
7.9寸显示屏/型号A1455 /黑色或白色/发布/ 2012年10月23日/ 16/32或64 GB容量

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change the powerport and headphone jacket

I have an ide, but i will need some help....

i have the first ipad mini, and i think of putting the in my car, will 3d print a nice stand for it, but i will have som issues white the power and headphone, that need to go on the long side of the ipad. is it possible, i havet open a ipad mini, so don't know if i can just move them and make a new hole in the chassi

do u have any good information, pleas writ some lines down:)


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Daniel Berntsson there is not enough room to change the design. the headphone jack etc. use flat ribbon cables that would need to be redsigned to move the jack anywhere but where it currently is. Check this out. You may have to incorporated the current location into your design. It will be a lot easier than what you are currently thinking off.


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mmmm now i have an other ide....

1. can i use the ipad.. hardware... and change the screen, for a 7" insted of the 7.9"?

2-. is it possebol to mirror the phone to an ipad.. and use the 7"scrren to navi in the iphone?




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