Kobo Glo HD 电子阅读器电池更换
转到步骤 1该设备维修更新步骤意外得简单: 你只需要一个吉他拨片,指甲,以及一些楔子(或者楔形器件)就能从背板胶上拆开电池. 虽然理论上因为电池是软质的,一旦刺破多少有点爆炸燃烧的风险,但是实际操作当中还是比较安全的.
操作流程类似kobo glo 阅读器屏幕更换 但是比它简单. 有关讨论请见本话题
Good guide! Be aware that Kobo Glo and Glo HD have different batteries although the replacement process is identical. The regular Glo has a smaller more square battery and the HD will not fit.
To hold the battery, you may want to try some peelable glue strips.
iFixit does sell precut double sided cards. Would these work? Double sided tape is way too messy in my opinion but maybe one of these would be okay?
Hélas j'ai reçu la batterie de rechange de ma kobo, mais sans connecteur (blanc) seulement avec les 2 fils nus. Comment faire ? Merci beaucoup si quelqu'un peut m'aider
Bonjour @sacoappren91914, dans ce cas, veuillez contacter le SAV du fournisseur de la batterie. Il pourra vous dire s'il y a un problème avec la pièce ou s'il y a moyen de récupérer le connecteur de l'ancienne batterie.
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Take lots of time to very gently pry battery out. Carefully, so as not to rupture the battery skin, insert a steel ruler 1mm thick 3cm wide under the short side. Push gently and wiggle left and right. When it doesn't slide further without force, leave it somewhere safe (fire) at body temperature (soften glue), with the ruler in place. Do not overheat beyond body temp. Wait 15 minutes and repeat pushing and waiting. The battery will eventually let go with virtually no bending at all. Certainly no deformation as shown in the pic here.
Thanks, that's valuable advice! I've amended the battery step to point to your comment, in case people want to do the right thing...
anarcat -
Thank you so much for this guide! I used it to replace the battery in my Kobo Clara HD. The internals are in a slightly different orientation but I can confirm that it uses the same battery as the Glo and that the replacement linked in this guide will work. The double sided tape you suggested works great too. Thanks again!
An even easier way to get the battery loose is using a string, pull the string underneath the battery from one way to the other. It takes a bit of force and is easier with 2 but it is fast and safe, you may have to pry the battery up at first to get the string underneath the battery.
Really nice. If you have pictures of that process, I'm happy to completely replace that step with that much nicer procedure. I wonder what you think of this comment as well, which uses heat and a steel ruler...
anarcat -
ou trouve t'on la batterie de la kobo glo??
Bonjour @yvesalaire,
Malheureusement, iFixit n'en vend pas, mais peut-être que ces pistes pour dénicher les pièces détachées rares : https://fr.ifixit.com/News/77208/sept-pi... vous aiguilleront dans la bonne direction.
Bonne recherche !
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