


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的AirPods,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. AirPods 拆解, AirPods 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 AirPods 拆解, AirPods 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 好吧,我们已经拿到了苹果的最新圣诞长袜填塞礼品,它正在在我们的拆解桌上。是时候看看它的构造了。目前已知的信息:

    • 每只 AirPod 重 0.14 盎司(4 克),充电盒重量为 1.34 盎司(38 克)

    • 每只 AirPod 的大小为 16.5 mm × 18.0 mm × 40.5 mm,而充电盒的大小为 44.3 mm × 21.3 mm × 53.5 mm

    • 利用蓝牙技术和苹果的 W1 芯片进行无线连接

    • 使用麦克风、光学传感器和一个运动加速计来进行入耳检测

    • 采用波束成形技术的麦克风加上一个额外的加速计来过滤外界噪音

    • AirPods 单次充满电可以使用 5 个小时,而配合充电盒使用则可以超过 24 小时

    Has someone checked the battery lifetime in cold (freezing) temperatures?

    Peter Goedtkindt - 回复

    I guess in cold temperature you should have the gear covering your ear or ear is warm enough for airpods. If your airpods are left in cold environment for a while and you pull out to use, that is different story.

    bubble.stock -

    How long does it take to charge the airpods by the case?

    Jim Ngo - 回复

    Do not buy, case will die after the warranty is up, and you will be forced to shell out another $70 for a new one. Buy another brand… AirPods suck, and fall out anyways.

    brentmesnick - 回复

    What i will do f my airpod not working for call i cannot hearing anything, its only work for music, thank you for answering

    gines_josephine - 回复

    Bouncy and so Playful! Meet Cassidy this adorable AKC registered Maltipoo puppy!


    standardtoy goldendoodlecoats - 回复

  2. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • AirPods — 有一个很有特色的电子苹果蛋!

    • 在充电盒的一端,配备了用于充电的 Lightning 接口。

    • 在另一端,则是放置 AirPods 的嵌入式耳机放置槽,放置槽底部分别有两个触点来为耳机电池进行充电。

    • 最后,在充电盒的顶部(两个放置槽中间),我们发现一个小小的 LED 状态指示灯,它可以在三组电池都没电的情况下提醒你。

    • 如果你有一双“X光眼”,那么你可以从头到尾地看清它的全貌。请睁大你的眼睛,跟着我们的拆解一步步地“扫描”一下AirPods吧。

  3. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 在充电盒的盖子下方写有产品型号:A1602,也提供了充电盒总的电池容量信息:398 毫安时。

    • 在执行我们最后一个拆解仪式之前,我们快速地看一下后面的设置按钮。如果苹果非常推崇的即时同步(配对)功能失效或者不能用了,通过这个按钮也可以使用传统的蓝牙配对过程。

    • 好吧,不浪费时间了。我们进入正题。

    Your description of the button on the back of the case is incorrect. The instant sync capabilities are actually automatic and happen right when you open the case, the button on the back is just for manual pairing with other bluetooth devices.

    Brendon - 回复

    "Rites". You have the right to perform last rites.

    dmrifles - 回复

    Does the case itself include a Bluetooth radio?

    Alexis Gallagher - 回复

    Do you know what to do if the cover is broken, not to be connecting all the time to other devices and lose the battery? Is there any solution for this?


    montanya2001 - 回复

  4. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 耳机上有一些开孔:栅格是给扬声器的,麦克风开孔是给那些降噪麦克风用的,黑色的孔是红外距离传感器。

    • 左边和右边的耳机产品型号也不同,分别是 A1722 (左)和 A1523(右)。FCC ID 分别是 BCG-A1722 和 BCG-1523。

    • X 光可以让我们看到其内部构造。一些栅格,以及麦克风,其余的神秘部分会慢慢解开。

  5. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    iFixit Opening Picks (Set of 6)
    • 一眼看过去没有明显的缝隙,所以需要借助更加“暴力”的手段,例如加热和小刀。

    • 经过加热,我们试着来个武士切片

    • 为了安全起见,我们接下来使用一个撬具来撬开它。 慢慢转动就可以将扬声器部分从耳机中分离出来,并且可以看看到内部的零部件。

  6. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们追求拆解电子设备的旅程并没有让我们失望。我们看到了一些精密的元件。

    • 在我们开始拆下主板、线缆和其他一些零碎的东西时,我们感受到了某种可穿戴设备的修复噩梦(*咳* Apple Watch *咳*)。

    • 如果把复杂线缆塞进一个小空间内,接着用大量的胶水密封是个游戏的话,苹果一定会赢

    • 这个游戏现在包含了世界上最可爱(而且是最小?)的同轴电缆连接器

    • 在另一侧支出来的是其中一个红外距离传感器,用于检测 AirPods 是否在耳朵里。

    Great line "If jamming complex components into a small form factor and sealing it with a copious amount of glue were a game, Apple would be winning."

    Marc Hertogh - 回复

    A question --- is there waterproof coating applied onto the PCBA inside AirPods?

    JP Curious - 回复

    Well, you can’t really expect one to be able to fit everything inside, without having them look like tangled…spiderwebs.


    but the other ones (IR senseor and stuff) are not as friendly, now.

    Xavier Jiang - 回复

    The Black Tape like thing, holding the two pieces , whats is it called ? If it gets broken, detached, can it be fixed ?

