕立即损坏的故障,但肯定会聚集污渍。

    • 看起来三星试图遮挡住了大部分可能导致立即损坏的入口,但是要把一个拥有如此多移动部件的手机密封好,依然是一个巨大的挑战。看未来折叠设计如何攻克这些问题会是一件很有趣的事情。

    You can see the crease in the middle of the screen in this picture with the pick on the bottom of the screen. Look at that? Yuck!

    JBDragon - 回复

  4. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们应该说过它很厚吧?折叠手机确实很酷,但如果想把它放进你的紧身牛仔裤口袋,可能就需要一点运气了。

    • 铰链部分占用了大部分空间,因为屏幕并不是完全折叠,所以看起来它更像一个活页夹,而非一本书。

    • 将折叠放在内则而非外侧可以让折叠半径更加紧凑,和华为即将上市的Mate X相比,其相机排布也有许多差别。

    • 在展开状态下,这块主屏被用一圈略微突起的表圈保护着,这意味着使用时,你的指尖可能会感受到边缘的突起,这可能也能在折叠状态和屏朝下放置时保护下屏幕。

    • 传闻说那个恼人的屏幕保护贴现在已经延伸到屏幕边框下方。这个“防手贱”设计能不能让它在我们手下幸存呢?大概不行吧。

    • 这台手机就算只折叠过一次,其中间的折痕也会非常明显。

    Ya, I can easily see the crease in the middle of the screen and that just blows. I think you’re better off to just get a normal phone and then a Tablet. Trying to be both just has too many negatives.

    JBDragon - 回复

  5. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 是的,这是一份拆解教程,单纯的展开它不能算是拆解,是时候找准切入点拆解它了。上!iOpener!

    • 经验告诉我们,三星喜欢从屏幕面板开始组装,最终以粘合背板作为结尾,所以我们把背板作为了切入点。

    • 再一次的,只用iOpener稍微加热一点点便可以软化粘合剂,其中一块背板便能取下,让我们往内部拆解。

    • 三星通常使用的曲面玻璃背板, 就像我们最近拆解的 Note 10+那样,边缘拆解十分困难,所以这个平坦的拆入点更受我们欢迎。

  6. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 即使是少量粘合剂固定的背板也是个让人头疼的东西,于此相比,拆卸螺丝变成了一种享受。这个奇怪的手机设计,只用PH十字螺丝刀便能处理。

    • 我们在背板下拆解出的组件还是很有三星的味道的。首先拆出了无线充电线圈以及天线组件。

    • 这一半看起来已经非常像一部完整的手机了,只缺扬声器和振动器了。

    • 那么,另一半里藏着什么呢?

  7. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 看,这台手机还连着一台手机!让我们来拆开另一半手机吧。在这一边,一个巨大的边框环绕着一个小小的屏幕,让你能够看看通知什么的。

    • 拆解并没有花多少时间,但没有拆解背板来的简单,但这块非折叠的屏幕也只需要些许加热便能拆下。

    • 由于这块屏幕很平,而且有一个较大的边框,使得我们拆解时有足够的操作空间来避免戳到OLED面板。

    • 翻转这块屏幕,毫不意外的,OLED面板背面透露出它是由三星制造。

    • 这个三星自产的S6SY761X触控控制器在最近三星的拆解里几乎都能看到。

  8. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 1块、2块电池,超多的粘合剂。在典型的三星设计中,总会让我们动用异丙醇并夹杂着些许怨恨。

    • 这块较长的前置电池规格为42.2 X 76.8 X 3.8 MM,后置电池则为42.6 X 64.3 X 4.6 MM

    • 但实际上,我们应该关注的是容量:分别为8.22和8.65 Wh,或者可以说2135mAh和2245mAh。

    • 这两块电池都不如Galaxy S10的11+ Wh电池强大,但是两块电池串联起来则能胜过S10,并提供16.87Wh能量

    • 这个电量比大多数的平板电脑都来的小,包括最新版iPad mini的19.32Wh,不过这个设备技术上来说还是一台智能手机,所以这个容量还是……挺惊艳的?

