今年的迭代让 Apple Watch 可以变成你的教练、医生、监护人,现在甚至里面住进了一个护士!苹果是怎么吧这么多功能塞进一块手表的?让我们通过拆解来看看为什么大家都对这块手表爱得这么深。
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Apple Watch 配置说明:
带 Force Touch 的 LTPO OLED Retina 屏
定制的 Apple 64位双核 S4 处理器,SIP封装
可选 LTE 和 UMTS 版, 内置GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS, NFC, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n 2.4 GHz, 和 Bluetooth 5.0
WatchOS 5
即使这些黑色小方块外观可能看起来很相似,可来自 Creative Electron 的专家使用X射线揭示了完全不同的内部。
我们的项目对象(左)已经和 Series 3(右) 有一些不同了——背部安装了全新的光学传感器在中心,周围环绕着新的电极。
其他和旧款 42 mm 版本明显的区别:边角明显比原来更加圆润,还有侧边按钮现在和外壳齐平。
从侧面看,Series 4 比 Series 3 明显薄了(0.7 mm)——但是比初代的厚。
Watch 标志,有
Series 4 标志,有
I think the marking and texts are laser engraved.
They used the iOpener to heat up the screen first and placed it directly on the device for those who did not pick up on it.
Can someone enlighten me on the purpose of that tape holding the ribbon cables? It seems to have a copper sheeting and is also connected to the body of the watch….is it some kind of heat sink or thermal protection for the battery below it?
Hi ,i would also like to know what the purpose of this tape is ,accidentaly ripped one end of it ,the one closer to 3D force touch connector and after this my Watch is stuck at Apple logo ,anyone ?
Mario W -
Hi, I have the same issue also is not possible find the complete flex connector with these two ribbons included
随着屏幕被拆下,我们可以更好的看看新显示屏的外形。更多的像素和增加的屏占比多亏了变圆的边角,就和 iPhone X, XS 和 XS Max一样。
44 mm 版本的屏幕现在的面积是 977 mm²,Series 3 的则是 740 mm².
此外,40 mm 版本的是 759 mm²,而前任的 38 mm 版本则是 563 mm²。
在去电池的过程中,我们没有想到这新的三点式螺丝。对不起,五角螺丝,Apple 看起来有了新宠。
实际上电池的柔性电缆已经从 Series 3 的位置改道了,现在位于电池之下主板之上。分离了电池后,让我们把它拿出来。
Is the Taptic Engine still being used instead of rumble pack.
或者可能是 1.12 Wh……这取决于你相信这块电池的哪一面。
别管它了,这比去年的1.07 Wh Series 3(38mm)至少增加了 一点 容量。但是相比于 1.34 Wh 的42mm Series 3减少了 17% 。
现在谁想算算体积,薄了0.7 mm但是长了 2 mm所以是……
Hello.Small correction to the battery.
1.07 Wh is in the watch 38mm series 3.
The watch 42 mm is 1.34 Wh
Series 4 44 mm has 1.113 Wh is less about 20%
Hi Dariusz, you’re right. It is indeed 20% less than the 42 mm Series 3. Our Series 3 Teardown was a 38 mm Version. I will edit the step to avoid confusion.
Official numbers from Apple:
40mm: 0.86 Wh
44mm: 1.12 Wh
38mm: 1.07 Wh
42mm: 1.34 Wh
What about battery capacity of GPS vs LTE?
和电池排线玩完捉迷藏后,对 Force Touch,我们显然要做更多的准备。
Taptic engine,和我们记忆中的看起来一模一样,如果更扁一点的话。让我们进一步看看。
Hi, what are the twin cables mentionned ? I unfortunately screwed one connecter from the bottom left of the watch (top corner right on the picture step 8, is it replaceable?
Antoine D. - 回复
Hey Antoine. You have to look for an Apple Watch (44 mm Series 4/5) Force Touch Sensor Gasket. here in the shop
最后,我们终于拿到了这玩意的核心:Apple 设计的 S4 SiP。
好消息,小伙伴们!S4 只是由螺丝固定,可以直接弹出——这是和去年的强力胶固定的 SiP相比是个好的改进。
Avago AFEM-8087 (可能是前端模块)
YY MEH ECE(这看起来像博世的部分,可能是花哨的新加速器+陀螺仪)
AE827 I2033 0836
ST 微电子 ST33G1M2 32位 MCU 配备 ARM SecurCore SC300 —— 就和我们在上一代 Apple Watch 和 iPhone XS 还有 iPhone XS Max 上找到 eSIM 一样。
Hey whats the function of the copper sticker und whats the right name of it?
iv been trying to find the answer to this question as well! this is my own wild guess but it could serve as either a heat sink (seeing as it connects to the body of the watch? or maybe some kind of heat protector for the battery thats just underneath or perhaps it serves as some kind of grounding property…. but yeah I too would love to have a definitive answer…
We’re also not absolutely sure, but support Asio’s guess on a combination of a heat sink and grounding element. It may even shield the logic board from external interference.