    Yusuf Motiwala - 回复

    @Yusuf Motiwala the “black tape like thing” is normally called a “flex cable” or “ribbon cable”. Typically a broken ribbon cable needs to be replaced. While repair is technically possible, it requires superb soldering skills and the Airpods miniature flex cables make repair extraordinarily difficult. If the flex cable was detached at the solder joint, a skilled repair tech might be able to re-solder it.

    mwarrenus - 回复

  7. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 此时,我们暂时停滞不前—留在耳塞里面的是一堆混乱的电缆和粘合剂,而且似乎找不到出路。所以我们转向耳机根部,希望能够找到另一个突破口。

    • 这下,我们遭遇到超级多的胶水。

    • 这个闪亮金属盖 在充电时提供触点,而且包围着主要的麦克风。隐藏在一堆胶水之间,我们终于瞄到了电池线缆。

    • 拔出这个很小很小的电池末端的胶塞,有一个很小很小的点焊。看起来我们以后都不能更换这个电池(或者回收它,永远不可能)。

    If it's hot melt glue Isopropyl alcohol will remove it cleanly. If it's a silicone type adhesive then your mostly screwed.

    Martin King - 回复

    no it is probably not hot glue.

    But hmmm isopropyl alcohol…thanks for that tip @mfx

    on the other hand, yes, having the ability to having the entire thing be glue-free smells really good.

    Maybe you can just prepare a beaker full of that and dump the entire thing (case, left pod, right pod) in and put it on a … the shaking plate?


    Xavier Jiang - 回复

    My metal cap is lost ….where I purchased this?

    Sushma Pandit - 回复

    The metal contact point for charging is lost on my airpod, anyone know where i could possibly buy one online? i live in europe btw. thank you.

    nineway - 回复

    Same here: The metal cap is lost. Does anyone know where I could buy one? Thank you for your help.

    Alex Hirzel - 回复

    Ever since that metal cap came off , my airpod hasnt worked. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?Are there wires to purchase to weld back on or tape to fix this electrical issue?

    Lex - 回复

  8. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    Curved Razor Blade
    • 如果你厌倦了其它设备,外部都有明显的进入点,那么这个你就兴奋了,因为完全需要采取手术级别的手段。 护士,把手术刀递给我。

    • 使用手术般精确的手段把外盖给切开,我们看到里面是盖在电池上的天线。

    • 好吧,我们没有外科医生的耐心。出来一点之后,我们就暴力地撕开了它。

    I think the way they did it is shoved the battery through the bottom and glued it to the cap. They then microsoldered the contacts to the board. It’s crazy how intricate this is!

    Liam Powell - 回复

  9. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 外面塑料壳打开后,我们能够把长长的天线从电池剥下来。

    • 此天线解释了 AirPods 的设计。外面吊着的部分只是为了平衡——促进接受。

    • 更深地挖掘,我们发现了粘着的电线和胶带,和蚀刻在电池上的字。看起来像是 93 毫瓦时的电池 ——仅仅为 iPhone 7 的 1%。

    I assume this is a 1.5V battery?

    mdg1111 - 回复

    What is the charging voltage for the headphones?

    Bogdan Mirkac - 回复

    Probably the same as a normal Li-ion

    Oliver Watson - 回复

    Who manufactures these tiny batteries?

    Chaim b. Abraham - 回复

    AirPods charge very quickly. What is the full charge voltage? I assume to maximize lifespan/cycle life and charging speed they don’t actually charge to 4.2 volts or whatever the 100% SOC voltage is for that chemistry. Also any idea what the chemistry is (LCO, LMO, NMC, etc?)

    Kyle Sweeney - 回复

    Without any evidence (from multimeter or “experiment results”) I reason it is a 1.2V cell, type AAAAA.

    From the flange on the battery to the left and the suspecious look of the supposed contact points for it.

    *Very quickly* was a bad unit for charge time. 1 hour full? 30 min full? (FULL, not able to use again)

    if 1 hour full then charge current is 93MA. 30 minute charge is 186MA, so on and so forth.

    I guess Apple had this thing on 1C charge (93MAH—>1 hour @ 93MA). 2C charge will just wreck this battery.

    Xavier Jiang - 回复

    One of my airpods broke, so I pulled the battery. By my measurements so far, and I'm still testing it, The full charge voltage is 4.2v giving it about 22mA. I'm still doing some testing, but I'm capable of rapidly charging it at that voltage and also draining it at that voltage.

    Further testing is required.

    parker.n.brown - 回复

    Hey Parker brown…how did you connect to the (+) side of the battery?

    Paul Primrose - 回复

    Its probably a pin-type li-ion from Panasonic. The CG-320A or the CG-425A

    allard - 回复

  10. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 将复杂的柔性电路拉出,排列很整齐。它们看起来像是测试点,但并没有进行标记。

    • 如果这些是测试点,那么这也太难找了吧!

    • 线缆和扬声器交织在一起,这里有一个距离传感器和一些天线。

    What about the drivers? Same as earpods?

    Eric R - 回复

    Did you see the MID traces on the housing here? I think they're there to improve the GND counterpart to the antenna by capacitivly coupling to the ear! Great idea, isn't it?

    Simon - 回复

    Why didn't you open the drivers? I want to know they still use paper drivers or not.

