


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 11 Pro Max,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解, iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解, iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解, iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 不管外界是怎样传言的,经过我们的拆解,确认了 iPhone 11 Pro Max 的这六个特点:

    • A13仿生处理器,配备有第三代神经网络引擎;

    • 6.5寸(2688 × 1242)458ppi超级视网膜高清XDR LED显示屏,带有True Tone与HDR(但没有3D Touch);

    • 12MP后置三摄像头(分别为:超广角、广角、长焦)以及集成了原深感面容 ID 硬件的12MP自拍镜头;

    • 最低64GB的板载储存(还有256GB和512GB可选);

    • 千兆级LTE、Wi-Fi 6(原称:802.11.ax)、蓝牙5.0、NFC;

    • IP68级防水防尘。


    jpariz2 - 回复

    I know it what’s everybody has been talking about but the real ram specs of the new phones

    Denny Hane - 回复

    It was disclosed at being 4 GB across all three phones on macrumors.com

    Dan -

    No Live stream?

    Tom Jackson - 回复

    Whew! 4GB of RAM! Next thing you know they’ll be able to write to a 4GB microSD!

    melvin.schultz10 - 回复

    You want a floppy disk drive and parallel printer port too?

    Alex Bowden -

  2. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 在进一步拆解之前,我们向Creative Electron上的朋友寻求了一点微小的帮助。通过使用X光,我们得以先一睹 iPhone 11 Pro Max 的内部结构为快。

    • 从左到右依次为:iPhone XR、XS Max与11 Pro Max。

    • 这些透视图给了我们这样的初步印象:

    • 看上去 iPhone 11 Pro Max 使用了与去年 iPhone XS Max 相同的L形单电池设计,这种设计还是首次应用于Max系列iPhone。(以前只用于MacBook上)

    • 苹果似乎又一次把主板向下压缩了,很显然是为了给巨大的三摄像头序列留出足够的空间。

    • 值得一提的是,电池下方看上去有一块没有见过的电路板。

    • 也许它与传闻当中的双向无线充电有关?

    Blah blah blah. How much ram does it have???

    jack.frost_1 - 回复

    Jack - The RAM has been disclosed as 4GB of RAM across all three phones a few days ago on macrumors.com

    Dan - 回复

  3. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 今年的iPhone不仅在在材料上做了一些改进,更在摄像头那里下足了“功夫”。

    • 摄像头已经不能用“凸起”来形容了… …也许叫它“平顶山”不错?

    • 至少这次摄像头使用的弧形边缘,与手机的背部保持了更高的“整体感”。

    • 最重要的是,我们手里的这台手机使用了苹果的最新颜色:波巴色暗夜绿色。(中文读者完全get不到这样的美式玩梗,简单来说就是有了“原谅绿”这样的神奇配色)

    • 在深入研究这台绿色机器之前,这里需要注意的最后两件事:一个新居中的Apple 商标,以及一个新的型号编号,存放在SIM托盘A2161中。

    # apple logo position

    1. design ballance

    2. apple logo of wireless charging position

    lucas - 回复

  4. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    Marlin Screwdriver Set - 5 Precision Screwdrivers for iPhone
    • 菊花上还是那两颗熟悉的Pentalob。

    • 今年我们使用了新的针对iPhone的Marlin套装里的P2螺丝刀来卸下这一对Pentalob螺丝。

    • 接着用iSclack和一块撬片来分离屏幕的其他部分,之后便可拿起整块屏幕。

    • 虽然苹果说这是“抗水性能最出色的 iPhone”,但是显示屏周围的胶水与底部螺丝的垫圈看起来和去年的手机没什么区别。

    No adhesive seal/gule?

    10djl06f504.kaya - 回复

    There’s a mistake in the German translation here due to the word choice. The ”twist” is literal if I am correct, so the German should read “mit einer Drehung” (with a turn), not “mit einer kleinen Neuerung” (with a small change).

    zunivolo - 回复

  5. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 是时候掀起iPhone 11 Pro Max的头盖骨了——这台同时有着“Pro”和“Max”之名的手机,配置了巨大的L形电池,等一下... ...电池居然有两组排线?这是个新发现。

    • 这根额外的排线也许有着很多作用,但双向充电肯定是其中一个。

    • 几项测试得到了这些结果:

    • 断开那下部的排线,手机仍可工作。(重新连上它导致了短暂的高温警告)

    • 当那条下部的线缆断开时,手机可以从Lightning接口充电,但无法从无线充电线圈充电。

    • 当我们断开了链接主板的“主要”排线时,手机如同一般情况下一样关机了,哪怕连着下部的排线也无法开机。

    no chance you guys could add a a non angled shot here? maybe you took one, but for some reason didn’t publish it?