Quelle est la fonction de l'autocollant en cuivre et quel est le bon nom?
hi I would like to know which is the wifi antenna. Grazie.
Do you have assembly parts for that?
Are the S4 SiPs all the same between different sizes? ( 40mm vs 44mm , nike+ vs no nike)
A88 AY10
18206 00D5
这是一个非常整齐的黑色衬垫阵列,位于S4 SiP下——可能用于散热?或者也许它们只是舒适的枕头,以保持其低压力水平。
Does it look like the foam is conductive?
It also appears the bottom is just press-fitted with the O ring offering the water & dust sealing and wedge so the back doesn’t come off. For sure a better design than the glued backs in the older series. The trick will be getting the back on without damaging the O ring, a touch of scuba divers O ring grease will be needed.
Any idea what kind of chips the A88 AY10 and 18206 00D5 are and who provides them?
在这个步骤中使用的工具:Head Magnifier$26.99
拿好你的放大镜 - 我们正在进入微观世界。
圆柱后面的弹性支架可能会将手指的电信号传导至手表,完成 ECG 电路。
初代的 Apple Watch 在刚发布是革命性的,但是在每年的更新中都是次要的——直到现在。
第一款腕表笨拙地分层并使用过多的胶水,Series 4 感觉布局更加精心。
Apple 专家 John Gruber 把这和带来设计飞跃的 iPhone 4 相比,我们甚至可以更进一步称之为 iPhone 5:一款知道自己优先级并想要内部看起来和外部一样优雅的设备。
如果这块手表没有让你心动,可能是时候去看看双 iPhone 拆解?
非常感谢 Creative Electron 的帮助!现在只剩下一件事。鼓声响起来……
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So how much of the inside is actually accessible and serviceable from the back of the device?
That looks a lot less hard to remove and put back without losing waterproofing (looks like it even has a silicone gasket…)
Besides the sensors attached to the bottom cover, it doesn’t look like you can get to the battery and other components from that side. The S4 blocks everything and it’s much too large to remove from the bottom out. Much of the screw heads are also facing away from the bottom side.
bert -
It is not possible to access the internals from the back, the back is locked to the case with screws from the inside.
Tom Chai -
wait, are you not opening up the SiP?
It is resin encased, not very easy to do.
Dillan -
About the sensor from Bosch, it should be Bosch Sensortek if it is right. Sensortek is the company for consumer electronics, Bosch it self only sells sensors for automotive.
Zu deutsch:
Bei dem Sensor handelt es sich vermutlich tatsächlich um ein Produkt von Bosch. Allerdings verkauft Bosch selbst nur an Automotive Kunden und die Sensoren für Consumer kommen von der Tochtergesellschaft Bosch Sensortek. Einfach der vollständigkeit halber.
Ich habe für Bosch im Halbleiterwerk in Reutlingen gearbeitet und auch solche Chips im Bereich Lithographie bewegt.
TheLOD2010 - 回复
appears to be 6; the contacts are visible in the last picture below the speaker on the top left.
Please disassemble the optical sensor which seems to be new, 6 LEDs and 8 photodiodes, please check for wavelength of LEDs (e.g. power them and check out the colors).
Yes, please do that! It’s very important to figure out how much better the sensor is. Thank you!
ps: I think it’s 4 LEDs
Annie B -
So just to confirm, the battery size is DOWN from 1.34 watt-hour of last year’s 42 mm watch to 1.12 watt-hour of this years 44 mm watch, is that the case here?
I’m not sure if the efficiency improvement in the S4 SiP compared to S3 of last year’s model would make up for that 20% battery loss and the 30% larger screen size. I would imagine the actual stand-by time would decrease by a fair margin compared to last year’s model (44 mm vs 42 mm).
I must say I don’t mind the tri-point screws. At these sizes, phillips screws are a real pain - like they aren’t at any size, think on - dropping to just three wings gives the screw a bit more meat.
But then again, I have a similar argument for pentalobe - that screw size is too small for torx or hex, Phillips is bad and wrong - pentalobe makes a nice, solid joint between screw and driver.
IFixit staff sure has a strange concept of that overall ‘repairability’ score. Based on the information I’ve seen, and the fact that you’ve permanently compromised the water proofing by opening the device and not replacing the adhesive pack with a new one that Apple won’t provide, I don’t see how this gets anything higher than a “3”. Looking at the pictures, there was also some pretty rippin’ adhesive in there, looking at the distortion on the battery envelope. 4 years ago, you would have crapped all over this thing.
