
MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换


  1. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除固定底壳的螺丝: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 在开始此过程之前,请禁用 Mac 的自动启动功能。 当你打开底壳时,自动启动会自动将Mac开机。 使用本指南 禁用自动启动。

    • 如果你的 MacBook 运行的是 Big Sur v11.1 或更高版本,禁用自动启动可能不起作用。 你可以正常进行拆卸,但请务必在打开后盖后立即断开电池连接。

    • 使用本指南或按照下面的缩写说明禁用自动启动。开始之前,请完全关闭电源并拔下MacBook Air的电源。关闭显示屏,然后将整个笔记本电脑上下翻转。

    • 使用P5 螺丝刀卸下以下螺丝:

    • 2个7.9毫米螺丝

    • 2个7.1毫米螺丝

    • 6个2.6毫米螺丝

    If the first thing you do is disconnect the battery, is it really an issue if you don’t (or can’t) disable auto-boot?

    maccentric - 回复

    I agree, why disable Auto-Boot when the lid is closed and the battery is disconnected immediately? – I've never had an issue since 2016 when the feature was introduced.

    stevebsiegel - 回复

    On my machine, the longest two screws were in the corners, while the other two long screws were in the middle. Perhaps previous service in the past had them replaced into the wrong place? In any case, the longest screws do seem to fit in either place. I guess 0.8mm is not very much of a difference. Seems like poor design if they could have used one size of screw.

    johann beda - 回复

    Just did one, and it also had longest screws in the corners.

    maccentric -

    Just did another, and the long ones were in the middle. Definitely poor design and quality control.

    maccentric -

  2. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除底壳: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 在显示屏和底壳之间放进手指,然后向上拉以将底壳从夹扣中弹出。

    • 移除底壳。

    Das geht etwas schwer, da das Unterteil mittig noch von 2 Druckverschlüssen gehalten wird.

    facebook - 回复

    translated and true:
    This is a bit difficult because the lower part is still held in the middle by 2 pressure fasteners.

    Tom - 回复

    Are there any suggestions to removing the pressure fasteners more easily?

    Drea Mastromatteo - 回复

    I used a suction cup to lift up the cover. I mean those to lift up an iPhone display. Worked like charm.

    Juergen Stawska -

  3. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开电池连接: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 剥下覆盖电池接口的胶带,以露出下面的接口。

  4. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒将电池接口行于主板滑动并从主上的插座中取出。

    Before the battery can be fully disconnected, the battery disconnect button needs to be held down. There is a gold button just above the battery socket, along with a small LED much like the 12” machines. Once this has been held down and the LED has switched off it is safe to remove the battery.

    Aaron Dalziel - 回复

    This seems like an important step?

    maccentric -

    Also, seems like this should be done after the battery is disconnected, not before? Otherwise, wouldn’t the battery re-charge it?

    maccentric -

    What if the white LED dosent light up after pressing the yellow button again?

    Iron05 -

    I just performed this repair on my late 2018 mac air. I did click the gold button but saw no LED illuminated or otherwise. Question- after reassembly does the button get pressed again to connect the battery? Please clarify if this button is to be pressed and if it needs pressing again after the repair.

    All said - I pressed again after the battery connector clicked, assembled the back and all worked perfectly. The original issue was one dead port (no charge, no communication). The battery charge lightening bold icon was acting funny too. Genuis bar guy in Naperville said it was likely a logic board too. But it was not. The port was apparently confusing the logic board with regards to the charge function. Thanks Adam for saving me $440 and sending my computer back to Apple. I am 71 yrs young - who says an old dog can’t learn new tricks with good training!!

    William Lane - 回复

    I didn't see Aaron's comment before completing the battery replacement. Afterwards, the computer would not turn on despite multiple SMC reset procedures. Upon double-checking the comments I see the importance of pressing the gold button. I pressed the gold button before disconnecting the new battery, then pressed it again after reconnecting for good measure. Computer booted!

    It would be good of iFixit to add this important step as most people probably don't open up every single comment on (seemingly) simple steps.

    Corey Matsumoto - 回复

    Seconding Corey's comment. If paid more attention to the comment section, I would have avoided 15-30 minutes of panic. (BTW I did not notice any LED, but the golden button was easy to find).

    Lorenzo Sorbo -

    Where is the gold button? I replaced my battery and my laptop will not start

    Candace Williams - 回复

  5. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除右侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除右侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除右侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 用镊子将右扬声器底部的黑色粘性拉条抬起,足以用手指抓住它。

    • 抓住胶带的拉条,然后缓慢小心地将胶带从扬声器下方拉出。

    • 尽可能使胶带的角度与笔记本电脑平行。尽量避免将其拖到内部。

    • 如果胶带断裂,则将其留在里面并继续下一步。

    What do you do to get the speaker to stick once you put things back together? Are these adhesive strips reusable? If not, where can we get new ones?

