


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 5s,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 5s Teardown, iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown, iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown, iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • Der Launch eines neuen iPhones ist immer auch eine Reise in die Zukunft ... und das iFixit Teardown Team ist tatsächlich 17 Stunden in die Zukunft gereist, um das iPhone 5s so früh wie möglich zu bekommen.

    • Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei unseren Freunden von MacFixit Australia dafür bedanken, dass wir ihr Büro in Melbourne für den Teardown benutzten konnten. Sie führen Mac und iPhone Upgrades/Zubehör sowie unsere iFixit Werkzeug-Sets.

    • Nur um ganz sicher zu gehen, haben wir uns von unseren besten Sprachwissenschaftlern bestätigen lassen, das das 5s andersherum immer noch das 5s ist.

    • Weil wir gerade von Werkzeug-Sets sprechen, wir haben für diesen Teardown das nagelneue iFixit Pro Tech Schraubendreher-Set benutzt.

  2. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • Während wir uns darauf vorbereiten, in das wunderbare Innere des 5s einzutauchen, sind hier schon einmal einige technische Spezifikationen:

    • Apple A7 Prozessor mit 64-bit Architektur

    • M7 Motion Koprozessor

    • 16, 32, oder 64 GB Speicher

    • 4 Zoll Retina Display mit 326 ppi

    • 8 MP iSight Kamera (mit größeren 1.5µ Pixeln) und eine 1.2MP FaceTime Kamera.

    • Ein in den Home Button eingebauter Fingerabdrucksensor

    • Erhältlich in drei verschiedenen Farben: Space Grau, Silber und Gold (oder wie wir sie nennen: überhaupt-nicht-die-Farbe-des-Weltalls, zweiter-Platz-Medaille, und Bling-Bling!)

    Are both samples A1530 variants?

    Marco - 回复

    1200万FaceTime前置摄像头?R U sure?

    LiXian - 回复

  3. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • Apple sperrt den User weiterhin mit Pentalobe Schrauben aus. Zum Glück sind wir darauf vorbereitet. Wir holen unser zuverlässiges iPhone 5 Liberation Kit heraus, und zu unserer freudigen Überraschung funktioniert es!

    • Leider sind wir farb-technisch schlecht ausgestattet, wir haben nur schwarze oder silberne Ersatz-Kreuzschlitzschrauben.

    • Wir bemühen uns gerade sehr darum, unsere Produktdesigner zum Entwicklen von 14K Gold-Ersatzschrauben zu bewegen. Sie werden 50$ pro Stück kosten, und beim ersten Einsetzen des Schraubendreher kaputt sein, also werden sie perfekt für das iPhone sein. Bleibt dran.

    • Jetzt, wo unser iPhone 5s ausreichend befreit ist, erinnert es uns an einen anderen gepunkteten iPhone Teardown in naher Zukunft ...

  4. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • Wir sind mit dem Schrauben fertig, jetzt ist es Zeit, dieses Baby zu öffnen! Genau wie letztes Jahr, haben wir einen Saugheber zur Hilfe genommen, um die Displayeinheit vom Rückgehäuse zu lösen.

    • Im Gegensatz zum letzten Jahr benutzen wir diesmal ganz vorsichtig einen Spudger, nur für den Fall ...

    Please tell me what's going on witg my iPhone 5s I'm repairing it for my mom. The whole screen literally just came off but there's a silver and black plate that won't come off. So idk what this part is called??

    Michelle L Rance - 回复

  5. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • Unser vorsichtiger Spudger-Einsatz hat sich gelohnt. Unten am iPhone verbindet ein Kabel den Touch ID Sensor im Home Button mit der Lightning Port Einheit.

    • Das bedeutet beim Auseinanderbauen ein zusätzliches Risiko, denn wenn zu stark am Saugheber gezogen wird, könnte dieses Kabel versehentlich beschädigt werden.

    • Wir haben diese erste versteckte Falle überlebt und trennen rasch den Touch ID Kabelstecker mit Hilfe eines Spudgers.

    • Und dann unser erster Blick auf das Innere Layout des 5s. Verglichen mit dem iPhone 5, sehen wir nur wenige Unterschiede, der offensichtlichste ist die Abwesenheit einer Zuglasche am Akku.

  6. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • Mit unserem Lieblings-Schraubendreher-Set entfernen wir ein paar Steckerabdeckungen aus Metall und werfen uns dann in die epische Schlacht um den Ausbau des Akkus.

    • Es ist nur scheinbar harmlos, dass die Zuglasche am Akku fehlt, denn dieses Indiz verweist auf ein größeres Problem bei Akkureparaturen: Klebstoff.

    • Vielleicht steht das "s" in 5s ja für "steckengeblieben", nach dem Motto "Dieser Akku ist so solide festgeklebt, dass er auf jeden Fall steckenbleibt und du ihn nicht mehr los wirst".

