


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 12 Pro,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解, iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解, iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解, iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 即使我们正屏息凝神的等待Mini和Max的出现,但我们至少可以从另外两个家伙开始拆解。让我们看看他们的葫芦里,都卖的是什么药吧:

    • 具备新一代神经网络引擎的A14 仿生芯片

    • 6.1英寸(2532×1170像素)的超视网膜 XDR OLED显示屏,具备原彩显示,HDR显示功能

    • Pro 级别的1200 万像素相机系统具备超广角(ƒ/ 2.4)和广角(ƒ/ 1.6)相机和远摄(ƒ/ 2.0)相机以及LiDAR扫描仪

    • 板载存储为64 GB(iPhone 12)和128 GB(12 Pro)

    • 5G(sub-6 GHz和mmWave)连接性,再加上4x4 MIMO LTE,802.11ax Wi-Fi 6和BT 5.0

    • MagSafe 15瓦 无线充电

    • 防护等级提升到IP68级别,现在符合IEC 60529标准下,在最深6米的深度下保持长达30分钟而不进水。

    Unless something has changed in the past two weeks, a youtube channel bought two brand new 12’s and upon swapping components between the two, experienced multiple malfunctions. Starting with the logic board, simulating every component being replaced, then JUST swapping camera modules- to no avail. It seems the modules are ID’d to eachother and the logic board making DIY and third-party repair seemingly impossible without additional software-related steps being performed to “authorize” the replaced components …

    Sosostupid - 回复

  2. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 还记得iPhone 4引入了像Braun一样的方形边缘时——开发者留在酒吧的原型手机泄漏的吗?

    • 正方形设计回来了,宝贝!这次附带更少的丑闻。这些平坦的边缘震动了熟悉的设计,但也可能允许更多的屏幕空间,而不会使手机更大。

    • 就像在展览馆走过历史通道一样,我们将iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 12、12 Pro和iPhone 4叠放起来!

    • 你能发现差异吗?美国型号具有微毫米波天线断口。设计师可能讨厌这一点,但可能不及那些欧盟法规标记那么多。

    • 那就对了!这些按时移的电话由我们的欧盟团队提供,该团队在美国睡眠(或末日滚动)时做得很快。

  3. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 过去已经足够了,让我们打开这些东西吧!

    • 通常,第一个障碍是几个讨厌的五角螺丝,但我们已经做好武装并做好了准备。

    • 几个吸引人的把手和三角撬片应该可以让我们相对轻松地玩耍——我们之前玩过这款游戏。

    • 热情和耐心站在我们这边—这不是一种全新的开放体验,但是这里的拆解工程师在开放方面面临着各种各样的困难。也许重新配制了粘合剂,以提供额外的两米浸入保护?

    • 同时,苹果公司在其开放程序中首次授权维修中心使用热风枪。因此,可以肯定的是,苹果公司打开iPhone的方法已经升级了。

    Who fox's android samsungA01 call creaked and spreading wider and completely covering hafe my screen .with it just getting used

    pickerillcumbee - 回复

  4. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在从右边缘打开显示,这可能会使人群中的左撇子更容易维修。举手击掌!

    • 自7代以来,iPhone就从相反的一侧打开。在此之前,5和6系列型号自下而上打开。在此之前,iPhone经过几乎完全的拆卸后才打开。

    • 尝试在屏幕仍固定的情况下卸下连接器护罩,这有点奇怪,但是你可以操纵屏幕以为螺丝刀腾出更多空间。

    • 从好的方面来说,我们得到了这张超酷的镜像照片。

  5. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 在两个屏幕都关闭的情况下,我们玩“发现差异”游戏。 12在左边,12 Pro在右边。

    • 除了摄像机护罩之外,从鸟瞰角度看,实际上没有任何主要区别。奇怪!

    • 我们得说,12 Pro看起来还不是Pro。但是,让我们进一步深入。

    • 从好的方面来说,我们现在有一些很棒的壁纸。留意iFixit主页,在此我们将为iPhone 12和12 Pro拍一些原始壁纸。

    • 我们的早期测试表明,在标准12和12 Pro之间互换时,两种显示器都可以互换工作,即使最大的亮度规格稍有不同,正如细心的观察者指出的那样。这里的故事还有更多。我们将在以后查看是否能够发掘更多细节。

    So, when the displays get cheaper in the future, you can possibly upgrade your display brightness. Cool!

    Dylan - 回复

    The brightness difference is likely that Apple is multi-sourcing the display between Samsung and BOE on the iPhone 12. The BOE panel probably can’t meet the same lifetime spec as the Samsung panel, so Apple is limiting the brightness on both of them to avoid a scenario where some iPhone 12s can get brighter than others. For the 12 Pro they presumably went with 100% Samsung panels and took advantage of the better specs to unlock higher brightness.

