
The Roomba Red 4100 is a vacuum cleaner robot produced by iRobot that can clean a room all on its own.

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What is the least distructive way to open battery box?

I purchased a set of replacement batteries online but the Roomba battery box seems to be glued shut. I could open it with a Dremel cutting disc but I was wondering if anyone had tips for opening these boxes without damaging them (I consider cutting through them to be damage).

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Here's how to install the battery pack: iRobot Roomba 4100 Battery Pack Replacement


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Doesn't answer the question.



If you ordered replacement batteries online and they don't directly fit into your Roomba (as the guide indicates), you most likely purchased the incorrect replacement.

The Roomba Discovery, 400 and 4000 series all use the same replacement battery pack. The Roomba 500 series and above use what appear to be a shrink-wrapped battery set.

If you're certain (or curious!) that you need to open the battery pack, I would suggest starting with a hair dryer (a heat gun may generate too much heat and make the battery cells explode) and a razor blade around the glued seam.

You most definitely do not want your Dremel to slip and cut into one of the battery cells, spewing battery acid everywhere.

iRobot Roomba 4100 Battery Pack Replacement


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valor, no battery acid in NiMH batteries. NiMH cells have an alkaline electrolyte, usually potassium hydroxide (KOH).


As I recall, I used a razor saw to cut it open (after removing the screws of course). The battery replacement went great and I'm enjoying the increased capacity.

Now to do same on my Dirt Dog battery - as well as a back-up battery I have laying around!



a couple of years ago i cracked one of these packs open and replaced the cells with some lithium 18650 cells and battery management circuit, roomba xe has been running great ever since.


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If you want to take the actual pack itself apart:

1) Be very careful. Like any sizable battery pack it can hurt you if you short something.

2) Remove all the screws.

3) SLOWLY pull it apart enough to get a non-conductive plastic knife or Popsicle stick into the crack.

4) Be careful of the temperature sensor on thin wires inside.

5) SLOWLY pry with the non-conductive tool until the glue gives way.


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