
iPhone 13 Pro 拆解


正翻译步骤 11

步骤 11
  • Photosensitivity warning: This video contains flashing lights and may not be suitable for photosensitive viewers.

  • Wanna know how we verified our notch hunch? Here's some nifty IR footage of our Face ID sensor tests!

  • In this clip you'll see Tobias (a friend from Instrumental) individually covering the iPhone 12 Pro flood illuminator and dot projector, then attempt to do the same on a 13 Pro, only to realize they're both coming from the same spot.


想知道我们如何验证我们对“刘海”的预感吗?这是我们测试Face ID时的一些漂亮的红外镜头!

在此片段中,您将看到 Tobias(一位来自 Instrumental的朋友)单独覆盖iPhone 12 Pro的泛光感应元件和点阵投影仪,然后尝试在13 Pro上做同样的事情,却发现它们都来自同一个地方。

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