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iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换

iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换

Jeff Suovanen

Jeff Suovanen5 其他贡献者

最后更新于 May 31, 2023

30分钟 - 2小时

了解如何更换 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕。 此部分已安装前置摄像头、听筒扬声器和 EMI 屏蔽罩,便于维修。 如果您的屏幕没有预装这些东西,请改为遵循本指南

你需要做的就是移除旧屏幕并将主页按钮转移到新屏幕,以便 Touch ID 发挥作用。

注意:如果你的 iPhone 的自动亮度功能在屏幕维修后无法正常工作,请确保你的 iPhone 已更新至 iOS 12或更新版本。 即使使用原装 Apple 屏幕,更换屏幕后 True Tone 功能也会被禁用。








  1. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 防撬螺丝: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 在开始之前,将电量用至25%以下。 充满电的锂电池如果意外被刺穿可能导致着火或者爆炸。

    • 在拆解前请将您的iPhone关机。

    • 打开iPhone将会损害到防水密封。 如果您不重新安装密封粘合剂,手机将失去防水性能。

    • 在iPhone底部处拆下两颗3.5mm 六角梅花螺丝。

    what do I do about super stripped screws?

    Ean Palacios - 回复

    I’m sorry, your comment slipped past my radar earlier. For future fixers that might see this and ask the same question, you can check out our stripped screw guide for some detailed advice.

    Adam O'Camb -

    Do you need a toolkit like the essential toolkit

    Adam Palmer - 回复

    Hi Adam. Having a tool kit with all of the listed parts above is best. The screw heads are very small and each set of screws needs a very specific type of driver to remove them without stripping any of them.

    Kyle Luksa -

  2. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 使用胶带粘贴屏幕: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 使用胶带粘贴屏幕: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 使用胶带粘贴屏幕: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果您的手机显示屏已经碎裂,请避免屏幕进一步的破碎,并且当您用胶带粘贴屏幕玻璃以维修手机时,请避免身体部位受伤。

    • 使用透明胶带交替重叠粘贴,完整地覆盖住手机的屏幕。

    • 该步骤可有助于在撬起屏幕时防止屏幕玻璃碎片飞溅并保持屏幕结构的完整。

    • 请戴好防护眼镜以防止维修时玻璃碎片飞溅入眼。

    • 如果屏幕玻璃的碎裂导致接下来的步骤中的吸盘难以吸在屏幕上,请尝试使用黏度较高的胶带(如粘水管用的胶带)折叠成一个把手,来提起屏幕。

    Tape doesn’t hold. suction cup doesn’t work. Tape folded over doesn’t work as a handle. I’ve used 3m’ s Gorilla duct tape. The glass is so shattered I cant get a point started to remove the glass. Phone has been in an otter box for years. dropped it and shattered glass while replacing case. Now what?

    Martin Speedy - 回复

    When all else fails, you can superglue your suction cup (or tape) to the display, wait for it to cure, and pull.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I had issues getting the suction cup to stick on my cracked screen, so I tried using scotch tape (only tape I had around), but it didn’t work. This best thing I did was to forcefully pry the screen off (I wasn’t worried about damages because it’s already cracked) with the spudger. I think its best to find something stickier (like Duct Tape) and used that to lift up the screen.

    Definitely surprised how sticky the adhesive was.

    Jeffrey Robinos - 回复

    When using packing tape: the suction won’t hold well with the overlapping pieces, so add a square of tape where you want to put the suction cup, so it will provide an unbroken surface for the seal.

    Christa - 回复

    It’s amazing how a heat gun or hair dryer makes life easier to soften up the adhesive. Then use a thin iSesame opening tool to get in under the screen (start @ 90 degrees/vertical either side of the home button & slowly go horizontal) the need to use suction cups. Run the opening tool along the front and down both sides to cut the adhesive before trying to lift the screen.

    Cheers Wayne

    Wayne Lyell - 回复

    I didn’t have a hair dryer so I (gingerly) used an iron over some wet coffee filters (I mean , it is waterproof) . Then, quickly dried i off with paper towels, used gorilla tape and my fixit metal splunger . worked like a charm .

