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Jeff Suovanen

Jeff Suovanen12 其他贡献者

最后更新于 February 25, 2025

5秒 - 45分钟


使用本指南熟悉最常见的连接器类型,并了解断开接口 (并且再连上)所需的工具和技巧。

  1. ZIF接口
  2. 无丝带状电缆接口
  3. 平顶(薄型)接口
  4. 压接式接口
  5. 同轴电缆接口
  6. 显示排线连接器
  7. 其他带状电缆接口
  8. 滑动接口
  9. 电源线连接器
  10. 捆绑电缆接口
  11. 胶合电缆
  12. SATA 线缆
  13. 焊接连接
  14. 弹性 (ZEBRA)接口
  15. 稀有和超乎寻常的接口



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  1. 认识和断开线缆连接头, ZIF 接口: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, ZIF 接口: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, ZIF 接口: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 零插入力(ZIF)连接器通常会给初学者带来麻烦。 ZIF连接器用于固定精细的带状电缆,如FFC(扁平柔性电缆)或FPC(柔性印刷电路)电缆。

    • 顾名思义,不需要力量来插拔电缆。

    • 要断开电缆连接,请使用撬棒或指甲的尖端将小的锁片翻起。 然后,您可以安全地拉出电缆。

    • 请确保你撬动的是小锁片而不是插座本身。

    • 此带状电缆上的白线标记连接区域的边缘。 要重新安装,将电缆插入连接器直到对准该线,然后锁定挡板。 如果电缆不容易插入(或非常接近)该线,则可能是未对准,需要轻轻移走并重新定位。

    What if I break the ZIF connector itself (were the ribbon goes), is my tablet ruin?

    elainegb27 - 回复

    Unless you are good with a soldering iron or hot air station I would suggest taking it to someone that can do it.

    deswaite -

    “…Be sure to pry up on the hinged flap, not the connector socket….” but we’re not going to provide any further information than this and good luck with that :-)

    andyescribe - 回复

    That’s what the photos are for—providing a visual example. There are a million different implementations of ZIF connector out there, so it’s not possible to provide specific instructions for each one in a single guide. For that, you need to search for the guide for your specific device. Unfortunately, looking at your post history, it appears you attempted to do that, but the guide you were following (Nexus 6) mislabeled the battery connector as a ZIF connector. I’ve corrected the guide. Sorry for the trouble!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    You have provide awesome tips which is very helpful. I have issue with FPC that not connecting with Cable

    Ralph Vale - 回复

    hola he intentado cambiar el cristal de mi apple watch 2 despues de conseguirlo me he dado cuenta que he retirado el cable sin bajar la pestaña o no se que he doblado los pines despues de intentar una y otra vez el conector zip de la derecha ha quedado inservible es posible comprar ese conector en algun lugar o sabrian que nombre de conector debo buscar ya que no viene en ninguna expecificacion gracias

    Fran Ansio - 回复

    Great tutorial, thanks. Had I not seen it, I would have irreparably damaged my keyboard. Perhaps it lacks a bit more guidance on how to place the cables back. I found that part to be the hardest actually.

    Juan Dueñas - 回复

  2. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 无丝带状电缆接口: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 偶尔,你会发现一条丝带状电缆,你可以直接把它从它的插座拔出,并没有锁舌。

    • 这些接头通常出现于较大的电子设备如打印机、投影仪或游戏主机,比如这台 PS3 控制板。

    • 在尝试断开连接此线缆之前,务必确认这不是带释放机制的 ZIF 连接头(上一个步骤),否则你可能会在强行拔出时损坏连接头或线缆,并且你无法重新将其插入。

    • 若要断开连接,直接将其从插座中拔出。

    • 若要重新连接线缆,抓住线缆接近末端的位置并将其直接插入接头中。请勿缠绕线缆。如果可以,请在塑料外壳上施力,而不是线缆本身。

    How can I remove ribbon connect or of Sony Bravia led tv

    Sonali Likhare - 回复

  3. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 平顶(薄型)接口: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 平顶(薄型)接口: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 若要断开像这样的平顶接口,使用撬棒来撬起每一侧。 然后从插座中径直提起就好。

