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How to remove screen that's been super glued

Hi, I have purchased a used iPad with broken screen and am replacing screen.

After starting to remove digitiser it became clear it had been stuck with something stronger than the normal tesa/3m tape

I have removed screen with difficulty, but am left with screen in top corner and right along bottom, stuck fast to frame.

I believe it has been stuck with some sort of super glue.

What would be the easiest way to remove this? Would it work to get some pure acetone to apply to end section and remove little by little? Any other suggestions?

Not even sure that applying heat is making much difference.


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@mclarenchris yes “some” heat will release the bond. Also, superglue does not like mineral oil. Try to use a small syringe with some mineral oil and a fine needle and see if you can get in between the glass and the frame.


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oldturkey03 Thanks for that.

I don't know anything about mineral oil, but from a quick search there appears to be many different forms. Can you give me some guidance as to exactly what I should use and where to get it?

Thank you


@mclarenchris you can find that in any store like walmart, walgreens and even some hardware stores.

It's the stuff that people use for all kinds of remedies. Not sure where you are located but most pharmacies in the world carry it too. Get the cheapest stuff possible.



Little late, but WD-40 worked like a charm for me. Did you ever get it off yours?


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Thanks for the tip 👍

It is a little late now but may need again some day.

I did get it off eventually. Tried to get a little acetone in at edge, but it had nowhere to go so ended up just chipping away at it little by little with razor blade. It was tough going and took ages.




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