    MajorCouillon - 回复

    What about baby cracks? skip to step 3 or not…

    Andruw Holland - 回复

    As others have mentioned, suction cup and tape doesn’t work. I used the blade of a box cutter (watch fingers) and inserted just below and right of home button. Then moved spudger along the crack to tear adhesive/seal. Easy peasy.

    Stephen Smith - 回复

  3. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 用胶带覆盖破损: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 用胶带覆盖破损: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 用胶带覆盖破损: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果 iPhone 的后玻璃破裂,请在维修过程中通过在玻璃上贴胶带来防止进一步破损并防止人身伤害。

    • 将重叠的透明包装胶带条黏在 iPhone 的后玻璃上,直到覆盖整个手机后部。

    • 戴上安全眼镜以保护你的眼睛免受修理过程松散玻璃的伤害。

    • 如果在接下来的几个步骤中无法让吸盘粘在手机上,请将强力胶带(折叠到把手中,然后用它提起后玻璃。

    • 如果所有措施都不可行,你可以用502胶把吸盘粘到后玻璃上。

  4. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来的两个步骤演示了如何使用反向钳,一个旨在简化打开过程的工具。 如果你不使用 反向钳,请跳过这两个步骤以使用替代方法。

    • 有关如何使用 反向钳的完整说明,请查看本指南

    • 将蓝色手柄拉向铰链以解锁反向钳的手臂。

    • 将反向钳手臂滑过 iPhone 的左边缘或右边缘。

    • 将吸盘放在靠近 iPhone 底部边缘的位置——一个在正面,一个在背面。

    • 向下推吸盘以将吸力施加到所需区域。

    • 如果发现设备表面太光滑而反向钳无法吸住,请使用包装胶带来创造一个更容易抓握的表面。

  5. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 向前拉蓝色手柄以锁定手臂。

    • 顺时针转动手柄 360 度或直到吸盘开始拉伸。

    • 确保吸盘彼此对齐。 如果在拉伸过程中吸盘慢慢不对齐,请松开吸盘并重新对齐手臂。

    Bien, y a-t-il des boutiques spécialisées elle-même se charger de l’opération de changement de l’écran de l’iPhone 8 plus je suis un littéraire. Je renonce à le faire moi-même mais j’assume les frais le prix de l’écran. Merci de répondre dans un commentaire suivant Cordialement

    Acquaviva - 回复

  6. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 加热 iOpener并将其穿过反向钳。

    • 你还可以使用吹风机热风枪或电热板,但过热可能会损坏显示屏和/或内部电池,因此请小心操作。

    • 折叠 iOpener,使其位于 iPhone 的底部边缘。

    • 等待一分钟,让粘合剂有机会释放并出现开口间隙。

    • 将撬片插入间隙中。

    • 如果反向钳无法形成足够的间隙,请对该区域施加更多热量并将手柄旋转四分之一圈。

    • 一次不要转动超过四分之一圈,并在转动之间等待一分钟。 把工作交给反向钳和时间来完成。

    • 跳过接下来的三个步骤。

  7. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 接下来的三个步骤展示了如何使用吸盘分离屏幕。

    • 加热iPhone的底部将会有助于软化屏幕底下的粘合剂,使其更加容易打开。

    • 使用吹风机或者准备好的iOpener来加热iPhone的底部大约90秒来软化下方的粘合剂。

    6/14/23 I did this repair but used a heat gun on low for 60 seconds. This allowed me to open the case as the instructions say, but in the end the Home button failed. I probably over heated it. I used this "go around" for a virtual Home button. I don't care about touch ID:


    laryball - 回复

  8. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 将吸盘放置在前面板的下方一半位置,home 键上方。

    • 请确保吸盘没有吸附在home 键上,这样做的话将不会使得吸盘和玻璃形成密封。

    Warning ! If you pull too hard (reheat the underside of the display again), you create an gap of air between the glass and the lcd display !

