iPhone 13 看起来像是外观的常规升级,但是我们觉得可能有更多的升级潜伏在表面之下。我们在iPhone 13 Pro 拆解直播中快速浏览了一下,现在让我们更加深入的去探索一下iPhone 13 Pro,看看我们能发现哪些秘密。
虽然普通款和迷你款获得了这一代的一些很酷的新技术,但 iPhone 13 Pro 拥有一切。这是菜单上的内容:
6.1英寸(2532 × 1170 像素) 超视网膜XDR OLED显示屏,附带ProMotion
1200万像素三摄像头系统:拥有超广角 (ƒ/1.8)、广角 (ƒ/1.5) 以及3 倍长焦 (ƒ/2.8) 摄像头,另外还具备一个激光雷达扫描仪模块
Sub-6 GHz 5G(和美版的毫米波)、4x4 MIMO LTE、2x2 MIMO 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6、蓝牙5.0、UWB和 NFC
IP68 等级防尘防水
与iPhone 13 Pro Max相比,这款iPhone 13 Pro更适合我们的拆解。大小不重要,内部结构才重要!
可以看到两个L型的电池,用尽了内部可以用的每一毫米。我们第一次见到还是在iPhone XS上。
我们还看到用于传感器位移式光学图像防抖功能的磁铁,十分袖珍的主板,以及可能是变小了的Taptic Engine?
Can I get some sweet iPhone 13 Pro wallpapers like was done last year for the Max?
But, iFixit, what if I don't need to fix my iPhone and I just want to stare at its gorgeous guts? We've got you covered with these nifty Pro Max wallpapers.
We’ll have wallpapers available next week!
好在我们已经练习拆开并重组我们的12 Pro好几个星期了!幸运的是,13 Pro继承了我们最喜欢的打开智能手机的方式之一。先将显示屏取下,就像打开一本书一样。一本……有点粘的书。
Taptic Engine看起来比12 Pro的要小一些,但实际上它变大了,13 Pro上的重量和体积分别是6.3克和869.4mm³,而12 Pro上的是4.8克和764.27mm³。
让我们找出13 Pro(左图)和12 Pro(右图)之间的区别吧。首先:不再安装在显示屏上的听筒扬声器!这样一来,更换显示屏就变得更容易了,但是随之而来的是更换听筒扬声器变复杂了(稍后会有详细介绍!)
其次,我们少了一根连接线(事实上,我们没有注意到12 Pro Max上同样也少了一根连接线!)
与12 Pro相比,13 Pro上的“刘海”™窄了20%,这要归功于Face ID的泛光感应元件和点阵投影仪合二为一!(同样,在后续部分会有详细介绍!注意到了一个图案吗?)
The notch in the 13 series is actually slightly deeper than the notch seen in previous models! You can see this when you compare an iPhone 13/13 Pro and, say, an iPhone X displaying 18:9 video: The 13’s notch cuts into the side of the video ever so slightly, while the X’s notch does not.
You can see a comparison here: https://twitter.com/ParkerOrtolani/statu...
FoxRunTime - 回复
Well that sucks…
与普通版的iPhone不同,今年Pro系列的相机镜头排列看起来与去年的相同(并且明显比12 Pro的镜头阵列更加强大)。怎么才能让别人知道你升级了新手机呢?!也许你应该……不?
is the lidar module the same as on the iphone 12 pro ?
Were you guys able to confirm that the camera module on the 13P and 13PM is the exact same, part number and all?
Can anyone tell me what hirose FPC connectors are used? It would be nice to have a list of each component. I have seen Chinese companies produce break-out boards for some sensor and battery connections. It would be nice to have a list of these as replacing them sometimes is what is needed.
在这个步骤中使用的工具:Moray Driver Kit$19.95
多亏了Moray螺丝刀工具包!我们拆掉了扬声器和Taptic Engine来暴露出电池。
与iPhone 12 Pro(和非Pro)中的10.78Wh矩形电池相比,这个硕大的L形电池容量为11.97Wh,但是不及标准的12.54Wh矩形电池。
Apple APL1W07 A15 仿生芯片堆叠封装在很可能是6 GB的海力士LPDDR4x SDRAM上
Apple/USI U1 UWB芯片
Apple APL1098 电源管理IC
Skyworks SKY58276-17 前端模块
Skyworks SKY58271-19 前端模块
Apple 338S00770-B0 电源管理IC
意法半导体 STB601A05 电源管理IC
The PMIC is actually APL109B not APL1098. That is the A2442 14" macbook pro's PMIC.