    • Klar wäre uns eine werkzeuglose Akkuentnahme lieber, wie wir es bei anderen Handys gesehen haben, aber wir einigen uns auf eine thermische Lösung mit einem iOpener.

    • Heiliger Klebsack! Es scheint, dass alles, was Apple beim iPhone 5 an Kleber aufgespart hatte jetzt hier für diese zwei großen weißen Landebahnen verwendet wurde, mit denen der Akku des iPhone 5s(teckenbleiben) festgeklebt ist.

    • Update: Viele Leute haben uns darüber informiert, dass ihre Klebestreifen abziehbar sind. Wir haben in der Zwischenzeit noch mehr iPhones für die Anleitungen gekauft und werden das Ergebnis des Reparierbarkeits-Index (falls erforderlich) anpassen, sobald wir das untersuchen konnten!

    The battery tape is a command type tape guys

    Mike Bauman - 回复

    Guess the battery is removed in totally wrong way. the tape should be pulled off from side, and the bettery will be removed without any trouble. refer: http://static.cnbetacdn.com/newsimg/2013... and http://static.cnbetacdn.com/newsimg/2013...

    ashi009 - 回复

    The first photo for this step needs updating. It shows screws being removed from the cover at the top of the phone, but in the subsequent photos, that cover is still in place. A different cover, next to the battery's recycle logo, on the other hand, was removed to expose the battery connector.

    shamino - 回复

    YES, Please change this photo! I ripped off the cable attached to my battery because I removed the cover shown in this photo and not the one for the battery (as indicated my Shamino).

    rfs -

    Peelable? I did not see any tabs on my iPhone 5s. And I accidentally punctured the battery and I got lithium poisoning.

    Justin B. (Nytalite) - 回复

    Hi balkicityfossils! This is a teardown and shouldn't be followed as a repair guide! Check out our iPhone 5s battery replacement guide to see how to remove the battery strips!

    Sam Goldheart -

  7. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • Das 5s soll wohl 10 Stunden Gesprächszeit bei 3G bieten, aber es gibt Gerüchte, dass die Batterieleistung bei iOS 7 signifikant verkürzt wird.

    • Der Akku des goldenen Geräts kommt von Desay Battery Co., Ltd in Huizhou in China und verfügt über 3,8V - 5,92Wh - 1560 mAh. Zum Vergleich:

    • iPhone 5: 3,8 V - 1440 mAh - 5,45 Wh. Gesprächszeit: bis zu 8 Stunden bei 3G. Standby-Zeit: bis zu 225 Stunden.

    • Samsung Galaxy S4: 3,8 V - 2600 mAh - 9,88 Wh. Gesprächszeit: bis zu 7 Stunden. Standby-Zeit: bis zu 300 Stunden.

    • Motorola Moto X: 3,8 V - 2200 mAh - 8,4 Wh. 24 Stunden "gemischter Gebrauch."

    • Es scheint, dass die verschiedenen Modelle auch Akkus von unterschiedlichen Herstellern haben, der Akku unseres Modells in "Space Grau" (rechts) stammt beispielsweise von Simplo Technology Inc.

    Could you compare the weights of the batteries? It would be interesting to know, what would be iPhone total weight, if they would go for e.g. that 2600 mAh, so almost doubling the battery life. I guess that majority of users love such change and it would be huge advantage comparing to Android, as they would have to have about 4000 mAh batteries to gain the same real life stamina.

    Tomas Kapler - 回复

    Hello! Is the iPhone 5S battery compatible with the iPhone 5? It would be great to replace the one in the iPhone 5.

    Daniel Duta - 回复

    Hi, the 5s battery is NOT compatible with the 5.

    The connectors are different:

    5s: http://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/igi...

    5: http://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/igi...

    Solomon Oh -

    Your jokes are not funny or helpful. You don't specify which bits to use. Overall your guide is trash.

    mvp_dlc_760 - 回复

  8. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • Nach dem sicheren Ausbau des Akkus wenden wir uns dem nächsten Schritt zu: dem Ausbau der (unveränderten) 326 ppi Retina Displayeinheit.

    • Mit Hilfe eines Spudgers sind die Kabel der FaceTime Kamera, des Touchscreen und des LCD schnell gelöst und das Display ist frei.

    • Suchst du nach technischen Spezifikationen zum Display? Du brauchst nicht weiter zu suchen! Eigentlich musst du nur einen Blick zurück werfen...auf das iPhone 5. Entgegen dem Trend bei allen anderen Launches eines neuen Smartphone ist das Display des iPhone 5s weder größer, noch besser, noch schlechter als das des 5ers.

    What about the actual ribbon lengths, connector sizes, plate brackets? Could i take a 5 screen and transfer the home button then install it in to a 5S?

