

本篇指南是分解流程而非维修指南。 如果您要维修您的Microsoft Surface Pro 6,应参考我们的维修指南

  1. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解, Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解, Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 新Surface,新规格:

    • 12.3英寸PixelSense显示屏,分辨率2736X1824(267PPI)。

    • 英特尔(Intel)第八代(Kaby Lake R架构)四核心 i5 处理器,集成UHD 620显卡。

    • 8GB RAM(16GB可选)。

    • 128GB固态存储(256GB、512GB、1TB可选容量)。

    • 8MP 后置主摄,支持1080P录像;以及前置5MP摄像头模组,支持1080P以及Windows Hello。

    • USB 3.0、microSDXC、Mini DisplayPort、SurfaceConnect以及3.5 mm耳机接口。

    • 支持802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi和蓝牙4.1。

  2. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 看起来我们多购置了一台Surface Pro 6,emmmm,等等,其中一台是去年的Surface Pro.

    • 外观而言,并没有多少改变,一样的模具,一样的铰链,一样的接口数量。

    • 如今已是2018年,但在其中却缺失了在Surface Go上曾见过的USB-C接口

    • 我们需要非常仔细辨认才能把这两个Surface区分开,这个新版本甚至支架下面的型号都和去年的版本一样:1796。

    Pro 6 and Pro 5 are same model number?

    pk2281 - 回复

  3. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • Surface Pro系列有多种规格配置,而在这一代均标配了新升级的粘合剂。

    • 好在我们有经过试验拆解方式:

    • 第一步:使用iOpener进行加热。

    • 第二步:使用吸盘翘片对微软的粘合剂进攻。

    • 第三部(可选):敲碎屏幕。

    • 很幸运,积累着前代产品经验的我们,在没有损伤的情况下拆除了屏幕,同时也保住了比Surface Go多出来的那一条排线。

    This picture makes it look too easy, it is not! you did damage to the wifi antenna and you need to take care at multiple stages of removal.

    wahr42 - 回复

  4. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 到这一步先暂停一下,让我们先来看看显示屏都用到了哪些芯片吧!

    • 微软(Microsoft)X904169 06 CL1706,可能是N-Trig的Surface Pen控制器。

    • 微软(Microsoft)X904163 01 CL1708。

    • 硅谷数模半导体(Analogix)ANX2604,可能是DisplayPort转换器。

    • 屏幕由LG提供,这与我们在Surface Pro 5上看到的相类似

    • 那么,两代显示屏相互兼容吗?答案是肯定的,我们尝试将去年的屏幕放在Surface Pro 6上使用,不出所料,两代屏幕是可以通用的。

    is the digitiser controller the same as the one in the surface pro 5 ?

    Antonio - 回复

  5. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 随着屏幕被拆除,我们可以看到一些好东西了。

    • 看起来微软在被动散热设计上动了刀子——它看起来就和去年一样,但是在左侧增加了一条散热管——另外还有一些有趣散热板。

    • 令人印象深刻的是,微软没有增加额外的散热装置,但却提了高处理器性能。我们很有兴趣看看这个散热模组是如何处理高负载下的热量的。

    • 向下看,还是很眼熟,一个四单元电池占据了大部分空间。

    • 从好的方面来讲,目前为止都是标准的梅花螺丝。让我们把他们拧出来。

    I can see a damaged antenna top right, they are a pain to avoid, but I was able to re-stick it on as long as you don’t cut them. They conduct by close strong contact.

    wahr42 - 回复

  6. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 在热管的末端,我们撕了一些东西下来。在这个位置 Surface Pro 4有一个铜质散热板,但是这个看起来是石墨加工的。

    • 单是看着散热器没有什么令人新奇的地方,但我们现在就可以移除散热器来更深一步。

    • 随着散热器被拆除,我们与设备的热源更进了一步——也就是设备上所有的芯片!

  7. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 新芯片与老款芯片(主要是老款芯片):

    • 英特尔(Intel)酷睿 i5-8250U处理器

    • 三星(Samsung)K4E6E304EB-EGCF 2GB LPDDR3 DRAM(共4片,提供8GB RAM)

    • SK 海力士(SKhynix)HFB1M8M0331A (BC501) 128 GB NVMe SSD

    • 华邦电子(Winbond)25Q128JVPQ 128Mb串行闪存

    • Marvell W8897 802.11ac、NFC以及Bluetooth SoC

    • 新唐科技(Nuvoton)NPCT650SBCWX可信平台模块

    • RTS5343 microSD读卡器控制器

    Still DDR3 though? The MacBook Pro and most other laptops are running DDR4…

    djlobb01 - 回复

    Not DDR3 but LPDDR3. It is limited by intel processor which supports LPDDR3 and DDR4 only. intel processor does not support LPDDR4x.