128 GB 铠侠NAND闪存
高通 SDX60M 5G调制解调器
极有可能是高通 SDR868 5G射频收发器
USI 339S00761 WiFi/蓝牙模块
高通 AFEM-8215 前端模块
恩智浦半导体 SN210V 带安全元件的NFC控制器
如果这还不能满足你对芯片ID的胃口,请移步查看我们完整的iPhone 13 Pro芯片ID综述以解渴。
Is there a difference in memory between the 128gb and 256 or are they the same except for capacity
在顶部,我们找到了重新排布的听筒扬声器,配有可爱的小鼻子。这个鼻子位于前置摄像头和Face ID之间,并连接到将声音从显示屏顶部引导出来的通道。
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the inside of the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a silver metal bracket for the slide switch assembly. Two other screws for the volume buttons, not visible here. Also there is one on the top bezel, on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers.
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long tool holder can reach inside and clear the phone’s frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it's incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don't think anyone could justify the cost! The other option would be die casting and using threaded inserts.
泛光感应組件,以前與顯示器集成 (也是 Face ID 的必要组件) 现在集成到了前置攝像頭模塊中。
随着显示组件與Face ID分離,你可能会认为显示和 Face ID 交换比以往任何时候都容易! 对吧?打住,孩子。
Face id lock works on any faceid iphones? If i wanna buy used iphone XSm to be sure that screen wasnt replaced.
There are now videos claiming that screen replacement can be done without losing face id.
Face ID stinks. Finger print sensors for the win Apple.
Any idea if the issue can be fixed if the replacement was done before Dec 2021?
Can you explain what are the 6 lines do in the side of the housing of the iphone? Is that just a design or does it do something?
The short answer is: Those are antenna lines. You’ll find lots of information on the web.
这款看起来很熟悉的手机中有很多新东西! 到目前为止,我们已经看到:
在非 Max 尺寸手机中回归的熟悉的L形电池。
考虑到所有这些,这款iPhone 13 Pro在最重要的环节上表现如何?
No mmW AiP in this I13Pro?
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The Taptic engine is getting smaller. Does that mean heavier rare-earth elements are used? Thank You very much!
It also noted it got larger, which it can do whist having a smaller footprint because the iPhone 13 is thicker than the iPhone 12.
If you get a ratio for the volume v weight, you get 159cmm per gram for the iPhone 12 Pro and 138cmm per gram for the iPhone 13 Pro so if anything it has less heavy metals as a ratio of its total volume.
iPostIt -
Thank You, Chris!
Check out out the X-ray out the 12 pro vs the 13 pro and you’ll see a major difference.
pretty sure it’s same as 13. 12 was just like 12 mini.
Does it make sense to upgrade iPhone 11 pro
max to iPhone 13 pro max?
I did. But only you can answer that. It’s a very noticeable upgrade…at least to me. I switched to a S21 ultra but had to return it because the camera was not as advertised. My 11 pro max took way better pics. I use my phone camera a lot so the 13 pro max is perfect for that.
I would suggest going from iPhone 11 Pro to iPhone 13 Pro. Not the Max. The 13 Pro is already a little bigger than 11 Pro. I got the 13 Pro Max and exchanged it for the 13 Pro. Max is quite heavy and unwieldy.
Great. Thank you for your response.
Can you swap the sim card reader with a dual sim card
No, you can’t: it is soldered to the motherboard.
There were some rumors on LEO chip. (For future iOS releases) Any trace of that?
These tear-downs are way more cryptic than they need to be. The text references multiple parts but doesn’t identify them in the photos. For instance, in step four, you reference both the iPhone 12 & 13, but don’t identify them in the photos. The reader is left to guess what you’re trying to illustrate.
I had trouble with this too. I appreciate that when it comes to the chip ID section, everything is color coded with outlines. Would like to either see the same color coding or a watermark on the photos for the model comparison bits so it’s easier to tell.
Was there any difference in the magsafe magnet array between the 4 iPhone 13s and the 4 iPhone 12s? Stronger/more magnets or anything?
Jason Dorn - 回复
Honestly, reading that display and battery replacements remain a priority, and that they are limited via software by apple, seem a bot of a contraddiction to me.
Can I straight up say that I’m not surprised iFixIt is giving false information about face Id on their site repair guide? There’s a way around it, and its happening on more models than just the 13. Its been stated endless times that its a bug in iOS 15, with the laundry list of other issues in ios 15
a way around the face id issue has been found
Dave Myers - 回复
You are likely misinformed, everything I’ve read suggests that apple has intentionally disabled face id after third party screen swaps on the 13. There is a separate bug that breaks face id in ios 15, and a fix may have come out for that, but it’s not related to the intentional disabling, which is what Ifixit is referring to.