    Suchir Kavi - 回复

    If you are looking for something to use as a wallpaper, stay tuned!

    Arthur Shi -

    I mean, I actually just like using the shots for easy comparison across devices.

    Suchir Kavi - 回复

  6. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 现今的智能手机厂商们越来越专注在软件层面上提升成像效果,苹果今年反其道而行之在摄像头硬件上大下功夫着实让人眼前一亮。

    • 新的超广角传感器和镜头算是最大的提升,同时标准的广角和长焦镜头也在ISO范围和快门速度方面有所改进。甚至前置摄像头的分辨率也得到了小幅提升。

    • 有关摄像头方面的细节,请见Halide的详细描述

    • FaceID传感器阵列有些进步:前置摄像头现在为12MP——之前是7MP——而且排线不再从电池底下穿过,拆起来又快又方便!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

  7. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 这“眼睛”!足足三个!再加上一个闪光灯和一个麦克风孔。(密集恐惧症犯了)

    • 深入的拆解显示了三个摄像头是封装在一起的,每一个摄像头拥有一条独立的排线。

    • 然而X光显示的结果让人高兴不太起来,黑色的条状物是支持OIS光学防抖的标志,但是那些微小的焊点看上去与去年的完全一致,所以,也许,这个摄像头模组并没有配置专用的RAM... ...

    • 你觉得我们就在这里浅尝辄止了?太天真了!接下来才是好戏的的开始!

  8. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    Marlin Screwdriver Set - 5 Precision Screwdrivers for iPhone
    • (猝不及防插广告)iPhone Marlin螺丝刀套装仍然帮得上我们的忙,卸下最后几个有点方的固定主板的螺丝钉子户。

    • 从iPhone XS的“Ъ”形变为iPhone 11 Pro Max的“□”形,这块主板更紧凑了!

    • 你是不是觉得眼睛花了看到重影了?不要慌,我们也看到了!iPhone 11 Pro Max的板和iPhone 11 Pro的结构 完 全 一 致 !

    • 它们真的完全相同吗?让我们留一个悬念。

    So both board numbers are 820-01682-08? now thats strange!

    Jay - 回复

    Rewa ha confirmado que son las mismas!! Solo cambia una resistencia debajo del procesador, quitando esa resistencia puedes conectar la pantalla del 11 pro Max al 11 pro, restauras y funciona correctamente!!

    En el vídeo se ve claramente https://youtu.be/OnSIVtVhX_0

    David Simón López - 回复

  9. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 虽然这代iPhone的主板外形变了,但仍然是之前的双层设计,分开它们的办法也相同。

    • 施加了大大的热量和小小的力量之后,上层板从带有SIM卡槽的下层板上分开了。

    • 我们见到了被加以称赞的A13处理器,以及在这小板子上密密麻麻的其他元件。

    What’s with all the metal dots around the edge? Is there graphite sheet material on the opposite side of the Top board where A13 is? Seems A13 chip is pointing inward to the air cavity of the thin box shape. Bottom side has graphite across entire of surface. Is there a way it transfers heat from the rectangle on the top side for the first photo. Presume the casing of the logic board may double as heat transfer too?

    Tom Tubbs - 回复

    Probably how the top board communicates with the bottom, the dots being conductive pads. These touch conductors in the middle separator and lets the current travel through to the bottom.

    paul -

    Crazy how compact the board is! Next apple will remove the SIM card

    Paul Richard - 回复

    The metal dots are the filled/plated over vias that connect the logic board and RF board through the thick interposer between them.

    Karl - 回复

    What are the packages marked with circle/triangle/rectangle markings?

