

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Google Pixel XL,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Google Pixel XL 拆解, Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解, Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解, Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • Pixel的前期评价是不错的——至于它的参数,我们并不惊奇:

    • 5.5英寸AMOLED显示屏,QHD 1440x2560分辨率(534 ppi)并覆盖第4代大猩猩钢化玻璃

    • 四核,64位高通骁龙821处理器(2.15 GHz + 1.6 GHz),搭载4GB LPDDR4内存

    • 1230万像素,f/2.0光圈后置摄像头,支持相位对焦和激光对焦;800万像素前置摄像头

    • 32GB或128GB内置存储可选

    • Pixel Imprint后置指纹识别

    • USB Type-C接口和3.5mm耳机接口

    • 首发搭载Android 7.1 牛轧糖系统

  2. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 尽管Google声称是全部由它们设计的,但Pixel应该还是有一些别致之处的。

    • 先不管这个相似的外观,我们还是能找到一些区分Pixel XL和另一台玫瑰金色竞品的不同点:

    • 没有Home键——Google依旧选择了屏幕内按键,以实现更为圆润、按键更少的前脸。

    • 后置指纹识别,以及单个后置摄像头(没有难看的凸起)。

    • 两条扬声器开缝(译注:仅一个为扬声器,另一个用于麦克风)——而不是一串圆孔——然后是一个USB-C接口,而不是Lightning接口。

    • 太棒了!它还在手机上方保留了耳机接口

    A HEADPHONE jack? How cowardly of them!

    Tim - 回复

    Headphone jacks ROCK!

    scottwilkins - 回复

  3. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 因为它与iPhone极其相似,在编撰iPhone 7 Plus维修指南后,我们的自信心几乎爆棚,所以我们直接用iOpener加热然后挑一块翘片。

    • 在加热一分钟又撬动一分钟后,我们成功从上方拆开了手机,企图就此看到它的内心世界。

    • 然而,一个由螺丝固定的显示屏排线阻挡了我们的步伐。是时候把螺丝刀捡出来,继续深入下去了。

  4. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • 通向胜利的道路清晰可见:拆开排线,分离屏幕,搞定。64 Bit Driver Kit中的工具让我们轻松地拧下了T5梅花螺丝钉。

    • 我们想说,这次我们弄坏的东西各位不应该弄坏。拆解是一个让我们了解一件新设备如何组装在一起的好机会——因此我们会编撰一个可重复操作、无破坏性的维修指南供各位参考。

    • 在这次拆解中,OLED面板意外的容易从玻璃面板上脱落。超薄的零件和没有背部边框固定的显示屏导致它被拆得相当粗暴——但下次我们会尽可能找到一个更好的拆解方案。

    • 这块由三星生产的屏幕显示的部件编号为AMS546KD09。

    • 来到显示屏背面:一颗Synaptics ClearPad S3708触控芯片。

    Awww... freaking Samesong! You just can't get away from these guys!

    Matt - 回复

    Is the display no longer usable or can it be refurbished?

    mobilemobiletechnology - 回复

    What the copper pad opposite the camera - I mangled it up a little. antenna?

    james zmijewski - 回复

  5. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 这块又薄又坚硬的中框似乎由铝镁合金制成,并通过卡扣(几乎是严丝合缝地)安装在机身上。

    • 当我们说“坚硬”的时候,本来是没想过它会“易弯”的。可我们猜错了,唔,它还能弯回去的。

    • 在左侧,中框上装有一个迷之排线和一个听筒。

    • 在右侧,也就是手机剩下的部分,承载着磨砂黑色的主板。

    • 子板是标准的蓝绿色;上面没有主要的元件。

    To check whether it's Magnesium or not, try dripping a little (hydrochloric) acid on a scratched section of the metal, or cut some shavings off to test for more excitement.

    Collin Reisdorf - 回复

  6. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 与那些“拉出后取下”的电池不同,Google设计了一个特立独行的方案:在电池的外包装上开孔,撕掉它以后就能成一个非常强力的拉条。

    • 两道强力的胶水将这块HTC生产的电池粘在手机上,但即便没有事先加热,拉条也能完成它的使命。(也许同时还行使了防拆标贴的功能?)

    • 这块13.28 Wh的电池比iPhone 7 Plus 11.1Wh的电池更大,但比Galaxy S7 Edge 13.86Wh电池更小。

    • 顺带一提,那个能当炸弹用的三星Galaxy Note7在年少早衰前搭载的是13.48Wh的电池。

  7. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 轮到取出Pixel专属零件的时间了!