Please take note of Hugh Jeffrey’s findings here:
The software locks in this device are even worse than the ones found in the iPhone 12 series!
Replacement displays break automatic brightness
Replacement displays break Face ID
Replacement front cameras break the camera functionality
Plus all of the issues found in the iPhone 12 are still present
Revised repairability score: 0 (you’re lucky I’m not giving a minus)
Can someone tell me the antenna locations? Any ideas about putting a shield between the antenna and my ear/brain? The older models were easier to shield.
I was told by the Apple Store Berlin that the back glass of the iPhone 13 an 13 pro is now replaceable without changing the body of the phone. Can you confirm this?
%#*@, I’m always impressed by apple’s engineering they make such great devices but then they just go and make thing like locking Face ID to the screen or disabling True Tone, it really annoys me
How can you give it such a high rating when Apple locks out those repairs through software. Even if you use components from another iphone 13 I’ve read it will treat it like a counterfeit part. It doesn’t matter how easy it is to swap out modular components if the device locks out the new ones from functioning. This device deserves a 1/10 at most.
that is 100% true, i just seen note 20 ultra with score of 3/10, because of the adhesive, yet this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHMOm_3w...
did it with no problem, i mean if you are lacking the skill to disassemble a phone that should be your rating, you have a skill that is 3/10, so at this point i think, apple money! This device deserves a 1/10 at most, because the only thing you could replace with out a problem FOR NOW is the case!
I was searching for this in particular, is the camera module sealead because one of my camera glasses broke and I’m afraid it may compromise the rest of the device
A broken camera glass might be an entry point for dust and water to get into the phone not just the camera module. The camera module is somewhat sealed but the lenses need some space for OIS and this is where dust might not be welcome.
Is there any chance to replace just the camera cover glass? without whole back? I’ve got info from support they can replace it but only with whole back panel
Replacing just the camera glass should be possible if you find replacement. Replacing the whole back cover is a PITA since you have to swap all the internal parts (or at least quite a lot).
Great Information - thanks !
Thanks for sharing information about .cell phone repair all phone repair information is help
me to understand that cell phone repair iPhone Reparatur
This received quite a high repairability score despite being impossible to repair by anyone other than Apple. Apple make by far the worst phones for if you want to be able to make any repair yourself or even a 3rd party repair shop (Samsung are also bad). This is very misleading as some consumers will make purchase decisions thinking they can replace a part if it breaks… iFixit lied to you… you ain’t replacing nothin’ son.
do you trust the devices that copy the serial number of old display and writes that to the new display to bypass face ID not working. If so which one would you recommend?
Tho I dont feel any difference on user experience for the new taptic engine.
This post is very helpful.
Thanks for sharing! word hurdle
Does anyone know what this cable is that’s attached on the right side of the logic board? (This cable is seen in the last photo above) . It’s attached to the back of the board and cannot be removed.
Wondering this too. I dug around some other sites as well as repair part sites and I think it's the 5g module/antenna flex?
Jordan M -
So I read through your tear downs for the 11, 12, and 13 and can’t seem to find any information detailing the difference in GPS specs. On Apple’s website the specs printed for the 11 say GPS/GNSS whereas the 12 and 13 explicitly mention GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou satellite systems. I use my iPhone to navigate in the backcountry where there is no cell towers, WiFi, or other iPhones nearby, so the Wideband capabilities are not important to me. I am primarily interested in whether the 12 and 13 connect to more satellite systems than the 11 does. I currently have an 11 Pro Max. I use a handheld Garmin GPS as backup, but the iPhone has a lot of great navigation apps like Gaia, OnX and AllTrails.
can I replace my iPhone x battery with my iPhone xs?
has anyone made a teardown art for iPhone 13 pro max?
What you do is amazing. Can you tear down EVs in future? ;)
I want to ask where the prices of these phones can be consulted?
I want to ask where the prices of these Phone Price can be consulted?
Is there any way to fix the shell of an iPhone 13 that holds the front back and internals of the phone?
how to read puce nand flash memory of iphone13
Adoni Vern - 回复
My iPhone does not notify me when I receive a message
What can I do for the iPhone to notify me?
Hi, guys, could you add the Model number of this Iphone13 Pro ? A2483?
xiajinggai - 回复