    - Repair Technician

    Kevin Neale - 回复

    I always remove ALL adhesive that is in sight for easier disassembly later on if the part breaks.

    Xavier Jiang - 回复

  9. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • Wir holen rasch den Home Button raus und die Touch ID, Apples neuen Fingerabdruckscanner. Zeit, die Fingerabdrücke zu sichern!

    • Die Touch ID, ein CMOS Chip, ist im Grunde ein Haufen sehr kleiner Kondensatoren, die ein "Bild" der Rillen auf deinem Finger machen.

    • Die Sensor-Technologie, die von AuthenTec entwickelt wurde, und vor einem Jahr von Apple gekauft wurde, speichert angeblich deinen Fingerabdruck nur lokal, dein iPhone schickt ihn also nicht den ganzen Weg nach Cupertino zurück.

    • Wir machen uns allerdings Sorgen darüber, wie gut der Saphirkristall über dem Sensor diesen vor Verschleiß schützt, denn die meisten CMOS Fingerabdrucksensoren verlieren mit der Zeit an Leistung. Das könnte zu einer tickenden Zeitbombe werden, genau wie der extrem fest eingeklebte Akku.

    I bought a Swiss Army watch in 2001 in Switzerland while on vacation. it had a titanium band and sapphire crystal. It has never scratched and I wore it daily to work (not a desk job) for several years. If the sapphire Apple is using is anywhere near as good as the one on my watch, it will last a long time without scratches. Of course, someone will scratch it with a diamond and Apple will be blamed for it.

    plink53 - 回复

    Good to hear! You gotta love a watch that can live with you. We are less concerned about the sapphire than we are about the sensor degrading from use. Since it is a capacitive sensor, each time you touch the sensor, electrons from your finger are being transferred to the chip. Comparatively, there are a lot more electrons in your finger than on the sensor, causing the sensor to wear out over time. The sapphire should act as an insulator, but it can't prevent all wear. Only time will tell how long these sensors will last...

    Brittany McCrigler - 回复

    Sorry, but there's a lot wrong with your description of how capacitive sensing works. It's complicated, but likely, the charge on your finger changes the capacitive coupling of two electrodes in a cross-bar configuration. There's no electrons being transferred from your finger to the sensor.

    steve -

    It is my understanding that people are worried about the Touch ID covering (sapphire) scratching to the point where there's too much interference between the finger and the sensor. The finger never touches the sensor, like on other devices, but it does touch the crystal. I don't believe the crystal will scratch and since I clean my screen regularly (just like my watch), I won't leave my finger print(s) for someone to "steal." Until someone runs a 10000-touch test on the home button, we won't know how well the sensor holds up. Since it needs a live thumb/finger, I'm not volunteering to test it. The test should also be done with a wipe between uses and well as no wipe between uses to see how long it takes for the crystal to become so dirty it's unusable. I bet dirty fingers and never cleaning the crystal will render Touch ID unusable before the sensor gives out or the crystal scratches.

    plink53 -

    Are you going to separate the glass from the sensor so we can see what under there?

    Robert Dohanyos - 回复

    Just curious if you have seen who manufactures the gyroscope accelerometer yet

    Will Kevlar - 回复

    The Gyroscope is from STMicroelectronics, the one next to Hynix's DRAM.

    wayne19857 -

    I would like to ask if the home button is the same size as the one in iPhone 5... If I buy a screen protector that works with iPhone 5, will it fit with 5S?

    bitzarosuk - 回复

    Are we sure this is a capacitive CMOS sensor? That differs from claims elsewhere that they are supposedly using an RF style sensor.

    Chris - 回复

    What kind of chip is attached to the sensor? It's supposed to be AMS, and if yes, I have a feeling that it reads NFC As well....

    Paul - 回复

    Why is removing the home button necessary when only the camera or flash is being replaced? Also, not necessary to remove the battery or the motherboard. Way too many extra steps!

    Melissa Hatt - 回复

  10. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • Wir legen die iSight Kamera frei.

    • Auf der Rückseite der iSight Kamera ist die Beschriftung DNL333 41WGRF 4W61W zu finden.

    • Laut unserem guten Freund Jim Morrison, Vizepräsident der Technology Analysis Group bei Chipworks, "sind die DNL Kennzeichnungen die gleichen wie bei Kameramodulen, die Sony IMX145 enthalten, das wir im iPhone 4s und iPhone 5 gesehen haben. Die Markierungen auf der Seite der Module sind anders, aber laut unserer Industrie-Insider ist es auch Sony."

    • Da Apple angegeben hat, dass diese Kamera einen Pixelabstand von 1,5 µ hat, sollte dieser Sensor aber kein IMX145 sein, sondern eine neuere Variante.

    • Auf der Unterseite der Kamera ist die Kennzeichnung AW32 65BD 4511 b763 zu finden.