    Masa - 回复

    I don’t think they’re the same.

    Liam Powell -

  11. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 看看这里都有些什么元器件:

    • 苹果 343500130(应该就是 W1 无线通讯芯片)

    • 赛普拉斯 CY8C4146FN 可编程 SoC。

    • 美信 98730EWJ 低功耗立体声音频编码解码器。

    • 德州仪器 TPS743

    Check out edgewater wireless. They specialize in wifi technology , multichannel wireless , reducing interference, etc. they hold 24 patents. A lot of their tech applies to any wireless protocol. In 2015, apple bought a patent off them for front end power effiency ( us patent 7016654).The deal had “strong commercial terms attached “. I beleive it is Edgewater’s tech that apple used to enhance the airpods when they were designing them with the patents acquired during the passif semiconductor acquisition. Confident that we will see technology from edgewaters patents inside the w1 chip. It would be what gives the airpods the incredible battery life, amazing connectivity, and the ability to sync a seperate signal to each pod with no interference. How do you get to the bottom of the inner workings of a chip in order to discover these patents?

    JD8510 - 回复

    Why is the audio codec stereo? A single 'Pod only puts out one channel of audio, obviously...

    ncb - 回复

    Because if it was mono, the output wouldn’t be stereo, it would be twin-track mono, which isn’t the same thing! Twin track mono is the SAME sounds coming out of both ‘plugs, stereo is DIFFERENT sounds coming out of EACH plug! Chris.

    Christopher Burke -

    @JD8510: "How do you get to the bottom of the inner workings of a chip in order to discover these patents?"

    Well, there are optical techniques to do so after you've striped away the housing with nitric acid. I even heard about tecniques, where layer by layer has been removed from such a chip to get to the inner workings. And if you've the money and therefore the material to do so, you're even able to read out single bits of memory cells. OTPs by optical ways, others by using a scanning electron microscope...

    @ncb: IMHO there are no such small mono codecs on the market, as the additionally used space is much smaller than the advantace you're getting by adding a second channel. Most of the chip area is used by the core functionalities of the codec anyway.

    Simon - 回复

    TPS743 IMHO doesn't exist. Think it's a simple TPS7430 or TPS74301 LDO from TI.

    Is there someone who understood the working of the antenna? Well, it's attached DIRECTLY on the battery. Normally this won't work, as the antenna would be shortened in a RF-way. But maybe the whole battery compartement is decoupled in a RF way from the rest of the PCB? Means the battery itself would then act as an antenna as well? Clever, if this is working like this. Any comments?

    Simon - 回复

    any one know the sound is generated from W1 or chip of maxim?

    lucas wu - 回复

    Can someone x-ray that part and see whats inside it?

    Subash Patel -

    @ncb: I think that by only using one single AirPod, the incoming bluetooth stereo signal is actually downmixed to mono. In fact you're able to hear both channels on this sole AirPod.

    taue2512 - 回复

    It's interesting that Apple filed the FCC with request for confidentiality on the antenna..


    side note: while I was in love with the AirPods they are really hurting my ears. We are now divorcing.. and I am not the only one. Discussion for another day ;)

    No el - 回复

    Apple filed the FCC with request for confidentiality on the antenna

    So much for “progress of the arts and sciences”.. Only if Apple decides to make such progress, and never in any technological field *other* than what Apple currently uses them (could the technology be useful for antennas attached to pill bottles or as part of some kind of long-distance movement tracker perhaps? Who knows.)

    jimwitte -

    What’s DMIC used on the AirPods, plz ?

    Wally - 回复

    The Texas Instruments TPS743 seems to not exist, bet there was an alternative on ti.com Texas Instruments TPS743. This small chip is according to the Texas Instruments website a programable Start-Up Sequencing chip to control things such as temprature and voltage while starting up. Apple may have a special version of this chip inside of the AirPods. For more information on this chip http://www.ti.com/product/TPS74301

    Zachary McCullough - 回复

    I wonder how dead reckoning for the wireless works in this case, considering the antenna is all over the battery?

    Also, I am unable to get Maxim-Integrated MAX98730EWJ T datasheet in Mouser website which you provided.

    Subash Patel - 回复

    Whats the size of the speakers? And are their similar speakers to the airpods for sale?

    Ragde Aicrag - 回复

    Is there an STMicroelectronics IMU in both the left and right airpod?

    Henry Valk - 回复

  12. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • AirPods 就毁坏完毕了!我们来到了这个无缝拼接的充电盒…

    • Jimmy 刀片撬不开啊。

    • 所以我们找了个狠角色. 不要紧,一下子就好了哈 ...

    • 警告:这其实并不是最安全的办法。 但是牙医说,谁叫你平时不用牙线剔牙呢!痛也活该!

    • 最后我们将耳机放置槽从盒子里分离出来,可以看到里面的一些零部件,其中包括一块大电池。

    “But the dentist told us we only bled because we haven't been flossing. “ lol

    Yo Yoma - 回复

  13. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 虽然耳机放置槽被移除了,但依然连着一些线缆,我们先拆下 LED 指示灯。

    • 凭借着坚持不懈的努力(像拔牙那么艰辛),终于将放置槽拆下来了。

    • 但我们仍需努力,再拆下盒子上的铰链。

  14. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 武装到牙齿的充电盒真是个棘手的东西,它累坏了我们的拆解人员。我们简直绝望了,特殊情况需要特殊装备!