    Ryan - 回复

    The strips will tend to remain edhesive in some cases but if not just use some thin double sided adhesive tape of a similar width. I will not link because I am in Australia but it isn’t hard to find. I used some heat (100°C) and a plastic spudger to aid removal or a hair dryer on lower heat. Slow and steady, it’s not hard. The strips will almost certainly break.

    Peter Newman -

  6. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 将撬棒的尖端滑到右侧扬声器电缆下方,然后笔直向上撬起以断开扬声器连接。

    this is a bit tricky -- looks like it's one of the connectors where you lift the bar deal, but I don't think it is. Managed to break pins on this one. Perhaps another photo?

    Seaphotog - 回复

    Broke both speaker connectors by spudging straight up. Looks like they should slide apart like a normal zif.

    Paul M Krause - 回复

    Pulled straight up and broke both connectors.

    Paul M Krause - 回复

    broke both left and right so noun sound except through external speakers. Pretty sure the steps should be to slide horizontally out not prise off vertically

    Shaun - 回复

    What works for me with these is gently sliding one edge up off the pins first, then the other side.

    scentaur - 回复

    This technique (one edge at a time) worked for me

    David Tsiang -

  7. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用镊子将右扬声器顶部的粘性拉条抬起到足以用手指抓住的位置。

    • 抓住胶带的拉条,然后缓慢小心地将胶带从扬声器下方拉出。

    • 尽可能使胶带的角度与笔记本电脑平行。尽量避免将其拖到机箱内部。

    • 如果胶带断裂,或者第一条胶条断裂,请使用加热的iOpener或热风枪来帮助除去胶粘剂:

    • 向扬声器加热,以软化下方的粘合剂。

    • 小心地将撬棒或撬棒滑到扬声器下方,以分离粘合剂。

    This business of pulling the adhesive out (here and with the batteries) - at first it seems impossible, but persevere. Pull it really, really, slowly - it extends to around 30cm before it's all out. I applied a bit of heat with a heat gun (at least with the batteries) and after a few failed attempts got the hang of it. When it works, it's like magic and very satisfying, and much better than giving up and prising the part off with the adhesive in place.

    Neale Whyatt - 回复

  8. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除右扬声器: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 从底部垂直向上提起右扬声器,然后将其卸下。

    Step 5 the right speaker adhesive broken while removing, other end adhesive slipped out ok. But it's extremely hard to now lift up the battery, feels like I break something if I try harder.

    handsonmac - 回复

    This is not as easy as it sounds. Neither adhesive strip broke, but that bugger resists removal, because it is attached with adhesive tape to the bottom. Use different angles of attack to pry it up with steady force.

    Ronald Troxel - 回复

  9. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除左侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除左侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除左侧扬声器粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 用镊子将右扬声器底部的黑色粘性拉条抬起,足以用手指抓住它。

    • 抓住胶带的拉条,然后缓慢小心地将胶带从扬声器下方拉出。

    • 尽可能使胶带的角度与笔记本电脑平行。尽量避免将其拖到内部。

    • 如果胶带断裂,则将其留在里面并继续下一步。

    Auf der rechten Seite ist mir der Klebestreifen gerissen. Habe dann auf der linken Seite nicht nur an der schwarzen Lasche gezogen, sondern mit Daumen und Zeigefinger am weißen Klebestreifen nachgegriffen. So kam er ohne Reißen raus.

    Patrick Bieck - 回复

  10. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 将撬棒的尖端滑到左侧扬声器电缆下方,然后笔直向上撬起以断开扬声器连接。

    • 在断开接口的情况下,将撬棒的扁平端滑到电缆下方,以分离将电缆固定到主板上的粘合剂。

  11. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用镊子将左扬声器顶部的粘性拉条抬起到足以用手指抓住的位置。

    • 抓住胶带的拉条,然后缓慢小心地将胶带从扬声器下方拉出。

    • 尽可能使胶带的角度与笔记本电脑平行。尽量避免将其拖到机箱内部。

    • 如果胶带断裂,或者第一条胶条断裂,请使用加热的iOpener或热风枪来帮助除去胶粘剂:

    • 向扬声器加热,以软化下方的粘合剂。

    • 小心地将撬棒或撬棒滑到扬声器下方,以分离粘合剂。

  12. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除左侧扬声器: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 从底部垂直向上提起左扬声器,然后将其卸下。

  13. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开主板连接: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开主板连接: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用T3 Torx螺丝刀卸下两个固定触控板接口盖的1.4毫米螺丝。

    • 移除触控板接口盖

    My machine used T4 screws

    johann beda - 回复

    Me too! I tried with T3 and it wasn’t working.