    Is the iPhone 5s camera compatible with iPhone 5?

    myron verano - 回复

  11. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • Falls jemand die Schritte zählt und mit dem letzten Jahr vergleicht, wir sind jetzt - wenig überraschend - an genau der gleichen Stelle.

    • Ganz im Stile des sich wiederholenden Designs von Apple wurde beim 5s die interne Konstruktion noch weiter vereinfacht und optimiert.

    • Die albernen Verbindungs-Antennenkabel sind verschwunden, und damit eine Sache weniger, die kaputt gehen oder versehentlich getrennt werden kann.

    • Wenn sie doch nur auch den Antennenstecker auf dem Logic Board von unten nach oben versetzt hätten ...

    hi on your photo step 12 there is a small cable on the left can you tell me where I can purchase one of those as mine has snapped at the end

    gmne - 回复

    i have the same problem :/

    Willopillo11 - 回复

  12. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • Es sieht so aus, als hätten wir hier ein Murata 339S0205 Wi-Fi Modul gefunden (Chipworks zufolge basiert es auf dem Broadcom BCM4334).

    • Und hier wieder der Vergleich zwischen den 16 und 64 GB Modellen:

    • Die Murata IC scheint bei beiden iPhone 5s die gleiche zu sein.

    • Das Design der beiden Logic Boards ist wahrscheinlich das gleiche, aber es gibt leichte Unterschiede bei den Kennzeichnungen (z.B. 94V-0 bei dem rechten, aber nicht vorhanden beim linken), was darauf hinweisen könnte, dass Apple die Logic Boards der 5s an verschiedenen Standorten fertigen lässt.

    94V-0 is an indication of the UL flammability rating of the PC Board.

    TGFriar - 回复

  13. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • Ses-EMI, öffne dich! Sieh nur, die folgenden IC Schätze haben wir identifiziert:

    • SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD3MBR 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash

    • Qualcomm PM8018 RF Power Management IC

    • TriQuint TQM6M6224

    • Apple 338S1216

    • Broadcom BCM5976 Touchscreen Controller

    • Texas Instruments 343S0645 Touchscreen Interface

    • Skyworks 77810

    how about the m7 chip? what's in it?

    squashfan - 回复

    How did you take the EM out?

    Jorge - 回复

    Where can I buy a Texas Instruments 343S0645 touchscreen interface ? please, thanks

    Carl Le Gall - 回复

  14. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • Und noch mehr ICs!

    • Skyworks 77355

    • Avago A790720

    • Avago A7900

    • Apple 338S120L

    • Ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an das Chipworks Team für ihre Hilfe beim Dekodieren und Unterscheiden dieser wunderbaren Teile!

    Any idea which DAC they are using? Is it the same Cirrus logic chip as in the iPhone 5? I was wondering if they have improved the headphone output as the iPhone 5 went down a step in output quality versus the 4S.

    Asian Mike - 回复

    I wonder if the Apple 338S120L might be the M7? It's about the right size and proportions, assuming the illustrations and comparison between the A7 and M7 in the keynote video were to scale. Alternatively, I suppose it could be an replacement for the Apple 338S1117 (Cirus Logic audio codec) from the iPhone 5, assuming the Apple 338S1216 is the replacement for the Apple 338S1131 (Dialog power management) from the iPhone 5.

    I also notice that the gyroscope chip (STMicroelectronics L3G4200D) that was in the iPhone 5 seems to have vanished.

    RichardP - 回复

    Looking at the 5c Apple 338S1164 is in the same position as 338S120L and the same position as Apple 338S1117 (Cirus Logic audio codec) on iPhone 5. However 120L is much larger than 1164 so maybe 120L has the M7 functionality along with the audio codec function?

    toddderego -

    Looks like the Gyro is still from STMicroelectronics, Next to the SKhynix's chip.

    wayne19857 - 回复

    Are you guessing or know for sure?

    alienmatador -

    In the keynote the M7 was hinted as a part of the A7

    Frank - 回复

    It may be worth mentioning that during the video Apple made about the 5S, I noticed a something strange when they showed the A7 chip. The overlaid animation of the chip, showed an extra, smaller outline inside the A7. I found this strange, but I realized it just might be the M7 it's supposed to represent. Have a looksie: http://i.imgur.com/XmgzaLz.jpg

    Fredrik Krokstad - 回复

    Does anyone know why the RF chip configuration is different on Chipworks?

    Chipworks acknowledges iFixIt's teardown, but their RF's are different and in different places:


    kristiecu - 回复

  15. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,1
    • Wenden wir nun unsere Aufmerksamkeit der Rückseite des Logic Boards zu:

    • Apple A7 APL0698 SoC (die Kennzeichnung F8164A1PD soll Gerüchten zufolge auf eine 1GB RAM hinweisen)

    • Qualcomm MDM9615M LTE Modem

    • Qualcomm WTR1605L LTE/HSPA+/CDMA2K/TDSCDMA/EDGE/GPS Transceiver.

