
The JBL Charge 2+ made by JBL is the second generation of the JBL Charge brand.

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My speaker wont charge

why wont my speaker charge and how do I determine whether the charging port or the battery is gone bad and how can I get replacement parts

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gcbarber  if the schematic would be available one could simply check the power supply line and thus check to see if the charging port works. But it is not available. So at this time you can change the battery first and see if that resolves it. While you are taking the speaker apart, plug the charging cable in and use a Multimeter to measure on the backside of the port if it shows power from the charger getting through the port. Also measure the voltage on the battery cable to see if you get power. If so it is not your charging port and if no power comes through it is your port. I’d go with a new battery first. JBL Charge 2+


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