    • 我们就爱模块化!所有的这些小零件都可以单独更换,而且不会很贵。

    • 我们首先看到的是一个陌生的东西:一块整合了激光对焦元件和麦克风的小板。

    • 接下来:3.5mm耳机接口。(接招吧,Lightning耳机接口。)

    • 最后,800万像素前置摄像头。

    That strange one is a "Laser-AF" module :) you can see the lights through a camera. :)

    can also solves mystery holes on the backplate :D

    Hyojae Kim - 回复

    The headphone jack - is it OMTP or CTIA? Someone on support forums elsewhere says the headphone jack is OMTP. Can't find this spelled out anywhere.

    John McGing - 回复

    I believe the Pixel is OMTP, which despite being the less popular option, is the more common sense option in my opinion. I'm only going off my Reddit scanning though.

    Matt -

  8. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们真的很想看看这块主板,却被(iPhone 5s 拆解)指纹识别排线绊住脚!庆幸的是,它很容易拆下。

    • 下一个小板搭载了麦克风,以及构成XL完整激光对焦功能的距离传感器。

    • 这些细小的零件并非总是模块化的;在其他手机里,我们通常看到它们是焊接在主板上的。更为模块化的设计意味着更便宜也更简单的维修——如果某个零件出现故障,你不需要更换整个主板或冒险去焊接这些细小的东西。

    • 拆解内容更新:这颗挂在后置摄像头旁边的蓝色的“迷之”零件也许是一个无源电感,因为它的两头有两个焊盘,中间是铜线圈。

    Yes but. More modular daughter boards means more unreliable connections which are also vulnerable to disconnection if the device is dropped. Easier to repair but needing more repairing?

    Isidore - 回复

    The mystery component looks more like an antenna to me than an inductor....

    Larry Chen - 回复

    The blue "mystery" component appears to be an inductive coil antenna. It is located behind the glass-backed portion of the phone, so I suspect it is the NFC antenna.

    Patrick Parish - 回复

    What component is used for the rangefinder?

    Thanks for the awesome teardown!

    Badr BOUSLIKHIN - 回复

    Mystery component might be a telecoil for hearing aid compatibility.

    Robert Szasz - 回复

  9. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 最后,我们拆下了这颗被疯狂吹捧的后置摄像头!1230万像素,并不算过时——尽管它没有配备我们在近两代iPhone中都发现的光学防抖系统。

    • 后置与前置摄像头并排合照,用来对比它们的尺寸。

    • 然后拆开后置摄像头的传感器和镜头组件!

    • 然后这是后置摄像头的附加X光美照,(这里不得不提到我们在Creative Electron里的小伙伴)!

    where can i buy that camera. mine has broken! a lens is cracked

    Keenan Hansen - 回复

  10. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 主板前面的芯片:

    • 三星K3RG2G20BM-MGCJ 4 GB LPDDR4移动平台内存颗粒,覆盖一颗高通骁龙821四核处理器(2核心频率为2.15GHz,另外2核心为1.6GHz)

    • 高通PMI8996电源管理芯片,以及高通SMB1350 Quick Charge 3.0快充芯片

    • NXP TFA9891智能音频放大器

    • 高通WTR4905LTE射频芯片

    • 3207RA G707A(看上去像Wi-Fi芯片)

    • NXP 55102 1807 S0622(看上去像NFC控制芯片)

    • 博世传感BMI160低功耗惯性测量单元

    Awesome! Unnanounced Quick Charge 3.0 support

    Kimmy Gibbler - 回复

    Interesting that there's a tiny surface-mount capacitor next to the upper right corner of the Qualcomm WTR4905 chip that seems soldered in an incorrect position. Either the automated optical quality assurance systems used after the reflow soldering process are imperfect, or that single capacitor has been unsoldered and dislodged when the large shield cover plate covering that area of the PCB was unsoldered and removed by iFixit. Note that none among the other SMD caps, including much smaller ones, seem to have shifted their position at all, so it's pretty hard to tell whether iFixit (presumably careful) removal of the EMI shield plate is the cause of what looks like a soldering / manufacturing defect...

    Niklaus Rasp - 回复

    Scary catch there, fingers crossed google did their homework and don't give us the next round of boot loop issues(would be interesting to see how the Google/LG blame throwback would change if google made a similar soldering defect).

