



HP Stream won’t start up

Your laptop won’t start and the screen is black.

Laptop won’t start, but the light is blinking

If the laptop still is not starting up drain the battery by leaving it on and then charge it and restart it. If this does not resolve your issue then with your device off, press the power button. Then, press the ESC key on your the keyboard, press F10. This should take you to your device’s BIOS and Restore Menu. You can reinstall Windows and get your PC working again from this screen.

No power

If the machine does not turn on or display anything, it is possible the battery has no charge. If that is the case, plugging in the charger will cause the machine to perform normally. Then give the battery time to charge up. You will be able to tell that it is charging by the blinking light next to the charge port.

Bad Battery

If your battery struggled to hold a charge prior to now and will not start without the power cable, try another power cable. If the issue persists, you have a faulty battery. You will need to replace the battery, you can buy one from an online retailer. Then follow this replacement guide.

HP Stream won’t save anything

The HP Stream 11 is not able to save any files.

Hard drive is out of storage space

If you cannot save or move any files around, your storage most likely full. Delete unwanted apps and make sure that you empty the recycle bin. If deleting files is not an option, move files and documents to an external drive and remove them from your laptop. Alternatively a micro SD card can be inserted to expand storage space.

Faulty Hard Drive

If the HP Stream is running slow or frequent crashes especially while starting the computer, along with frequent error messages while moving files, your hard drive is going bad. You can remove the hard drive and replace it with a 32 gb emmc solid state memory card. Use this guide to replace the battery.

HP Stream cannot connect to the Internet

When you try to access a website, you receive an error message or cannot connect.

Improperly Connected WiFi

If you are not sure if its your laptop or your WiFi then take the HP Stream to a Router/Modem and plug it in via Ethernet cable. This is to ensure that it’s not your Internet provider causing the issue. If your Internet works via Ethernet cable then remove the Ethernet cable and open up your WiFi settings.

Incorrect DNS Settings

If you have entered the correct password to connect to the router and the HP stream is still not connecting then it is possible that the DNS settings need to be flushed. The DNS settings can be flushed by opening the command line and typing “ipconfig /flushdns” (without the quotes) and hit enter. This clears the internet protocol and allows the system to collect the correct network info.

Bad WiFi hardware

If the pc is not connecting to the internet, other devices will connect to the router, and the DNS settings have been flushed, your WiFi hardware is most likely fried. You will need to replace your WiFi adapter. An external adaptor that uses a usb connection is a good workaround if you do not want/can not replace the motherboard.

Screen is frozen

Your laptop screen is frozen and you cannot navigate to another page.

Computer has crashed

If the computer screen won’t show changes regardless and this is followed by a blue screen with white text or a black screen, it’s possible the computer has crashed. Hold down the power button until the screen goes blank, and then restart the computer. If the issue persist reinstall the operating system.

Task management is overloaded

If your computer screen stops responding and you are running more than two programs, you may be running too many programs and overloading the processor. To fix this, wait for the machine to unfreeze press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and then open up the task manager. End any tasks that are not responsive or taking up too much CPU or Memory.

Laptop overheating

Your laptop is hot and running slow.

Task management is overloaded

If you have too many applications open at once, it can not only slow your computer down, but it will also overheat the laptop. Try not to do more than two tasks at the same time. If something is not responding, push Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time and go to task manager then end the task that is taking up too much CPU or Memory.

Improper ventilation

If you have your HP stream on an uneven surface it can cause overheating, it is recommended to always place the laptop on a flat hard surface to allow cooler air to enter via the small vents on the bottom. If your laptop is still overheating another option to cool it is buying a cooling mat.


keyboard does not work how do I fix this

Gordon Engbert - 回复

My notebook is not getting any charge at all.

But there is a red light by charger port that turns on when I plug it in. And a blue light on the other side is on and stays on can u please tell me what's wrong

Brandi Story - 回复

hey bro, same problem here, have you fixed yours yet?

rykendo tecson -

The power light is on but no image on the scream

bangaleekamara - 回复

the wifi light also on but no image on the scream

bangaleekamara - 回复

Battery is charged but it will not turn on. The screen remains black.

Elizabeth Uhlenhake - 回复

Why will my laptop not come back on when I open it without powering off and then back on? The light is blinking but I have a black screen until I turn it off and then back on

Sheila Woodruff - 回复

I just did it.It worked!❤️

Paulina Owusu - 回复

my laptop is not start only light blink and no any display on screen

Aditya Yadav - 回复

Thank you very much! The solution ( If this does not resolve your issue then with your device off, press the power button. Then, press the ESC key on your the keyboard, press F10. ) has helped me to switch on my device. Many thanks!

romit singh - 回复

Hi my laptop is not opening. When I’m pressing the power button the screen stays black and no response. The light is blinking. How to fix it?

river sky - 回复

Good day everyone, I formatted my hp stream 11 pro, after the installation of some programs in it, to turn it off is now a problem, I even formatted it again to see if it will respond without installing any programs, but yet the problem is still the same thing..when you click on shut down, the laptop will just go blank but it won't off. Please I need guidelines on what to do to resolve this thanks.

Philip - 回复

When powering on my HP stream at the screen goes off and on

Tony Moore - 回复

I have an issue with my HP Stream,

The computer won't turn on and the white power light on the side of the keyboard still on even though the screen is black.

spirit3chaser - 回复

hello sir my hp loptop has power but only capslock and numlock is blinking what was the problem in this case?

Jolly Gloria - 回复

i did the same thong turning d power on pressing esc key + F10 still useless … nothing happens… what was really d cause of this problem. what can i do so ibcan use again my hp loptop. thanks.

Jolly Gloria - 回复

My hp stream laptop14 is charging and the power light is on but the screen is still pitch black. How do i fix it?

Paulanti Williander - 回复

Any idea what the hard drive looks like on this model? Trying to remove it before recycling the computer, and nothing inside looks remotely like a hard drive.

David Spohr - 回复

I’m having a problem where my power light blinks and my black screen flashes white

Jodi Helman - 回复

Power button slow flashes when I try and start the laptop. And won't boot. Nothing on the screen just a slow flashing power light. I've tried letting it charge, in be opened the back and tried disconnecting the battery, unseated and reseated the memory. Any other ideas?

Cameron Rogers - 回复

Laptop hp stream not getting passed the hp logo sign when switching on

Vickie - 回复



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