  9. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 在主板下方有一个记号。某友善的QA人员在散热铜板上写下了“TD”二字。拜托,这个含义只可能是“Tear Down”(拆解)吧。是你吗三星?这就是注定要我们来拆的意思吧。

    • 你可能会花费2000美元买台超棒的单反或者无反,所以这台设备内塞入了6颗相机,从价格上看还挺合适的?

    • 除了这台,我们拆过的手机里能看到这么多相机的就只有华为P30 Pro了。

    • 我们将这些不会眨眼的眼睛们排了个队。

    • 后置12 MP长焦以及12 MP广角相机

    • 后置16 MP超广角相机

    • 折叠屏内的10 MP自拍相机和8 MP RGB深感相机

    • 非折叠屏的10 MP自拍相机

    Nokia 9 has five rear cameras plus one front camera for a total of six :O

    Gorilla - 回复

    I still remember when phones had one camera

    Gage - 回复

  10. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 让我们来看看左侧主板

    • 这些硅胶密封组件是否在柔性排线连接器的周围?看起来是的。我们首先在iPhone 6s上看到了这类防护措施,但这在三星的设备上并不常见,当机身并不防水的时候,这便是对小板的保护措施。

    • 同时,我们在板上找到了些芯片:

    • MPB02 6084Z9 1934Pc2,可能是电源管理集成电路

    • 52D0S05 608CC21 G1929MG9

    • CS3SL40 A0PI1922

    • CS40L25 B1BF1928

    • ASL01 G1910

  11. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 双倍的手机,双倍的快乐!让我们来看看右侧主板有什么东西吧:

    • 三星K3UHAHA 12 GB RAM其下方则为高通骁龙 855

    • 三星(Samsung)KLUFG8RHDA-B2D1 512 GB eUFS闪存

    • Qorvo 78062 可能是射频融合(RF Fusion)模块

    • 高通 SDR8150

    • Murata KM9705076

    • Maxim MAX77705C 电源管理集成电路

    • IDT P93205

  12. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • 最后一面:

    • Skyworks 78160 前端模块

    • Skyworks 77365 功率放大器模块

    • Skyworks 13716 低频前端模块

    • 高通 PM8150C 可能是电源管理集成电路

    • 高通 WCD9341 音频编解码器

    • 高通 QDM3870 射频前端模块

    • NXP 80T17 NFC控制器

  13. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 有趣的内部组件对比过后,我们将注意力转向了这部手机的闪耀点:可折叠的OLED屏幕。

    • 屏幕挡板依然仅用些许粘合剂固定,拆解并不会耗费多少功夫。

    • 通常情况下,我们明显是更喜欢轻量使用粘合剂的设计,但在这部设备上,我们不禁担心随着岁月更替,这些挡板会很轻易地脱落,进而使得屏幕暴露而受损。

    • 这些边框超薄,它们仅仅覆盖了2MM宽的屏幕。

    • 边框拿开后,可以看到新的T字型塑料保护片盖住了屏幕折叠处的边缘。一个弹性垫片在T字型尾部下方挡住了整个缝隙。

    • 这相对于第一代Fold那个巨大的缝隙来说,肯定是确实性的改进。但是目前的措施真的能够帮助屏幕阻挡所有口袋里的衣料细尘和奇多碎屑吗?如果可以,那“蚂蚁”呢?不不,我是说蚂蚁

    • 希望你最好是住在泡泡里……

    what are the alternative to resolve this bezel issues then

    Capital M - 回复

    A bellows with thin metal ribs running in the length.

