使用本指南可以借助iFixit电池更换套件从MacBook Pro中安全地取出内置电池。 套件中的粘合剂去除剂将溶解固定电池的化学制剂,使您可以轻松地将其移除。
iFixit粘合剂去除剂是高度易燃的。'''在通风良好的地方进行此项操作。 在这个过程中不要在明火附近抽烟或工作。
为了您的安全,在开始此程序之前,请先将MacBook Pro的电池电量耗尽。如果意外刺破,带电的锂离子电池可能会造成危险且无法控制的火灾。
注意:用于溶解电池粘合剂的溶剂会在扬声器与塑料扬声器音箱接触时损坏扬声器。 本指南指导您在继续使用电池之前取下扬声器。
如果你使用的是旧款的iFixit黏胶去除剂(单独的瓶子和注射器), 点击这里阅读不同的指南。
使用撬棒扁平的一端,将 I/O 板连接器从主板上的插座中直接撬出。
以类似的方式,从 I/O 板上的插槽中卸下 I/O 板排线。
从 MacBook Pro 上拔下 I/O 板电缆。
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This looks amazingly complicated!!! I've seen Youtube videos just removing the battery with solvent, and being careful. Why removing everything beforehand?
There's nothing physically stopping you from going straight for the battery. However, it's difficult to control where the solvent goes with 100% accuracy, so if you're at all concerned about your solvent affecting other components, it's safer to remove them first. We've tested a lot of solvents and found that some are much safer to spread around, but not very effective at separating the battery. So yes, depending on the solvent used and the exact model of your MacBook Pro, the procedure could be very different!
Hi Jeff, thanks for the explanation, very helpful. In the meantime, I have realised you don't ship out of the US... pity!
Hi, this is a much faster way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fupkPz55...
Thanks so much for that link! And thanks to the guy who came up with it. I think I found a much faster way to go than thick nylon.
I couldn't find a nylon cord big enough. But I realized (being a guy from jersey) that it looked like something I'd seen happen in so many 80's mob films to someone who had to be taken care of. So i looked around for a thin metal wire and found it on my guitar! Wrap each end around a nail or something so you can hold it tight. And the metal wire really effectively cuts through the glue. The thin diameter makes it easier.
Didn't have to take out a single component.