    • Auf der Suche nach dem mit Spannung erwarteten M7 Koprozessor fangen wir an, uns zu fragen, ob es sich tatsächlich um eine getrennte IC handelt oder um eine in den A7 eingebaute zusätzliche Funktionalität.

    • Vielleicht steht das "M" für "magisch", der M7 bleibt unsichtbar, und Apple benutzt Feenstaub, um das Gerät zusammenzuhalten. Oder vielleicht steht das "M" auch für "Marketing" ...

    • Update: der M7 wurde gefunden!

    • Unser A7 wurde im Juli hergestellt.

    I'm very curious about the cell chip set-up. It appears Apple is using the same chipsets in both the 5c & 5s (http://www.apple.com/iphone/LTE/). What I am wondering is if Apple made a more streamlined modular organization to make it easy in the assembly process...interchangeable between both devices. I mean, they have a lot more combinations of iPhones to make: 5c comes in 2 memory sizes, 5 colors, 5s comes in 3 memory sizes, 3 colors. Add 4 cell chipsets. Compared to the non-LTE iPhone 4S, which has one cell chipset, a single global model in one memory size, 2 colors.

    So, is the part that contains the qualcomm chips for LTE & other cell reception one modular unit, or is it simply that they have soldered different chips on the logic board? My question is, did Apple find a way to make this part interchangeable between 5c & 5s?


    Benjamin D - 回复


    This is a main reason for discontinuing the iPhone 5, as it did not support enough LTE carriers (i.e. china), so that Apple could have two LTE iPhone models for emerging markets. So this part of the phone would be the most changed from iPhone 5 (at least in the 5c).

    Maybe you could comment on this after the 5c teardown?

    Benjamin D - 回复

    Can you see if there are any chips under the black cover surrounding the connectors to the left? The leaked bare board showed a chip location under that cover. Thanks!

    toddderego - 回复

    Based on picture at Chipworks, the M7 chip is under that black cover in the middle of the connectors.

    toddderego -

    Any idea what IC is located right to the transceiver?

    Dima - 回复

    The antenna switch module from Murata, also the chip Doug Freedman from RBC Capital is too blind to see, or maybe doesn't want to see so he can downgrade PSMI and buy on the cheap!

    backstroke -

    Dear All,

    Is there anybody who knows the values of components located just near the Battery Connector? There are 4 passive components between Battery Connector and the metal shield of RF Part? Thanks in advance...

    Hakan Canbaz - 回复

  16. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • Zeit den New Kid on the Block zu untersuchen, er fliegt wie ein A7. Zusammen mit dem Fingerabdrucksensor, ist der A7 der Hauptgrund für die Kaufentscheidung für ein 5s anstatt einem 5c.

    • Der A7 soll im Vergleich zum A6 Prozessor des iPhone 5 (und 5c) die doppelte Leistung bringen.

    • Die Umstellung zum A7 markiert den erstmaligen Gebrauch eines 64 Bit Prozessors in einem Smartphone. Einem Bericht zufolge rührt der Großteil der besseren Leistung des A7 nicht von irgendwelchen Vorteilen her, die der 64 Bit Architektur eigen sind, sondern eher von der Umstellung vom veralteten ARMv7 Befehlssatz zu dem neu konzipierten ARMv8.

    • Der moderne ARMv8 Befehlssatz wurde für eine 64 Bit Architektur konzipiert. Er schafft den Legacy Support der letzten 20 Jahre ab, was die Effizienz erhöht, und somit die Leistung verbessert, ohne die Akkulaufzeit zu beeinträchtigen.

    • Wir müssen warten, bis wir im Inneren des Chips sind, um herauszufinden, wer ihn hergestellt hat.

    Any idea who made the A7 chip? Samsung? TSMC? Intel?

    Neil - 回复

    Package marks indicate Samsung fab..

    Where is the M7 chip?

    BHD2 - 回复

    Pretty clear at this point that the M7 is part of the SoC.

    Todd H -

    Incase you haven't read Chipwork's update, M7 is actually labeled NXP LPC18A1 that is located above the A7 in the middle of all the connectors

    Josh Dunne - 回复

  17. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • Zeit für eine Nahaufnahme, Selfie Kamera!

    • Die 1,2 MP FaceTime Kamera ist mit ein paar Schrauben befestigt.

    • Obwohl die verbesserte Pixelgröße in der iSight Kamera wahrscheinlich einige Aufmerksamkeit erregen wird, geht es bei coolen iPhones im Grunde um DIY Paparazzi-Aufnahmen.

    Can you elaborate on the connection of the heat shield sticker to the front-facing camera? by following another site's instructions for replacing the screen, i was told to remove the sticker instead of just leaving it all attached to the heat shield. In the process the sticker tore away from the camera module. I've ordered a new sticker but can't tell exactly where to reattach it to the camera. help?

