
iPhone 13 Pro 拆解


正翻译步骤 4

步骤 4
iPhone 13 Pro Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 1,1
  • Let's spot the differences between the 13 Pro (shown left) and 12 Pro (right) shall we? First off: no more display-mounted earpiece speaker! Easier display replacements, but irksome earpiece replacements (more on that later!)

  • And second, a missing cable (one we didn't notice was also missing in the 12 Pro Max as a matter of fact!)

  • Thanks to some expert knowledge from our new friends at Instrumental, we think the iPhones 13 are using "touch-integrated OLED panels", which, like their name suggests, combine the touch and OLED layers of a display—reducing cost, materials, thickness, and the number of cables you can accidentally tear. Neat!

  • The Notch™ is 20 percent narrower on the 13 Pro compared to the 12 Pro, thanks to Face ID's flood illuminator and dot projector merging into a single module! (Also more on that later! Noticing a pattern?)

让我们找出13 Pro(左图)和12 Pro(右图)之间的区别吧。首先:不再安装在显示屏上的听筒扬声器!这样一来,更换显示屏就变得更容易了,但是随之而来的是更换听筒扬声器变复杂了(稍后会有详细介绍!)

其次,我们少了一根连接线(事实上,我们没有注意到12 Pro Max上同样也少了一根连接线!)

得益于我们在Instrusmental的新朋友们提供的一些专业知识,我们认为iPhone 13正在使用“触摸集成OLED面板”,顾名思义,它结合了显示屏的触摸层和OLED显示层——这一举措减少了成本、材料、厚度以及你可能会意外撕裂的连接线数量。整洁!

与12 Pro相比,13 Pro上的“刘海”™窄了20%,这要归功于Face ID的泛光感应元件和点阵投影仪合二为一!(同样,在后续部分会有详细介绍!注意到了一个图案吗?)

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