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三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换


  1. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 加热底部边缘: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 开始之前,请拔下电话并关闭电源。

    • 加热iOpener并将其涂在后盖的底部边缘两分钟。

    • 也可以使用吹风机,热风枪或加热板,但请注意不要使手机过热——显示屏和内置电池都容易受到热损坏。

    Found that using the iOpener did not provide enough heat to weaken the adhesive, went with a hairdryer instead. Make sure to never keep the hairdryer still, and apply heat on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute per side did the job for me. iOpener just did not get hot enough

    Phil R - 回复

  2. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离底部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离底部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离底部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 将吸盘套在手机背面,并尽可能靠近底部边缘的中心。

    • 如果显示器严重破裂,则用透明的包装胶带覆盖显示器可能会粘住吸盘。或者,可以使用非常坚固的胶带代替吸盘。如果其他所有方法都失败,则可以将吸盘粘在破碎的筛子上。

    • 用强大的稳定力拉动吸盘,以在后盖和框架之间形成一个间隙。

    • 将三角撬片的尖端插入间隙中。

    • 由于公差严格,在正确安装之前,可能需要多次尝试使用iOpener重新加热并与吸盘分开。

    • 如果你在创建间隙时遇到问题,请对边缘加热更多,然后重试。

    • 请勿用三角撬片用力过猛,否则有破裂后盖玻璃的危险。

    I have found it easier to use an iFlex on the camera side to get in enough to get an opening pick in. Then work the pick towards either end slowly and down the ends, making sure it’s warm to the point of being almost to hot to hold. Slow, gentle pressure t open it like a clam ;)

    Stow - 回复

    While pulling on the back glass with the suction cup, I found it helpful to use something like the opener tool to press down on the frame. Made it easy to pull open even with the iOpener.

    Ryan Sammons - 回复

  3. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 沿着底部边缘来回滑动拨片以切穿粘合剂。

    • 请勿尝试在玻璃弯曲的手机角落附近切掉胶粘剂,否则可能会破裂玻璃面板。

    • 将三角撬片留在接缝中,以防止粘合剂重新密封。

  4. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 加热左边缘: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    • 将加热的 iOpener 涂在后盖的左边缘两分钟。

  5. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离左边缘粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离左边缘粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离左边缘粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 将吸盘套在手机背面,并尽可能靠近左边缘的中心。

    • 用强大的稳定力拉动吸盘,以在后盖和框架之间形成一个间隙。

    • 将三角撬片的尖端插入间隙中。

    • 由于此边缘上的玻璃是弯曲的,因此你无法将此镐插入很远。只要三角撬片的最尖端在玻璃边缘下方,你就可以继续进行。

    • 由于严格的公差,可能需要多次尝试。

    • 如果你在创建间隙时遇到问题,请对边缘加热更多,然后重试。

    • 你也可以尝试在接缝中滴几滴高浓度(超过90%)的异丙醇,以帮助松开粘合剂。

    • 请勿用三角撬片用力过猛,否则有破裂后盖玻璃的危险。

  6. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 一旦撬片位于玻璃边缘下方,请将其向下倾斜,然后将其进一步插入以完全分离后盖的粘合剂。

  7. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 沿手机的左边缘全部滑动拨片,以分离后盖的粘合剂。

    • 当滑过围绕音量和电源按钮的框架中的凸脊时,请当心——玻璃上的切口可能会使玻璃更容易破裂。

    • 将挑剔物放在玻璃左边缘附近左上角的下方,以防止胶粘剂重新密封。

  8. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 加热右边缘: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 将加热的iOpener涂在后盖的右边缘两分钟。

    • 也可以使用吹风机,热风枪或加热板,但请注意不要使手机过热——显示屏和内置电池都容易受到热损坏。

  9. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离右边缘粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离右边缘粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离右边缘粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 在手机的背面,尽可能靠近右边缘的中心处应用吸盘。

    • 用强大的稳定力拉动吸盘,以在后盖和框架之间形成一个间隙。

    • 将三角撬片的尖端插入间隙中。

    • 与前一条边缘一样,你需要向下倾斜三角撬片以将其完全插入后盖下方。

  10. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 沿手机的右边缘全部滑动拨片,以分离后盖的粘合剂。

    • 将三角撬片留在设备顶部附近的玻璃右边缘下方,以防止粘合剂重新密封。

    • 执行此操作时,后盖可能会释放另一个拨片中的一个或两个,并使其自由落下。如果发生这种情况,请将拾取器放在一旁,因为从此点开始不应重新密封底部边缘。

  11. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 加热顶部边缘: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 将加热的iOpener涂在后盖的顶部边缘两分钟。