    • 若要重新连接,请小心将接口对准插座,然后将其直接按下直到其卡入其插座。只需要手指的压力即可。其在未对齐的情况下无法被插入插座中。有时,找到正确的位置需要多一点耐心。

  4. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 压接式接口: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 压接式接口: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 较小的压接式(或称为弹出式)接口可能需要使用塑料打开工具、撬棒或指甲来打开。

    • 将你的工具尖端放在接口的边缘下,并将连接器从其插座上直接撬起。

    • 千万小心,在接口的边缘下撬动,而不是在插座下撬动。如果你在插座下面撬,你会把它与电路板分开,这需要专门的微焊接技术和设备来修复。

    • 要重新连接,将接口小心地对准其插座,然后用指尖向下按,先按一边,再按另一边,直到它咔嚓一声到位。

    • 在接口完全对准之前,不要 向下按压——否则接口可能会弯曲,造成永久性损坏。

    I have an idea,/Request that I'm sure would be worth the effort, and fit right into this subject. how about a step by step guide on fixing the mistake of fudging up the socket yes on the mother board Guilty, right now it's a 500 dollar paper weight!! ! And I'm sure there's a long line of us,right guys, since you guy's are Awesome at it! Where to source the female sockets that's go onto the board and the proper steps and tecniques , would be greatly appreciated, keep up the great work!!

    JOE - 回复

    Sorry to hear that! My usual advice would be to take it to a repair shop that performs board-level repairs (a.k.a. microsoldering). Replacing a damaged connector socket typically requires a lot of skill, practice, and tools that likely cost more than the full retail price of your device. So, it’s not exactly DIY-friendly! But if you’re interested, you can find a good introduction to board-level repairs on our YouTube channel.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Is there a specific name for this type of connector? (brand, etc).

    David Schwartz - 回复

    Stack-type Board-To-Board connector. JAE is a big manufacturer. FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit), what we commonly know as flex cables usually - is considered a board in this context.

    Jan Magne Skaue -

    "To reconnect, align the connector carefully over its socket and press down with your fingertip—first on one side, then the other—until it clicks into place."

    This is ambiguous because it isn't clear to readers which is the 'side' of the connector referred to. For example, with a long rectangular connector, do you mean one of the short sides, or one of the long sides? I fear I may have got it wrong - after replacing my iPhone XS battery the bottom speaker no longer worked.

    I disassembled the phone and disconnected and reconnected the connectors, to no avail, so reassembled the phone and ordered a replacement speaker. After fitting that, the speaker still doesn't work but unfortunately my screen now has a very bright stripe a few millimetres wide down the RHS. I didn't apply any excessive forces while lifting the screen and working on the phone - in fact it was easier to remove than the first time I opened it. The only thing I can think of is I used excessive isopropyl alcohol when cleaning the seal off.

    Mark H - 回复

  5. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 同轴电缆接口: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 同轴电缆接口: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 同轴电缆接口: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 对于小型同轴连接器,像这些U.FL天线电缆接口一样,使用薄的静电敏感设备安全撬刀将连接器从板上直接撬开。

    • 要重新安装,请将接口固定在正确位置,然后将其直接按下。 将接口“夹紧”到插座中,非常像扣上夹克上的金属扣的操作。

    Hello, I am repairing a tablet and the head to my coaxial cable fell off. What do I do?

    Brittany Dush - 回复

  6. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 显示排线连接器: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 显示排线连接器: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 显示排线连接器: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 像这样的显示器和摄像头电缆连接器有时会在插座背面有一个小金属夹,将其固定到位。

    • 为了分离连接器,将夹子下方使用撬棒的尖端轻轻推入。 然后,将夹子摆动到插座的另一侧,使其平放在电缆上。

    • 将夹子和电缆夹在一起,轻轻的向电缆方向拉动,将连接器从插座中取出。

  7. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 其它带状电缆接口: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 其它带状电缆接口: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 其它带状电缆接口: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 这是Xbox游戏机上常见的另一种类型的带状电缆接口。

    • 要卸下它,请使用撬棒或指甲将透明的蓝色标签从接口上提起。

    • 接下来,使用撬棒的尖端推开塑料锁定片。

    • 锁定片只能移动约2毫米。

    • 沿着电缆的方向将带状电缆从接口中拉出。

    i knocked the locking tab off… on three of them, any way to reattach them?