    DZDZigns LLC - 回复

  14. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 没有边框之后,屏幕就是我们的首要目标了!我们上次并没有再使用加热,但是今天,看起来三星不给我们这个机会了——他们希望屏幕能留在原地,所以他们涂上了一堆胶。

    • 屏幕依然仅在边缘部分使用粘合剂固定,或许是为了能在折叠或打开时有所移动的余量。

    • 这一次,更换屏幕变得相对困难并不是我们最大的担心。哪怕你不摔手机都有可能弄坏屏幕,这意味着更换屏幕基本上无法避免,细思恐极。

    • 三星慷慨的提供了149美元的屏幕更换价格,但是仅此一次。所以请轻柔的点击屏幕

    • 使用塑料而非玻璃来作为OLED屏幕的基板意味着这块屏幕可能没那么容易碎裂。但单就早期评测来看,有着许多方式破坏这块屏幕。

    • 屏幕通过机身左侧一条超宽的屏幕排线连接到主板。

    • 来自Verga的消息称,这台手机的“果冻效应”可能是因为屏幕驱动的问题,而不是因为屏幕

    • 那么他们会在第二次发布时更新屏幕驱动吗?当然!那么我们在拆解之前亲自测试过了吗?你问题太多了……

  15. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 好吧好吧,这个就是我们听说过很多次的增强型屏幕了。我们确实找到了新增的金属层,像锁子甲一样夹在背板和屏幕中间。

    • 在新的装甲层后面,是我们之前见过的薄金属支撑板,它们的边缘黏结在手机中框上,这可以让中间没有粘合的部分获得更大的折叠半径。

    • 所有这些金属支撑使得屏幕即使从中框上拆下,也依然拥有惊人的强度。

    • 一旦从中框上取下,屏幕就变得完全平整,上面的折痕几乎看不到了。

    • “先进的聚合物保护层”附着在柔性屏表面。对,就是在早期拿到媒体机的评测人士间引起了不小的骚动的那层保护膜,依然不可移除。但至少三星将这层物质延伸到了整个屏幕的边缘,解除了让人把它撕下去的诱惑。

    • 我们依然不相信这个保护层能完全藏好。这层物质和Galaxy S10上预先贴好的保护膜非常相似。他们真的认为不会再有人将其撕下了吗?

    • 我们猜测移除这个保护膜依然会损坏屏幕,而且既然三星已经好声好气的要求过了,我们就先让它留在原地吧……暂时。

    It is interesting to me that the crease goes away once the screen is disconnected. That almost makes me think the crease is caused less by the folding itself and more by how the parts are supporting the screen.

    Dillan - 回复

  16. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 接着我们注意到铰链,之前是裸露的,现在覆盖了一层胶布。可能是为了阻止各种碎屑从机身背脊处那个巨大的缝隙渗透进来。

    • 尘土和碎屑依然能进入到铰链部分,而且随着时间积累可能会黏滞铰链的运作,但是至少它们更难进入到屏幕里了。众所周知,任何东西夹在脆弱的屏幕和坚硬的背板之间,都会形成一个破坏屏幕的压力点。

    • 这胶带我看够了。让我们撕下它看看后面的铰链吧。

  17. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来,这个神奇铰链让这台设备的折叠魔法成为可能。看起来非常接近上次我们见过的Fold。让我们数一下:

    • 四个弹簧式卡口将屏幕锁定在“展开”状态,这个系统设计精良,而且看起来有很长的寿命周期。

    • 两个固定在中轴上的铰链,一个在顶部,一个在底部,留有些许间隙以吸收扭力

    • 一个中心铰链,驱动一个齿轮系统,这可以平均分摊展开时的驱动力,保证手机两半同步展开。

    • 两条布局良好的柔性排线,发挥类似胼胝体的作用作为两半设备间沟通的桥梁,排线的每一段在弯曲前均被固定在合适的位置,这使得排线有一定的自由空间。

    • 在铰链内布局柔性排线在长期来看存在着严重的可靠性问题,不过至少这条排线是个模块化设计,不像我们拆解过的某些设备。


    Would like to ask how if we had problem with one of those flex..?

    It possible to change and replace..?


