PlayStation 5 风扇更换
转到步骤 1根据这份指南,你可以更换PlayStation 5中已经损坏的风扇。你也可以根据这份指南清理风扇的积灰。
如果你的 PlayStation 5 处于水平方向,请将其平放,充电口朝上。
Do you guys sell the stand
I recommend doing both covers at this time, to avoid hassle later. Skip to step 38, then come back here
During reassembling:
There is a little flat pin in each end, they need to go into the console
My ps5 seems to have tiny black caps over each screw. My spudger can’t get them off I see no other way to move forward besides breaking the shroud
wrong side, take the cover off the other side
The 31 mm-long screw just wont budge! do I turn that one counter-clockwise or clockwise? someone please help!
Chris Love - 回复
counter clockwise to remove
I damaged the 23.3mm on the bottom right next to fan connector. Is there any replacements? Can't seem to find any 23.3mm t8 screw anywhere online
forsage.rh - 回复
I used a t8 for all of them and had no problem removing, except for that bottom right screw
Is there any replacement screws you can buy for the fan? I slightly damage 23.3mm screw.
My PS5 has TX8 (security Torx bit) screws on my fan shroud and all the case screws. A normal Torx driver won’t work you need the one with the hole in the middle of the bit driver.
Why does my ps5 have 3 different screws? 2 are the same then 2 other ones? Why?
Does anyone know the thread pitch of these screws? I just bought a used PS5 and the screws are missing. The fan has been glued in. Can't make this up.....
Ci sono viti di ricambio?
Dove posso trovarle?
Ho guardato dappertutto e non se ne trovano
Sind mit den Massen die dicke oder die Länge gemeint
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Did you find out?
Popes -
I just did exactly that for a customer (technically it was a 23 blade 2.15A fan) it works great, the fan connector leads are just barely long enough to fit in the channel in a CFI-1215A model though, so careful not to tug too hard after plugging the fan connector and seating the fan in place.
Would a fan going bad prevent the PS 5 from turning on?