    Tony Yang - 回复

  10. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们披起我们最强的芯片型号规格库上阵。目前我们识别出了这些元件:

    • 苹果(Apple) APL1W85 A13仿生芯片叠在海力士H9HKNNNCRMMVDR-NEH LPDDR4X内存芯片上(看上去 是4GB,海力士该更新一下他们的信息了);

    • 苹果(Apple) APL1092 343S00355 电源管理IC;

    • 凌云逻辑(Cirrus Logic) 338S005009 音频解码器;

    • 没有字样的USI封装——可能是U1超宽频芯片,但我们也不确定,说错了别怪我们_(:3」z)_

    • 安华(Avago) 8100 中/高波段 PAMiD模块;

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks) 78221-17 低波段 PAMiD模块;

    • 意法半导体(STMicrolectronics) STB6010A0N 电源管理IC。

    H9HKNNNCRMMVDR-NEH, leggendo lo schema di SK Hynix, è un LPDDR4X, non una LPDDR4.

    Velocità DDR4 da 4266 Mbps!

    Gioser - 回复

  11. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 下层主板的芯片多到你数不清,但是我们开足马力辨认。这是射频电路板的:

    • 苹果(Apple)/环隆(USI) 339S00648 WiFi/蓝牙 芯片

    • 英特尔(Intel) X927YD2Q 调制解调器

    • 英特尔(Intel) 5765 P10 A15 08B13 H1925 收发器

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks) 78223-17 功率放大器

    • 威讯(Qorvo)81013封包追踪模块

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks) 13797-19 DRx模块

    • 英特尔(Intel) 6840 P10 409 H1924 基带 电源管理IC

    What is the big silver thing in the top right corner?

    Robert Stein - 回复

    The SIM reader!

    Sam Goldheart -

    No wonder they keep making them smaller! That’s a lot of real estate.

    Robert Stein - 回复

    Is the wifi chip still Broadcom in Apple SoC?

    gwiyeomlin - 回复

    No eSIM chip ?!

    Noko - 回复

    it is ST33G1M2 from STMicroelectronics. On the PCB board, it is next to intel PMIC.

    JJ Wu -

    “Intel X927YD2Q modem”

    Apple X927YD2Q modem surely?

    Alex Bowden - 回复

    Does anybody know what SKY78223-17 is?

    Zhiguo Lai - 回复

    Software reverse engineer here: I can confirm that the X927YD2Q chip is a Intel XMM7660 (it’s ARM again after the XS was x86).

    Brinly T - 回复

    Is this responsible for tracking 81013 - Qorvo Envelope Tracking?

    Omeke - 回复

    Can this be reassembled and work correctly after its pulled apart?

    Jason Kay - 回复

  12. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 最后,在顶上我们找到了:

    • 东芝(Toshiba) TSB4226VE9461CHNA1 1927 64GB闪存。

    • YY NEC 9M9 (猜测是加速计/陀螺仪)

    • 除了所有这些芯片,我们撕开了射频电路板背上的几层的石墨导热材料

    • 苹果所言Pro版iPhone改进的散热设计,正是依靠从主板直接透过数层石墨将热量散到外壳上,使得这台手机成为“iPhone有史以来最强的持续工作性能的机器”。

    • 虽然这样的设计看上去不像一些安卓手机上的液态散热系统那样强劲,但用在A13这样能效比暴高的SoC上足矣,而且好处是石墨不会阻碍紧贴着它的射频板收发任何的信号。

    Inaccurately demolished capacitors and shifted the chip

    Иван Батищев - 回复

  13. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 到了电池这里,我们欣喜地发现了适于维修之处。

    • 只要拆掉Taptic Engine,就剩下几条非常宽(而且更加结实!)的无痕粘合剂固定着电池。

    • 这相对简单的过程唤起了我们对iPhone 6的记忆。后来的iPhone可就不是这样了。

    • 无痕粘合剂被拉开后,电池轻松地与iPhone分离了。

  14. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 看上去今年在苹果这里,“大”行其道!iPhone 11 Pro Max的电池可以以3.79 V释放出3969 mAh的电量,合计15.04 Wh,以2.96 Wh的优势碾压XS Max的电池,不过还比Galaxy Note 10+ 5G battery少1.52 Wh。

    • 如此大的电量从何而来?电池厚4.6 mm,体积23.8 cm³,重59.6 g。与XS Max比起来,它的厚度增加0.7 mm,体积增加4.2 cm³,重量增加13 g。

    • 我们在苹果暗示新的A13芯片与电源管理独自造就了五小时(五小时!!)的续航延长时就有些怀疑。原来只是把手机做厚了些来大幅提升电池容量呀。有谁能料到这种做法呢?