    Chandra Alam - 回复

    • 这就是运动起来的漂亮的脊柱。

    • 顶部:单个的圆形滑动铰链。

    • 就在其下方:一个带有弹性的卡口,用于锁定手机位置。

    • 再在其下方:齿轮阵列,用于稳定中心并分配扭力。

    • 三星表示他们已经试验过将这款手机折叠超过20万次,我们对于这种铰链系统没有多大的质疑,但人们的双手可能没有三星的机器人那样温柔。而且,哪怕是不同的机器人,也无法获得同样的结果。

  18. 三星Galaxy Fold拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 尽管有了改进,这只美丽蝴蝶的生命依然悲剧性的短暂。

    • 主要来看,三星似乎默默的对我们在原初的拆解中提到过的可靠性建议进行了快速改进。不客气,三星。

    • 我们在屏幕转点边缘的缝隙上找到了遮盖,铰链内部也封上了胶带,这两者让碎屑不再轻易的进入屏幕背后。

    • 至于进一步的增强,在屏幕背后增加了一层金属支撑。

    • 最后,同样重要的是屏幕保护膜变大了,并且将边缘藏到了塑料边框下面。

    • 尽管如此,这部手机依然非常脆弱。我们已经看到它在现实世界运作得如何,但现在我们不禁有点好奇:为什么这个改版不是我们最初见到的Fold?各路评测人员(以及我们)花了不到一个星期就指出了这台手机的各种弱点。那么为什么三星要发布这么一款他们明知会及其易损的设备?

    • 虽然它相对于其他某些手机而言更容易拆解,但是其依旧令人担忧的脆弱程度对于维修而言可不是个良好的信号。


    I have accidentally broke (i think) flex cable that route through hinge of my galaxy fold 2 and causing no sound (on certain angles) and leave sim card undetected (also on certain angle) but when fully closed all those above are return to it's full function. Is there somehow i can fix the flex cable without replace a complete set (costly) of inner side screen and frames?

    Thanks for advise

    Foldeinstein - 回复

    Meest voorkomende klacht van de telefoon op internet is dat de fold niet meer 100% opengaat.

    Maar bv 80 of 85%, alle reparatie bedrijven inclusief Samsung bieden dan alleen de optie voor het compleet vervangen van het scherm.

    Kan het ook gerepareerd worden door het scherm te verwijderen zoals hierboven en de hinge te reinigen?

    Norman Uittenbogaart - 回复

  19. 最后的想法
    • 只需要一个规格的PH十字螺丝便能卸下机内所有的螺丝。
    • 许多组件都是模块化的,并可以单独更换。
    • 为了实现折叠,其设计的组件可能会随着时间推移而产生磨损,从而导致对铰链和屏幕的非正常压力,并最终导致更换组件。
    • 脆弱的主屏幕意味着你几乎肯定会在一定时间之后维修它,从而支出一份高昂的费用。
    • 电池更换是可能的,但过于强韧的粘合剂使得拆解变得困难,并且有可能损坏屏幕支架。
    • 前后双面粘合的玻璃面板意味着更大的破损风险,也使得维修难以展开。


en zh


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Taylor Dixon


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Now how did you get your hands on that little thing? Aren’t the folds supposed to be in the hands of tightly controlled tech reviewers? Don’t you risk being sued by samsung?

Pierre Gabory - 回复

Sued by Samsung? Since when did disassembly become illegal? Have I missed something?

charkel -

Disassembly is legal. Trafficking in stolen goods is not.

Aaron Wright -

The moment the phone goes on sale, they have teams around the world that fly, drive and swim to go get them. These devices were announced and released … to the public, but they were pulled.

They’re not a flagship devices, hense there isn’t the hype and fan fare around them like a S10 and such.

Cameron Walker -

What would you recommend Samsung do in order to protect against ingress of debris at the hinge (including the small gap between the screen protector and the display when partially open)? Would some kind of silicon or mesh be sufficient? Just trying to theorize what could be done to resolve the issue.

Brodie Woods - 回复

I think the same…maybe using both, silicon and a mesh (like those on some speakers of other phones) could help with outer holes, but the problem with the screen remains - when opening the Fold, any particle there will almost certainly break the screen. So, maybe a foam or other soft material between the screen layer and its plates could absorb the small particles. These, and extending the top layer that people are peeling under the bezel, I believe, could have avoided some of these problems. Best regards.

Carlos Trentini -

I vote for over-engineered screw auger that ejects dirt back out the hinge when it’s rotated…

stephenprokopchuk -

Not make a folding phone….