    Owen M -

    iFixit takes the utmost caution when removing EMI shields, but given this components proximity to the EMI shield's solder pads, it is likely that the capacitor was knocked off during disassembly.

    Scott Havard -

    The chip above the Samsung DRAM (red box), labeled with 1YN-TS, is the Inertial Measuement Unit BMI160 by Bosch Sensortec.

    Frederik Wegelin - 回复

    but there's no rapid charge after I connected it with my QC2.0 charger. Is it block by software?!

    stone0504 - 回复

  11. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 主板背面:

    • 三星KLUBG4G1CE32 GB通用闪存(UFS)2.0

    • 高通PM8996

    • 安华高ACPM-7800功放芯片

    • 高通WTR3925 LTE射频芯片,以及高通RF360动态天线匹配调谐器(QFE2550)

    • 高通WCD9335音频解码器

    • Skyworks SKY77807四波段功率放大模组(PAM)

    • 博世传感BMP280系列气压传感器

    Can't see the Skyworks SKY77807 Quad-Band Power Amplifier Module (PAM) on the image.

    bIg HilL - 回复

    You're right, and it's fixed now! Thanks for the heads-up.

    Jeff Suovanen - 回复

    So what is the giant blue-potted ferrite core inductor for? Tons of turns of tiny wire so it's not power related. 150khz RFID antenna?

    Jacob Dilles - 回复

    NFC antenna, methinks

    Patrick Parish -

    You will find Bosch Sensortec's BMP285 barometric pressure sensor in the metal-can package under the power amplifier

    marcellinogemel - 回复

    Is it possible to remove the hard drive in my dead pixel and replace it in a working pixel?

    rickels.ryan - 回复

    I know this phone is ancient at this point, but might anyone know which of the spring contacts are for the GPS antenna (if any)?

    Sergio Ferreira - 回复

    I also wanna know if it is hard or even possible to replace the flash storage with another one…

    sam guy - 回复

  12. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 从后盖取出子板相对比较容易,我们在上面看到了USB Type-C接口和麦克风。

    • 这只是个很简单的部件,意味着USB口更换可以很便宜。从历史角度看去,USB接口一直是个常见的故障点(尽管USB Type-C被证明更为耐用一些)。

    • 不幸的是,USB-C还有个,呃,还有个问题

    • 我们在子板上发现了一小颗芯片:一个高通QFE2550动态天线匹配调谐芯片。

    USB-C issues cited here are NOT the fault kg USB but of the retailers failing to take the time to purchase quality, certified cables. You wouldn't buy garden hose to plumb a hydraulic cylinder, so don't buy crap cables to charge your $1,000 phone from your $3,000 computer.

    Matt - 回复

  13. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 来捅一捅Pixel Imprint指纹传感器,让它像盖子一样从后盖上取出。

    • 近看上去,它即不同于,又让人想起那些前代Google手机里的指纹传感器。

    • 差不多所有零件都取出来了,但我们几乎没有看到这台手机的零件与HTC有亲缘关系。

    • 尽管自家就有个大的手机品牌,但这次HTC看样子只是把它的商标留在了电池上。作为Google的隐名合伙人,HTC已经被当做富士康一样对待了。

    There is a major difference though. HTC is a quality OEM in their own right... just not one with a very good design record as of late. Foxconn is just a slave labor factory.

    Matt - 回复

    Are there any disassembly instructions on the back glass portion?

    Fred Ting - 回复

    • 依旧粘在Pixel XL底盘上的是一颗线性振动马达——没错,我们就是要重点提一下这个,因为一段X光小视频让我们看到了它是如何工作的。

    • 我们在Creative Electron里靠谱的小伙伴上传了这段小视频,用于对比Pixel的振动马达和iPhone 7 Plus里搭载的最新一代Tapic Engine。大伙来看看吧!

  14. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 拆解内容更新:你问我答——这是一张震动马达的近照(而且是比较清晰的)。

    • 震动器外面平坦光滑的金属盒子我们并不感兴趣,因此以科学之名,我们动用了砂轮机。

    • 声明:我们通过X光图像为旅途指了条明路,然后偶然发现我们 正期待 的东西:一个小的负重块安放在细小的弹簧之间。

    • 线性震动器 是一个负重磁性核心在两条弹性金属之间震动的装置的技术术语。它的振动频率和行程能够模拟触觉反馈,使得不需要外部可动组件的情况下,虚拟出 按下按键 的效果。

  15. Google Pixel XL 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,1
    • Pixel手机零件的美照,只为你呈现!

    If I just want to replace the back panel of the phone because the glass broke, is that possible or is it linked specifically with the phone.