    Nirav Patel - 回复

    So what about True Tone? Gone when swapped?

    Bart - 回复

  6. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 啊!来了!移除掉相机罩后就可以看到这两款手机最大的区别:Pro 多出了一块东西。

    • 我们再来关注下 12……这是?一片高科技塑料?

    • 可以看出,这两款手机是如此相似。不同之处在于 Pro 拥有额外的相机模块和 LiDAR 传感器,而 12 拥有……一块塑料垫片。

    • 两款手机均配备1200万像素的广角和超广角镜头,分别具有 f / 1.6 和 f / 2.4 的光圈,而Pro 则更添置了一个 f / 2.0 的长焦镜头。

    • Pro的相机还具有其他优点,例如ProRAW,双重OIS,以及 LiDAR 带来的低光摄影优势。

    Co ameras are interchangeable?

    Bart - 回复

    Can you guys do an x-ray of the camera module like what you did with the iPhone X tear-down? Thanks!

    bwei91 - 回复

    Any information found about the LiDAR sensor? such as manufacturer, model, etc.

    Chun Wai Hui - 回复

    Where is the second loud speaker, or top front speaker? Thanks

    mahmoo_dinn - 回复

    It's on the screen side

    serdev94 -

  7. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 这些模块化SIM卡槽非常适合维修,如果说有一点奇怪的地方,就是——SIM卡槽,主板和电池的所有侧面均与以前的型号相反。

    • 为什么选择switcheroo?吸烟枪是主板。自11代以来,它的规模已经极大地增长(可能是为了容纳高通的5G芯片),并且不再适合放在摄像机下方的旧房子里。

    • 两种型号的扬声器都用 Phillips 螺丝固定在适当的位置,以便进行更换,而且它们都非常容易地可以卸下。

    • 当我们卸下扬声器时,我们会发现不同的地方:在扬声器网罩后面发现了明亮的橙色橡胶垫圈,而不再是粘合剂,就像我们在三星手机中经常看到的那样。

    • 与过去几年需要重新修复杂乱的粘合剂相比,这使扬声器的拆卸和更换过程更加容易。 由于更换电池时必须要先拆下扬声器,因此这也是一种周到的、明智的设计。

    Are the sim readers interchangeable between 12 and 12 pro??

    Reynaldy Putra - 回复

    Hi Reynaldy,

    They have different markings, but they are interchangeable!

    Arthur Shi -

    Is using a rubber gasket for speaker better for water resistance?

    Lindy Xi - 回复

    I’m wondering if the QualComm Chips perform better than the Intel modem in my 8Plus? That’s the only reason to upgrade.

    emilywebersa - 回复

    so no eSIM embedded beside the traditional pluggable SIM?

    weihang1984 - 回复

    can the european version of the iphone 12 pro max take 2 physical SIM cards with the right “card holder”…it seems that in Asia they support this.

    Franc gentili - 回复

    Was wondering, are the sim readers interchangeable for the China and non-China versions? Kinda thinking if it’s possible to convert a non-dual nano sim version into one!

    TacticalShoyu - 回复

    Just bought a dual sim tray module and it works as a drop-in replacement to transform my iPhone 12 into dual sim. Using a dual sim module disables the built-in esim.

    TacticalShoyu -

  8. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们在机箱底部附近看到许多固定螺丝。幸运的是,我们的适用于iPhone的Marlin精密螺丝刀套件在这种情况下具有防撞螺丝刀。

    • 敢说,这里只有一点未使用的空间。也许刚好适合3.5毫米规格的插头? (可能不会那么多,但是一个人可以做梦。)

    • 它与12和12 Pro中的Taptic Engine完全相同,在我们的测试中可以互换使用,并且比我们在普通iPhone 11中看到的小,而且还有更厚的Smidgen。

    • 如果需要,我们可以提供一些细节:12系列Taptic Engine的尺寸为22.25毫米x 9.48毫米x 3.56毫米,而去年的型号(来自薄荷绿色iPhone 11)为26.9毫米x 11.18毫米x 3.44毫米

    It appears the iphone 12 pro's taptic engine is actually bigger than the unit on the 11 pro, but smaller than the unit on the standard 11? (According to this: https://youtu.be/ZYyW6X3u6DI at 5:08?)

    Salam Zebian - 回复

    And did they serialize it like they have been on the previous models?

    Rob Wohlstetter - 回复

    What is this tiny metal box in on the mother board consist of or what’s it’s purpose?

    It has a serial numbers and a QR code which refer to nothing on the internet;



    Please refer to my macrumor post:


    Adam Anderson - 回复

  9. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 在电池下面,在我们期望的位置贴上可释放的粘合剂,就像你开车时熟悉的音调一样。 12 Pro和12 Pro每个都有四个选项卡,它们的表现均与预期相同。

    • 不过,可能会发生变化的一件事:Apple提供的小巧,脆弱的“开始”部分。这些是什么,拉蚂蚁的选项卡?