This isn’t going to work yet or The Chinese Government, Sorry, I mean Huawei would have theirs out now/ relatively soon.

I have a feeling they too are having issues with production.

Sean Smith -

this is actually what ended up killing my fold 2. they never resolved it

rya ovxx -

Interesting that there's no visible crease when display is taken out of phone. What causes the crease to be apparent when in use?

jt tech - 回复

It’s shocking to me that they thought this was worth releasing. I know Samsung has been cavalier about rushing things to market, but even for them this seems much. This needed at least another year or two in the kitchen.

Nick - 回复

Does anyone know what the material composition of the display? Especially the bendable plastic?

Mark Pacz - 回复

Thanks for iFixit team’s great analysis. I would like to know the detail photo of component on FPC of foldable OLED , could you please help to take a detail shot on it?? great thanks!

tenzoo - 回复

Two well-routed flex cables serve as the corpus callosum between the phone halves.

Well written! I appreciated this interesting analogy… as well as the link to the Wikipedia article for “corpus callosum” so I could easily look up what it meant.

nahlers - 回复

The good news is that none of the devices supplied to reviewers has caught on fire. Since this is Samsung we are talking about, that’s definitely progress.

nuncestbibendum - 回复

That's a terrible thing to say about a Mighty Ruler.

John Gary Morgan -

When taking photos of up close objects, be sure to set your camera to a higher aperture like 8f+

When you use low aperture that creates a blur in the background, you want that in a portrait of a person for example, but with a bit of technology you want to see the whole photo clearly.

brendan.harris - 回复

Barring the flexible display this phone is basically two phones connected together with a neat little hinge.

Sorry! Sorry, I don’t mean to make light of all the time and effort it took the engineers&researchers to create that display but considering this problem I think more then a few technical reports and suggestions were ignored by the people upstairs.

I am kind of curious as to why Samsung went with this design though.

I mean don’t get me wrong, the display looks COOL, but if the idea was merely to give consumers bigger displays that could still fit in their pockets then why go with this instead of a phone design with an add-on port? Imagine a smartphone with an add-on port to the side consisting of an optical transceiver for data and induction coil for power transfer that are normally dormant until that phone and another are locked into a folding case that enables the ports to link those phone together, the primary doing all the work while the secondary acts as just a additional display and battery.

James Barnhill - 回复

there have been multiple attachments for phones like that already, the bottom line is no one carries additional accessories with them for phones. There’s a reason modules for phones havent worked out

Aditya Singh -

I think the hinges need a sealant to keep ALL foreign-objects out, including sand.

DD Braugh - 回复

I liked the teardown, and then I saw the Repairability Score 2. Looked again over the teardown, mostly nicely done, no shattered panels, no fancy screws. So why only 2 ? I read again the score, it’s Repairability Score not Reliability Score. It might have a rough start but on my books it’s a solid 8 if not higher. You should fix it.

clau_sav - 回复

It’s not a 8/10 but maybe a 5 or 6? I think the rating got influenced by the *expected* lifetime of some important parts. Does iFixit uses some chart how to award a rating? Or is this more kind of a subjective rating?

LastDawn -

Did you try putting the Fold back together? Does it still work?

Dinan Blueje - 回复

They removed the protective film from the screen which damaged it.

Jordan GW -

Carbon nanotubes with Aramid fibers can solve this in a a dual helix hexagonal pattern with parts machined from aircraft grade 2 titanium. Copper can be used in between as spacers for reducing friction and for a smooth hinge movement. A positive it is also conductive if required to pass energy from point a to b. With modern machining, they don't need glue and could benefit by keeping the front fascia thin and flats but build up the sides and back with extra protection. A mix of some soft grip nice touch material for spastic feeling, and perhaps a shock absorbing plastic underneath. Then they can keep the screen and aluminum as is, just needs to beef up the hinge and protect the movement with the correct materials. Its not rocket science, Samsung. Call me, I'll help you just cause I feel like it.


and thanks to your suggestions the phone might just end up costing 4000 dollars instead of 2000, cost-effectiveness of materials is a thing buddy, thats why engineers dont run businesses

Aditya Singh -

This is a perfect example of synthetic versus real world testing. Of course repeatedly folding the display in a controlled environment worked fine - this flexible OLED tech is the reason this phone took almost a decade to engineer. But this display doesn't exist in a vacuum; the real world is full of lint, sand, and dust. That's why phones have shifted towards the "sealed slab" design - the reduction of moving parts and points of ingress have worked wonders for their durability.