  12. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离顶部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离顶部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 分离顶部边缘粘合剂: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 后盖角落附近的玻璃是弯曲的,非常容易破裂。在此步骤中要轻柔,以免损坏后盖。

    • 从设备的右边缘逐渐将拨片滑动到右上角。

    • 继续沿顶部边缘一直切片到左上角,以完全分离后盖粘合剂。

    • 如果在任何时候切片都变得困难,请停止并重新加热,然后再继续。

  13. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除后盖: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除后盖: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 慢慢提起后盖。使用三角撬片将所有残留的粘合剂切成薄片。

    • 卸下后盖。

    • 在重新组装过程中:

    • 这时可以打开手机电源,测试所有功能,然后再将其封存。在继续工作之前,请确保完全关闭手机电源。

    • 用镊子或手指清除粘胶块。如果在分离粘合剂时遇到困难,可以加热。

    • 如果你使用的是三星定制切割粘合剂,请遵循本指南

    • 如果你使用双面胶带,请遵循本指南

  14. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 拧开主板支架: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用Phillips#00螺丝刀卸下固定主板支架的5个4 mm长的螺丝。

    • 在整个维修过程中,请跟踪每个螺丝,并确保其准确地返回原位。

  15. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 打开主板支架夹扣: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 打开主板支架夹扣: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 用镊子轻轻地将主板支架从塑料中框上拉开。

    • 尚未完全卸下支架,因为它仍然连接到无线充电线圈。

  16. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除无线充电线圈: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除无线充电线圈: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除无线充电线圈: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 轻轻将无线充电线圈从设备上剥下。

    • 卸下无线充电线圈。

    • 线圈通过弹簧触点连接到设备的其余部分,因此无需断开任何连接器。

    • 在重新组装过程中,请先重新拧紧主板支架上的螺丝,以将充电线圈正确地对准到位,然后用力将其余的线圈向下压以使其粘附。

  17. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开电池: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开电池: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒撬起并断开电池接口。

    • 当断开此类接口的连接时,请注意不要移动插座周围的小型表面安装组件。

  18. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 拧开底部中框: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用Phillips#00螺丝刀卸下固定扬声器和下部中框的5个4毫米长的螺丝。

  19. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除扬声器: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除扬声器: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除扬声器: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • 将撬棒或一把镊子的尖端插入中框左上角的凹口中,然后撬起以松开将其固定到位的夹子。

    • 卸下扬声器和下部中框。

  20. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开子板: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开子板: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开子板: 步骤 20 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒撬起主弯曲电缆和辅助弯曲电缆,并将其从设备底部附近的子板上断开。

    • 要重新连接像这样的压力连接器,请仔细对齐并向下按压一侧直到其卡入到位,然后在另一侧重复。不要向下压中间。如果连接器未对准,则插针会弯曲,从而造成永久性损坏。

  21. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开主柔性电缆: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开主柔性电缆: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开主柔性电缆: 步骤 21 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒撬起主柔性电缆和辅助柔性电缆,并将其从主板上断开。

  22. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除主柔性电缆: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除主柔性电缆: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除主柔性电缆: 步骤 22 中的图像 3,3
    • 轻轻剥离并卸下主弯曲电缆和辅助弯曲电缆。

  23. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开主显示屏电缆: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 断开主显示屏电缆: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒撬起主显示屏的柔性电缆,并将其从主板上断开。

  24. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 重置显示屏电缆: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 重置显示屏电缆: 步骤 24 中的图像 2,2
    • 轻轻剥离并弯曲显示屏柔性电缆,使其脱离主板和电池。

  25. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 施加酒精: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 施加酒精: 步骤 25 中的图像 2,3 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 施加酒精: 步骤 25 中的图像 3,3
    • 在框架和电池边缘之间的间隙中使用高浓度(超过90%)的异丙醇。

    • 电池用大量粘合剂固定在适当的位置,因此可能需要大量的酒精。

    • 使用酒精时,请倾斜设备,以帮助其渗透电池下方的粘合剂。

    • 涂抹酒精后,继续向各个方向倾斜手机两到三分钟,以帮助酒精进一步渗透。

  26. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 从粘合剂上提起电池: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 从粘合剂上提起电池: 步骤 26 中的图像 2,2
    • 将吸气柄放在电池中心。