    Rose Alshuaibi -

    I stripped my screws trying to get them out with a t3 driver...

    Aubrey Corcoran - 回复

  14. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的扁平端将触控板排线接口向上撬出其插座。

  15. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果左边的扬声器已经断开,请跳过此步骤。

    • 将撬棒的尖端滑动到左侧扬声器排线下方,然后垂直向上撬开扬声器。

    • 断开接口后,将撬棒的扁平端滑到排线下方,以分离将排线固定到主板上的粘合剂。

    I think step 15 was a mistake because it’s a repeat of step 10.

    Ryan R - 回复

    Yeah, the speaker is already removed at this point.

    Jason _ - 回复

  16. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用 T3 Torx 螺丝刀卸下固定 USB-C 端口接口盖的两颗 1.3 毫米螺钉。

    • 卸下 USB-C 接口盖。

    There is no need to remove the logic board!!

    Skip steps 16 through 28 and go to step 29 to release the trackpad cable from the battery. then follow steps to 30 through 33 to release the battery. The battery can be removed by slipping it counter-clockwise under the trackpad cable. The new battery can be slipped in place in the same way.

    Much easier!!

    josephgray - 回复

    Agreed. Took me a minute to realize that I had to slide the top right screw bracket between the logic board and the case to get enough clearance for the rotation. Many thanks.

    w98fxr - 回复

    Removing a few of the logic board screws allowed me to get the to right screw bracket under the logic board to give enough clearance as w98fxr mentioned.

    johann beda - 回复

    This can be done, but it's very tight. Still, beats removing the logic board and the possibilities of breaking something in the process.

    maccentric - 回复

  17. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的扁平端将 USB-C 排线接口向上撬出主板上的插座。

    please reconsider removing the logic board and and usb-c connector as is recommended in the prior step. i had a very difficult time reconnecting the usb-c connector

    Mario Obejas - 回复

    It should be cautioned that this connector is very easily bent, meaning a bend in the length of the metal surface you press against to reconnect (or pry against for removal). Once bent it becomes very hard to establish a good connection.

    James Tropauer - 回复

  18. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒撬起声卡排线ZIF 接口上的小锁片。

    • 将声卡排线从 ZIF 接口中滑出。

  19. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 剥下覆盖风扇排线接口的黑色胶带。

  20. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 20 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒的尖端撬起风扇排线 ZIF 接口上的锁片。

    • 将风扇排线从 ZIF 接口中滑出。

    There may not be a locking flap. If not, just pull the fan cable out of the ZIF connector.

    rmilton - 回复

  21. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用 T3 Torx 螺丝刀卸下用于固定天线电排线盖的两颗 1.4 毫米螺钉。

    • 拆下天线排线盖。

    These are T4 screws

    Richard Arnett - 回复

    The MBA I just finished with were T3. I'm fairly confident with my tools as I recently updated/upgraded nearly my entire set with WiHa. I should also mention the many tools acquired from iFixit over the years have all been were exceptional lasting years. There's no doubt iFixit would have been my source but a close friend went to work for WiHa. His discount(s) & being motivated to help him was a major impact. For anyone not having such an advantage IMHO tools from iFixit are one of the best values anywhere. Let's not forget; buying from iFixit will also help to push "Right to Repair" forward. Here in Minnesota Right to repair ALMOST PASSED. Many believe it will become law during the next session! I can't tell you how proud this would make me. I would obtain as many service manuals as possible and post them all online!!! What a great dream...

    admin - 回复

  22. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 22 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 22 中的图像 3,3
    • 将撬棒的尖端插入靠近接口的天线排线下方。 竖直向上撬以断开排线连接。

    • 对另一根天线排线重复此操作。

    Be SUPER SUPER CAREFUL pulling off the gold WiFi antenna connectors! As described, use the spludger to press up the black cable just behind the metal connector. I tried to ping them off from the bottom of the gold connector where it clips into the socket on the motherboard and ended up pulling off the SMD sockets from the motherboard - huge and costly mistake that will probably render it useless.

    Neale Whyatt - 回复

  23. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用 T3 Torx 螺丝刀卸下用于固定显示屏排线接口盖的两颗 1.5 毫米螺钉。

    • 卸下显示屏排线盖支架。

  24. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 24 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的扁平端撬起显示屏排线接口。

    How do I reconnect display connector??