The Galaxy Fold feels like an over-engineered solution to a problem that Samsung created themselves. By placing the flexible panel on the inside of the Fold, they not only had to add extra cameras and another display to make it useful when closed, but also created massive points of ingress. And for what gain? The outer display looks incredibly outdated, and the need for all these extra components is likely why the Fold is so outlandishly expensive.

Caleb Kamrath - 回复

You know the foldy parts of a surface pro keyboard? Why not make the phone like that? Everything stamp-sealed,reinforced, but flexible?

Sure it makes it harder to repair, but we are already at a 2…so go for the gusto and make a smooth seamless case to screen seal that flexes but allows nothing in? Screen definitely needs more work though!

Dan Osbon - 回复

Like on the “original” review, you are continuing to misunderstand the meaning of word “repairability” with reliability. For sure the reliability seems low but it was quite easy to open and access the internals, if you consider other offenders like MS Surface line. Try to use a dictionary next time.

clau_sav - 回复

The best repair is one you never have to make in the first place. A device that needs constant repair does not deserve a high “repairability” score.

Jeff Suovanen -

What does mechanical wear have to do with the reparability score? You can easily repair it or not. How many times you need to repar it has nothing to do with the reparability. Same goes for the screens "pricy repair" (Can you name a price? $100/ $600?) Again, how does this affect the repairability score?

ReeteshT - 回复

Can i ask what is the hole on top of the right side of the phone when the phone is opened and screen facing you. its like a sim tray hole, i made a mistake by pushing the sim pin due to my bad eyes and realize its not the sim tray after noticing there is no tray coming out. I am worried i might have damaged something. Testing of the phone so far seems ok, but on using the samsung test code only one mic is working, ironically its the mic on top thats working and not the bottom hole next to the usb as when i speak into the mic on top the voice is louder on playback, where the bottom mic hole next to the usb c talking close to it does not change the volume of playback. please let me know on your tear down observation are there anything directly underneath this hole that i could have damaged?

Please let me know and many many thanks!

Charles C.

Charles Choong - 回复

Hi Charles!

The hole you are referring to is a microphone hole, but don’t worry—the microphone isn’t damaged. (Reference image) The red arrow points to the inlet hole and channel, and the red box marks the actual microphone on the motherboard. Sound enters into the channel, turns at an L-bend, and passes through a waterproof membrane in order to reach the microphone. Inserting the SIM tool would push against the end of the L-bend. The waterproof membrane and microphone are out of reach. For more details, check this blog post.

Arthur Shi -

Comment reparer le circuit de reseau fold

Cisse Mory - 回复

Wat een klote telefoon. Na paar weken al binnenscherm defect. En hij vouwt niet verder los dan 90 graden. Zeer onhandig. Garantie is slecht. Heb telefoon opgestuurd. Totaal zonder schade aan telefoon en ik krijg fotos terug van een krasje in het frane waardoor ze niet gratis willen repareren. Heel slecht. Raaf de telefoon zeker NIET aan. Ik heb er reuze spijt van.

sanharib maraha - 回复

Le mauvais indice de réparabilité, indique juste les éléments que les ingénieurs Samsung ont ajoutés pour la consolidation, la protection, notamment de l'écran principal et de la charnière de l'appareil. Sa durabilité.

Nota bene, tout ne peut pas être réparé individuellement, il ne viendrai à l'idée de personne (enfin j'espère) d'intervenir sur la montre ou le tableau XIX° du grand-père. Il faut savoir aussi parfois laisser la main à un spécialiste.

Mes Courbes - 回复



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