    When you replace the display assembly you end up with gray stains on the display.

    Result: you have to buy a new display (assembly).

    Arnoud - 回复

    Using just the single suction cup that is included in the battery replacement kit probably wouldn’t open the device. An iOpener and an iSlack should be the recommended method. However, you can get it open with just the single suction cup and iOpener, but does take a lot of time.

    Get an iOpener and iSlack with the battery replacement kit.

    Chris - 回复

    I used a flat x-acto (#18) blade knife tool to gently pry back the screen enough to allow me to insert the pick near the bottom corner. I then worked the pick under the screen as mentioned in steps 5 & 6 below then. This worked really well for me.

    Kyle Luksa - 回复

    I used the suction cup without heating the phone - the adhesive came away quite easily without applying any heat. Maybe due to age of phone (nearly 4 years old). Worth trying.

    Ben Vinnerd - 回复

    I can’t get the single suction cup to work. Hate being stuck on the simplest step!

    Donny - 回复

    My screen was very shattered, and was quite hard to get suction, as my tape was very low quality. However, after pulling it up a little bit, I was able to insert a regular razor blade into the very small gap and used that as a lever.

    Michael Scroop - 回复

    Oh my goodness! Don't do that again. You can definitely damage something in the phone if you use a sharp metal razor blade..

    cytur -

  9. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 用力拉动吸盘,持续的压力将会在前面板和后壳之间创造出一个小的缝隙。

    • 在缝隙里插入撬棒或者其他几毫米的撬动工具

    • 将显示器固定到位的防水粘合剂非常牢固; 弄开这个缝隙需要很大的力量。 如果你很难打开一个缝隙,应继续加热手机,并上下轻轻晃动屏幕,以削弱粘合剂,直到你能够打开足够大缝隙插入你的工具。

    After multiple tries and using a very hot iOpener, it will not open.

    Kenneth Ewald, Sr. - 回复

    In sheer frustration, I pulled out my trusty pocket knife and managed to lift the bottom of the screen slightly, but in the process, cracked the glass from the bottom to the home button. The case is open now.

    Kenneth Ewald, Sr. - 回复

    this was by far the most difficult part. be diligent and follow the “firm and constant pressure” guide... the “gap” will be extremely “slight”. you will be able to slide a corner of the pry tool even if you cannot see the gap.

    Colleen V - 回复

    This needs a TON of strength and most likely a partner. Your strong partner will pull up the screen with the suction cup and you will put the pick into the small gap that appears.

    cytur - 回复

  10. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 在您的手机的角落处滑入撬片滑向左上角,朝着音量控制和静音键方向滑动,将固定显示屏的粘合剂分离开来。

    • 在显示屏的左上角附近停下。

    Do not go over the top otherwise you can crack the screen. Sadly happened to me :(

    The instruction should be:

    “Stop near BUT BEFORE REACHING the top left corner of the display”

    Leonardo Piga - 回复

  11. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 注意事项: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • iPhone 的右边缘有易损排线。 请勿将撬片尖端插入此处,因为可能会损坏排线。

  12. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 将您的工具重新插入到iPhone的右下角,并将其划到手机右上角,以划开粘合剂。

    • 请勿将撬片尖端插入超过 3 毫米,否则可能会损坏显示屏排线。

    I had really good luck using a hairdryer on some of the more stubborn portions of adhesive.

    Jessica Kirsh - 回复

  13. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 小心地抬起吸盘,来提起显示屏地底部。

    • 切勿提起超过15º 超过这个范围您将可能损坏显示连接排线。

  14. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 从吸盘上揭起一角来将其从前面板上移走。

  15. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 在屏幕的顶部边角处滑入一个撬片来切割最后的粘合剂。

    Be very careful at this step. The glass at the top will break very easy when the display is lifted too much.