    • 我们去年在iPhone XS里看到了同样的单芯L形电池设计。当时我们从中了解到了电池复杂的内部拐角与热膨胀。

    I’m so proud of you apple, I knew you could do it

    Andy Miller - 回复

  15. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们在X光相片中注意到的神秘的小板(至少部分功能是)用于电池、无线充电线圈与Taptic Engine的连接。

    • 因此我们在iPhone当中头一次有了一根电池的副排线,它径直插在无线充电线圈的附近。我们不知道苹果有何用意。

    • 苹果确发布了一份新的支持文档声明iPhone 11 Pro包含新的监测并管理电池性能的硬件。这样的话也许就真的仅此而已了,只是表面上有点像双向充电的硬件。

    • 我们挑出了看上去是新的气压传感器的部件,它与进气保护环在一起。

    • 手机这一端所有的部件粘到了边框上,用的粘合剂似乎比起我们印象中去年泡沫般的材质更粘。做个顶多是猜测的判断:是它带来的更好的防水性能。

    On picture 2, is that white square next to the being disconnected thing a LCI (Liquid contact indicator) or white mesh or something?

    Dvy - 回复

  16. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们来拆开那块神秘的集中连接的小板闭关看一看其中的芯片:

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics) STPMB0 929AGK HQHQ96 153915

    • 苹果(Apple) 338S00411音频放大器

    • 德州仪器(TI) 97A8R78 SN261140 A0N0T

    Looks like you used too much heat in opening ;-{

    There are quite a few chips that got shifted. Can you move them back and give us another pic?

    Dan - 回复

    Are those amplifiers still based on Cirrus Logic designs? They seem to have a very similar model number to older Cirrus/Apple amplifiers. Why do they still have Cirrus audio codecs but use the Apple branding on the Cirrus parts? Are they trying to push out Cirrus Logic?

    djlobb01 - 回复

    That looks like the actual battery charging circuitry, on it’s own tiny daughter board. I don’t see any batt charging circuitry (Hydra? Tigris?) on the main logic board.

    Spector NS5 RD - 回复

  17. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • XS Max的显示屏已经不错——除了实在昂贵以外——所以我们见到今年的“XDR”显示屏外貌看上去很像并不惊讶。

    • 然而,这块“XDR”屏幕缺少$999的支架使得它完全无用。

    • 一个很小但有用的改进是三根软线都集中在一处——这样在拆机修理的时候少了很多恼人的陷阱。

    • 我们对于3D Touch层 的消失是有心理预期的。这显示屏比前作要薄四分之一毫米,与iPhone总厚度的轻微增加一同考虑,可以解释电池容量的偌大增长。

    • 最后一块芯片藏在一个遮蔽罩下:S2D0S23 G1927K3Q 608HVG。

  18. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    • Lightning 接口总成与那新的连接集中板连在一起。取下它并不是那么容易——螺丝钉和胶水协同将它固定到位。如果其中任何一样会让你感到棘手,你就有得费劲了。

    • 我们最后一次试试看寻找是否有隐秘的摄像头专用RAM芯片。视线进入每个摄像头模块。除了一些反光的未受遮蔽的传感器,我们什么都没……等下,是这个吗?

    • 不是。这块AD5844CDA0芯片大概是一个影像稳定器,处理器,或者小矮人的家。鬼知道!

    So what are the sensor details for each camera?

    stevemhood - 回复

    Is this USB 3.0 standard this year?

    gk29 - 回复

    AD5844 is most likely 10-bit VCM Driver from Analog Devices. Perhaps similar to AD5823.

    andy - 回复

    Still using SONY sensor? or omnivision ?

    zxttgg - 回复

    can you at least measure the camera sensor size? tks.

    duy0699cat - 回复

    Batery muubile batery chearcher

    Maxamed Xuseen - 回复

  19. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们看到了连外壳的三块像是额外的散热用垫子,然而不是这么简单……

    • X光证明,在每块垫子处,钢壳上都相应地被切开了口子。我们惟一所知的这样做的原因是为便射频通过。

    • 此外,每块垫子由一条软线连接到复杂的天线总线上。

    • 我们没有十足的把握确定我们看到的是什么,但也许这是一些超宽频天线硬件的初貌。

    In Apple’s doc for case design, etc., the technical drawings in the those regions are marked and called out “DO NOT OBSTRUCT THIS AREA WITH METAL OR OTHER CONDUCTIVE MATERIAL”, and the one closest to the top of the phone adds “ (FULL PRODUCT VOLUME)”

    David Crook - 回复

    where is the antennae bus. i don’t know what one looks like and i need to know to apply my r2l device to my phone. thanks!