    • 我们已经听说过12和12 Pro使用的电池完全相同。这样说(戴上检查眼镜)是的!两块电池我们都可以看到10.78 Wh。

    • 他们在我们的零件更换测试中也可以互换。

    • 与11和11 Pro相比,这分别是11.91 Wh和11.67 Wh的明显降低。但是高效的新型5nm工艺A14芯片可能弥补了这种差异:根据Apple的官方规格,电池寿命丝毫不受影响。

    • 令人失望的是,苹果公司放弃了为最新iPhone开发的独特L形电池设计。有传言指出,苹果使用更便宜的零件来抵消5G的成本,这似乎证明了这一点。

    Same question that i posted about the taptic engine. Are these serialized as well? When you swap them did you get an immediate message about the phone unable to verify its a genuine battery?

    Rob Wohlstetter - 回复

    Hi Rob,

    Yes, the batteries are serialized! We swapped the official batteries between the two iPhones and got a “Not a genuine Apple battery” warning in the menu.

    Arthur Shi -

    I posted this in the general comments before seeing the comments section for each step so am re-posting the same comment here…

    On your 11 Pro Max teardown (and maybe on the smaller Pro teardown as well) you gave us thickness (4.6mm), volume (23.8 cubic centimetres) and weight (59.6g) numbers for the internal battery. I’d be really interested in seeing those three numbers for the 12 Pro battery and, when you do the teardown for the 12 Pro Max, for that battery as well. Thanks.

    Julian Anon - 回复

    “…iPhones. Rumors pointed to Apple using cheaper parts to offset the cost of 5G, and this seemingly bears that out.”

    Or you could argue that Apple used a more expensive but more power efficient 5nm processor to remove the need for a larger battery and thereby lose the unpleasant stress point in the larger L shape battery. It just depends on what you want to see.

    And while we are on the subject, why do iFixit still not sell spare parts for your own products. You’re so keen that everyone else should for theirs, but you don’t.

    Alex Bowden - 回复

  10. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们中断这次拆解工作,为你带来来自Creative Electron 朋友的出色X射线间歇。我们出发前一眼就能看到胆量!

    • MagSafe无线充电阵列是其中最明显的代表,最终用我们的眼睛看到它是很酷的。磁铁纸也可以,但是X射线要好得多。

    • 不,我们没有在右侧的iPhone 12 Pro X射线上添加黑色边框。与iPhone 12上的铝制框架相比,这是不锈钢框架的结果——钢更致密,因此在X射线照片中更加不透明。

    • 没有在X射线中显示:我们不可避免地在这些东西上贴上了所有指纹...

    This seams to indicate the camera modules are in fact completely different, and it even looks like the regular 12 doesn’t have stabilization on the top module.

    Luis E. Ardila - 回复

  11. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 抛弃电池后,我们将注意力转移到了手术的大脑上。

    • 我们从主板上断开了许多电缆的连接,幸运的是,它们仅被两个单元上的三个螺丝固定。我们的马林(Marlin)螺丝刀将驶入最后一杆。

    Logic board seems to be connected to a flex cable that runs along side of the battery. Should both parts be removed together?

    Brooke Mills - 回复

    Similar question. The cable that is attached to the back of the logic board that runs along the side of the phone and battery, is it permanently attached to the logic boards or is it just adhesive?

    Jordan koslosky - 回复

    The cable is soldered on the back of the motherboard, so you need to remove them together.

    serdev94 -

  12. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,2
    • 一点热量(大量热量)和一点撬开就可以以一个价格获得两块板!我们将其中一个iPhone 12板分开拆开,以查看所有的甜硅,并且,如果似乎很难猜测哪一个,你并不孤单-12和12 Pro的主板几乎相同,除了一些序列号。

    • 苹果 APL1W01 A14仿生SoC,位于Micron D9XMR MT53D512M64D4UA-046 XT:F 4 GB LPDDR4 SDRAM(12 Pro上为6 GB RAM)下

    • KICM224AY4402TWNA12029,64 GB的Kioxia NAND闪存。

    • 高通SDR865 5G和LTE收发器

    • 高通SDX55M 5G调制解调器-RF系统和SMR526中频IC

    • USI / Apple U1超宽带芯片

    • 具有集成双工器的Avago AFEM-8200高/中功率放大器

    • 苹果APL109 4343S00437 电源管理芯片

    4GB RAM on both? Wasn't the Pro supposed to have 6GB?

    Marvin - 回复

    What about Pro RAM?

    James - 回复

    No 6GB RAM then, huh?

    kalenskio - 回复

    i check RAM capacity of my pro with antutu. it shows 6G.

    Aries - 回复

    It seems Apple did not get their 5G modem ready in time and had to default back to Qualcomm. I bet this will change next year.