    Kris Queck - 回复

    Just align the plug section of the display flex with the socket on the logic board and gently press it in until it locks in place. Do not force it but just ensure it’s correctly aligned before pushing it into the socket.

    Peter Newman -

    Pro tip: You can remove the two T5 screws on the LCD connector side (located to the right of the display connector and to the left of the heat shield). From there, tilt the whole skinny LCD board towards the logic board connector and gently pinch the connector in to the socket. Before laying the skinny board back down, screw in the shield from Step 15 so it doesn’t pop out of the socket again.

    jason4 - 回复

  25. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 拧开主板: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用T4 Torx螺丝刀卸下以下螺丝:

    • 一颗5.5毫米螺丝

    • 三颗2.6毫米螺丝

    • 两个1.9毫米螺丝

    These are T5 Torx driver screws

    Richard Arnett - 回复

    Need torx 5 AND torx 4 driver here ;)

    Marcel Popp - 回复

    During re-assembly be soft when screwing in the logic board because those antenna plugs in Step 14 are quite awkward to pin back into their sockets and there is little leeway in the cables; to make this task a little easier in Step 14, secure the logic board loosely right up against the near outside edge; after re-connecting all the cables in Steps 16-9, return to Step 17 to firm up the logic board screws.

    Andrew Gordon - 回复

    This tip was a huge help, hate these cables lol

    Konrad Anderson -

    The 5.5 mm screw goes into a hexagon standoff which may come off with the logic board being sanswiched beteen the 5.5 mm screw screw and the standoff like happened to me. Just something to be aware of. It also has a black rubber bumper over the screw which was not mentioned at all. It pulls straight off to give access to the screw.

    Peter Newman - 回复

    On my board I needed to use T6 for all the screws except the rubber bumper for which I used a T7. I have a full set of small Torx drivers and tried for the best fit.

    jeffyouell - 回复

    T5 fit best is all the screws on my machine

    johann beda - 回复

  26. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除主板: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸下主板。

  27. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 划开触控板排线胶水: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 划开触控板排线胶水: 步骤 27 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 划开触控板排线胶水: 步骤 27 中的图像 3,3
    • 小心地将三角撬片滑到触控板排线下方,以划开将其固定到上壳的胶水。

    • 如果胶水很难划开,请使用 iOpener 或吹风机稍微加热以软化胶水。

  28. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开触控板排线: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开触控板排线: 步骤 28 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 断开触控板排线: 步骤 28 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒的扁平端撬起触控板 ZIF 接口上的小锁片。

    • 将触控板排线从其接口中直接滑出。

  29. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 划开触控板排线胶水: 步骤 29 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 划开触控板排线胶水: 步骤 29 中的图像 2,2
    • 小心地将三角撬片滑到触控板排线下方,以划开将其固定到电池的胶水。

    • 如果胶水很难划开,请使用 iOpener 或吹风机稍微加热。 注意不要使电池过热。

  30. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 拧开电池旁螺丝: 步骤 30 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用T3梅花槽螺丝刀卸下固定电池的四颗2.5毫米螺丝。

  31. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除电池粘合剂: 步骤 31 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除电池粘合剂: 步骤 31 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除电池粘合剂: 步骤 31 中的图像 3,3
    • 用镊子将电池侧面的黑色粘性拉舌抬起,足以用手指抓住它。

    • 抓住胶带条的拉条,然后缓慢小心地将胶带条从电池下面拉出。

    • 尽可能使胶带的角度与笔记本电脑平行。尽量避免将其拖到内部。

    • 如果胶条断裂,则将其留在里面并继续下一步。

    No ISO needed here. Luckily 6/6 tapes came out cleanly (praise the Lord)

    Peter Newman - 回复

  32. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 32 中的图像 1,2 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 32 中的图像 2,2
    • 重复上一步骤,以除去电池同一侧上的下两个胶带。

    • 如果有任何胶条断裂,请将其留在里面,然后继续进行下一步。

  33. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 33 中的图像 1,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 33 中的图像 2,3 MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换: 步骤 33 中的图像 3,3
    • 重复前面的两个步骤,以除去电池另一侧的三个胶带。

    • 如果有任何胶带破裂,则可以使用高浓度(> 90%)的异丙醇帮助将其除去:

