Removing Stripped Security Screws: “Should I use my brand new screwdrivers on that rubber band? Perhaps you have a better method?” A stripped size P5 PENTALUBE security screw or a stripped size T5 TORX security screw is so small that a regular “post-man” or “office-type” rubber band may be too thick to try the “rubber band hack” Pentalube head Torx Head The rubber band trick (see link below) works quite well on larger pieces too, like even larger type screws on furniture! For this size screw (P5/T5) you’d need about a centimeter ~1/4” or so of wider thinner rubber. (The rubber band used in the referenced guide is wide and the guide doesn’t say where to find such a band ) A piece from a gym resistance type rubber stretch band or something similar would be Ideal - Just cut a bit off the end and keep it. I’ve never tried, but now that i think of it - a bicycle puncture repair patch is latex rubber too. (1) The “rubber band trick” works by partly filling the “void” of the stripped screw. (2) The screw driver...
阅读更多Bekahoot. We need to establish where exactly the problem is in the power supply chain? If you follow @craiglloyd Motorola Moto E5 Play Screen Replacement guide from steps 4 as far as step 11. (1) The problem is either going to be the in the USB charge connector OR with the motherboard flex to the so called “daughter board” (1) The intermittent / Slow charge could be an intermittent connection (increased contact resistance) on the motherboard flex. Sometimes carefully opening and closing the connection may have a positive result. (1) The daughter board can be removed from step 11 to step 12 where it can be inspected visually. (1) Bear in mind the USB port is an electro/mechanical component subject to repeated use, stresses and strains and can and will wear out eventually. (2) If its questionable it seems like a servicable part I’d replace it
阅读更多This seems to be factory configured “About your EliteBook x360 1030 G2 Your computer's memory capability: Standard memory: 4GB to 16GB non-removable”
阅读更多Hello. The Ruumba, like all things mechanical needs a bit of maintenance every now and then to keep it working the way it should - for longer. Try checking these maintenance items to see if everything is in check (1) Is the dust tray clean and emptied. Is it blocked or obstructed? Is it seated correctly? (2) When was the last time the filter was changed? its recommended to be changed every 2 months - but this comes down to run time and environment. Have a look ? - Give it a few taps on a wall outside! (3) Are the Multi surface brushes clean and do they rotate when running? Check the spindles on the sides (what they rotate on) for the build up of hair / fluff that obstructs their rotation
阅读更多Hi Karen, I’m assuming nothing. There are a couple of different types of USB based connectors in use at the moment, some are newer and some are older. Are you sure you have the correct type for the speaker? There’s 3 different plug form factors in use in my house which is a real pain sometimes as it causes a lot of confusion. The connectors only go in one way, but it can be hard to see which way - have you tried turning the cable over and try the other side? The 3 dominant cables at the moment would be the Apple lighting type, the USB mini and the USB- C (on the go type) If this is beyond basic, then I’m thinking the device could have fallen over while a cable was installed and damaged the surface mount usb plug on the circuit board. - Can you share a picture?
阅读更多Hello @fivefold before you start investing money in either a) A ***Replacement Battery*** https://www.fixshop.eu/spare-parts-caterpillar-cat-caterpillar-cat-s61/caterpillar-cat-s61-battery-app00262/or b) A ***Charging Cable Flex Assembly*** There was a Charging Issue with a Caterpillar S61 a while ago reported by @cambriajean . @Jayeff was kind enough to share some guidance and insights on that case . Maybe they could update how that “FIX” went in the end?? You can review their ifixit.com thread, it is here . Thanks to our community contributors for that! If you have the necessary tools to think about replacing the battery and if the Cat S61 device is open? (your not using it obviously!) (1) Consider trying to bypass the Existing Battery, the USB port and the Flex Assembly and probe 3.7V - 3.85Vdc (current limited) directly onto the battery flex connector terminals on the phone engine side from a known good battery or a power supply. NOT directly from a 5Vdc charger or a Power bank 5Vdc (2) That will check...
阅读更多I think its the same mechanism as the TI-8210. At least Walmart carries a compatible roller assembly for TI-810 & TI-5310 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Texas-Instruments-TI-5310-TI-8210-Calculator-Ink-Roller-NR-74-PR74-IR-74-R874/170674252
阅读更多I’ve experienced that it can be caused by the electrical contacts on the bayonet and lense combination. (1) Remove the Camera Body From the Lense. (2) Inspect and wipe clean both the electrical connectors on the body and the lense. * Try reproducing the same problems with another lense.
阅读更多TomTom International BV, Oosterdokstraat 114, 1011DK Amsterdam, Netherlands
阅读更多It depends what the liquid was.?? ie. should it be removed and then dried or is drying an option just as is? Power down ? Normally, I have an Empty Jar and Silica Gel Sachets (what you get for example in anew box of trainers the little bags) Put the phone in the Jar overnight Failing that , A jar of Rice has dehumidifying properties which will work just as well
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