华为正试图以三眼巨兽的P20 Pro来打入高端市场,这台设备包含了大量的高科技——三颗摄像头,外加上一颗前置24MP摄像头——一颗位于异形屏之下的摄像头。爱恨之间,我们便将其拆解至细。
冬日阳春已至,华为的新旗舰也应运而生,让我们来快速浏览下它的配置吧: -
八核麒麟970 CPU配以Mali-G72 MP12 GPU辅以专用NPU
后置莱卡三摄,分别为40 MP+8 MP+20 MP,光圈为ƒ/1.8+ƒ/2.4+ƒ/1.6
24 MP(并没有打错哦)ƒ/2.0 光圈前置摄像头
128 GB存储以及6 GB 运行内存
异形屏并非是华为从苹果那舶来的唯一设计,在后置摄像头的排布设计上,华为采用了和iPhone X风格类似的设计,其中包含了突起1.4 mm的主摄像头和一个iPhone 6风格的黑白(传感器)摄像头。
P20“三围”为155 X 73.9 X 1.8毫米(6.10 X 2.91 X 0.31英寸)以及180克的体重
40 MP与8 MP摄像头的组合能获得3倍的光学变焦,而20 MP的黑白摄像头则能带来更多的细节与解析力
由于P20 Pro的“额外”摄像头都位于背面,并且它并没有 Face ID的基础硬件,故而其屏幕缺口大小会小于iPhone X
Und wenn das abgerissen ist ? Was ist das genau ?
Hallo Susann, bei dem Kabel handelt es sich um das Kabel für den Laser Autofokus für die Kamera. Wenn das Kabel gerissen ist, kann es sein, dass dein Handy in bestimmten Situationen nicht mehr richtig fokussiert oder du im schlechtesten Fall keine oder keine scharfen Fotos mehr damit schießen kannst.
Is the back cover part of the antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal to the cell tower? I got my phone back after replacing the back cover and screen, but now it has very poor cell signal reception. What could be the problem?
左侧:20 MP(黑白摄像头 ƒ/1.6)中间: 40 MP (主摄像头 ƒ/1.8)右侧:8 MP (长焦摄像头 ƒ/2.4)
最后我们将四只眼睛排列于一线观察,包括P20 Pro那颗 只有24 MP像素的前置摄像头
Do you know manufacture of the sensors?
P20 Pro可能没有花哨的双光圈镜头,但它可以进行激光对焦,更进一步地,它能进行快速对焦功能
其实,只有最小的那颗8 MP长焦镜头带有OIS光学防抖功能,其他的,根据华为的数据,基于麒麟的神经网络处理单元处理,如预测焦点,能达到超过19种不同的场景设置以及诸如焦外成像的滤镜效果
主 RGB 摄像头使用了1/1.7英寸的传感器(作为对比,iPhone X使用了1/2.9英寸,Galaxy S9+使用了1/2.55英寸)最高ISO为102,400,可用于夜间地平线拍摄以及派对记录
Actually in this video you can see that the lens move, but I miss a camera dissection or x-ray view to see if actually there are magnets and coils that could support OIS on the ‘disabled’ lens.
Surprise update: see next step …
这三个镜头都是OIS。 但是长焦镜头有两个级别的防抖。 一个在镜头上,另一个在传感器和镜头之间。
中间是1/1.7英寸的RGB传感器,旁边是1/2.7英寸的单色传感器。 在右边,我们看到了带有1/4英寸传感器的远距照片。
Guilty, although the sensors are “fine”. Just the glass on top of the sensors broke (there is small gap between the sensors and the glass).
Those coils on the sides of the modules on the left are for autofocus, hence only 2 per lens assy. The coils for OIS are mounted on the bottom of the telephoto module (as you can see on the green PCB). The lenses wobble a bit because they need to be free to go back and forth to focus. There are designs that put the OIS coils on the sides, but it’s not the case in here, you need 2 for the y axis and 2 for the x axis. Those modules on the left only have VCM’s for the z axis.
Now every single news company is putting out articles saying that the P20 Pro has OIS in all cameras.