    • 用一只手将设备的顶部和底部支撑在工作表面上,用另一只手稳固地向上拉起吸气手柄。

    • 第一次执行此操作时,电池不会松动。重复此过程(添加酒精,等待2-3分钟,然后用吸柄拉动)五到六次,以逐渐软化粘合剂。

    • 当电池开始从设备中提起时,请继续执行下一步。

  27. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 撬起电池: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,2 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 撬起电池: 步骤 27 中的图像 2,2
    • 注意:在提起电池以至于在电池下方轻松插入三角撬片之前,请勿继续执行此步骤。如果仍将电池牢牢地粘在适当的位置,则有可能会被撬片尖刺穿电池并造成危险的热事件。

    • 在电池底部边缘下方插入一个三角撬片,然后扭转以软化电池粘合剂。

  28. 三星盖乐世 S20 电池更换, 移除电池: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,1
    • 取出电池。

    • 在用异丙醇和不起毛的布清洁电池槽表面之前,请刮下和/或刮去所有残留的电池粘合剂。

    • 在重新组装过程中,如果新电池没有预涂的粘合剂,请在电池孔上涂一些粘合剂。然后,将新电池用力按入到位。

    • 注意:取出电池后,请勿重复使用,因为这样做有潜在的安全隐患。更换新电池。

    What is the piece behind the battery that looks like its circled called? Is it normal to see this piece when shining a flashlight onto the screen when the phone is off?

    Jessica Nash - 回复

    That’s the fingerprint sensor! Because it’s embedded in the screen, if you shine a light behind it, you can see it through the front glass.

    Carsten Frauenheim -









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The guide is good, but I really don't like the "do the steps backward to reassamble" approach, that's annoying especially for people wanting to do their first repair.

allanxp4 - 回复

I cannot agree more!

Karim -

I had a huge amount of difficulty removing the battery during this repair. The adhesive is really strong, the suction cup doesn't stick to the battery very well and if you lever it out you run the risk of puncturing the battery. It's also really difficult to pull up on the battery while holding the phone down, especially because you want to avoid touching the circuits.

Eventually I succeeded and everything seemed to work but the next day the phone wouldn't switch on. I think maybe the adhesive remover got somewhere it shouldn't have. If I could add something to this guide, it would be "once battery is removed, allow phone to sit for 30 mins to ensure all adhesive remover has evaporated". If I was allowed a do-over I would try to heat the adhesive instead. Or use the string trick. I'm switching to an iphone now because apparently they don't glue their batteries.

HarleyD - 回复

Good point! I would suggest to use pure isopropyl alcohol and not something below 99%. The residual water might be not much but still there is a slight chance of it getting somewhere inside. Also the 99% pure alcohol evaporates much faster and leaves no traces. Apple batteries are also glued in with adhesive. What apple does right are the pull-strings to remove the sticky tape between chassis and battery.

Harry Gee -

Followed every step and managed to complete it but after a couple of minutes the phone screen stopped working and turned black.

I'm pretty sure that happened because the isopropyl alcohol went through the phone into the screen through the gap right under where the battery seats.

If you attempt this at home be aware this might happen, so disconnect the display too or look into using a different method for removing the battery.

Matteo Xhixha - 回复

I don't think this repair is worth attempting. I also killed my screen with this one, similar to the two commenters above. Whether it was isopropyl alcohol getting into the LCD or whether it was some issue with flimsy connectors I don't know. I was super careful and I've still bricked it, so I'd rate this repair as 'too risky'.

Paddy Owens - 回复

i typically use an iPlastix opening tool, a heating pad and lots of alcohol, get the very tip of the opening tool to sort of bend or roll into a curve, then slip the bent tip into the gap between frame and battery dripping some alcohol onto the tool, eventually you can get the rolled end to slip underneath the battery. then just slide the tool around the perimeter of the battery, cutting the adhesive, eventually, once all the adhesive is cut the battery will easily pry out of the phone. continually apply alcohol to the surface of the tool once you get the curved end under the battery, the alcohol will drip down the tool and find its way under the battery more easily weaking the adhesive.

since the tool is made of plastic, its almost impossible to scratch, bend or puncture the battery during the removal process by using this method, this is also my preferred method for removing bulged batteries that a suction cup wont stick to, or batteries where putting any unnecessary pressure could cause them to burst.

Alex Frideres - 回复

As with other comments, battery swap went fine, but after a bit of use I connected the phone to a charger and screen went black. Strange experience, feels like it's booby trapped.