    Kathryn Kalamasz - 回复

    It's not integrated into the case, just glued on @dmitrygr was able to do it with some heat and careful prying. Check out his comment on the teardown.

    Sam Goldheart -

  16. 最后的想法
    • 大多数零件为模块化设计,在取出屏幕后,都很容易拆下。
    • 电池配备了拆卸拉条,并由适量的胶水粘贴,使得电池拆卸可以非常轻松。
    • 所有螺丝钉均为T5梅花螺丝钉。
    • 拆解时需要取下一块又薄,又缺乏支撑结构的显示屏,使得这台手机的拆解很难做到完美无损。
    • 除了螺丝钉外,中框由紧致、按压固定式的卡扣固定,使得移除中框(以及后续操作)比较辛苦。


en zh


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Scott Havard


49,675 声望



I didn't see any mention of the vibration module?

Tyler Bules - 回复

I was looking for the same thing.

pateluren -

It appears to be mounted in the rear frame of the device. They didn't remove it or the main speaker from the rear frame nor did they remove the earpiece speaker from the midframe.

I'm 99% sure that the vibration motor is the part I indicated in this photo: http://imgur.com/Sm9Ybn0

abqnm -

it should be the motor in angle on step 11

Vcases Casey -

it should be the blue motor in angle in step 11 photo

Vcases Casey -

Did you guys see the Phandroid video of the Pixel in water for 30 minutes?? How is this possible without glue and a good seal?

Dave Sullivan - 回复

Keeping a phone alive underwater for short periods of time is not difficult—if the water is relatively pure it will not be highly conductive (and therefore not cause shorts). The real damage will show up weeks or months down the line when residual moisture causes corrosive damage. Although their ingress-tested Pixel seems to work fine now, I'd wager it won't be fully functional a couple months from now.

Evan Noronha -

The Wifi chip looks like a Google in-house design ?

Tuan Tran - 回复

does anybody know, what this crazy little bluish thing on the mainboard is?


Frank - 回复

Same question, what is this ?...

charlelie tumolo -

It looks like a fuse of some sort. I wonder if its a fuse that blows if the system is modified. Kinda like what samsung has/had?

shanereynolds0746 -

We added a close-up shot of that component and it looks like an inductor.

Evan Noronha -

This might be the what I was looking for. This might be their IMU. It should be noted that in order to provide the same accuracy and sample rate as the Gear VR the would have to bring one of the more expensive IMUs possibly from Bosch, which is also used in the Oculus and HTC HMDs

Michael Balzer -

Any info on the GPS antenna?

Bradley Allen - 回复

was the phone and/or display functional when you tried to re-assemble it? If I missed anything in that regard, I was hoping for clarification.

Bradford Anger - 回复

Can someone tell me what this circled component might be in my linked image?

Did we get any information on the vibration motor or the "X Axis Haptics"


Kimmy Gibbler - 回复

The circled component is the loud speaker.

Jason Quinn -

I'm fairly certain the vibration motor is the other component that was not removed from the rear case. http://imgur.com/Sm9Ybn0

abqnm -

Just saw your site....nice. Informative and takes away a little of the fear of the unknown while trying to save yourself a bundle on repairs.

Bobby J Kincannon - 回复

Nice to see the inside as I eager to see the internal design. Thanks.

Apirach N - 回复

very nice job it is good to open new product and see how it is .

baboba - 回复

Minor point, but Avago as a company doesn't exist anymore and is now all Broadcom Ltd since the acquisition.

mailrobert - 回复

Do you see the Avago/Broadcom wifi/Bluetooth combo chip in this phone ? I think it has been replaced by Google in-house designed chip because I did not recognize the model name

Tuan Tran -

I would like to know that too. Need to attempt intrusive wifi repair, heat.

Sergei G -

and it is like IPhone frame design double side tape , push fit clips ,

baboba - 回复

Better than HTC design which traditionally uses pounds of glue and insulating tape.

abqnm -

Gyroscope and accelerometer?

dlrod - 回复

Fantastic job.

Pure. Pixel(XL).!!%@.

Gama Goat - 回复

Camera Manufacturer Please ?

Hitler Somapala - 回复

Another fine teardown. I appreciate all the detail and photographs. Thank you.