    JJ Wu -

    Is the NVMe SSD replaceable?

    Hoa Le - 回复

    As it is soldered onto the motherboard, replacing it would be highly unlikely. However, it may be possible to install additional memory, as there seems to be a spare empty pad for lower memory configurations (see area left of yellow marking in Step 7).

    Arthur Shi -

    was there space to add RAM to the 8GB version?

    laurence.ng.cordell - 回复

    I have to replace the SSD. I’m able to solder and I want to try it, but I don’t find this SSD on the market (I'm writing from Italy).

    Can someone help me to find a compatible 128GB SSD in Europe? Thanks a lot!

    Riccardo84 - 回复

    is the socket for the ribbon cable connector on the display available. i have one that has been damaged from removal of the ribbon cable. i would like to know where i can order one.

    ray licon - 回复

    is the socket for the ribbon cable on the mother board available to purchase? where can i purchase one? it looks like a 26 pin socket.

    ray licon - 回复

  8. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 另一面:

    • 飞思卡尔半导体/恩智浦(Freescale/NXP)M22J9VDC Kinetis K22F 512KB 120 MHz基于ARM Cortex-M4的MCU

    • 德州仪器(Texas Instruments)BQ25700A降压-升压电池充电控制器

    • 瑞昱(Realtek)ALC3269音频编解码器

  9. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们再一次遇到了每次拆解 Surface 的保留节目:粘得非常牢固的电池,拆了还是留下?

    • 考虑到没有易拉胶,我们认真思考了一下,还是选择让这块电池暂时睡在这里。

    • 这块电池容量为 45 Wh(7.57 V x 5940 mAh),和去年的一模一样。

    • 果然比它的移动版兄弟要大很多,甚至比大多数 iPad 都要大。

    I saw someone on youtube using heat gun at the back of battery, is that safe?

    Maying Huelgas - 回复

    We strongly discourage heating a battery with a heat gun, as there is a substantial risk of a thermal event.

    Arthur Shi -

    Can I use pro 5 battery inside the pro 6?

    The LearningParent - 回复

  10. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们仔细寻找了外壳的底部,希望可以看到些新东西,我们拉出了扬声器和摄像头。

    • 摄像头仍然藏在固定天线的支架下方(在打开时非常容易损坏)

    • 扬声器仍然呈三角形安装来提供环绕声体验。

    • 我想这款平板电脑在这一点上可提高的可修复性得分并不多......但是维修人员可以幻想一下......

  11. Microsoft Surface Pro 6拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 快来享受一下完全拆解的 Surface !理论上这是台普通的笔记本电脑,但是在我们看来,拆解它让我们痛苦得如坐针毡。

    • Surface Pro 6 没有大改散热方案就带来了更强大的性能(和热量)。新的均热器和散热器可以 hold 住性能的提升嘛?让我们拭目以待。

    • 听了这么多模块化 Studio 的消息,我们期望这一代的 Surface Pro 也会走向这个路线。唉,它仍然像以前一样无法升级也不可修复,甚至没有 USB-C 接口。

    为什么sureface pro6 工作的时候 把耳朵贴到后面会听到呲呲的声音?

    james dxb - 回复

  12. 最后的想法
    • 使用的螺丝都是标准的梅花紧固件。
    • 这台笔记本电脑仍然有模块化和可更换的耳机接口,但是首先你要能够到它。
    • 所有维修都需要首先移除屏幕组件——它用胶水粘得很牢固,很容易破碎,还很贵。
    • 电池牢牢的粘住,连接器在主板下面——要求是几乎完全拆除设备。
    • 曾经的版本,Surface Pro 的储存是可以移除的——但是这个版本没有。
    • 和其他笔记本比起来,复杂的结构导致拆除和重组很无聊。


en zh


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Is it better a SKhynix HFB1M8M0331A (BC501) 128 GB NVMe SSD instead of a a SSD m.2 slot like in the surface 4? now there is no way we can change the ssd :/

Gabriel BEck - 回复

Its to save space I guess. Whats strange is my surface pro 6 is the same config i5 128 and it has samsung SSD. They must have switched vendors.

Ash -

Excellent tutorial, the director of IFIX I suggest on the page add a translator of languages ​​in Spanish as well as activate the multilanguage translation of the videos of YOUTUBE so you will socialize the knowledge of your pipelines in all languages! Not the whole planet speaks or reads in English!

johan fernandez - 回复

Hi Johan! This teardown has been translated into SIX non-English languages, including Spanish! Hope this helps!