    John Baker - 回复

  8. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 滑动接口: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 滑动接口: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 有些接口需要稍微的哄骗才能松开电缆。 这款小巧的iSight摄像头电缆连接器没有方便的地方撬动或拉动。

    • 在这一点上,有些人放弃,并简单地拉扯电缆本身,这可能会起作用,但也可能会损坏电缆。

    • 要安全地断开连接,请使用撬棒的尖端小心地推接口的每一侧。

    • 从一侧交替到另一侧,轻轻地将接口从其插座中“走出来”。

    I used tweezers to open this connector

    Muescha - 回复

  9. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 电源线连接器: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 电源线连接器: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 电源线连接器就像这一个有一个小的卡舌将其锁定到位。

    • 要将连接器与插座分开,请按住卡舌,然后从连接器径直从插座上向上拔。

    • JST连接器和它样式相近但是没有锁定卡舌。还有一些其他样式也差不多,可能有或没有卡舌,可能有二到三个卡舌,还可能有半打甚至更多的线缆。通常这些可以在相机中的麦克风或扬声器、收音机中的电路板上找到。

    • 有些变种样式的插头非常小。如果您尝试通过拉扯线缆的方式来断开其连接,有可能会造成损坏。如果必要的话,最好使用一对镊子晃动插头来使其松弛。

    Hallo, ich habe genau wie auf dem Bild bei meiner PS3 Slim ein ähnliches Kabel von dem Laufwerk zu trennen versucht. Beim Ziehen ist nicht das Kabel abgerissen, sondern die Anschlusstelle an der Platine hat sich auf einer Seite gelöst. Muss man hier nun das Teil wieder dran löten oder kann man es irgendwie mit Klebern fixieren?

    Stefano Aram - 回复

  10. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 捆绑电缆接口: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 捆绑电缆接口: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 如果您看到由大量单独连接的导线组成的电缆,这些电缆通过一个接口连接,则拉动电缆本身可能是最好的方法。

    • 沿着与各个线路相同的方向将电缆从接口上拉出。

    • 均匀地 拉动每个电缆,使得没有单独的电线过度紧张。

    Lijkt me dat je hier eerst vlak over het kunststofdeel van het kabelcontact, in het midden waar hij lager is, smalle dunne schroevendraaier steek zodat het kunststof iets omhoog buigt en het borgnokje vrij komt zodat je hem eruit kan trekken!

    Terug gewoon insteken.

    Bert Timmer - 回复

  11. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 胶合电缆: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 认识和断开线缆连接头, 胶合电缆: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 有时从插座中拔下连接器是不够的; 需要额外的一两步来松开电缆。 这里我们有一个Lightning端口带状电缆,轻轻地粘在一起。

    • 要清除它,请小心地将电缆下方使用撬棒或吉他拨片滑动,然后将其从粘合剂中取出。

    • 对于特别细致或固定的电缆,来自热风枪,吹风机或我们方便的iOpener的一点热量将有助于软化粘合剂。

  12. 认识和断开线缆连接头, SATA 线缆: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 一些常见的内部电源和数据电缆,如这些SATA电缆,非常像您房子里的常规音频/视频电缆。

    • 要断开线缆,只需将其向线缆方向拉动即可。

    • SATA电缆的一些变型型号在侧面有一个小的释放卡舌或按钮。

    • 用手指向下拉住卡舌,然后拔下电缆。

  13. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 焊接连接: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 你也会遇到不是被设计为可拆解的电线,他们被焊接到位。

    • 不要担心 - 烙铁和一些焊锡芯使这些小家伙很快的断开。

    • 如果焊接还不是您会的事情,请转到我们的焊接技术指南并学习新技能!

