iPad 2 w/ Water Damage recognized by iTunes but blank
I recently received an iPad 2 that had Tea Spilled on it several months ago. The iPad was turned off immediately and placed in rice for a month or so. I am reasonably sure that it is dry now.
Upon receiving it, I connected it to my Macbook. iTunes immediately recognized it, downloaded the software update for it, and then attempted to restore the firmware, which it tried to do until I had it stop around an hour later.
My question is the following: Does the fact that iTunes recognized it indicate that the iPad is repairable? Is it possible that I might take it apart and clean it to make it fully functional?
Baring that, is their a troubleshooting procedure, or "most likely fix" that I can use to repair thsi ipad?
Thanks for getting back to me. As far as to why I stopped it an hour later, I assumed that b/c it hadn't finished, it wasn't going to- was this a mistake?
I think I am going to try to take it apart and see if anything looks amiss. If I do clean it, can I do that with just rubbing alcohol? Damp Rag?
Thanks for the help!
由 Jonathan Cain 完成的
Thanks for accepting my answer. Clean it with 90+% alcohol and a soft brush, something like a toothbrush. Don''t scrub to to hard to knock components of the logic board.
由 oldturkey03 完成的