    Todd - 回复

    до сих пор lpddr4??!

    Dimitrrii - 回复

    I think the A14 is layered over LPDDR4X, not LPDDR4 as this article currently indicates. Your previous teardown of the iPhone 11 Pro shows the A13 over LPDDR4X and the teardown of the iPhone XS shows the A12 over LPDDR4X. It is unlikely that Apple has reverted to LPDDR4 for the iPhone 12 Pro.

    The Micron MT53D512M64D4UA chip is better described as an LPDDR4X SDRAM.  According to the Micron DRAM Component Part Numbering System the MT53D prefix decodes to (MT = Micron Technology, 53 = LPDDR4, D = 1.1V Vdd / 0.6V Vddq),  LPDDR4X is identical to LPDDR4, except that the I/O voltage (Vddq) is reduced to 0.6 V from 1.1 V, which appears to be the case for this chip.

    RichardP - 回复

    There are a lot of Skyworks Sky5 RF chips that you didn’t mention (at least 5 chips!). There are two chips next to Avago chip. Another two chips are close to Qualcomm modem. There is one more on A14 motherboard. Because the picture’s resolution is not high enough, I can’t tell other RF chips on A14 motherboard. I think you guys have better chance to see more detail.

    Ken - 回复

    Trying to figure them out still. I labeled everything I can and is waiting for iFixit approval.

    CChin -

    I found 8 Skyworks Sky5 RF chips. I labeled all of them and submit to iFixit.

    Ken - 回复

    awesome 6gb ram

    luqiyu - 回复

    No “sandwich” motherboard!?

    More savings!

    Bart - 回复

    There is a connector at the corner on the bottom half of that board that isn’t included in the UK 5G version of the phone, is this related to the US version only for 5G connectivity? There is still an unpopulated ribbon connector solder area still too.

    mtiphotographyllc - 回复

    is there are USB 3 host controller for USB 3 speeds over lightning like the iPad? https://www.iphoneincanada.ca/news/ipad-...

    malhal - 回复

    Does the iPhone 12 logic board still have the graphite cooling pad introduced in the 11 Pro?

    Noah Lach - 回复

  13. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 感谢我们的社区,这是IC身份验证(Pt)。 2:

    • 恩智浦半导体CBTL1614A1显示端口多路复用器

    • 德州仪器SN61280摄像机电源管理

    • STMicroelectronics STB601A04电源管理

    • STMicroelectronics STWPA1-3033ABM无线充电IC

    • 德州仪器SN2611A0电池充电IC

    • Apple / Cirrus Logic 338S00537单声道音频放大器

    • 苹果/ Cirrus Logic 338S00565?音频编解码器

  14. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • IC识别

    • 博世Sensortec加速度计

    • 高通SMR526射频收发器

    • 苹果338S00564电源管理

    • 高通PMX55电源管理

    • Skyworks Sky5 RF模块

    • 德州仪器LM3637 LED 驱动芯片 (可能是)

    Thanks for sharing the internal component level details. I was wondering is there any RF component difference related to FEMs, PAs and transceiver between the US iPhone 12 pro version vs rest of the world version?

    Hrishikesh bartake - 回复

    There should be at least one NFC controller. Why it is not identified?

    YikaTong - 回复

    Besides SKY58240-19 and SKY53807-13, can somebody identify other SKY5 part numbers? Thanks.

    Zhiguo Lai - 回复

    How much space does apple leave between the boards? Are the components pressed against eachother, or is there some clearance?

    ryan smith - 回复

  15. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们的美国型号随附一些漂亮的5G mmWave天线模块-一个嵌入在框架的侧面,另一个嵌入在主板的背面。

    • 我们认为这些与苹果在主题演讲中花费大量时间谈论的内容有关吗?

    • 嵌入在框架中的天线是USI产品,标记为339M00104 S30U7FH。

    My guess for having 2 mmWave antennas in the specified locations is 2 possible use cases, because of the nature of mmWave signals being easily blocked. Either it's in your hand and the side antenna is blocked but the rear one is open, or its sitting on a table or something and the rear antenna is blocked but the side one is open. Maybe?

    Julian Ang - 回复

    I’m planning on buying a US version to use in the EU (Ireland in particular). Would there be any disadvantages to doing this? Thanks.

    Alan Murphy - 回复

    I would double check that the US iPhone supports the bands (particularly mmWave) that the EU uses. I seem to recall something about mmWave bands being incompatible, and honestly other than that there isn't really any point to getting the US version instead.

    Julian Ang -

    Sharing some information to you guys about mmWave antenna. There are three mmWave antenna in iPhone 12 series. One is on right hand side under the power key with antenna open window, the second is on the back side which mount on mother board, the last one is on front side which is above receiver. As you can see one unknown part above receiver with four small squares pattern and connect to mother board. That is the third mmWave antenna module.

    nagaya1119 - 回复

    Thanks for sharing the internal component level details. I was wondering is there any RF component difference related to FEMs, PAs and transceiver between the US iPhone 12 pro version vs rest of the world version? Any component other than the mmWave antenna which is missing in the non mmWave 5g model that is available in the rest of the world?