    Yoo Hoo - 回复

  20. iPhone 11 Pro Max 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,1
    • 接下来拆机工作会在11上继续。在11 Pro Max我们的发现有:

    • 撑大机体0.4 mm并从3D Touch上挤出0.25 mm换来的大得多的电池;

    • 电池上两条可能是用于(据称苹果已经放弃的)双向充电的连线——但也很可能只是用来管理电池续航;

    • 一个仅仅初步的“4GB内存”定论,鉴于我们找不到专用的摄像头RAM;

    • 还有一些射频天线(这一点我们有把握),应该是用于U1的。

    • 不要离开,更多精彩拆解马上到来!

    I only want to suggest you to type 0.4 mm and 0.25 mm instead of “.4 mm” and “.25 mm” to improve readability

    David - 回复

    I agree - misread that as total 6.5mm for some reason (can a phone have a negative thickness..??)

    Andy Liggins -

  21. 最后的想法
    • 关键的显示屏与电池的可修复性仍然在iPhone的设计当中被重视;
    • 电池拆卸过程被简化了,许多部件也可以单独拆卸;
    • 螺丝比胶水好处理多了,不过除了标准的十字螺丝刀以外,你还得准备苹果专用的螺丝刀(五角螺丝刀、三点螺丝刀和压铆螺丝刀);
    • 防水措施使得一些维修操作变复杂了些,但也减小了进水损坏的可能性,要知道进水是很难修的;
    • 前后双面都使用玻璃增倍了摔坏的概率,而且要是背面玻璃裂了,你不得不拆下所有的部件来更换背架。


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Taylor Dixon


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It would be great if you could determine the sensor used in each of the camera modules.

stephenhood_99 - 回复

2nd this request! Thanks

Peter Pham -

would love to see a straight on shot of the phone with the screen off. (without any angles) Would also like to a teardown of the 11 Pro, which is likely more impressive density wise. I also hope you'll continue to pray open their stacked boards.

Suchir Kavi - 回复

also, display assembly thickness comparisons against the XS. With 3D Touch gone, that could be very interesting.

Suchir Kavi - 回复

Why would you not do this sooner as there are plenty of them out there in the hands of media? The whole point is we’re jonesing for info WHILE we wait for Friday to get here which is when a lot of will have one in our hot hands.

jamesayres2374 - 回复

IIRC, they did a tear down way earlier than Apple wanted them to, and lost early access to all future iPhones. It’s not that they don’t WANT to do it, they just HAVE to wait to get it like everyone else.

smoker68x -

“In September 2015, Apple removed the iFixit app from the App Store in reaction to the company's publication of a teardown of a developer pre-release version of the Apple TV(4th generation) obtained under Apple's Developer Program violating a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement and as such their developer account was suspended.”

smoker68x -

also, the media units have to be returned once the official units get released, so ifixit wouldn’t be able to return it after it had been torn down

James Wride -

iFixit is not offered pre-release hardware. And besides the reviewers are not allowed to open the gear to peek inside.

Also keep in mind Apple has pox’ed them as they are fighting for the Right to Repair which Apple is against.

Dan -

Would love to know if the rumored bilateral charging hardware is in there, even though they didn't turn it on.

Christopher Stroud - 回复

These guys seem to be first. I don’t understand the language in the video but the pictures seem to show a similar battery to the XS and an overall similar design. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-0v6rWw...

Larry - 回复

wow, that board is absurdly small. They're just an integrated modem, and an eSIM away from getting it even smaller.

Suchir Kavi -

would be good to see the OLED IC

nik.macri - 回复

What do you mean? The screen is the OLED display no IC

Dan -

I would like to see if that annoying camera bump is any larger than the XS

Henry Phillips - 回复

Please confirm 4GB or 6GB to see if they set 2GB aside for the camera ISP only.