    • 是什么使得它如此棘手?原来“凶手”是电池,它卷缩在聚碳酸酯材质的卡槽中。

    • 如果你注意到的话,LED 指示灯有一半线缆都落在后面

    • 在移除电池之前,我们发现这里又有大量的粘合剂,我们还发现有一条单独的线将电池连接到充电盒的主板。

    • 看! ZIF 连接器!至少在我们拆解人员花费了如此多的血汗拆开外壳之后,回收人员不用掰断微焊接铁片。

  15. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 小心地脱开外壳之后,我们要好好看看这块今天最大的电池。

    • 剧透预警:其实它还是很小。

    • 这是一块 3.81V,1.52 瓦时的锂电池,它的电池容量大约是 AirPods 耳机的 16 倍,这意味着你可以将两个耳机充好几次电。

    • 根据记录,Apple Pencil 的电池大约是 0.329 瓦时,Apple Watch Series 2 为 1.03 瓦时,所以这应该是我们见过的容量最大的微型电池。

    This is not a lipo battery, it says right on the battery it is a lithium ion battery

    traxxasbandit1 - 回复

    Well, Li-Ion could also be used as a hyperonym of LiPo and Li-Ion. Means, a LiPo INDEED is one sort of Li-Ion based batteries...

    Simon - 回复

    What’s so special about the zif connector?

    Terry Hutch - 回复

    That there is no soldering iron, "ZIF stands Zero Insertion Force" sockets. CPU sockets are an example of ZIF, you just insert and pull the lever then it gets secured by its mechanism. If you recycle a PC you dont have to unsolder the CPU from the board (ZIF).

    Alejandro Nahum -

  16. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 这个同步按钮是独立工作的,上面的触点对应主板上的触点。

    • 电子开关可以很复杂。但这颗按钮,并不复杂。它就像是一个 按钮开关。按下按钮就可以关闭电路并让电流释出。该电流将流入电路并被解释为输入。总之就是非常简单。

    What is That dimension or Product name?

    KimJiun - 回复

  17. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们松开一组十字螺丝就可以拆下 Lightning 连接器。从主板的背面拔出它的压接连接器,几秒钟后,它就很轻松地从这个塑料壳中分离。

    • 庆幸的是,Lightning 接口是标准组件,如果坏了的话你也可以进行更换,不过你要先拆开这个充电盒。

    • 主板被大量的胶带固定着。

    "Luckily, the Lightning port is modular—so if you wear your port out, all you have to do is utterly destroy the case to replace that component."


    Ryan Vennell - 回复

    Wow - *PHILLIPS* screws?? Not Torx, or Tri-Head, or some other strange kind they've invented? Well, probably because (short of destroying the thing), it's not possible to *get* to the screw anyway, so there's no reason to make it "non-user-serviceable".

    jimwitte - 回复

  18. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 3,3
    • 让我们看看在充电盒的重重保护下,都有什么芯片:

    • 意法半导体 STM32L072 ARM Cortex-M0+ 微程序控制器

    • 我们的 X 光图像显示,该芯片的焊点中有一些质量问题。空隙,一般称为虚焊,可能是品控不好的证据 ,或者是因为发布太匆忙。也许这就是导致 AirPod 充电盒延迟发布的原因?

    • 恩智浦 1610A3 充电 IC(和 iPhone 6s 和 SE,以及 iPad Pro 中的一样)

    • 德州仪器 BQ24232 电源管理 IC

    Is the flaw with the chip solder joint fixed?

    ultime_booter - 回复

    the STM32L072 only power control?

    Huang guozheng - 回复

    Is that some kind of debuggin port on the right side of the second photo? And what's the 10-pin "thin-chip-like-thing" labeled 6A98 on the lower-left of the first photo? Some kind of array of capacitors or something?

    jimwitte - 回复

    That is the ZIF port that connects to the battery. The “thin chip-like thing” is the connector that links to the AirPod dock and status light. All of these things are listed in previous steps above.

    Esteban Valle -

    That sort of voiding in a reflowed BGA (ball grid array) solder joint is unavoidable, and is acceptable in IPC workmanship standards up to a percentage limit. I don’t recall the specific numbers, but these voids look normal/OK to me (recently retired process engineer in electronics manufacturing).

    jerry.cupples - 回复

  19. AirPods 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 AirPods 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • 在付出大量的血汗,和见证一堆的胶水之后,我们呈现给你:

    • 耳机拆解全家福。

    • 充电盒拆解全家福。

    • 这个拆解当中,每一个超棒的 X 光图像均由我们在 Creative Electron 机智的朋友提供。你好,伙计们!

    • 更新:我们一位中国的贡献者发现一个聪明的基本无损打开方法,首先 用虎台钳使外壳变形 ,如果你的电池已经不行了并且已经过保的话,不妨一试

    The e-Waste disaster is the batteries can’t be replaced without heroics.

    Bryce Nesbitt - 回复

  20. 最后的想法
    • 必须破坏外壳才能能拆出零部件。
    • 耳机和充电盒的外部都只使用粘合剂(使开启变得困难)。


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do the airpods feature the same driver as the earpods?

Jason Wilson - 回复

Great question, trying to find this out myself.