    Hrishikesh bartake - 回复

  16. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们几乎不需要使用Lightning 接口组件,Face ID,闪光灯模块等,其中大部分在各个型号上看起来都是相同的,只是带状电缆略有走弯。

    • 你以为我们没有忘记神奇的 MagSafe 充电阵列,对吗?线圈并不是什么新鲜的东西,但是那18个磁铁肯定是新的。

    • 磁铁的极性似乎扩大了手机的有效放置范围,同时仍然要求正确对准以提高充电效率。

    I think the magnet polarity you linked can’t be correct or else a case had to be the opposite polarity but then the MagSafe wont work on it or the iPhone.. if i look in the video i think polarity is radial +-+ or inverted..

    3gfisch - 回复

    So what i meant, if look at the side view of one ring segment, i think it are basically 3 magnets next to each other, this would be stack able to connect the same structures above:

    + - +

    - + -

    maybe also only the first 2 „virtual“ magnets are used wich get more like your picture but i think you have at least to put in polarity on the side view, and if they have it also on top view you have to draw it in 2D..

    3gfisch - 回复

    The linked polarity diagram is definitely incorrect. These magnets are non-standard and have a dual set of poles for EACH magnet (The outer ring is North up, and South down, and the inner ring of the magnet is South up and North down).

    Check out page 86 of the Accessory style guide. https://developer.apple.com/accessories/...

    David Taylor - 回复

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the awesome resource! You’re right—our polarities are reversed when it comes to the standard magnet colors, and it is missing the non-magnetized zone. We will fix that asap.

    Arthur Shi -

    It is missing the 2 dimensionallity of the magnets..

    3gfisch -

    *LightNing- not lighting connector :)

    decker5 - 回复

    Great catch, thank you :)

    Taylor Dixon -

  17. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,1
    • mmWave再见,高5G到处!此拆解是一个总结。

    • 它正在塑造成为5G世界,而苹果正处在其中。看来他们必须做出一些严肃的设计折衷,才能为闪亮的5G新组件腾出空间。恰当的例子:过去的主板和电池增益都消失了。他们将被错过。

    • “瘦弱”的电池,相对来说技术含量略低,不再是优雅的L型。逻辑板的尺寸膨胀,放弃了近年来的小型化优势。 Taptic Engine看起来更小,扬声器是一种新的形状-可能不会减少,但会有所不同。

    • TapticEngine较小,而扬声器则是新形状——可能不会减少,但会有所不同。

    • 从整体上看,这并不是“一千个死亡”,但看到这种新兴技术的让步很奇怪。在所有可能的苹果创新中,这是最没有创造力的。

    • 但!至少新的5G挖掘与苹果的可靠屏幕和电池维修程序没有什么区别。 在给分数打分之前,还有一件事。

    As stated above, for the 12 pro it appears the taptic engine is bigger than the unit in the 11 pro.

    Also one of the first things I noticeded on my 12 pro was the speakers, they seem tinnier and not as loud. I have to test them next to my 11 pro before I sell the 11.

    Salam Zebian - 回复

  18. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 你看!我们发现其它东西可以分解。

    • 苹果的新 MagSafe 充电器没有装在小巧的iPhone盒子中(你必须为此花更多钱),但我们确实确保订购一个进行某些测试。

    • 它与所有支持Qi风格无线充电的iPhone型号(和其他设备)兼容。但是,我们对自己的命运有不同的想法。

    • 这是我们的第一眼观察——由 Creative Electron 提供的X射线视图。

    • 这可以与Apple为Apple Watch制造的其它感应式充电座进行有趣的比较。你可以在此处查看这些内部的详细分类。

    • 一个明显的区别是外部周围的磁铁呈黑环——是的,充电座和新款iPhone中都有相应的磁铁。 Apple Watch充电器的中心仅使用一个磁铁。

  19. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • 唯一发现的接缝是橡胶与金属的交汇处,这是显而易见的切入点。

    • 乐观地讲,我们用一些热力对其进行喷砂处理,以使其软化,以使粘合剂粘合在一起。然后,我们将两个非常合适的吸盘连接到任一侧,然后开始拔河。

    • 充电表面上的白色覆盖材料开始略微伸展,但实际缝隙没有变化。 (有时我们太乐观了。)

    • 因此,在刀下它就走了!剃须刀的一些说服力使我们越过了白色盖子,从下面的塑料和金属之间开始撬动。

  20. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,2
    • 内部...充电线圈!?!?!谁会猜到呢!!

