使用本指南从MacBook Pro中取出内置粘合电池, 最好使用iFixit电池更换套件完成。套件中的液体粘胶去除剂将溶解固定电池的粘胶,从而轻松拆卸电池。
iFixit粘胶去除剂是高度易燃的。在通风良好的地方进行工作。 在此过程中,请不要吸烟或是在明火附近工作。
为了降低危险,在开始工作之前请先对MacBook Pro的电池放电。如果意外刺穿充电的锂离子电池可能会造成危险和无法控制的火灾。如果电池鼓包,请采取额外措施
注意事项:用于溶解电池胶的溶剂与MacBook Pro的塑料扬声器外壳接触可能会损坏扬声器。 这份指南指导你在拆解电池之前卸下扬声器。
[ … ] 如果你正在使用旧式的iFixit胶水去除套装,即分开的瓶子和注射头(不再售卖),点击这里查看不同的教程。
使用撬棒扁平的一端,将 I/O 板连接器从主板上的插座中直接撬出。
以类似的方式,从 I/O 板上的插槽中卸下 I/O 板排线。
从 MacBook Pro 上拔下 I/O 板电缆。
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finally something more complicated than replacing the fan in a ps4. Great guide but I'm not going to attempt this even with lots of experience taking MacBook pro's apart to replace the disc drives with second hard drives.
I went ahead and did changed the battery to only find out the battery I bought was defected : (
Hi there, Edward. Sorry to hear about the battery trouble. I've reached out to you via email to see how I can help!
Thanks for the guide! I used a light duty heat gun to soften the battery adhesive. Use great caution if you try this method, you can easily damage anything plastic so I used the MBP bottom to shield the keyboard bits. I heated one cell at a time until it was slightly uncomfortable to the touch, then waited a few moments until the heat softened the adhesive underneath, then carefully use a plastic card to slide under and pry free. It took about an hour to remove the battery and all remaining adhesive. For the remaining adhesive I used "GooGone", being very careful.
You can also set your battery on fire, which can have pretty catastrophic consequences. I'm glad it worked out for you, but I would urge everyone to avoid using a heat gun on or near any lithium-ion battery.