    Gerdschi D - 回复

  16. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 将显示屏幕稍微向下滑动(远离手机的顶部)来将显示屏上的卡口与后壳分离。

  17. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 打开iPhone仅需要摆动显示屏左侧,就像翻书一样。

    • 切勿尝试完全将显示屏与手机主体分离,显示屏还有许多易碎的排线与iPhone逻辑板相连。

    • 在您对iPhone操作的同时请将屏幕被某些物件支撑来保持直立的状态。

    Das “links” ist auf dem Foto rechts.

    Matze Diamond - 回复

    Das ist falsch. Wenn man auf das iPhone sieht, ist der Home Button unten. Auf dem Photo ist deutlich sichtbar, dass die linke Seite angehoben wird.

    Hans - 回复

  18. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 断开电池: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 断开电池: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • 移除四颗将显示排线支架与逻辑板相固定的十字(JIS) 螺丝,它们的长度如下:

    • 2颗 1.3mm 螺丝

    • 1颗 1.4mm 螺丝

    • 1颗 2.7mm 螺丝

    • 在本指南中,请仔细留意螺丝的位置 以便每个螺丝都可以在组装时装回到它原来的位置。 在错误的地方安装螺丝可能会造成永久性损坏。

    The Phillips screwdriver bit is the PH000. The measurement refers to the screw length.

    Jack Harry - 回复

  19. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除显示排线支架。

  20. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的尖端来将逻辑板插座上的电池连接插头撬开。

    • 稍微将电池连接插头弯曲,防止在您进行维修操作时意外与插座连接。

    When I reassembled the iPhone 8 Plus, I had to plug it into a Lightning cable to wake it up (just pushing power button wasn’t sufficient).

    browniestarmite - 回复

  21. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 显示屏总成: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, 显示屏总成: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的尖端或者手指甲来直接将插头从插座中撬出来断开大的低显示排线。

    • 在重新连接类似这个按压连接插头时,先将一侧完全按压到位,然后再操作另一侧。 切勿在插头中间按压。 如果连接插头产生微小的错位,连接插头可能被折弯,造成永久的损伤。

    I got hold of a iPhone 8 Plus with cracked screen that I am planning to fix.

    Here is my problem:

    When I tried to take out the screen from my phone, (step 15-18) I was curious about the new screen, so I tried to connect it. It was completely dead! Then I tried the old cracked one, and suddenly that was dead to! This is a phone that some fool has been inside earlier and changed battery, but I suspect he has done some more really stupid things. The Taptic Engine is living its own life and vibrating every time I slightly touch the home button. (I have a new Taptic Engine) The phone is also full of dust and small particles that does not belong there. One tri-point Y000 screw (step 18) is even missing! Now the biggest problem is that both screens are black! I know the phone is on, because I hear voice command speak when I turn on the power. The screen worked before I tried to change it? And one last thing: My new LCD screen came with new flex cables. Is it possible to switch over, so I can use the old ones?

    smikalsen - 回复


    Is your problem solved?

    Daniel Leprince -

    Be careful of damaging MOSFETs by the LH side of the large lower display cable. After replacing the battery and turning the device on, the phone showed low charge and didn't have a charging symbol even after plugging into multiple cables and chargers. Turns out I had damaged the logic board attempting to disconnect the connector.

    Chris Cerrudo - 回复

  22. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,2
    • 断开另一个低显示排线插头,这个就在你前一步骤断开的插头的后面。

    I used the other end of the spudger on this connector and it seemed to work a little better for me. I came in from underneath the top-right edge instead of the bottom right.

    Jessica Kirsh - 回复

  23. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,2
    • 移除两个将支架与前面板传感器组件固定的三点Y000螺丝

    • 1颗 1.0mm 螺丝

    • 1颗 1.2mm 螺丝

    una vite da 1mm e due viti da 1.2 mm???

    Matteo Carachino - 回复

    Ciao Matteo! Grazie per l’osservazione. Ho appena modificato il testo :) La traduzione è aperta a tutti. Hai quindi la possibilità di fare le tue suggestione direttamente nel testo e sei il benvenuto se vuoi usare di questa possibilità nel futuro. Grazie ancora per la vigilanza! Saluti, Claire

    Claire Miesch -

    The tool kit does include a 1.0 or1.2mm screwdriver! How am I supposed to remove those screws?

    peter frommer - 回复

    Bought the screwdriver that supposedly fits these screws and it still doesn’t work.

    hypercarduser - 回复

    My bracket looks different. Can’t get these screws out.