SJDragonetti -

It looks like it's a bit different. The EarPod teardown has a pretty nice comparison of the generations of earbuds from Apple in step 11. They look like they mostly have open-back designs while the new AirPods have a black plastic (and mesh?) that covers the back of the driver. Apple EarPods Teardown

I would be interested in seeing these compared to the new PowerBeats 3 since that headphone model also uses a membrane-style speaker in the midsection bulge of the stem.

Josiah Knoll -

It wouldn't really matter. The EarPods had a lot of tuning done to them through the ports on the front, back, and stems (cover with tape and see what happens). The AirPods have ports moved as well as less air in the housings (replaced with logic boards, batteries, and other electronics. So even if they do use the same drivers, they'll sound substantially different.

Marcus Nguyen -

I'm curious if you were to design something that small with the same capabilities how would you A) not use glue and B) make it somehow "easy" to repair

[deleted] - 回复

I don't think you can get away without any glue. It's a question of using it effectively not over doing it. The kind of glue you use is important as well!

I would have liked to seen bayonet style in the caps with a small touch of glue and/or a snap fit. The inner workings could have used less tacky foam glue so the parts don't move but could be removed if needed (given the price it should be repairable).

Dan -

Not for the headphones themselves, but I guess the case could've been made a lot more repairable.

Christoph Parstorfer -

That was my first question as well. Compared to a lot of other consumer electronics, designing fully wireless earbuds that are easily recyclable would seem to be an interesting (and likely difficult) engineering challenge. Both in terms of the physical design as well as surviving even a rudimentary cost-benefit analysis. Going by the AirPods and Apple Pencil, it seems like glue is the cheap, easy go-to solution when the internal components aren't enough to justify a major recycling effort. Though the case itself might be worth recycling. I'd think that the glue also helps with a better seal as well, but it's not like these are water resistant in the first place.

Manual recycling looks like a total no-go for these. They could probably automate some of the breakdown (ugh), but again, the recoverable materials per item are so low it couldn't be justified economically. Unless Apple ate the costs as part of their marketing efforts, it looks like the AirPods themselves go straight to the landfill.

Tom S -

That's a good question, I can think of quite a few ways. Per example the metal connector base coud be used as a screw to hold the case together, and the internals could be kept in place in a sandwich like fashion by a plastic support. Everything would be tightly secured by the base screw, which could be unscrewed to open the case and grant access to the battery for replacement.

But Apple's engineers aren't really that much into clever internal product design, they're more about the finish, aesthetics and low manufacturing costs. Who cares about recycling when you can just use tape and glue. Leave the environment speech to marketing.

asuma -

Massive glue is used because it is needed for acoustic sealing around the housing and the transducer. No other ways like ultrasonic welding can replace glue in earbuds and headphones.

steve -

The same way watchmakers have done for centuries - captive spring-loaded pins locking a thread.

Kliment -

Samsung seems to have done it without a non-stop glue nightmare, so Apple should be able to, too.

Samsung Galaxy Buds 拆解

samwichse -

Check out edgewater wireless. They specialize in wifi technology , multichannel wireless , reducing interference, etc. they hold 24 patents. A lot of their tech applies to any wireless protocol. In 2015, apple bought a patent off them for front end power effiency ( us patent 7016654).The deal had “strong commercial terms attached “. I beleive it is Edgewater’s tech that apple used to enhance the airpods when they were designing them with the patents acquired during the passif semiconductor acquisition. Confident that we will see technology from edgewaters patents inside the w1 chip. It would be what gives the airpods the incredible battery life, amazing connectivity, and the ability to sync a seperate signal to each pod with no interference. How do you get to the bottom of the inner workings of a chip in order to discover these patents?

JD8510 - 回复

Looks like a different speaker diaphragm and basket assembly than the Earpods then?

Waiting on objective measures of the sound quality. Given how much they improved Macbook speakers, even the 12" beating many larger laptops, hopefully these didn't miss that love.

nitesh singh - 回复

The AirPods are a true engineering marvel, an astonishing array of technology jam packed into the smallest of containers. Remarkable!

Satyajeet Vishwakarma - 回复

How much would the components rack up to?

Norbert de Rooy - 回复

This is the fist time ive seen a zero on the repairability scale!

Gigabit87898 - 回复

Can you please explain more what you mean at step 18) with "Empty spaces, known as voiding, could be evidence of low quality standards, or a rushed product release."

Tom Stein - 回复

I think he is referring to what looks a little like tiny bubbles within each of the pads in the array (But I could be mistaken... an arrow would help a LOT!)

everseeker -

The chip utilizes a Ball Grid Array. (BGA) Each dot is a contact. To attach it to the board a special solder/flux ball is placed on each contact. The chip is then placed on the board by a robot and heated with air hot enough to melt the solder. When it works it will result in a nice solid connection. When it fails it won't. The problem is that many times it will work fine during testing and for a period of time after. Once the connection breaks then you will either get intermittent problems or sudden failure. A common do it yourself fix for a circuit board with a failed BGA chip connection is to put it in an oven at around 400 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes to remelt the solder. This was a common fix on the HP LJ 3005. To properly fix this problem the chip has to be removed from the board, the solder balls are removed and replaced with new ones and then re attached to the board and baked. This obviously will never happen on airpods as it would be more expensive to repair then to just scrap the entire device.