Also reverse wireless charging that didn’t make it in the final product as per rumors, can you confirm what hardware is present (if any).

joedan76 - 回复

The RAM was disclosed on macrumors.com a few days ago, all three phones have 4 GB

Dan -

Hi Guy’s - Can we get a breakdown of the antennas within the case as well as were are and which bands that support.

Dan - 回复

We can’t even get a confirmation on the ram yet?? They’ve had the phone since early morning. Ammmaaaazzzzziiiinnnggg. Are we in 2019? What’s going on here

jack.frost_1 - 回复

Jack It’s still 4 GB ;-}

Dan -

It is going to be 4GB. Even the new Pixel is rumored to be 4GB and Android is a larger RAM eater in contrast to iOS.

RAM is almost entirely a spec sheet war thing on these phones. No one is ever going to use 12GB or even 8GB on a (current) Android phone outside of a benchmark.

Power saving will close background apps before RAM could even dream of filling up. My current OnePlus has 8GB and the average usage is 3.2GB and I’m a fairly heavy user. The majority of this is also going to the OS/Google Services.

Phones aren’t desktops. Please don’t pay for (or demand) excessive amounts of RAM and encourage waste.

Travis Hensley -

I don't see it that way.

i have here an iPad device with 2gb ram, i have been doing the same things for years, the same apps.

but due to new functions and bigger websites, the apps load much faster in multitasking.

there are enough videos where clearly shows that e.g. the iPhone XS Max (4GB) loses against devices with 8 gb or 12 GB ram over and over again. because the gapps have to be reloaded.

koeifme€ -

Wut? That makes no sense. If you're talking about vs 8 and 12GB devices then you're talking about iOS vs Android which negates any assumptions about hardware. Thread management and thread eviction is completely different between the two OS'

Plus end of day, here in the real world, iOS feels consistently real world faster regardless. I use both an XS Max and a Note 10+ and as always, the Samsung device feels consistently less snappy. Benchmarks only matter for spec warriors who exclusively use their device to read and watch phone benchmarks. It's like bench racers in cars who can barely even drive.

Endless objective reports have been done showing that RAM on iOS barely matters based on *the range of RAM options available for iOS*, which is the only sound comparison. The best example is the 4GB vs 6GB iPad Pro.

Feel free to stay wrong and keep proving lack of experience by arguing an obvious point. I'm out.

quantmflux -

I don't see it that way. I have an S10 and XS Max.

The XS Max throttles much faster and the battery is bad at games app. iOS in general is also very limited.

You always need more RAM and as you can see Android has much more functions than iOS. Android has many similar functions as a desktop system. and is independent without Apple server activation.

your iPhones or iPads are central products. without apple server you can't activate the devices.

otto3dmek -

Is there a possibility to charger both cable and wireless simultaneously !?

Rene - 回复

I did this on my xs and it seemed to work but did not leave it like that for more than a minute as I didn’t want to potentially damage it. not saying it will but I don’t want to risk it.

Nerd World Vlogs -

No it's not possible. It will automatically pick the source the provides the most power.

Dean Lubaki -

Were you able to confirm who made the camera sensors and the product number?

stevemhood - 回复

Is wireless charging speed still at 7.5w?

wress89 - 回复


In April this year Apple cancels his own gadget announced two years ago: AirCharger

I think it could give more power than others assigned by Apple.

Rene -

Only result for SK Hynix H9HKNNNCRMMVDR-NEH seems to be ifixit itself…Alas, RAM debate not yet put to rest!

tipoo - 回复

The proper way is to look at it from the software (one of the reviewers had already done this) not depend on the chip markings (as iFixit pointed out they needed to glean the code a bit as the decode sheet has not been updated by SK Hynix). Otherwise you really need to look directly at the chip microscopically counting off the storage cells to be sure. That takes time as you need to carefully grid the potting material off so you can visibly see the layers.

4 GB is quite a lot of RAM for a phone! Mobile devices are a balance, going to much is just as bad as going too light! In addition you can’t compare across different architectures.

As we’ve seen Apple’s design efforts in the past, they just don’t need as much RAM or faster running CPU’s as other phones, yet get much more performance!