    • 在白色盖的底面是蚀刻的铜标签,其痕迹对应于在充电线圈外部隔开的四根引线。

    What does this copper sticker do?

    3gfisch - 回复

  21. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 3,3
    • 向上探查线圈可发现电路板——哎呀,它被金属屏蔽层覆盖。

    • 随着新iPhone的出现,今天没有时间进行微焊接了。我们直接跳到冲水刀处通过。结果并不漂亮,但这就是我们追求的目标。

    • 小电路板上装有标记为STWPSPA1的芯片。这可能是意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)的15W无线充电器IC STWBC-EP的近亲。

    I saw this on the STWBC-EP and thought it was interesting: https://blog.st.com/stwbc-ep-stwlc33-15-...

    Xehelios - 回复

  22. iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 12 和 12 Pro 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 3,3
  23. 最后的想法
    • 在新iPhone的设计中,显示器和电池更换仍然是首要任务。
    • 其它大多数重要组件都是模块化的,易于访问或更换。
    • 自由使用螺钉比胶粘剂更可取,但是除了标准的菲利普斯之外,你还必须使螺丝保持井井有条,并带出特殊的螺丝刀(五瓣式,三点式和对峙式)。
    • 增加的防水措施会使某些维修复杂化,但使水损坏的维修难度降低。
    • 前后玻璃板会导致跌落损坏的可能性加倍——如果后玻璃板破裂,你将卸下所有组件并更换整个机箱。


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Taylor Dixon


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Really happy to see that Apple is bringing back Magsafe to at least some of its products. I wonder if it’ll eventually lead to completely sealed phones with no physical connector (and therefore no connector wear), but I think that would make data recovery harder.

Magsafe (or any other magnetic connector) is really convenient and pretty durable. I wonder why Apple abandoned the standard for a while.

Ethan Zuo - 回复

Magsafe for macbooks is the most intelligent charger connector ever made, illogically they stop using it, I agree with you, is good to see they're bringing back the idea. Regards the fully close devices, can be done and use external pogo connectors (or whatever are they called, the copper dots on some devices/tables to attach keyboards)

juanmanuel1236 -

These people do care about especially the baseband chipset inside,Please focus on it/qtrun.com

Jeffery.Y - 回复

We’d love to know the dimensions of the magnet array on the phone. What is the inside diameter? What is the outside diameter? What is the length of the line of magnets? What distance from the center of the magnet ring does the line of magnets start and stop?

Concerning the charger itself…. What is the inside diameter of the ring? What is the outside diameter of the ring?

It would be great if you had a precise scale reference in a straight-on photo of the magnet array in the phone.

Thanks for your work!

smurpster - 回复

Page 91, this info is not difficult to find.


Nick -

Could you probe the magnet ring with a small magnet to see if the polarity alternates?

smurpster - 回复

Agreed! Also can we get a teardown on the magsafe charger? Just probing my charger with a small magnet it looks like it has one outer ring that is one polarity and an inner ring that is the other polarity.

jazz weisman -

Can you please confirm if apple switched to qualcomm modem chips and dropped intel in the iphone 12 series?

and also which qualcomm chip x55 or x60 maybe

Tony Fresquez - 回复

That magsafe charger just peaking open is killing me! Don’t leave us hanging on it! Also, please don’t forget to teardown the usb-c connector. It’s quite large and maybe has the USB PD chip in it or something…

jazz weisman - 回复

I want to see if the display chip on the pro model is actually 120hz capable and if the one on the non pro is different. It would be neat to see if Apple actually put in everything necessary to activate 120hz later since the pro panels I believe are capable. Also it would be cool to see how they improved water resistance this year yet again. And maybe seeing if they added any better thermal dissipation system since the 5g chips are gonna get a lot hotter than previous chips and plenty of android phones have had really good cooling for awhile.

Judah Singh - 回复

For those asking, Apple published a revision to their Developer Style Guide for physical accessories that includes all of the information you could need about the MagSafe standard.

David Taylor - 回复

Please do teardown models for US (for mmWave)!

Koichi Fujii - 回复

Are you going to be tearing down the US-only mmWave iPhone 12s, or the international ones, or both? I want to see if the battery capacity is any different.

60HzNSTC - 回复

Hello! Our EU team has taken apart a set of iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro phones, while we tore down the US-only pair. We can confirm that they all use the 10.78 Wh rated battery.

Arthur Shi -

Apple is using a braided copper coil in the charger. I believe they are the only ones doing this.

Colin Stalter - 回复

This is normal. It’s called “litz wire”, you can read about it on wikipedia. It mitigates the “skin effect” that causes electrical losses to be higher at high frequencies.

David Perlman -

-The stranded wire in the coil is called “litz wire”, it’s not regular stranded wire, it’s a bundle of separately insulated strands for the purpose of avoiding the “skin effect” for high frequencies.