Billy Bob -

Any ideas what the gold ink is doing connecting the speaker grilles to the circuit?

michaelgormack - 回复

"The cable weaves into an intricate speaker assembly that houses a proximity sensor and some antenna lines."

Maybe using the speaker grilles as antennae?

Hypercaff -

Have you done a chip teardown of the W1? If not, are you aware of anyone who has done a chip teardown of the W1?

Jameson Johnny - 回复

Any chance you could 3D print the housing in order to complete a repair?

Rob Link - 回复

Hyperthetically you could, but would be near impossible without a 3D scan of the internals of the housing to do so. You would also need to use a 3D printing technology that has a high resolution such as sla or Sls, which firstly comes with their inherent surface finishes, but secondly are quite pricey as processes (not something you print on a home printer). And then even if you get around those issues, you would then have to remove the existing components without further damaging them and assembling them in the correct order and then apply your own glue. It's all possible, but much better off spending your money on a new pair...

Brad stebbing -

In step 11, there have two holes on the surface of the bottom right corner, is there has a more clear image to see that is any LED in there?

a01030202 - 回复

I would like to propose a teardown of the left Airpod as well. Left and right have different FCC numbers so there might be a difference between the two.

KTMW - 回复

I looks like there is a Bosch BMA-282 or BMA-280 accelerometer in there (The 'LP' chip).

DaveR - 回复

According to IPC-A-610 Rev. E chapter "BGAs" 30% Voiding is okay. In very level. So normal industry standard. There is no solderpaste reflowing without voids. And voids are not automatically a problem. That is the reason why production and customer are allowed to negotiate a own border for that value. Head-In-Pillow-Defects were be a problem. But you have to lower the x-ray angle to see them. So from that Picture: Everything is fine for me.

Dan - 回复

I agree 100% about the acceptability of the voiding seen in the x-ray images of the reflowed BGA solder joints. Perfectly normal.

jerry.cupples -

I'm actually more interesting in how the ear buds plastic housing component is made....it's seamless on the outside, yet houses a complex assembly inside. Injection moulding can't do this in one piece, and there is too much air inside to be over moulded. Maybe two pieces glued together then polished?

Brad stebbing - 回复

I would think the flashing is ground off and then the casings are polished up :)

Matt Foot -

Does ifixit do chip teardowns, or does anyone else for that matter ? Would like to understand the inner workings of the w1 chip in terms of sending and receiving signals and power saving methods. Evidence points to edgewater wireless's technology being inside the chip/airpods, who can confirm this somehow?

JD8510 - 回复

Love these teardowns, especially the tough ones. thx!

herojig - 回复

Any traces of Energous/Dialog Semiconductors "wireless charging" chips there?

rantonc - 回复

Someone needs to tell Apple that ALL EARS are ANALOGUE - it doesn't matter how the sound gets up to the transducers, because they just turn it back into analogue sound pressure. What a fools errand all round.

Gives the fanboys something to spend money on and coo about, I suppose...

I am an Apple user, I love most of their products, but this is just utterly STUPID.

I have one perfectly working iPhone 5S, a perfectly working set of EarPods with Remote and Mic (and two more brand new, sealed, for spares) and I have ZERO intention of "upgrading" to anything "better". In fact, I'll shortly be going back to a Nokia 3510i I would think (no, I am not joking) because this obsession with a "central distraction hub" is shortening my attention span, STEALING my time and to be honest, it's all just overrated, non-vital guff that people have become seduced by for no good reason.

Matt Foot - 回复

Absolutely! Who cares about having high quality cameras, GPS, internet and all those other bells and whistles. I'm gonna switch to using carrier pigeon.

asuma -

I'm converting to potato-printing my music. No more apples for me.

mikesilver -

I would like to add a little resin to the earpods to improve the fit in my ears. The problems is they then won't fit in the housing to charge.

If I were to shave off a mm or two from the housing (where the earpod sit), would I cut through anything other than just the casing?

brendan - 回复

Probably not, but I’d be super careful.

Liam Powell -

Pack the destroyed mess up and send it off to Blendtec. Will it Blend?

galane - 回复

I'm interested in the charging contacts for the airpods. It looks like any 1.5v source would get them charging without a negotiation pin. Can you confirm that or is there some kind of 2-wire communication happening?

Also what do the contact points inside the charging case tubes look like? Are they just beryllium-copper springs? Are they spring loaded? Are there magnets to hold the airpods in?

Will - 回复

Why such a small battery? Weight or just space? I think they could have (and may well one day) double the size of the battery and double the battery life. Ten hours on a charge would be awesome.

MrHatken - 回复

From the pics, it looks like the antenna is just a thin flex stuck to the side of the battery. However, on the video it looks more like a flex on a 2mm ? substrate. Is this correct and if so, is the substrate plastic or ceramic ?

andyk11 - 回复

Hi Folks,

I'm pretty interesting how does apple earpods connects to between each earphone? Does it Bluetooth connection?

asimpl3ns - 回复

Yes, I think they use Bluetooth. I think your iPhone establishes a connection with each Airpod for music relay. The AirPods connect with each other to synchronize audio perfectly and do other stuff like that. At least that’s what I’d assume.