    • 将异丙醇沿着电池的任一边缘小心地滴在上壳体的凹入部分中,在该凹进部分处有粘性拉环。

    • 如果粘合剂所在的位置,使用过多的酒精或将其涂在孔的外部可能会损坏其他组件。

    • 让酒精浸入粘合剂一两分钟。

    • 使用三角撬片轻轻地将电池撬离上壳。

  34. MacBook Air 13 英寸 Retina 显示屏 2018 年末电池更换, 移除电池: 步骤 34 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除电池。

    • 校准新安装的电池:将其充电至100%,并继续充电至少2小时。拔下电源插头并正常使用以耗尽电池电量。当你看到电池电量不足警告时,请保存你的工作,并保持笔记本计算机处于打开状态,直到由于电池电量不足而进入睡眠状态。等待至少5个小时,然后为笔记本电脑不间断充电至100%。

    • 如果在安装新电池后发现任何异常行为或问题,则可能需要重置MacBook的SMC。




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Adam O'Camb


209,012 声望



Well done article and I acheived my goal of changing out my very puffy old battery for the new one (still need to recycle the old… ASAP). Curiously, I had to open it again as I, somehow, didn’t get the battery cable pushed in far enough and it wasn’t working. Now, all is well. Strangely, even after a couple of attempts at resetting the SMC, my fan is running almost constantly. I’m kind of not sure what to do about that at this point (yes, I used the iFixIt guide to clean my fan as well). Anyway, thanks for the help.

Michael Cleveland - 回复

great article, havent used it as yet, but just wanted to check the complexity before I purchased the battery

Jay Haripersad - 回复

New battery is in and on 1st round of charging! Thank you very much!!!

As a note, I also purchased some Tesa tape with the battery as the shopping cart recommended it. I used that under the speakers before replacing them. The left & right sides of the batteries are kind of loose, but I’m not overly worried about that as it’s attached to metal backing.

Micah Miller - 回复

Extremely pleased with this tutorial and the ifixit.com battery replacement kit. Since one of my USB-C ports died and the Apple certified folks told me to expect to pay over $500 to replace the port and battery I came here to sort it out myself. Happy to say with ifixit's awesome parts and tutorials that I have a fully functional Air again for about $150. I also recommend the magnetic project board as this was super helpful in keeping all of the various sized screws organized to the steps.

Jennifer Barnes - 回复

Great guide, except a small mistake in the required tools: we don't need a T4 screwdriver at all but we do need a T5 screwdriver.

HugoThomas - 回复

What kind of stupid engineer puts a battery connector UNDER the logic board?

mayer - 回复

Or a track Pad connector that has to be removed just to get a battery changed.

mayer - 回复

thank you once again - I did my MBP battery change for the first time with iFixit back in November - took me about 1/3 of the time this time to restore a student's Air. Such fun

Seaphotog - 回复

There is no need to remove the logic board!!

Skip steps 16 through 28 and go to step 29 to release the trackpad cable from the battery. then follow steps to 30 through 33 to release the battery. The battery can be removed by slipping it counter-clockwise under the trackpad cable. The new battery can be slipped back in the same way.

Much easier!!

josephgray - 回复

I skipped steps 16-28 as per @josephgray 's comment and it worked. HOWEVER, I had clock problems afterwards, which were resolved by following the steps to delete the plist file found in this post: https://www.macobserver.com/tips/how-to/... - the steps are for an M1 MacBook and mine is Intel (otherwise of course I wouldn't be writing here), but the solution worked for me.

And I totally ditto @jenniferbarnes 's words above - one of my USB-C ports died and the Apple certified folks in the Czech Republic told me to expect to pay the equivalent of over $500 USD to replace the ports and battery. Not only did I manage it myself for 1/5 the price, but I still have the tools and the magnetic project board for my next effort! A huge THANK YOU to iFixit and the iFixit community!!!

Matthew Sweney - 回复

I love the looks of this! I think I’ll try it. Best Buy wanted ~$800 to replace the non-charging battery on my MacBook Air from 2021. Just wondering about what to use to replace bits of tape that look like they won’t reuse well during reassembly.

AndyB49 - 回复

(English Below)

Sehr coole Anleitung, vielen Dank! Besonders guter Hinweis von @josephgray, die Schritte 16 bis 29 zu überspringen. In nicht einmal einer Stunde war das MacBook wieder betriebsbereit. Lautsprecher habe ich mit doppelseitigem Klebeband fixiert. Und jetzt läuft das MacBook wieder ewig lange mit einer Batterie-Ladung. Danke!

Very cool instruction, thank you! @josephgray particularly gave a good tip to skip steps 16 to 29. The MacBook was up and running again in less than an hour. I secured the speakers with double-sided tape. And now the MacBook runs for ages on one battery charge. Thank you!

wandelfreund - 回复



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