Dan -

that's not true. in reality speed test clearly shows it.

more ram are significantly better. for multitasking, games app and future system updates (if more features are added).

if you don't know yet, RAM is one of the fastest memories in the device. there is not a single technical reason not to install it anymore.

apple knows about this technique and intentionally use so little RAM. so that in the future, users will notice why many games apps need to be reloaded.

koeifme€ -

I'll follow you around and keep telling you you're clueless since you want to keep making this invalid point. Please spend more time actually learning and less time voraciously consuming and misinterpreting benchmarks. Especially the ones with broken methodologies.

“MAWR RAMZ IS BETTAR!” has *never* been an absolute truth, but becomes totally specious comparing *between platforms*. At least try to actually learn how thread management works and how it differs between iOS and Android. Actually learn it, maybe even try a hand at coding, and then revisit your poorly formed opinion. Or just now pretend you're already “a dev" and already know, even though you're clearly not and dont.

quantmflux -

Everyone knows the lies of apple.

back then apple said 1 GB RAM would be enough for iPhone 6. everyone who uses the device today knows exactly how slow safari and other apps run. because the apps today are more functional and larger.

example the iPad mini 4 has the same A8 SoC as iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. but doesn't get iOS 13.

it's just a fact that the operating system has to do more and more and the RAM is the most important today. CPU/GPU or internal hard drive are now so fast. that there are hardly any improvements left for the daily apps.

but when new multitasking tasks, background tasks and new features are added for the third party app developers, there is a big difference.

otto3dmek -

as you can currently see iOS 13 add many functions of Android.

background tasks, download manager, File Explorer, Widget on homescreen (iPadOS) etc.

nevertheless all these new functions do not run as smoothly as under Android or are very poorly implemented.

anyone who has ever used file explorer, custom keyboard, Widget under iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12 and iOS 13 knows it. very buggy and few features.

Android is much better because they have been using it for years and have constantly optimized it. due to the great support of the android community, many android apps have become much prettier and faster. the iOS community, on the other hand, does almost nothing at all. their own fault.

 everyone who goes into the app store and doesn't just want to make games or messenger apps. knows exactly how many apps from independent developers are barely available anymore. many apps haven't been updated for years or aren't available at all in the app store anymore. most of them are still with lots of ads, trackers and slow.

otto3dmek -

What’s the capacity of that DRAM?

Gary Watson - 回复

It is 4GB.



Voltage: 1.1V / 0.6V

Size: 32Gigabit (4GB)

Speed: 4266Mbps

Lead and Halogen Free

Spec sheet is available here: https://www.skhynix.com/static/filedata/...

Phil Rosenthal - 回复

Great work ! very sad to see sucky intel modems again. I live in an area of marginal signal so was really hoping the new phones would have Qualcomm 4G modems considering apple paid out all that cash.

i guess I’ll hang on until next year - 5G Qualcomm modems, 12.8 billion transistor 5nm A14 with 8 CPU cores, and 6 GPU cores, extra 2GB memory sure this time ?

Dan G - 回复

While a lot of folks would love to see a Qualcomm modem as the previous generation of the Intel modem was a bit lackluster. We will need to see if this generation is better once it’s tested. I’m sure Intel was working hard trying to improve the design. So lets wait until the testing gets done before we cry.

Do keep in mind the Intel model used before was not that bad! Sure it was on the slow side but it wasn’t the worst either. Most people won’t need the few kbit difference between them.

Dan -

What is with USB 3.0 speed support? Why do so many people keep forgetting that?

there has never been an iPhone that supports USB 3.0 speed. No problems with Android devices like Samsung Galaxy S10, S9, S8.

koeifme€ -

Superbe ! Merci

[deleted] - 回复

Desoldering that little board didn’t bode too well for those resistors/capacitors huh…

Daniel Pierce - 回复

Will you provide an image with just the screen removed to use as a background, it is my favorite part of these tear downs

Chris Glenski - 回复

We will! Stay tuned for wallpapers!

Arthur Shi -

Love the new camera on iPhone Pro! I always satisfy with the design hardware inside of Apple.


Kimi - 回复

Very disappointed that you didn't post the details for the camera sensors after you clearly took them apart.

stevemhood - 回复

How do you know that you can’t separate the back glass from this iPhone? You didn’t try.