Liam Powell -

Like Brendan, I use the rubber ear hooks so that they fit into my ears better. I wanted to use a dremel to shave a bit out of the charging case where the airpods sit, and some also out of the cap of the charging case, so they will fit into the charging case with the rubber ear hooks still on. I was wondering if damage anything by doing this? Or will I just be removing plastic from the case, without any risk of cutting into something important? For instance, is there something in the cap to indicate to the iphone that the cap of the charging case has been opened?

Ron Schriner - 回复

After a bit of messing about with the case, I worked out how it knows if its closed or open. Its the little magnet at the front centre. If you leave the lid open, and your iPhone on, you can trick the case to think its open or closed by holding a magnet to the top middle just in front of the headphones.

So, yes, I think that making the gap for the top of the airpods bigger would be ok as long as you don't damage the LED or cable, plus keep the magnet working.

I'm going to try just leaving the lid open all the time and make a magnet attachment out of sugu that fits will to "close" the case to charge.

Tim - 回复

The AirPods sound OK by themselves but sound much better when pushed into your ear canal. I want to try one of the silicone sleeves but they obviously don’t fit into the case. I’m wondering if there is an easy (relatively speaking) way to remove the lid and replace it with one that would accommodate the larger profile. It would be nice to see some photos with a little more detail of the hinge mechanism. Has anyone built an accurate 3D model of the case? A surface model is probably good enough to work with.

Jeff -

Wondering why this teardown found a silvery diaphragm rather than the hybrid paper cones here?


Did they redesign them?

tipoo - 回复

I was really put off when it was discovered that they were not recyclable. But wouldn't it be possible for me to tear it apart on my own and manually remove the battery and then recycle everything else?

casimir.lewenhaupt - 回复

Crazy question: How would one go about soldering a 3.5mm female headphone jack into the case? Any thoughts at all? I want to add a female headphone jack to the case in order to plug any music source, like a laptop with no bluetooth, into the airpod case via a 3.5mm male to male cable into the airpod case and hear it thru the airpods.

Notwithstanding the case damage to expose the electronics, does it appear that this would be possible at all? Or is all the bluetooth handled in the actual airpods themselves, negating the practicability of this idea?

Thanks for any productive answers, and bite my shiny mettle ass for any nonproductive ones.

chrismcdaniel - 回复

Not possible, audio is streamed over BT from the device directly to the AirPods.

Samuel Kvarnbrink -

Buy a $5 bluetooth-USB adaptor off ebay… Airpods can work with bluetooth.

Weilai -

You can pair AirPods with any Bluetooth audio source, but the sound quality isn’t good. I paired them with my Surface Pro and it was downright atrocious, worse than any other Bluetooth I had tried. I suspected it was intentional to keep them in the Apple ecosystem. It also loses all other functionality, like the prox sensor and tap control.

If you must, get a USB Bluetooth dongle for the computer, or a universal 3.5mm AUX to Bluetooth adapter. But you might have better luck with a competitor’s earbuds; unless you are listening to them on an Apple device, they’re horrible.

Tyler Curl -

Step 13 misses among the status led a reed switch which is responsible for activation upon case opnening.

karmansan - 回复

Guys my AirPods and airpods charging case I washed it in a washing machine bymistakely forgot I had it in my pocket when …the green led light is not illuminating it doesn't work help if any one has any knowledge about it

Ali - 回复

Nope, they’re dead. They might survive a quick drop in a puddle or a toilet, but a ride in a washing machine is total death.

Tyler Curl -

DO they have water indicator?

carlos lopez - 回复

Do they have water Indicator? If not, how can Apple tell if it’s water damage.

carlos lopez - 回复

Every cut out of the AirPods earphone is protected by a water restricting mesh. Same mesh is used in iPhones to make them water resistant. Find a video of EverythingApplePro on Youtube where Philip send AirPods for a complete cycle of washing machine. Do you want to know what happened? AirPods survived and were still in working condition.

So yes, there are no Water Indicators…

Max -

I seem to have bent one of the charging contacts in my case - only very slightly but apparently enough to not allow charging the pod anymore.

Does anyone have a good idea what tool I could use to reach into the tube, hook behind the metal lip and try to gently bend it forward again?

Ralf Pabst - 回复

That sounds like a difficult prospect! If you’re out of warranty or just want to DIY: The tools that immediately come to mind are these thin probe tools. I think the allowances would be too tight for a screwdriver or spudger, even a halberd spudger… Good luck! Let us know if you find a fix! (Or post on Answers to get some more opinions!)

Sam Goldheart -

Looking at gold strip lines in the center of earbud just wondering if it is just to establish connect between earbuds?

Sriram B - 回复

Repairability is horrible. I think that’s pretty typical Apple. Although the earbuds work like a charm. After a few days of wearing, i think i just saw some glue came out from the seams, so much the better….

makrovfisher - 回复

After months of satisfactory use, my left one is putting out less audio than the right one. Audio quality is still fine. So I’m assuming it’s filled with dirt and earwax, even though none is visible externally. Any suggestions? Would a plastic-safe electronics cleaner work, or just destroy the airpod?

Rob Foshay - 回复

Use a toothbrush: worked well for me.

tobyking -

Finding a lot of questions about ways to charge the airpods without a case. Knowing that the case provides is a 3.81V 1.52Wh cell, would it be possible just to hook up a power source (e.g., three AA batteries) to the contacts on the bottom of the airpods to charge them without the case? I’m not an EE, but could someone help me understand if this would work, and if not, what else needs to be considered? Thanks.

