
The Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS is an entry level DSLR with a 10.1 MP sensor released on the 10th of June 2008. Also known as the EOS 1000D and the EOS Kiss F.

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What is this and do I need to have it repared?

I know very little about cameras. You could even say I know nothing about them. I had this camera given to me and when you remove the front cap where you place the lense i have three pieces not attached to anything. Two small metal pieces and what appears to me to be a small rectangle plastic piece. How would this need repared. Should I have an expert to look at it and help me or is it something simple?

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sara if this is an SLR i think you are talking about the iris and the reflecting lens. when the lens is mounted you can't see these things. try adjusting the f stops on your camera and you will notice the 3 pieces move in to make a circle. the smaller the f stop the bigger the ring, the bigger the f number the smaller the ring. if you chose f28 everything in your photo would be in focus, f2.8 and only a small area you select will be in focus. the mirror drops down when you press the shutter so that the film is exposed. try doing this without the lens on and by selecting a shutter speed of 1 second or b (which means as long as the shutter button is pressed the shutter will stay open) the 2 pieces of plastic and the rectangle are i think the shutter.... you will see this move if you do what i have said above. Most important is to keep fingers dirt and dust out of here... and don't try to glue it back together. post a picture of what you mean just so we're sure, but i think you are describing the normal innards of an SLR camera.

does it look like this? canon eos


得分 1


+ xcellent explanation as always


Well not excatly.. I'm trying to download some images of the pieces and what it looks like inside right now but having trouble with the internet. Pictures will follow soon




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