Dinan Blueje - 回复

Are you doing iPhone 11 and 11 pro teardown as well?

Chris Meyer - 回复

You can find wallpapers here!

Arthur Shi -

iPhone 11 has USB 3.0 support?

Because my iPhone X or XS Max only supports USB 2.0 Speed. My friend with Samsung Galaxy S9 and Note 10+ has USB 3.0 (USB 3.1 first generation) speed.

koeifme€ - 回复

Nice work gang. Re: Improved battery monitoring, can you confirm if Apple ditched the Dialog power IC and made their own as was rumored?

tipoo - 回复

too bad.. they already bought the Dialog PIMIC division last yr.

sanju115 -

Excellent travail. je salue aussi la célérité dont vous avez fait preuve en offrant cette vue éclatée vu que l’iphone est sorti il y a seulement quelques jours.

Elias GUIVI - 回复

Thank you so much for the teardown. Do you have any plans to disassemble the coil as well? Would love to see the actual coil instead of the X-Rays!

crisssy724@gmail.com - 回复

Where are the high res pictures that we can use for our wallpaper?

I really enjoy using them as my wallpaper because on my lock screen, I have the X-ray picture to show about where the charging coils are to make it easier to place my phone on the charger

Plus its a nice conversation starter when people look at my phone

Curt - 回复

You can find wallpapers here! Hope you enjoy them!

Arthur Shi -

What is the Wi-Fi chipset? Broadcom or Qualcomm perhaps?

Jiri Brejcha - 回复

I would also like to know this! the new 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) implementation should be interesting.

Ewout -

excellent job! thank you all guys!

Ren Draco - 回复

после вашей разборки уровень ремонтопригодности 1 из 10. как так можно распаивать плату??? просто ужас. криворукие мастера

alexwilsonads - 回复

Really love it watch this tear down .Thanks for your valuable work

tamilcdm - 回复

Could you measure the die size (die area) of the Apple A13 Bionic?

Ewout - 回复

where is the NFC ?

Marco Merlin - 回复

iPhone 11 Pro Max has no USB 3.0 support! Samsung Galaxy S8, S9, S10 or the Huawei devices (e.g. P30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro) have USB 3.0 (3.1 first generation) support.

You have to imagine an iPhone 11 Pro Max (512 GB) you can only transfer the data (iTunes backups, photos, videos, games apps) from the PC with USB 2.0 Speed.

In this case the iPhone 11 Pro Max would need at least 4x as long as the Android devices.

otto3dmek - 回复

Were you guys able to put it back together?

rjv - 回复

Please analyze the metal content of the camera housing, thank you. Is it statinless steel, aluminum, plastic, zirconium-based amorphous metals? Do you have a mass spectrometer handy?

morgenabend - 回复

Is it just me, or do the three rear cameras look like a bowling ball finger holes?

Ethan Zuo - 回复

The beauty of the device from the inside no less the beauty of the outside .. something amazing

Saleh Alknani - 回复

[粤ICP备19036977号 ]

Wow, that’s awesome

qifeidong - 回复

Hi is there anyway to clear the non-genuine parts error message after the battery replacement?

Vincent Lim - 回复

Hey Vincent! Unfortunately there is not a way to clear the non-genuine parts error message after a battery or screen replacement unless you (or whoever does the repair) are an Apple authorized service provider. You can read more about the non-genuine parts messages in these two articles: batteries; displays.

Taylor Dixon -

Can y’all pull off that Toshiba flash chip? Is it the same footprint/layout as earlier versions?

Paul Rixon - 回复

excelente aporte colegas, saludos buen día.

David Molina - 回复

I notice the connectors, a lot of of connectors. it’s very small and very very thin. What is the brand of thoses connectors ?

Folace - 回复

the phone can start without the screen?

have a iphone 11 pro max with the screen brocken, left some moths without turn on, and now i tried and no power, itunes dont recognize, is like the battery died? some idea ?

thanks !

Miguel Andres Correa Montoya - 回复

the way they split that board lol

bennyshovelar - 回复

Do you guys not carry the loudspeaker for this model? I didn’t see it in the parts section on the website? I need to order one to replace it on a customers device, so are you out of stock or do u jus not carry it? And or can you point me In the right direction with a link to where I can order one?

Ronald King - 回复



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