    LOL. not sure I'd call hardwired solder in wires a 'connector'

    Bubba Mustafa - 回复

  14. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 弹性(ZEBRA)接口: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 这些接口常用于袖珍计算器,DECT电话和其它具有简单单色7段或低分辨率显示器的设备。它们用于将LCD玻璃上的导电轨道连接到下面电路板上的一组焊盘。 (这些显示器有时会遇到死区或像素行。)

    • 螺丝或扭曲的金属片通常固定金属框架,压缩LCD和电路板之间的弹性条。打开这些以分离LCD和弹性条。

    • 在照片中,明亮的光线显示了LCD玻璃上的导电迹线。在它下面是弹性条,隐藏在电路板上的轨道上 ——与玻璃上的轨道相同。

    • 弹性体条由沿其长度交替的导电层和非导电层组成。 LCD的每个接口都有几个,无需精确对齐。

  15. 认识和断开线缆连接头, 稀有和超乎寻常的接口: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 稀有和超乎寻常的接口: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 认识和断开线缆连接头, 稀有和超乎寻常的接口: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 最终,你一定会遇到你从来没有见过的接口。

    • 仔细检查接口,并尝试确定它是如何分开的。

    • 慢慢操作,多次温柔的摆动。 如果你的第一次尝试似乎不起作用,不要强上。 尝试另一种方法,或者换一个不同的工具看看是否有更好的结果。

    • 如果您仍然遇到问题,请搜索类似设备的指南,以查看是否提供任何线索,或在我们的Answers论坛中寻求帮助。


    I've just been wrangling with a 25ish year old Kenwood stereo. There were some connectors on it that I couldn't work out - which led me to this guide. The specific connectors aren't shown here. It turns out theybare spring-loaded, and you have to push the upper part (that I initially thought was a plug) down into the board - and this releases the ribbon cable. On the stereo, there are some shorter ones (8-pin), and some longer ones (15pin). On the longer ones, if you look close enough, they helpfully say ‘push' on them.

    I've taken some photos of you'd like to add them to this guide?

    J Salter - 回复




en zh


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Beautiful work. However, my modern LCD flat screen TV set uses the "No-Fuss Ribbon Cable Connectors" and I think they are fairly common in this application.

"Step 2 — No-Fuss Ribbon Cable Connectors

Occasionally, you'll find a ribbon cable that simply pulls out of its socket, with no retaining flap.


These kinds of connectors are fairly rare, so check carefully for a way to release the connector before you resort to pulling on the ribbon cable."

Tom - 回复

This was great! thanks for the detailed pictures. I have a question though on a very specific port used on apple tv 1.

here's the link to my post

What is the 4prong black port next the the IR plug?

Manny O - 回复

It's important to note that ZIF connectors often do require force to insert, for example the digitizer ribbon cable on the Nexus 6, which has a bit of negative tension from being curved. It has to be pushed in using the little raised portion with a fingernail, and held so the line on the cable matches the line on the PCB before closing the retention bracket or else it will not connect properly.

Benjamin Columbus - 回复

I have a visio T-con board that has two flat ribbon connectors the one to the screen as a flip open latch you can do with your finger nail the other has a thin metal strip that over hangs the end on both sides. And ideas on how this one opens up? Rowland

rowlandstevens - 回复

Great post!

Would be great if Jeff or someone could help me with my question, doesn't look as though that connector type is covered in the the post above. Its listed here - Need help with these Connector latches



Norm - 回复

good page, but I was looking for the display connectors for ipad air 2. They seem to just push on, but the pressure is so light I am not confident that they are seating correctly. It won’t turn on at any rate though the screen briefly comes up at boot.

FNorthrop - 回复

Those are pop connectors—see Step 4. Align them carefully, and press them down; you should feel them click into place.

Jeff Suovanen -

I recently ran into a FFC (Flat Flex Connector) type I didn’t know how to open exactly, and this page only refers to the flip-lock type. Turns out it was a slide-lock connector and the diagrams on the page below were very helpful. I simply used my tweezers to push on the two tabs towards the cable, the actuator moved easily once you knew which way to apply force.

Doing ifixit versions of these diagrams would be VERY helpful.