Robert Garber - 回复



kingroger - 回复


Miguel -

What would be the best (safest) place to drill 2 small holes for a tether?

My best guess from studying your excellent teardown would be the bottom corners… thoughts?

The intention here is to pass a small, high tensile strength string (like spider wire for ex) in, then out (essentially through) the casing, or, even a metal ring… Loosing these things is a real thing.


Dan Kraft - 回复

Would ot be possible to mod a pair of these and switch out the drivers?

rudys0951 - 回复

If the repair factor is “0”, I wonder how Apple even offers a repair option? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective for Apple to just offer the consumer a trade-in offer on their used Airpods, rather than repair?

Ben Avila - 回复

The case can send battery-status info to the iPhone when the lid is flipped open and held within a few inches of the phone — more than a few inches and it doesn't work. This sending status seems to work even if BlueTooth & Wi-FI are turned off. All this taken together seems to indicate it’s using NFC for this function. Know the iPhone has NFC (it’s used for ApplePay).

Does the W1 chip have imbedded NFC ?

Roslyn Gold - 回复

лох должен платить. привет из россии!

Илья Власов - 回复

So I was cooking. My AIRPOD fell on the stove on the fire it works fine but looks horrible.I don’t know what to do. I can’t afford another one. And I also don’t have warranty or insurance. Help plz. Is there a replacement housing?

Leon - 回复

How to open the closing top (lid) interior. I’m asking this because, i’m one of the 5% for whom the airpods doesnt fit properly and need to use extrernal foam and using this the lid doesn’’t close properly.

Raghu Bhagavatula - 回复

Ok so mine stopped charging via wall plug, but if I hold it on an angle the lightning charging port male connector then the egg will charge..

i cleaned the female end with vinegar;) har har har ( alcohol) dame! The female end can be a filthy pocket ! Still have to hold male cable end on angle.. my temp solution is elastic bands but don’t want to keep doing this!

Terry Hutch - 回复

Curious: are the AirPods and case lead free? Heavy metal free?

emory oak - 回复

Can someone please tell me the minerals inside of Air pods

Charlie Dawson - 回复

So I accidentally put my airpods in the the laundry and then I remember and got them out but then when I connect my left airpod is would interrupt/stop playing audio unless I didnt move in a specific spot is their any way I can still fix it?

Adan munoz - 回复

Can someone tell me which terminal on the bottom of the airpods is positive and which one is negative (polarity of the contact points)?

Samarth Arora - 回复

I read Geoffrey Fowler’s teardown article on AirPods in the Washington post , and a “special vibrating knife that slices plastic “ was mentioned as the principal tool used by Mr. Wiens to open the outer case of the AirPods themselves—is this a Dremel accessory or something entirely different? I am interested in learning more about this tool as it could have applications in my hobby of scale modeling.

dnawahnish - 回复

Hey there, the tool mentioned is an ultrasonic cutter, listed and used in the AirPods 2 teardown.

Sam Goldheart -

From looking at the silvery charging poles at the end of the stem I think you can rig a battery to keep it going. Here is how I would do it: 1. figure out what the polarities are from the charging case,

2. solder the positive and negative to the respective portions at the end of each stem,

3. connect that to the correct battery voltage and supply,

4. heat shrink the entire thing so it look like you’re wearing ear rings.

tarex7 - 回复

No mention of what drives this “double tap feature” not as reliable as I’d hoped and it’s driving me mad, there doesn’t appear to be a specific place to tap and I wondered if the AirPod just detects a “tap” rather than a sensor of some description? Any one know?

Appleking - 回复

Can you make a Razer True wireless earbuds teardown?

Michael18751 - 回复

Looking to replace my gen 1 AirPods battery as it’s been 4 years of daily use and only last <15 minutes

Ryan Castro - 回复

Not exactly a repair question but any recommendations on how to clean the speaker grill without damaging the speaker/electronics inside?

After seing this microscope image I’m scared (Warning: it is gross).

Diego Alifano - 回复

Any way to purchase parts for repairing purpose one side airpod not working so replace it components

Sheikh Irfan Khan - 回复


I lost that shiny metal cap which provides contact point for charging the AirPod . Does anyone know if i can order it somehow?

Thank you!

Nik Duma - 回复

Check REWA Technology channel on YouTube. They’ve showed how to replace the battery, but it’ll probably take time until repair shops start to do this.

redex7 - 回复

Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

Multimeter price in pakistan

Fahad Rashid - 回复

hi where can i get airpods parts?

salih_gs_1997 - 回复

I have AirPods 1st gen & 2gen ...

I have change both battery of L & R from 1gen to 2gen ...

after install battery in Bothe side L & R and Press and hold the setup button on the back of the case for about 15 seconds to RESET , until the status light on the front of the case flashes amber, then white ...

still disconnect from Bluetooth when I tray listen to mp3 file !?

what I missed plz?

if there any idea plz contact me on WhatsApp : +213663600467

Mohamed Dekkiche - 回复

That was a good thing to see when u are wondering what is inside and also it is also it is more funner when u see it in a video

and when it come out and it is also people said it was ugly and that is a fun fact ..

Sofia Martinez - 回复



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