-The etched copper sticker looks like it’s an RF antenna for near field communication. Ethan Zuo pointed out that eliminating hardware connectors would make data recovery harder but I believe we will eventually find out that this new magsafe standard is not only for charging but also a high bandwidth data connection that can serve the “console” functions like data recovery. So basically just as good as a physical connection.

David Perlman - 回复

Hi David,

Thanks for the cool bit of info about litz wire! As for the copper sticker, I originally hypothesized that it was some kind of RF antenna also. I’m not so certain now—if you look closely at this photo, you can see that the sticker traces were attached by four flex wires. These wires route underneath what seems like a very brittle disk (maybe ferrous?), where they attach to the underside. It looks like they’re not attached to any active components. I wonder if it’s some kind of RF/magnetic flus resonance, efficiency, or shielding system.

Arthur Shi -

The copper sticker is almost certainly for NFC. The ring animation that was shown during the presentation when the phone is connected to the MagSafe charger is done through an NFC handshake. This is also how the phone knows it can try and charge at the higher wattage. NFC is also how the phone shows the ring animation for MagSafe cases (my red case creates a nifty red ring animation when I put it on).

I would guess that the iPhone 13/14 will eschew a physical connector and instead use a combination of the NFC from MagSafe and a version of the U1 chip (maybe a U2?) for high-speed close range data transfers without needing a physical connection. I don’t think we will see that type of high-speed data transfer on the 12 however as Apple looks to get MagSafe accessories out there.

David Fischer -

What is the matte colored area on the right side below the power button?

James Cannon - 回复

A window for the 5G mmWave antenna. See steps 2 and 13, only the US models have this.

Dario Susanj -

What about Pro RAM?

James - 回复

Have you guys tried attaching the camera module from the 12 to the 12 pro to see if it works? Most probably the only difference between the two boards are one or two config resistors that will because obvious once China leaks the schematics.

Mihai Zaim - 回复

Even if it plugs in, firmware differences will likely prevent using the additional hardware, and the opening for the LIDAR and extra camera appear to be part of the case

Tony -

Hi Mihai,

We did! The non-Pro camera connectors have some missing pins compared to the Pro camera connectors, but they fit the Logic Board sockets. When we swapped the camera modules in either direction, both normal and wide-angle cameras worked, but were locked in 1x zoom—which locked the telephoto camera from activating.

Arthur Shi -

Not sure how you can claim Apple got rid of the “L” battery to cut costs, when there is clearly no room inside the phone to fit a larger battery of any shape…

Jared - 回复

what nfc controller is in the iphone 12/12 pro?

Happy Cappie - 回复

Can it work without the 5g module if I want to get a rid of it?

lilako - 回复

Could you check this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY7DtKMB... Some people are saying that the iPhone gives a message and makes features unusable when swapping out parts. Apparently only Apple can now Swap out parts since the iPhone tells you that parts are not genuine and can detect third party or even own party components which have been swapped out.

Aaron Eichler - 回复

Hi iFixit !! I wanted to know if you notice any upgrades on the back cameras, particularly on the stabilization?? Being and iPhone user and motorcycle rider don’t go hand in hand with iPhone 11 . I was wondering if I would be able to mount the 12 Pro or high frecuency vibration will ruin the camera stabilization as it has done with my current iPhone.

pablo_va - 回复

Do they still work with the 5G antenna removed? #tinfoilhat

Darren John de Lima - 回复

Does anyone know if the iPhone 12 supports Dual Frequency GNSS (for example receive GPS and Galileo location signals in parallel for better accuracy and quicker location fix)?

explorer - 回复

Does iphone 11 battery similar to iphone 12? Since iphone 12 is Low capacity , is it possible to swap iphone 11 battery to iPhone 12 instead?

hanwei313 - 回复

oh yes Could you probe the magnet ring with a small magnet to see if the polarity alternates?

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Sushi Roll - 回复

When will we see a component swap test? So far it looks like we cant even swap the camera module without it going wonky, can you test if the displays can be swapped and other components?

The Stem - 回复

I really think it deserves a lower repairability score. Sure, most things are modular, but with the 12 series Apple has paired most important components to each logic board. These components either lose functionality or flash a message that the components aren’t original. Now added to this list with the 12 is the camera which, you guessed it, is now paired to each iPhone. This is a massive F You to many independent repair shops because now you can’t replace the battery without losing many major features. Even with genuine original parts and pairing serial numbers makes no difference. It seems like the amount of parts paired increase with each generation of iPhone, and it’s only going to get larger. We as consumers cannot repair the phone that we own, so do we really own the phone? With all of this said, I think the phone deserves a four at most. I mean I don’t work at ifixit so this is just a suggestion, but with all of this new BS we shouldn’t give Apple any benefit of the doubt.

