Is it worth it trying to micro-solder the tab back on, or should l just get a new motherboard? Seems wasteful, but I also don't want to torture myself. I also don't really want to set up my phone again from backup if I can help it. PS. Yep, still using a G5 in 2023!
Bear in mind that the “Camera Cable” is also the cable connecting the logic board to the Wifi Airport Card, at least on the Glossy model (not sure about the Anti-Glare model). The Wifi Airport Card is located under the display’s clutch cover, and requires removing the display in order to access it.
Just finished putting back together my iBook G4 12inch 1.92. After attempting to repair the infamous soldering issue of these machines, I put it back together and… it works! Thank you for your detailed instructions. If I had one suggestion, please list the screw sizes at all the steps for those putting things back together afterwards. Thank you again!