麒麟(Kirin)970 SoC和封装于其中的镁光(Micron)MT53D768M64D8WF-053 WT:D 6 GB LPDDR4 SDRAM
三星(Samsung)KLUDG4U1EA-B0C1 128 GB V-NAND闪存
德州仪器(Texas Instruments)BQ25895 I2C 充电控制模块
赛普拉斯(Cypress)BCM43596 Wi-Fi及蓝牙模块
Not highlighted is the GNSS Location Hub BCM4774IUB2G above and to the left of the BCM43596 (green). This means that provided the software/ firmware is amenable, this phone should make use of signals from the Galileo satellites (https://www.broadcom.com/products/wirele... ). This is something that different websites and Huawei itself have been inconsistent in reporting.
mkstowegnv - 回复
在这个步骤中使用的工具:iFixit Adhesive Remover$19.99
随着智能手机电池进化,这款手机的电池可谓是重量级产品—4000 mAh,3.82 V,提供最高15.28Wh能量
这款电池远超三星Galaxy S9+的13.48Wh,以及iPhone X的10.35Wh,并与其亲属Mate 10 Pro相提并论,但好的优化能大大影响电池效率
The battery sparked as I was slowly prying it out like a child. Instant heat ? obviously not ok to use anymore…. What will likely happen if I try. Also what exactly happened. Its sitting in the corner now likely hotter than the sun by now
Is it going to blow up?
What is the white cable popping up in the picture? I have slightly damaged it while opening the lid... any help, where to buy a replacement?
Anyway after closing the lid back, the NFC is not working anymore... what could I have done wrong? is the white cable in the pic related to the NFC antenna?
Vanilla P20 has no headphone jack like the P20 Pro.
You’re right, only the P20 Lite does have one. It’s been corrected.
Sensore home si smonta in due pezzi?
you missed power and volume buttons.
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we should always cultivate habit of repairing the broken gadgets and reuse them. else e waste is going to grow like !&&* and kill us. Thanks I fix for your job
the best teardown site. I wish you start franchisee in India too.
Why only a 4 out of 10? This is like the only flagship that doesn't require heat to get into, and you say in the article that everything is modular…
I would give only 1 point to every flagship phones which back hold by double sided adhesive tape, these phones are fuckingly expensive and the only thing holds it together is cheap tape, if i pay the price of an used car for a phone then i want screws, not double addhesive tape.
Please do a Huawei P20 Lite Teardown
I have a P20 Pro and had a stuck SIM card inside. They said I needed to replace the motherboard and charging me $500 for the replacement! Isn’t that too much?
Well, all of the engineer in the repair store which are ran by HUAWEI don’t have the permissions to use the hot-wind gun to heat your motherboard to get the broken SIM card reader out and replace the new one. When they know your motherboard has something wrong, they just want to replace the broken thing. And they think your motherboard is broken, then they want to replace is. But I think they can also get your motherboard out of your phone, use the tweezers to get the Sim card out and bring it back. Maybe it would failed but it is a choice. If they successed to get it out, maybe you just need to give them USD20 (20 UNITED STATS DOLLARS) for that.
Dill Zhu -
I broke the back cover. Found it for 50$ on ebay. Do you think I could replace it myself?
Hi Billy,
the back cover of the Huawei P20 Pro is relatively easy to remove. Take care to get good adhesive for the reassembly with the new back cover. Nevertheless it’s unlikely to achieve the same water resistance after the reassembly as before.
How difficult is it to access the internal storage and transfer it? I have a smashed screen and back but i hear it receiving messages etc. (p20pro)
Hi. My finger scanner got broken. Is it possible to just replace it without replacing the whole screen?
It is possible to replace the fingerprint sensor / home button. But to do so you have to remove the display unfortunately. You won’t be able to access the home button through the mid frame.
Fingerprint sensor IS REPLACEABLE withohut screen removal, only very difficult and fiddly. I’ve done it in december 2020.
Wow I didn't expect to read such a bad article today. After just having read the iPhone Xs’s teardown and seeing it's got a 6 for basically being irrepairable, its just weird to see this quite repairable phone get a four out of ten.
SHAME on you
The XS is quite repairable apart from the glass back, which even if broken is primarily a cosmetic issue. (We still docked it a point though—if not for the glass back, it would score a 7.) The truly critical stuff like screen and battery replacements are pretty easy on all modern iPhones. The P20 Pro is more difficult to work with and relies way too heavily on glue—and that display replacement is very poorly prioritized. A score of 4 is pretty fair, on par with the current Galaxy line.