CW Seely - 回复

On your 11 Pro Max teardown (and maybe on the smaller Pro teardown as well) you gave us thickness (4.6mm), volume (23.8 cubic centimetres) and weight (59.6g) numbers for the internal battery. I’d be really interested in seeing those three numbers for the 12 Pro battery and, when you do the teardown for the 12 Pro Max, for that battery as well. Thanks.

Julian Anon - 回复

The main features of MagSafe are here to introduce a new kind of charging experience.

You can find other benefits which are very amazing for you. Simply visit this site ….bit.ly/37rJkf

fiviwe - 回复

Dear ifixit team, please consider the following video and try to test out the really reparable of the new iphones!


I think that this fact should be consider in the score of reparability!

Sergej Rogowski - 回复

Apple is pairing parts with the phone by proprietary software which basically makes it un-repairable. If you switch something out and don’t pair it correctly the phone will bug out.

Per Weum - 回复

I guess you will have to correct the repairability score to 0 if it is confirmed that replacing parts even with original and genuine i-phone 12 parts causes many artificially created issues with the camera, face id and the battery… Check this great video by Hugh Jeffreys! He basically mixed parts of two phones and ran into serious trouble:


Harald Sick - 回复

Ben bu ekranı cepmarket com tr ye yaptırdım, çok şükür gayet iyi oldu tavsiye ederim kızlar

Sevtap Enessever - 回复

Are you able to identify who’s the OLED panel manufacturer? There’s been a widespread OLED issue on some of the iPhone 12 series panel.

Marc - 回复

I heard from some bloggers online that it was LG who made the panel, because these same problems (such as green edges) have happened to LG panels before in various phone manufacturer’s products.

KillerLab 233 -

Wait, the Lightning connector assembly is color-coded? That’s something new…

KillerLab 233 - 回复

I think this year iPhone 12 series should make as -10 .

Cos those parts in iphone can’t exchangeable.

(those part’s SN have save in the SOC when the part have changed, the iphone might not work)

(PS: like iphone 11 can’t change the battery will show notice.BUT MORE AGGRESSIVE)

carsongor - 回复

score should be 0, you cant switch the battery or camera.

look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY7DtKMB...

Peter - 回复

Based on what you observed from this tear down, what is the impact of having some gap between screen and rim in some of the spots? Does it compromise IP68?

E.g. see here


Renton - 回复

If I’d read-on before my comment at the top (first opportunity) of this page, I would’ve seen your mention of the ‘huge asterisk’ and link to (I’m assuming here) the explanation of that asterisk. With the components being somehow ID’d to eachother and the logic board, and no instructions how to reestablish full functionality of All features AFTER a replacement of any component/module, how is this a 6?! It’s a ZERO. Maybe a one, since you can perform the mechanical operations related to Hardware repair/replace. Bud certainly, if you’re left with less than 99% (waterproofing may not be achievable?) of a repaired device, this doesn’t seem like even a 6…

Sosostupid - 回复

Please help. I am very confused wit the RAM.

Apple has moved from LPDDR4X DRAM to LPDDR4 SDRAM. Is this a downgrade or an upgrade, can’t find the answer anywhere!

Ameer Ali Ouarda - 回复

iPhone 12/pro got a Repairability Score of 6 out of 10 on ifixit.

making it the most Repairabile phone for this year and the year before it.

is this a joke !! now I know why they have "i" before fixit

you can’t replace the screen/camera/battery without getting an error notification only apple can repair this phone no one can the phone was not meant to be repaired by a third party repair like random shops,a phone owner or ifixit.

Kayl Snow - 回复

How many LDIs are located in the 12 pro? Is it just the one on the SIM card tray?

Milton Lyles - 回复

Hii apparently my bottom microphone broke on a brand new just a few weeks old iPhone 12, I was trying to see where it is on the images as on the repair center they told me it’s more likely we’ll have to request a new device, arent those modular? what would have to change if I wanted to repair it somehow? Thanks a lot!

Yohanna Etchemendy - 回复

hi, isn’t iPhone 12 yet in warranty?

jacopo -

I would like to see how you remove the ear speaker from the screen.

Conrrado Jimenez - 回复

I’ve tried to find the answer, however my research has pulled up no results.

Is the microphone for the iPhone 12 attached to the logic board and cannot be changed without replacing the logic board itself?

Much appreciated…


Mat MacEley-Young - 回复

If you mean the main microphone for phone calls; that’s on the charging port assembly (little golden thingy). (There are more mics in the phone for noise cancelling.)

Tobias Isakeit -

Kann man Magsafe auch einfach ausbauen? Ich bin leider auf einen Herzschrittmacher angewiesen.

Nicolas Klages - 回复

Hallo Nicolas, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, geht es mehr um die Magnete, als um Magsafe selbst, oder? Dann wird das wohl nicht gehen, ohne die Inneren des iPhone zu zerstören. Tut mir leid.

Fabian Neidhardt -



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