Gary Norton - 回复

I don't know if there is enough resolution for me to check the other components on the board in your large images. If not, could you check to see what IMU package they are using?

One thing that sets the Gear VR apart is running its IMU at 1000 Hz and being externally shielded from the internal RF, heat and magnetic fields of the phone itself. It would be interesting how they counteracted these effect in their design as well providing the same accuracy and sampling rate.



All Things 3D

Michael Balzer - 回复

Have you thought of talking with Google about some small changes that would improve the repair-abilty?

Seems to me as though some of this would actually be cheap, and high repair scores would seem like a big marketing win (as well as happier customers).

Apple don't care, but Google just might - another way to differentiate themselves.

Philip Peake - 回复

Why would they make the screen so brittle? And what is the point of the midframe, if it's so flimsy does it really do anything?

Dakota Rickel - 回复

The thermal engineering looks pretty bad when compared to Samsung's recent products or a lot of other devices.... I wonder whether it throttles.

Larry Chen - 回复

Hello Guys really appreciate what you are doing, very neat and educational ... after discovering ifixit i never buy electronics without seeing the interiors first, you make it look like art. the phone looks pretty good from outside, but on the inside I find it more RF oriented than heat dissipation, i find that pretty HTC-esh and was actually surprised because i thought the aluminium and glass blend was more functional than that.

I find also your score of 6 is pretty generous for a phone that might -or might not- require a screen replacement if you want to replace the battery (in six steps)

Khaled Helal - 回复

The one thing that frustrated me most about this phone was the lack of a microSD slot... but interestingly it looks like the mainboard may have room allocated for one of the dual microsd+nanosim readers...

Ifixit, can you guys provide a to scale sidebyside of the sim card/sd readers on the Pixel XL and the GS7?

Ian Connick - 回复

Yet another too-small, badly designed, and badly built piece of junk. Sorry.

smoochtime - 回复

Google Pixel 台灣(中華民國)hTC製造 就是讚!!!

tpec01 - 回复

tpec01 Taiwan (Republic of China) hTC manufacturing is like

mayer - 回复

Anyone could tell me which sensor is the geomagnetic sensor here? I'd like to know if the geomagnetic sensor is the same as in the 5X (I think in the 5X it was the BMM150)


Sebastian Di Grillo - 回复

It is not suitable for Chinese used in China.

dante516 - 回复

Do you know where I can find a replacement glass for the back side that goes over the camera? Mine came into contact with cement and cracked the glass over the camera and now all indoor photos have a lens flare from the crack. Also, can you show us how to remove this glass too? Awesome tutorial!!

wright9999 - 回复

Your video says the reliability score is 6 but it says 7 at the end of the article.

Ashish - 回复

Any chance you could show how to separate rear glass from the metal?

I happen to have cracked mine, AND have a spare broken Pixel whose rear glass is not broken. I want to try to swap. Heating it and pulling did not help. Would you mind seeing how it is attached please?

dmitry grinberg - 回复

Isn't there a proximity sensor in there somewhere?

Brett - 回复

+1 for the rear glass separation please? it'd be great to see how it comes off! Thanks!

Iliyan Hristov - 回复

wright9999, @dmitrygr , Iliyan Hristov, check out our standard Pixel blog post, we remove the glass panel there. It's quite sturdy, and with heat and thin prying tools you can remove it without damaging the antennas, it also helps to push lightly from the inside of the phone.

Sam Goldheart - 回复

Alright - I managed to do it. Photos: https://goo.gl/photos/CTb2qVUBUpWWEh5Z6

Materials: hot air rework station (220 deg C), goo gone, vodka, 2 metal spudgers, utility knife, paper towels, 3M VHB tape, tweezers, needle

Process: heat all around the glass. Suction cups will do you no good (too much glue), use thin needle near plastic antenna insert on the right side (with phone face down) to raise right side of glass. insert spudger. with spudger and hot air station work around the glass from right to left via bottom. Then carefully raise it while heating on top. Do not spudger near top to avoid hurting camera. Carefully use tweezers to remove glue pieces from glass and phone. Use goo gone to clear off remaining glue. Use vodka to clear off goo gone, and clean camera lens from debris and dust. Carefully cut out as many VHB shapes as needed to cover all flat areas on the phone. Adhere them to the phone but keep the protective film on them on top.

dmitry grinberg - 回复

(2/2) Once done, remove protective film from the tape pieces, carefully place glass on top of them. Squeeze.