I had the subboard of my p20pro replaced. With all the adhesives being removed and replaced as well, would it still hold on the being ip67? Huawei service center near me did the work.
Which is GPS module ? Why you don’t say anything about it. For some people it is the most important part of the phone.
For me too! =)
which module could support type-c water detection?
loven chen - 回复
Can you just replace the screen and not the lcd?
my screen is little bit broken but the touch screen works fine.
No, the display is a fused unit. Replacing only the glass would require special tools and machines.
i poked my microphone is it okay to poked and not lose the waterpfoof of it?
Where is the glue? I mean where the glue/adhesive tape hold the display? Thanks. If you can send me Photo with Red Line where is glue.
Can you guys please post an x-ray pic of the phone like you did for the iPhone X? It's my current daily driver and it'd be cool if I could get that as my wallpaper
I am sorry Nocifer but the phone was torn down in Germany where we don’t have a partner for X-Ray imagery yet. If someone has such a machine at his/her disposal feel free to contact us. For the the time being I can offer this layered image of the inside as a wallpaper
Does anyone know who makes the three different sensors in the P20 Pro? I hear that Sony makes the main sensor, but I would also like to know about the monochrome and telephoto sensor. Thank you!
Buonasera volevo Porre un quesito Ho appena comprato un p30 pro Huawei dovendo inserire la SIM card ho sbagliato foro sul fondo Praticamente ho messo la graffetta nel piccolo foro che da quanto ho capito dovrebbe essere l'abbattitore di rumori esterni. Naturalmente ho fatto una piccolissima pressione Mi sembra di ricordare di aver trovato una barriera rigida secondo voi è possibile che possa aver bucato qualche membrana oppure sono andato a parare contro un telaio rigido? Grazie in anticipo
No worries. You did not damage anything since the mic is installed at an angle (see step 9 in the P30 Pro Teardown). Everything should still work fine.
Ciao mi può dire tasto home che fa anche di impronta si smonta in due pezzi?
Ou est le micro de réduction de bruit svp ?
In fact I inserted the Sim tool in the mic for noise cancelation on the top of the phone. Is there any damage possible like breaking a membrane ? Thanks
Hi Jeremy,
because of the build of the phone it is nearly impossible to break the microphone or it’s gasket that way and your phone should be fine. In case you’re more interested into the build of the phone, I answered a similar question regarding puncturing a microphone hole in the frame here: I inserted the pin in the left bottom microphone. The question was for the Huawei Mate 20 Pro but the mic build is more or less the same just in another location.
Pour le remontage de la coque arrière, comment faut il procéder ? Ya til une colle à prévoir ou est elle sur la coque prête à être récoler
Bonjour @thierryberck
Pour cela, enlevez les résidus d’adhésif et appliquez-en une nouvelle couche avant de remonter la coque.
davvero fantastico, il miglior sito di dis-assemblaggio che abbia trovato ad ora, complimenti! Soprattutto il modo ironico di condurre l’indagine ma anche la notevole qualità delle immagini fornite a corredo
Can anybody give me a url to show how to replace and install both the volume up and down button flex combined with the Side Key Frame. I cannot find anyone who has done a tear down video with these included. At the moment I’m having a really hard time installing these into a new frame which does not have the assembly. Can anyone help please? Thanks
Nice teardown, but the score is wrong. Repairability of this phone is at least 6. I’ve repaired several already. Everything is modular and replaceable. Battery is not difficult to replace, where did you get that it is? You could lower the score by one for how expensive original display is, ind how there are no decent replacement screens, only trash, but the every Samsung should get same -1 for this reason.
Fingerprint sensor IS REPLACEABLE withohut screen removal, only very difficult and fiddly. I’ve done it in december 2020.
hola saludos como conseguir un esquematico del huawei P20 pro
Could you get me the infrared sensor of the camera?
What is the white wire that connects to the pins marked as "B"?
Is the back cover part of the antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal to the cell tower? I got my phone back after replacing the back cover and screen, but now it has very poor cell signal reception. What could be the problem?