    Ray Rushing - 回复

    kit came with wrong bit. i received 2x P02 (penta tips) and no tri point y000.

    Christopher Shane Gripp - 回复

    There is no such thing as a trigger point y000 screwdriver. Why couldn't they use Philips like the rest of the screws.Nobody knows what these trips point y000 even look like. this is a scam to force you to buy a new phone.

    Al tb - 回复

    y000 tri-point screw driver comes with the iFixit repair kit at minimal cost

    godo - 回复

  24. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸下覆盖前面板传感器组件连接器的支架。

  25. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 25 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒尖端或者支架来断开插座上的前面板传感器组件插头。

    What happens is this strip is torn and how does one fix it

    Mijinyawa Dauda - 回复

  26. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,1

    Should there be a step somewhere in here to point out when to remove the blue plastic from the new iFixit screen?

    Paul Santora - 回复

  27. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, Home 键与 Touch ID: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换, Home 键与 Touch ID: 步骤 27 中的图像 2,2
    • 移除 Home 键与 Touch ID 传感器支架上的四颗 Y000 螺丝。

    • 一颗 1.2mm 螺丝

    • 三颗 1.3mm 螺丝

    • 重新组装时,请注意不要拧得太紧,否则Home 键可能不起作用。

    The 1.2mm screw on the home button stripped for me. I ended up bending the bracket on each side in order to remove the home button. I then bent it back as best I could during reassembly and screwing it down.

    browniestarmite - 回复

    The leftmost screw here (attaching the display bracket to the front panel plastic) was not present on my aftermarket screen assembly. Had to pull it from the original.

    handemail - 回复

    same here on the one im doing now. Dont know its history.

    Harald Ellingsen -

  28. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除用于固定 Home 键与 Touch ID 传感器的支架。

  29. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 29 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 29 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 29 中的图像 3,3
    • 从右侧向上断开 Home 键排线的连接器。

    • 如果排线连接器没有分离时便开始翻转,用你撬棒(Spudger)上平的一面按住排线靠近连接器的一端,同时翘起连接器的左端。请务必小心,不要损坏连接器或排线,否则将导致传感器无法使用。

    I accidentally severed the cable, now my sensor is disabled. So far this was the most delicate cable I encountered because it was so small.

    Harmonie Beckham - 回复

  30. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 30 中的图像 1,1
    • 加热 Home 键附近的区域,这是为了软化用于固定排线的粘合胶以便更好地将其移除。

    • 将屏幕翻转。用吹风机或一个 加热过的 iOpener 加热屏幕底部约 90 秒以软化底部的粘合胶。

    • 不要让屏幕过热。温度应以无法舒适地触摸为宜。

  31. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 31 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 31 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 31 中的图像 3,3
    • 用一个塑料撬片轻轻地分离用于固定 Home 键与 Touch ID 传感器的排线与屏幕的粘合胶。

    This did not work for me…. ended up breaking the connector from the home button. Most likely messed up the customer’s iPhone… the adhesive would not pry up with just pick… does iFixit offer a home button replacement?

    Sidar M Caceres - 回复

    did not work for me either, also ended up breaking the connector, just use the tweezer to separate it. do not use opening pick!!!!! it’s too thick for it!!

    Jeffrey Tang - 回复

    Isopropanol and heat will loosen the adhesive and its possible to gently remove with plastic pick, metal tweezers risk damaging the Home button cable and disabling the Touch facility.