It’s an optical rotary encoder—basically this sensor watches microscopic scratches on this cylinder and counts passing scratches as the crown turns to figure out when and how much it’s turning.
hi, so what was the gps (GNSS) chip used please?
The ECG sensing facility is an amazing addition to a consumer device. It isn’t obvious from usage or the tear-down when ECG pick-up is resistive i.e. the crown and rear pads are resistively coupled to an input, or whether it is capacitive i.e. the crown/rear pad is a dielectric with the finger acting as a capacitor plate. It is probably resistive, but anyone know for sure? The rear pads appear to be a pair, I wonder why?
is it more durable than the 3 in terms of water resistance? i’m hard on my watch from a sweat and swim perspective. I always have a popped screen. the 3 actually cracked from the inside all the way around the screen. will the 4 do better with battery swelling (which i suspect this is but haven’t dismantled it until i’m positive its out of warranty) and general water exposure?
To change the battery stays marks... I will not buy!
Is there any chance replacing the display against a new one without loosing the NFC functionality for apple pay? Is there a way to register the new nfc part of the display to the watch for getting back NFC? Does Apple help customers with this issue after installing a new display?
To reduce the likelihood of problems (no guaranty), delete all your ApplePay account info before the replacement, and then re-enter it with the new display installed (test functionality before closing the watch with new adhesive). But there is also a user guide to replace the NFC chip on a new display with the one from the old damaged display (Series 3 NFC on Series 2 display).
What is the black tape with two screw connectors that’s taped on the flex cable?
You mean in the final picture the second part from the top on the left? That’s the service port flex cable (with six golden contacts) that hides behind the display flex cables.
Anntena wifi, and Bluetooth. Where ?
On Step 11, there are 5 ribbon cables shown in the picture. What are the two side ones for (the ones that attach down with screws)? What would happen if one of those ripped?
Hello Pavlin, those might be a combination of grounding and heat distribution. Probably not a big thing if one rips, but if both are damaged your could get warmer than usual.
Hi .
Is it possible to swipe between the scrollbar and the main body of the clock, Something happens to the scroll????
I poked the little hole next to the button with a sim car ejector…(idiot)
would I have damaged anything I’m worried about it’s waterproofing if there is any there?
Tom Turner - 回复
Hi Tom, behind the hole there is the microphone. If you can still “talk” to Siri and she understands you, your mic is in good condition (let that be your first test). If not you might have damaged the mic. Depending on how hard you pushed there is a slight possibility that you’ve pushed the mic inwards a bit. If that’s the case I would not take the watch for a swim (or shower with it).
other than acids, any recommendations on epoxy removers to expose the chip-set on the board, post removal?
I have broken the glass on the back of the watch that covers the sensors, could this be easy removed and replaced without a total strip down?
This would come close to a total strip down—display, battery, taptic engine, and the logic board need to come out before being able to take out the bottom part. Assuming you’ll find a replacement part.
I changed my 40mm Watch 4 stack screen and when I put the new one it stopped giving image.
The watch works because it vibrates and the iPhone recognizes it to match it, but I don't see anything on the screen. I put the old one back on, but nothing appeared on the screen either. The problem is not on the screen, but I don't know what it can be. Can anybody help me?
Thank you.
The display cables are very delicate and rip easily. also, there are two additional contacts to each side that ground to the frame which are equally fragile (see step 11). But to start with you might want to check the proper seating of the connectors in the ZIF sockets and that the contacts are clean.
hi I would like information if possible. in practice after replacing the display the AW does not remain connected if I move away from the iphone about 1mt and the wifi the same thing. I looked but I can't locate the antenna. can you tell me where it is? thanks
The NFC chip is on the back of the display. Did you unpair before the repair? Maybe unpairing with the old display and then pairing again with the new one might help. But that’s just a guess, the Apple Watch is quite tricky when it comes to NFC communication.
I’m not sure if you can answer this, but, does it look like the heart sensor array is the same on the 5 as on the 4? I have a 4 with busted sensor and the back of a 5 laying around and am interested in getting a working watch out of it!
I can’t say for sure (lockdown—don’t have both models at hand right now). But even if those sensors are similar, I doubt it is possible to fit S4 parts into an S5 case. Judging from this step in the S5 teardown compared to step 13 in this guide I’d say: Not compatible.
Where is located WiFi & Bluetooth antenna
Ok one comment my apple watch series 4 just lost the sticker seal and fell off even disconnected from ribbon cable… everything is working fine but (heart sensor) won’t stay any tips on a new seal or anything similar?
Esa banda negra fina que une los tres conectores de pantalla y que va atornillada ¿Sirve para algo?, en la mayoria de videos se rompe y no se reemplaza.
If I replace the rear glass which cracked after a fall, will the waterproof or water resistance be gone? I like using my apple watch to track my swim laps.