Cameron Elvey - 回复

I used this repair guide to change my battery in my S20. All went well and successfully especially after using this guide. IPA helped massively to remove the battery but I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING IT. i read the comments about the screen going blank etc. i used a heat gun to evaporate the IPA before reassembling the device thinking this would eliminate any issues. I WAS WRONG. DO NOT USE IPA to remove the battery. I turned my phone back on ant it was okay for a few minutes. Then the screen started flickering and turned completely green then went black. The phone still works as i can hear the notification sounds etc but no screen. Again DO NOT USE IPA TO REMOVE BATTERY

shaun young - 回复

When the alcohol gets into the screen, the screen becomes black, it dies. Do not try this guide.

Ábrahám Szilárd - 回复

Did this repair to a T, it killed my display about 30 mins later. DONT USE IPA

I even used my heat gun to evaporate all of it off, let the phone sit for an hour too. still killed it!

Bradley - 回复

Hi Bradley,

I'm really sorry to hear of your repair experience. I think the IPA may have seeped through the fingerprint sensor cutout and into the OLED panel.

When the battery adhesive is still intact, it should seal against moderate use of IPA along the top and side edges. I looked over the guide and changed the wording to give clearer guidance and warnings on how much to apply, where to apply it, and when not to use IPA.

Arthur Shi -

Is there any procedure needed to reset the battery stats or charging levels? I replaced without problem but my battery life is not as good as my old battery! Wondering if there is a step on the software side?

Chuck Tatham - 回复

Did you figure it out? I have the same issue. Looks like an original battery, but batt life is weak and Samsung Members diagnostics shows battery needs replacement...

Slawek -

The screws are more likely to be #0 JIS rather than #00 Phillips. Certainly my JIS screwdriver fits much better than my Phillips one.

I haven't had a problem with IPA use yet, but the battery adhesive is stupidly strong. Just use a mechanical clip, Samsung. My Blackberry is: slide back off, lift up battery, insert new battery, slide on back cover. Probably five seconds. Things weren't so bad in the 2010s.

The Samsung battery reset app doesn't recognise the QR code on the packaging so far.

Rafaela Lugubrio - 回复

Did you do anything to software after battery swap?
I am having weak battery life after replacement and I wonder if I should change something in software to let Samsung know there is a new battery inside...
AccuBattery shows ~3300 capacity only ;/

Slawek - 回复

As well i killed my screen, i turned up and and worked a few minutes, later I left it charging, and when I came back the screen was completely black, I plug it to my monitor, and the phone is still working but no the screen. Anyway his method did not help me to remove the battery

Luis Enrique Martinez Rojas - 回复

After all these comments concerning a screen-blackout after using alcohol I didn't dare to use that. Just pulled with the suction handle and pried with different tools from the bottom. That took a lot of time, sweat, fear to break the battery and quite some force. Why do manufacturers glue in the batteries?!

Worked out fine and I'm happy with the new battery.

Rolloblonsko - 回复

why does it needs to be below 25%? I understand it being at maximum 60%, but for what I learned Li-ion batteries are unstable at 0% too. Maybe it needs to be better specified?

Guilherme Diogo da Rosa - 回复

Toller Guide!

War mein erster Akkutausch.

Statt dem Alkohol hab ich aber den Akku bzw Kleber mit einem Föhn über die Displayseite erwärmt. Hat wunderbar funktioniert.

Klebereste hab ich dann mit 2 Tropfen Desinfektionsgel und nem Wattestäbchen gelöst. Rückbau hat auch ohne Probleme funktioniert.

Isabell Querfeld - 回复

I completed the swap without affecting the screen. To avoid killing the screen as others have done, I used 2 tiny drops of acetone from a needle behind the battery then applied constant even pressure to the battery over a long period of time. If you do not have a way of getting the solvent accurately only onto the glue, use the constant pull method alone. Be careful about putting tools behind the battery as there is an area behind the battery with a soft membrane.

Brandon Blizard - 回复

I completed the swap without obvious issue. However if I unplug the phone from a charger it immediately turns off as if there is no battery at all. I re-opened the phone and disconnected and reconnected all the upper and lower flex cable connectors carefully. This did not resolve the issue. The battery shows 4000 mAh at 100% or 99% charge when connected to USB and powered on. I don't know if there is something I am missing of if I possibly revived a bad replacement battery.

Brandon Blizard - 回复

Thanks for this informative instruction manual. What I would like to ask is, where can I find a genuine S20 battery?

Conrad Chikwanda - 回复

It is advised to run down the battery before starting to prevent damage, but this makes it impossible to test the phone before replacing the back cover.

Joan - 回复

Some kids come with glue strips to secure the battery AND a tube of glue. Is the tube meant to run a seal around the outside of the case before replacing the back cover?

Joan - 回复



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