    Chris Smith - 回复

    Pretty easy to follow instructions if you have patience and careful hands. If you have clumsy hands you will not succeed in fixing any small electronics. There are some small things you should use to help you succeed at fixing small electronics, like some scotch tape or other clear tape to hold some of the cables in place while you work on small electronics items, also a small heavy bottle or object to propped the iPhones cases against to hold them from falling over so that your hands can be free to perform your tasks. Great job you are doing iFixit personel and I am with you all the way with fighting for our rights to fix our electronics equipment.

    wogriffith - 回复

    Isopropanol in conjunction with the heat really did the trick here. Heat up first, then use plenty of the alcohol to pry it up carefully using the pick.

    Maximilian Krause - 回复

    Heat dryer on high worked for me.

    Stephen Smith - 回复

    I followed exactly the method in Step 37. First, turn the screen over and warm up slightly around the home/Touch ID sensor , making the cable easier to come loose from the screen. I didn't use an opening pick, I used a spudger it worked fine, but be careful

    clbr - 回复

    why is my home button attached to the lcd? there is no clip and makes it impossible to easily remove home button. help!!

    Joel - 回复

    I also was mystified as to why I could not remove the home button after successfully removing the cable. Then I remembered that I had suggestion at step 4 and covered shattered screen with clear tape! Once tape was removed, button came out! LOL!

    bseagrave - 回复

    I heated the tip of a thin knife with a hot air gun and slide it under the flexible cable. When I hit resistance I reheated the knife. Keeping it parallel to the board while doing this. After 4 heatings the knife moved the rest of the way and the cable lifted easily off of the iPhone back. This method left enough glue on the cable that it restuck fine when moved to the new iPhone.

    Bill Auerbach - 回复

    Apple loves to make this the most difficult thing. I've been successful many times, and not so on other repairs. I just finished a repair and everything was in tact, but sadly it didn't work. Took a part and put back. So I turned on the assistive touch home button. They will be getting a new phone soon, so not a big issue except Pride.

    Shawn Bailey - 回复

  32. iPhone 8 Plus 屏幕更换: 步骤 32 中的图像 1,1
    • 从屏幕正面移除 Home 键与 Touch ID 传感器组件。

    • 重新安装 Home 键与 Touch ID 传感器时,请如图所示,先将排线穿过屏幕正面的孔。

    • 你的更换零件可能附带有 Home 键,已安装的额外Y000 螺丝。卸下不必要的螺丝,以便你可以重新安装 Home 键支架。

    What is a good alternative adhesive for sticking this back on the new screen?

    Jithesh - 回复




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Very useful information…

Flica Hussey - 回复

Has anyone found out any info about replacing the Apple iPhone 8 Front glass. Last I checked Apple had made it that if you install a non OEM screen and updates their phone, it will brick there phone. I have not been fixing any iPhone 8’s or iPhone x’s due to this. I So if someone knows if this has been resolved or if this still holds true can you please let me know. Also, Fixing back glass. From what I have seen they use some crazy glue. Does anyone have any methods on a easy way to replace back glass on the iPhone 8’s ? do you still basically have to gut the phone ? what kind of glue is used to glue it back on? Any help with these issues would greatly be appreciated I have been repairing phones for over 8 years + and turning away customers because apple is so dumb with these things upsets me greatly. I loved repairing iPhone up until this point. Help please.

service - 回复

Replacing the screen will not Brick the iPhone, although the 8/8Plus & iPhone X all have an issue with the Ambient Sensor when a new screen is fitted. Although a way around this is to use a EEPROM device to copy the firmware from the original screen. It is also rumored that Apple are fixing the Ambient Sensor issue in iOS 12.

Donald -

Why don't you just throw an oem replica decal over the back glass and call it good. Any more time spent on something that is designed to break & devalue your device into a state beyond reasonable repair efforts, to inevitably promote purchase of a newer model, should be treated with scorn and covered with cheap adhesive decals from China.

SalvagedBandit -

Anyone know if the ambient sensor is fixed?

alexaamo91 - 回复

Hi. My iphone 8 plus screen is broken. I purchased it from USA, I’m in Turkey, Istanbul right know. When I took it to the apple store over there, they told me I need a code to replace the screen, and every country has different code. In order for me to replace the screen, I need that code.

