Something spilled on moto e5 XT1920DL
Spilled something on the speaker part of my moto e5 XT1920DL what can I do to fix it
It depends what the liquid was.??
ie. should it be removed and then dried or is drying an option just as is?
Power down ?
Normally, I have an Empty Jar and Silica Gel Sachets (what you get for example in anew box of trainers the little bags)
Put the phone in the Jar overnight
Failing that , A jar of Rice has dehumidifying properties which will work just as well
While rice might sound like a good idea this is actually not the best idea. It just get's rice and dust all over the place.
A valid concern, rice doesn't normally make dust. At least where I am we get it in a package from a store. The rice is also meant to be in a seal able vessel like a jar or Tupperware type tub. It shouldn't go all over the place. - Rice is fine, even if you have "dusty" rice, remember, "most" devices are designed to prevent dust ingress. (just empty your pockets inside out and look at all the fluff in the corners) Don't worry, there will be no dust ingress into the device.
@babygirl47 @coulman @eureka there is no rice trick. It is absolute rubbish and does not work. Stop the rice. Rice does not work. It does not stop corrosion, does not displace any liquid inside your phone or underneath components etc., nor will it fix any short-circuit. You've wasted your time putting it in rice, rice does nothing! Save the rice for cooking, it has no place in any electronic repair situation. It is absolutely useless. It will not help you fix your phone. All it does it provides a false sense of security.
Second, stop continuing to try to charge, sync or otherwise use your phone. This potentially can make a bad situation worse.
Third is the step where you would disassemble your phone. Use these guides to disassemble your phone. Take a careful and close look at all components and connectors. Truly assess the damage. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. After that I would suggest that you clean it a couple of times in sterile water, not drinking water (that might have helped right after it got submerged in the salt water). Use a soft brush and clean it very, very thoroughly with the sterile water. In order to perform a proper cleaning, you will have to remove all the EMI shields. Once you got the gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ isopropyl alcohol and clean your parts some more. For a proper cleaning, use this guide. It was written for a Apple iPhone 3G but it is still pertinent to your phone as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. Do not use compressed air for the cleaning since that can drive liquid as well as corrosion particles into areas that will cause trouble later on. Do not use drinking water, if you need to use water, use sterile water. Also, you do not need to leave it to dry for a day. Isopropyl alcohol in the higher concentration will evaporate quickly and dissipate the water. The importance here is the cleaning. Best cleaning of course would be a professional ultrasonic cleaning but if that is not available, this will at least help. Do not forget to replace the battery. This is a must and not an option. It will fail if you do not take care of it now. Keep in mind that water damage is the hardest to troubleshoot and to repair. Hope this helps, good luck.
Thanks @oldturkey03. The premise was that, if something got wet - whats the best course of immediate action to prevent long term damage- Kind of First Aid!
A shower of rain for example? Or if you came from outside when its -25C and there's condensation building up on your device visibly (which also means internally) and also between the optical sheets of a display for example?
Microelectronics and encapsulation methods are not water proof or resistant by design
- NO ONE SHOULD submerge a device in a liquid.
- NO ONE SHOULD submerge a modern electronics device in an ultrasonic cleaner.
Moisture ingress is one of the biggest causes of product failures and reducing product reliability (after design) .
I know this because it contributes to product warranty costs and large companies have invested a lot into the forensics of product failure.
Why? Because if large companies can prove it was moisture or water damaged its outside of warranty.
Is de-ionized water the same as sterile water?
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