Sam Goldheart -

What kind of a world do we live in where an iPad gets a higher repairability score than a Windows tablet?

Rocky Carr - 回复

Apparently, the Windows device manufacturers have taken a lot of profitability cues from Apple. At least in technology sector, the history seems to be somewhat cyclical.

Michael Han - 回复

The marketing is working too, reviews are great. I got pulled in too, been a long time mac user (had windows pcs, and chromebooks as well.) I swore mac was the way to go for the past few years, but now I see no reason to buy a mac, I’m all in on these windows Surface devices. I passed up an ipad pro, gaming pc, and pixel slate to buy a surface pro because for someone like me who needs a pc at home and on the go with decent specs, nothing beats a surface pro.

Ash -

Planned Obsolescence. If we could easily repair these things, then sales of their $600 - $3000 items go down. It’s a profit/greed/numbers game. Some of us are thankfully more stubborn then they are and refuse to give them that pleasure. I will learn the ways around this device when my Pro 3 and Book1/Performance base (this one is still under warranty) finally die.

scanslers - 回复

Is there a way to fix the charging port on this one. or any vendor willing to do it.

KP S - 回复

The model number for the Surface Pro 6 is actually 1824. The 1796 model number refers to the Surface Pro 5 or Surface 2017. Make sure if you are buying screen to fix you get it for the Surface Pro 6 or 1824. Cheers.

Abdullah - 回复

The Surface Pro 6 in our teardown was definitely 1796—you can tell for sure it’s a 6 because of the hardware changes and the updated processor from Intel. It’s entirely possible they’re using more than one model number. There’s some discussion about this here.

Jeff Suovanen -

1824 model belongs to Microsoft Surface Go.

nochkin -

muy buen tutorial, muchas gracias

Lucas Castro - 回复

I have to say, even though Surface Pro tabs are scoring like a 1 forever on iFixit, I’ve 2 model 1’s and they still run like clockwork. Microsoft might have glued all together, but the machines a extremely reliable. And since the OS is open, you can’t go much wrong. I would not want to use a 2013 iPad 4 today, yet a Surface Pro 1 is a fine machine in 2019. Even the battery is pretty usuable today at 80% (for both similar scores) capacity.

Blanka - 回复

Where do we get the replacement screens? I had a repair person suggest I just buy a new computer, and that that would be cheeper.


Chris Brown - 回复

I have a Surface Pro 6. The battery is down. Does it mean it is irreplaceable??

Vida Okpara - 回复

Hi Vida,

The battery is replaceable, but it is very difficult to do without damaging the display. The battery is also heavily glued in. If you could find a replacement battery, I would suggest taking your Surface Pro 6 to an experienced repair shop to get the battery replaced.

Arthur Shi -

Hello. I need to replace the hinges on my Surface Pro 6. Do you have step-by-step instructions for this?

Ty Penn - 回复

Il y’a quelques choses qui cloche avec la puissance ? Êtes vous sur que ce sont des dissipateur thermique pourquoi il y a t’il du capton entre la parti cuivrer et ce que vous pensez etre du graphite ? N’est cest pas plutôt un écran thermique ?

V1000 - 回复

Did it have m.2 ?

And how much M.2 INSIDE?

8774computer - 回复

As you can see in this step, it has soldered-on NVMe storage.

Arthur Shi -

Does anyone know if the surface pro 5 battery is compatible with the 6?

Matthew Young - 回复

excellent teardown guide, i’ll be using it soon I think - question I have is; my system fails to power on at all, I’ve tried various ‘reset’ guides, ‘wake from sleep guides’’, no splash screen, nothing except battery charge light. have replaced battery chargers w/new one, and to no avail, still no power on to screen. would suspect be battery? BQ25700A battery buck-boost charge controller? or another quirky chip on the system board or item preventing even a flash of lite on the system screen, keyboard?

Richard Turner - 回复

did you ever find a solution to this?

Max Dickerson -

I have a Surface Pro 6, and it identifies the SSD as a Samsung-made one. This is how it is identified in the Task Manager:

Disk 0 (C:)


            SAMSUNG KUS020203M-B000


            Capacity:         119 GB

            Formatted:      119 GB

            System disk:    Yes

            Page file:         Yes

            Type:   SSD


            Read speed      8.2 KB/s

            Write speed     4.1 KB/s

            Active time     1%

            Average response time           4.5 ms

Leumas Eleets - 回复

Can the hard drive be recovered in the 6?

Anne Marie Brandt - 回复



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