Would some one please tell me what to do. I really appreciate it.


Sean Nouhi - 回复

I replaced the screen on an iPhone 8 Plus. When I transfer the home button it does not work in the new screen, but still works in the old, cracked screen. Thoughts?

briankesting - 回复

I’m having same issue and tried numerous aftermarket screens, I had a spare 8Plus here ready to repair (lcd damaged but working) tried it on that separate screen and Touch was fine again so the issue has to be aftermarket screens I’m guessing it’s the quality of the lcd is the issue as all original screens have proven fine but 3 aftermarket screens later and no joy so worth paying a little more for oem quality. The8plus is the only model so far Iv had this issue with as prior models are simple, but so many advertised as “original” it’s hard to pin point decent supplier

nathanjenkins15 -

I successfully substituted the screen with ifixit kit. However, force touch does not work and the luminosity is way less than the original

Ismaele Warren - 回复

The back glass is a pain in the …but it is slot easier if use a heatgun on low. Then use a blade or a prytool. It's still a pain but slot easier. Make sure that u don't scratch or damage the wireless charger in the middle. Hope this helps.

Mike - 回复

Did the replacement yesterday on my own with the iFixit kit and the parts supplied. It was really easy and great that it came with the adhesive and all the parts integrated in the replacement screen. The only downside is that the TrueTone isn’t working anymore nut I knew this before buying the kit.

It took me about 2 hours to complete.

Sorin Drache - 回复

I forgot to disconnect the battery connector now my iphone 8 won’t boot up any idea how to fix this ?

orange flash - 回复

My home button is not recognized with the new screen fitted, so I’m left with putting the broken screen back in and a smaller bank balance :-(

simon_kesselman - 回复

Front camera removal is not even mentioned. That seems like a rather large omission on this replacement. Wonder how many people followed this document to the letter only to find out that the front camera is still on the old screen.

danny - 回复

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the note! As stated in the introduction, this guide is written for the replacement part we sell, which comes with the front facing camera, earpiece speaker, and EMI shield already installed. I will amend the instructions to point to a front facing camera guide.

Arthur Shi -

After I completed the repair on my iPhone 8 Plus, there’s some time of back lighting/impact point on the bottom right of screen. Anyone else’s repair have this issue??

Sidar M Caceres - 回复

thank you Jeff and the ifixit folks… great attention to detail. worked out very nicely in practice

kate freitag - 回复

Hi i fixed using this guide, i got to say it is incomplete. You need to remove the metal frame from the original screen as well and also the top of the original screen the camera module and speaker module. And the reminder and the removal of power cable need to be extra careful in choosing the right cable to unplug. I unplug the wrong one and it caused my touch ID not to work. Take note on this pointer.

Aloysius See - 回复

Hi! This guide is written for our iPhone 8 complete screen, which has the metal frame and camera/speaker module pre-installed. We also have a guide for the bare LCD/digitizer part, which requires transferring the frame and front assembly.

Arthur Shi -

Hello, I replaced the display of my 8 plus using the instructions and your replacement display. Now the phone discharges very quickly and gets warm ?! If only I had kept my broken display. What can i do?

Tobias Grossmann - 回复

I replaced the front screen on my iPhone 8 Plus with an iFixit kit and when I turn the phone on you can feel the phone vibrating when you click the home button but the screen is black and won’t come on…. any thoughts? I took it back apart 3 times disconnecting and reconnecting the connectors and it never would come on…. I need HELP!!!

Payton Bland - 回复

Hi Payton,

I would check if the screen backlight was blown out. This commonly happens when you disconnect the screen without disconnecting the battery first. To check, “turn on” the phone as you have been. Shine a bright light directly at the screen, and see if the LCD shows anything. If it does, the LCD is working, but the backlight circuitry is broken.