    Dana S - 回复

    I would also like to know if the shield sticker for the iPhone 5s and 5c are interchangeable?

    Remy Chaplais - 回复

  18. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • Die unteren Peripherien des 5s sehen denen des 5 sehr ähnlich, obwohl die Lautsprechereinheit in dieser Ausführung etwas leichter herauskommt.

    • Sobald die Lautsprechereinheit entfernt ist, ist es ein Leichtes auch die Baugruppe aus Kopfhörerbuchse, Mikrofon und Lightning Connector herauszuholen.

    • Wie auch bei den vorherigen Generationen wirst du mehrere Komponenten gleichzeitig austauschen müssen, da das Design nicht modular ist.

    Where can I find all these components at on eBay?

    sethappel - 回复

  19. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,2
    • Wir finden ein weiteres Hardware Update: der neue Dual-Blitz.

    • Neben der Kamera befinden sich weiße und gelb-orangene LEDs, um die gespenstischen Farbtöne von Nachtaufnahmen mit Blitz auszugleichen.

    Hi, if you could remove the lens cover of the flash LED to expose the internal Flash LED component, it will be perfect.

    Chin Ewe Phang - 回复

    Vibrating motor. Back to the 4S motor, or did they use the same crappy one in the 5

    bbates25 - 回复

    Any idea if the iphone 5 glass/lcd assembly can be used with iphone 5s? or vice versa?

    Chris Conner - 回复

    I`d like to know that too, anyone please.

    victor -

    I verified that 5S screen assembly is different from 5, new connectors layout, !@#$ you crapple.

    victor -

    can i replace just the glass on the iPhone 5s? would i be able to just use the ones that they sell for the iPhone 5. my brother cracked his screen on his brand new 5s. however its just the glass not the digitizer.

    KinggChristian - 回复

  20. iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 5s Teardown: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,2
    • Die Reparierbarkeit des iPhone 5s: 6 von 10 (10 ist am einfachsten zu reparieren)

    • Wie auch beim iPhone 5 ist die Displayeinheit das erste Bauteil, das ausgebaut wird, was das Ersetzen des Bildschirms erleichtert.

    • Der Akku ist immer noch recht leicht zu erreichen, obwohl er eigentlich nicht "vom Nutzer ersetzbar" ist.

    • Das Kabel des Fingerabdrucksensors kann leicht aus seinem Anschluss herausgerissen werden, wenn man beim Öffnen des Gerätes nicht vorsichtig ist.

    • Es gibt beim iPhone 5s außen immer noch Pentalobe Schrauben, was das Öffnen erschwert.

    • Das Frontglas, der Touchscreen und der LCD bilden alle zusammen eine Einheit, was die Reparaturkosten erhöht.

    The one score down is totally unfair. Apple chose the command tapes for easy removal, and you guys took one score off just because you didn't know how to use them. This device should get at least 8, very modular design and straightforward repairs. The only frustration is the fused display

    Tom Chai - 回复

    I also generate this image to make it clear which piece I am talking about:


    Rafael Rossioli - 回复

    I found it! ;)

    Thanks anyway

    Rafael Rossioli - 回复


en de


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Good Morning or Good Night All........Any hint yet of the Mfg of the 5S Gyroscope Accelerometer?

Will Kevlar - 回复

Yeah, anyone knows?

Mathieu Liong -

They forgot to peel the black sticker between the connectors, pretty sure it's beneath it

Tom Chai -

Hi, if you could remove the lens cover of the flash LED to expose the internal Flash LED component, it will be perfect.

Chin Ewe Phang - 回复

Another great guide thank you. Will the 5S rear camera fit the 5 and work?

dave - 回复

No, the connectors are different.

Gigabit87898 -

Hello from Italy. Is the vibrating motor the same "noisy" as the iPhone 5? I may appear as crazy, but I didn't change my iPhone 4S to 5 because i LOVE the silent vibration of my iPhone 4S and HATE the noisy vibration of iPhone 5, which is as loud as the iPhone 4...

marchino87 - 回复

The S's stand for silent, so you really should've expected it to be louder.

Martin Hall -

yep it is the same counterweight vibrator as the 5. I think Apple stopped using the one from the 4s because it had to be sourced from samsung.

echow2001 -

iFixit, what's the deal with the condescending tone?

'Give Apple the finger' 'M for marketing'

Less snark, more details please.

Kris404 - 回复

details on what lol

Crystal Haugh -

Love you, guys. Well Done!

fscosta - 回复

In the keynote the M7 was hinted as a part of the A7…

Frank - 回复

So, the Touch ID chip and the home button actually share a cable? :(

Jan P - 回复

Stop complaining about Apple. Your !@# wouldn't be in business if not for them. People come to your site to view stuff about their devices.

