只有手机原装的Home键组件才能使用Touch ID功能。如果你扯断这根电线,装上新的home键只能恢复home键功能,而将失去Touch ID功能。
如果电池仍然粘在后壳上,请准备一个 iOpener 或使用吹风机直接加热电池后面的iPhone后盖。
将新的更换部件与原始部件进行比较 —— 在安装之前,你可能需要转移剩余配件或从新配件上移除粘合剂背衬。
将新的更换部件与原始部件进行比较 —— 在安装之前,你可能需要转移剩余配件或从新配件上移除粘合剂背衬。
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If the adhesive breaks without releasing, and you need to use a spudger or similiar to remove the battery, be VERY careful not to damage the Upper Component Cable.
This should've been included in the repair guide, as the adhesive tabs seemed designed to break. My phone is now in worse shape than it was and I'm facing what seems to be an extremely difficult repair, which I will probably not undertake.
A couple of additional pointers might be helpful...
1: I did not get all of the adhesive out from under the battery. As a result, I bent the heck out of the battery & ordered a new one, not trusting a bent one. A mention of whether it would be safe would be nice.
2: I found it impossible to get the clip from step 7 back on. I left it off. If there's a trick to this, it would be nice to have that extra instruction with the reassembly instructions, rather than "reverse order."
3: While this is always a good idea, in the process of trying to get something done, it's easy to forget that you need to remember which screws go back where, especially the 3 different-sized screws from step 10. What an evil thing Apple did there! I laid the bracket upside-down on a piece of tape, and oriented the screws around it so I'd know where they go back upon reassembly a week later. A suggestion of doing something like this might be helpful.
4: I love my iFixit toolkits! But including a pair of tweezers in it would be helpful.
2. I found this piece "snapped" into place reasonably easily, but I was careful to get the orientation correct & make sure the edge against the battery pull was "in under" (for lack of a better term) and not trying to squash the battery pull down.
Hope this helps.
Dave -
1. With regards to the bent battery, you were right to replace it. LiOn Batteries are very dangerous when the cells inside are compromised. Even though the good ones have circuit breakers built in to prevent fire, they can fail. A LiOn battery - even a small one in an iPhone - can go "high order" and cause a fire that is next to impossible to extinguish. A brief search on YouTube for Lithium Ion Battery fires will quickly convince even the skeptical.
2. The way I keep track of screws... Get a complete set of all colors of Sharpie pens. When disassembling, I touch the screw head with the same color pen as the circle in the iFixit Guide. Then when reassembling I know where the green, orange, red, & blue screws go!
Pete H -