Arthur Shi -

I have this same issue

i tried the bright light idea, but cannot see anything

Whitney Patten -

This is the second ifixit screen replaced on my iPhone 8 Plus. Unfortunately, this second repair kit was a much lower quality that the first one, which was only one year prior. The screen is much lower quality with really poor contrast. It works, but it makes it look like a cheap knockoff phone now. Also, two bits in the included tool kit were too large to use! They are marked the same size as my previous kit, but they are definitely larger and will not fit into the tri-lobe or philips head screws. I ended up using the bits in my previous tool kit. Overall the quality of the components has definitely gone down hill, which is hugely disappointing.

mark - 回复

Hi Mark,

I’m really sorry to hear about your experience with the screen kit. Thanks for bringing this up—we take pride in the quality of our tools and components and seek to rectify any issues that show up. If our customer service team has not reached out, please contact us here.

Arthur Shi -

Performed successful replacement of an iphone 8 plus screen. The blue triangular plastic opening pick was useless for opening the case, even after using a heat gun to soften the adhesive. A razor blade was necessary to separate the screen from the body, then the picks could be used. All other aspects of the repair guide were excellent.

Drake Wilson - 回复

Brilliant instruction. I found the screen replacement really easy to follow. Thanks!

Tony Bergin - 回复

Bought this part fitted it all working fine put a screen protector on, thought all was sorted and noticed it had a horrible screen/lightbleed issues on the right side! So So annoyed with this..

jamesbridle - 回复

No country code needed, Thats pure BS. I replaced mine… iPhone 8Plus in 25 minutes. The phone has no coded parts except the finger print sensor. If you remove the touch id button according to these instructions you’ll have no problem with this. BTW I have done dozens of screen replacements using parts from iFixit and have NEVER had a problem. If you’re careful and make sure you have the correct model numbers for your phone you’ll get parts that work perfectly. Also big thumbs up on the guide. Excellent instructions. But somebody should write up the part about installing the glue. That’s a tricky bugger. Always remember to leave the fine assembly plastic covers in place on the glue until your ready to assemble. Keeps the glue from sticking to your cables during the final re-assembly phases. The covers are split so they wont be difficult to remove once done.

Michael King - 回复

Hi. Followed the instructions. Now when we switch on we get the apple symbol for a few seconds. Then it goes off and repeats. Any suggestions please? Thanks

Matthew Howse - 回复

I bought a cheap, cheap, cheap replacement screen from somewhere else, and didn’t realize that i also had to switch over my earpiece, sensor, backplate, etc. it was a big surprise but with the help of the other tutorials on this site I was able to complete it! the screen quality is a lot lower than expected, a tad fuzzier, but you i got what i paid for. great info!!

Colleen V - 回复

Touch stopped working and this fixed it right up. I’ve opened many iPhones to change the battery but this is only the second screen replacement I’ve done with a fingerprint sensor transplant. It’s not that much more to do than the battery.

Russ Rehm - 回复

I replaced a broken screen on my daughters iPhone 8 plus and now it will turn on but it only displays a apple logo screen on and off. Please tell me it can be fixed

Courtney H - 回复

I am hoping to find a fix also. I came here based off of 6 plus issues that came up when I searched. But if not the screws being placed in the correct spots then it could be a few things if it’s like the 6 at all...? My niece allowed her friends to rip hers apart now I’m left with the pieces of not knowing how it came apart or names of anything bc I’ve never messed with a replacement before. Although the home button and camera we’re supposed to be the only parts switched over I’m still in a boggle. I hope someone decides to answer! A few people with the 6 said they left it plugged in over night flashing and it worked. Thinkn about tryn but I’m afraid not knowing if the screws are properly placed first! Good Luck

Terra Chaney -

Hi, my iphone 8 plus was run over and both the front and back were obviously heavily damaged. I read that if the back is damaged, you would need to replace the whole chassis and place all of the internal components into the new one. Do you sell the whole chassis? I see the front screen but not the rear.

Thomas - 回复

I've changed the LCD screen of my Iphone 8 Plus and now it either turns off when I make a phone call or the external and internal speaker and mic dont work. (no music, cannot hear or be heard during phone calls)

ank-hara - 回复



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