Stop being !@#$%^&. Thanks.

Duder - 回复

you forget about samsung, and this is not a repair guide, this is a teardown.

Crystal Haugh -

Hi, do you have a picture of the vibrator in the 5S? I had some problems with identifying it on any pictures.

martin - 回复

Any hint on how much RAM the 5s has, 512 or 1G?

garyantoine551 - 回复

There is H6PPOP-1GB-DDR on top of CPU.

Filip Pusca -

the M7 is a chip... you all didn't look very hard I guess.

its labeled as NXP LPC18A1

doh123 - 回复


I want to congratulate the job and great effort that you´re doing fellows, you make the world go round, so keep going!

Cheers to all from Cancún, México, and have a marvelous weekend!!

Ernesto - 回复

Can you please not have the colored boxes around the ICs? Would be really interested in seeing the sides of these ICs and whwther they use any glue around them. You could just use arrows to point.

ral Joe - 回复

Is there any teardown details about all the different antennas? Where are they all located? What type of antennas, etc.?

Matt Holdrege - 回复

It remains the same with iphone 5. The bottom coax connector goes to the primary antenna, which is the lightning connector, the speaker and the bottom case metal band. The contact pad on the very top of the logic board goes to the diversity/GPS antenna, which is the top case metal band. The coax connector near the camera goes to the wifi/ Bluetooth antenna, which is adhere to the top case glass inlay.

Tom Chai -

Actually, to remove the battery adhesive from the 5s and the 5c, you pull up the hidden flap at the bottom of the battery, cut the flap in the middle and begin pulling the strip out from the bottom working around the bottom corner as you pull. It is actually VERY easy to remove the battery including the adhesive; the only problem is, you will have to either get new adhesive strips or figure out your own mounting adhesive. :) Hope iFixit Reads this and publishes it to help people not struggle.

Luke - 回复

Why do you need to replace the adhesive at all? The battery has no room to move inside the phone anyway. It seems the battery is only glued in to discourage DIY replacement.

lens42 -

you need to replace the adheisive because the slight moving around the battery can do, over time the friction could mess with the volume flex cable under the battery.

Crystal Haugh -

I'm thinking the 5 and 5S are the exact same digitizer. Can someone confirm this?

questionmarvin - 回复

What is the brand of screen? Sharp or LG? Does it change in black-silver-gold?

Hakan E - 回复

So if i wanted to replace just the glass part of the screen because the digitizer is still in tact. Would i be able to just replace the glass portion which is usually 7-10$..

thank you in advance

KinggChristian - 回复

LOL, using a pentalobe screw makes it 'difficult' to repair? Since when is a repair 'difficult' because you don't have the right tools? Get where you are coming from, and it's a pita having to buy the right tool, but please explain how is this ANY DIFFERENT from any other job you don't have the proper tools to accomplish?

mwolfgang - 回复

You're completely correct - all jobs are somewhere between difficult to impossible to do if you don't have the right tools. The big difference comes when a manufacturer starts inventing new proprietary tools - that most definitely makes a repair harder. We don't want you to have to buy proprietary tools (from us at iFixit, or from anywhere else) in order to do your repairs. (So that you know: iFixit only has Pentalobe screwdrivers available because we reverse engineered the screw, and started manufacturing our own screwdrivers.)

For your consideration - what if the phone had Phillips screws instead? Almost everyone owns a Phillips screwdriver already. Even if you don't, chances are very high that your neighbor or friend has one you could borrow. When a manufacturer invents a new, proprietary screw bit, then doesn't make the matching tool available, it makes repairs unnecessarily difficult (and expensive!), and that's something iFixit has taken a stand against.

Taylor Arnicar -

i tried taking mine apart but stopped while taking the retina plus out, i disconnected all 3 but put them all back on & screwed the plate back over it then connected the finger print menu button, put all back together & now my screen is messed up why is this?

marcus dalton - 回复

You may have put the screws to the display in wrong. If you put a screw from a different hole into the bottom left hole. You will ruin your screen and you have to get a new logic board. Also you might wanna take all the connectors off and put them back on and see if fhat helps. Otherwise it's pretty expensive.

Gavin Rivera -

YOU are BY FAR, THE WORSE "TAKE APART" guide website online. Seriously. T-H-E W-O-R-S-E. Instead of keeping focused, precise steps and pictures on whatever you are taking apart, the information seems to be written by a 12 year-old girl, such as infantile unnecessary "Holy adhesive!" remarks, or with irritating description of a step, like "We survive this first booby trap and swiftly disconnect the Touch ID cable connector with the help of a spudger", forgetting to mention and leaving Important information that is really what the reader wants to know: HOW to disconnect said cable? Which end first? There's a screw to be removed? Is not even mentioned that. And the pictures help nothing.

God you are terrible. Sucks because your crap website litter the first three pages of a google search for a tear apart guides, so you just stay on the way of GOOD take apart websites that can REALLY help us users.