Slide Lock Diagram: ''https://gct.co/Images/products/ffc-con...

Flip Lock Diagram: ''https://gct.co/Images/products/ffc-con...

Parent Page: ''https://gct.co/ffc-connector''

Googling to find these hints was VERY difficult not knowing the terminology. But this ifixit page was at the top of the stack, update to save the next guy half an hour googling?

(Updating to say you DO mention ‘sliding’ connectors… but the mechanism of the actuator is not very clear and/or the photos didn’t quite get me there, mine was a smaller pin-pitch I think too).

clickykbd - 回复

@clickykbd This is a great idea! I’d love to add it to the guide. Do you mind sharing the name of the device you were working on, so we can try to get some photos of that connector in the wild? Or do you have some photos of your own? For copyright reasons, we usually can’t borrow other people’s images or graphics for our guides without permission. Thanks for sharing!

Jeff Suovanen -

Jeff, It was a Marshsall VLCD70MD-3G on-camera/field monitor. The connector was for the LCD ribbon flexible pcb cable.. I’ve still got it apart as I am trying to source a LCD, so I can try to get some half decent photos in a day or so. I’m pretty sure I’ve run into these before and they came apart with the “just pull” method… but reseating them without mangling the flat-flex was very difficult without knowing the trick if I recall. Thought I would do my homework this time.

clickykbd - 回复


Je voudrais retirer un câble nappe écran sur la carte mêre de mon téléviseur LG 47LE5510 il y a dessus un petit levier qui se lève à l’ongle mais le câble semble collé et je n’ose pas forcer. Sur le connecteur est indiqué FS60 et le câble est un EAD60974135.

Pouvez-vous m’aider car je ne voudrais rien casser et ces 2 câbles coûtent cher en piece détachée.

Merci d’avance

blac3 - 回复

Thank you, thank you, thank you. My husband really needed this.

Donna M. Hines - 回复

Some ZIF ribbon connectors I’ve found, have the latch on the side of the insertion of the cable, some others on the oposite side. So be sure to pull on the correct side, or you will damage the connector. Another tip is to pull them very gently and when closing it, also with not much pressure, I have spoiled some hinges in the process, what is left to do is replace the whole connector.

luislupo - 回复

Great article, but just one question… WhatWhat happens if you break one of these? Can you suggest a fix for something like the ZIF connector.

Is it pretty much a write off if you snap the latch on some of these connectors?

Nadim Sawaya - 回复

I have a 3D printer from China, it is an Artillery Sidewinder X1 v4 model .  It uses ribbon cables from the power supply to the heated nozzle and the heated print bed.  It is my understanding that power is sent along a couple (or more) of the wires to distribute the load, and I get a good deal of heat at the connector site, on the ribbon cable itself. It is enough heat that I believe the connection and/or the ribbon cable itself will fail.

It is a friction fit connection and I imagine it is difficult to keep the connections inline at the connecting point.  The printer uses 20 wire and 30 ribbon wire cables as can be seen at: https://www.amazon.com/Artillery-Ribbon-...

My question, and I do understand the value of your time, is  – what can I do to better align the connections?  Is there some sort of heavier gauge ribbon I can use and, perhaps, do so through some sort of adapter at the connection point?

Anything you can suggest is appreciated.

Jim Kennedy - 回复


i need the connector in step 10.

Where can i buy this?

Thank Manuel

Manuel Otocki - 回复

Merci : très clair et complet. Je vais pouvoir aider un ami à rebrancher le connecteur de son GPS

Vincent Le Duc - 回复

how to fix a connector that's overheated and the clamp on top of it got melted or broken? Can I still force flex cable to connect to the connector? Thanks!

John Z. - 回复

Outstanding web page!!!!

Robert - 回复

Where may I purchase these zif ribbon connectors?

Christopher S - 回复

Hi Robin! Which URL is disabled? Can you point me to a specific step?

Spencer Day -

URL disabled on my phone.

Robin Ortiz - 回复

How to fix it now

Robin Ortiz - 回复

Why can't I ADD min

Bryce Gerhardt - 回复



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