Enjoy. :)

DO NOT scratch too hard against the back of the glass while you clean it. The whiteness of the white glass and the blackness of the black glass are just some sort of a coating on it, somewhat like paint. While peeling it off the phone and while cleaning it, you can scratch it and make transparent holes in said paint that look weird (see my photos - I did this a little on accident)

dmitry grinberg - 回复

I did this WITHOUT opening the phone since I was afraid of breaking the screen.

dmitry grinberg - 回复

Dmitry, so glad to finally see someone doing it! Have you seen a replacement rear glass part only sold anywhere? Unfortunately I do not have a spare one and still cant find it... looks doable, so i'd definitely try it out once parts become available

Iliyan Hristov -

Can those chips be bought separately by an individual?

abinashpalpal - 回复

Sadly, not that I know of currently. I did ask internally about it. But this did happen, at least: https://www.ubreakifix.com/google-repair... :)

dmitry grinberg - 回复

I purchased a Google Pixel XL at Verizon but cancel service due to lack of reception. I have not paid the entire balance on the phone yet so the warranty is no longer valid. That being said, the vibration motor has stopped working. I now need to fix this. Does anyone know where I can locate the part to replace? I've called several places but don't have that part in stock. Your feedback would be appreciated.

steveramirez78 - 回复

Seeing as how so many people with the pixel (myself included) has problems with a dying microphone (still uncertain if this is a software or hardware issue) any insights into how easily replaceable and fixed that component is?

dzafirul - 回复

Can anyone tell me what sensor is behind the G logo on the back of my device?

james.q - 回复

Or can anyone tell me at what magnetic frequency the android OS decide to turn off the screen on a google pixel xl?

james.q -

Wow! This unrepairable mess of glue, glued-down battery, screen that comes apart if you disassemble the phone and booby-trapped boards you have to remove very carefully is considered a 7? We live in though times.

kurkosdr - 回复

7/10 and you can't take the digi off without breaking it? lol ok fanboys

nameisourname - 回复

Sure you can, just takes time and an HTC spudger!

Burlington uBreakiFix - 回复

How could I remove the 32 GB hard drive from my broken pixel and put it into a working pixel to retrieve lost data?

rickels.ryan - 回复

You really cant. There is no hard drive in phones, only flash memory. There are some places that will use a reflow station to swap the flash modules but it is usually pricey and does not always work. Unless you have data of real value it is probably lost. For the future, make good, regular backups of any data you need just in case you ever lose/break the device.

David Fischer -

Hi! How do we reassemble the screen on the phone? We need some special glue? Thanks

Tomas Rawson - 回复

I dropped my phone in the toilet. I retrieved it quickly and it is working fine again except the camera lens has water build up and clouds up the pictures. Any suggestions?

Bill - 回复

i would buy a replacement back glass as that is able to come off, get the condensation out, and put the new one in

David -

Can the screen be pulled off the digitizer as my screen is cracked but phone works



stevebills22 - 回复

my bottom microphone on the regular pixel broke after i took the phone apart waiting for the screen to come in, does anyone know where that microphone is, not the camera mic, that one still works, but the other one

David - 回复

where can i buy wifi chip “3207RA G707A (looks like Wi-Fi)” ?

Амир Садыков - 回复

Can anyone tell me, what is the black thing beside the mic on daughterboard??

Syed Rubel - 回复

Where's the GPS chip?

Tony hawk - 回复

I see no images for the back glass removal or the ribbon I just ripped during removal. It outlines the fingerprint scanner but is not associated with it. What did I tear?

Michael kobow - 回复

Hey Michael, this is not a guide and should not be used as instructions. Our step-by-step repair guides are over here. From your description I can’t tell for sure what’s damaged, but you can try submitting a question in the Pixel XL section of the Answers forum. Good luck!

Jeff Suovanen -

Where is the cell radio or antenna located?

88aic88 - 回复

Hi guys! I have replaced my battery following this guide, but it won’t charge now. It is now totally empty, and if I put it on the charger, only the red light flashes. I tried putting back the original battery, it’s the same issue.

Also, if I not connect the battery at all and just put it on the charger, the red light flashing the same way.

I have measured the battery connector with multimeter and there is current in it (also there is still some current in the battery).

The phone eat out the initial charge of the new battery so the issue now is only with charging.

I have also replaced the charging board (bottom module with the USB-C connector in it) with a refurbished one but the issue still persist.

Is it than a motherboard issue?

nyiriandris - 回复



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