Hope you guys go bankrupt

Joey Commentador - 回复

Hi Joey - I think you might have missed the point. iFixit's Teardowns are 'first glimpse' looks inside a device, created the day that a device is released. They are meant to be a summary overview of the highlights of a device - infused with some humor.

If you're looking for a complete set of free, thorough, and detailed disassembly and maintenance guides, just look at the 23 guides on iPhone 5 Device Page: iPhone 5. Hope this helps!

Taylor Arnicar -

I had cracked glass & LTD replaced and now camera is messed up. Picture is shown is small box on lower left, but won't open. Any ideas on what happened?

Dorothy, April 8, 2014

Dorothy - 回复

Perfect guide! Thanks!

Michael Payton - 回复

what do we do if we accidentally tear open the device and rip the cable? please reply :'(

ella - 回复

I have a question ....

I have a silver 5s and I broke the finger print censor. I bought a 5s locked with an iCloud account. I bought it for parts only.

What functionsof the device won't work without the finger print censor besides reading the fingerprint?


Will the parts of the 5s gold work on my 5s silver, and if so, what parts do I need to exchange?

Mike Mendoza - 回复

Good morning I changed u2 chip and reassembling came out a piece that does not know anymore where to mount it . can someone help me? the piece is main logic board loud speaker bracket .

gianmariobranca - 回复

Any idea which company made the speaker?

Peter Cooney - 回复

hi i was wondering what the sockets name was that connect the volume power button to

kylemckenzie522013 - 回复

Hi so I took part my iPhone 5s and broke the cable that goes it the motherboard. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

sethappel - 回复

How can i convert my Iphone 5S LTE to VOLTE? Because i am not able to use Reliance Jio (VOLTE)sim card for calling facility in India.Please help.

Rakshith Salian - 回复

Hi I've replaced the digitiser and LCD on the 5S, the screen lights up and display is fine however the touch screen won't register, any ideas??

michaelanicholson - 回复

How can i convert my Iphone 5S LTE to VOLTE? Because i am not able to use Reliance Jio (VOLTE)sim card for calling facility in India. Help with us here!

Shooting Star - 回复

Hey you should add the warning of step 5 on step 4. in big RED CHARACTER.

voy - 回复

This is a first-look teardown meant to show components. It is not a repair guide. Please refer to the repair manual for step-by-step guides.

Sam Goldheart -

So.... how do you remove the shielding on top of the Apple A7 Chip? Thanks!

Dylan McDonald - 回复

большое спасибо. отличное руководство для начинающих "чайников" , самостоятельная замена аккумулятора обошлась в 430 руб.

александр 65 лет.

antipoaleksandr - 回复

Hello, guys!

I am from Brazil.

Thank you! Thank you!

This "Guide Teardown" helped me a lot

Olá, galera.

Sou do Brasil.

Obrigado! Obrigado!

Este "Guia da Destruição" me ajudou muito.

Narley S. Melo - 回复

my iphone 5s fall down and after only shows apple screen then reboot and show apple screen again and nothing else, when i conect it to my computer, this can't find it. i'm sad. any idea please?

the most important i need is the phots

Josep M - 回复

Thanks guys, you do a good job, anyone need iPhone 5s LCD screen replacement parts please visit my profile.

Mandy - 回复

Dear Sirs, I am from Santiago-Chile, I’m the owner of a iphone 5s . Since 3 weeks ago I can not use my movil. As

oI connect I have the message “The phone is desactivated, connect to iTunes”. I have consulted to Mac locals, with no solution to my problem,

I can tell you that my movil has not any password, as nobody (Movistarsellers) did not advised me to incorporate a password, Neither they provided an instruction information.

I would appreciated very much your pront answer and help !!


Franco M. Rabagliati - 回复

Sorry it is almost a month and till now I did not have any answer to my requirement of help neither a

reception note of my comment. I would appreciate letting me know if you can help or not, Yours faitfully.

Franco Rabagliati , Santiago, Chile January 14th, 2018



Franco M. Rabagliati - 回复

Where is GPS antenna located?

yurkennis - 回复

Merci pour la démonstration détailler; et merci pour la traduction.

Laïd Bendial - 回复

What is that rly big pices name in like step 12ish

Riley M - 回复

Hi I want to get my iPhone 5s back camera repaired and battery replaced, please let me know the way

Shakti Singh - 回复

Could you pls post a pic of this phone’s internals? I’d be very very grateful if you’d do this.

Heet Patel - 回复

My phone fell down and went off and i dont knowbwhats wrong withit or what to do it doesn't came on again

Gerald Vugah - 回复

Thanks for sharing your information about the Iphone Repair. You have write a nice article. If you want to get more information about phone repair then visit this website Phone Glass Repair

Jackson Verdan - 回复



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