

本篇指南是分解流程而非维修指南。 如果您要维修您的iPhone 5,应参考我们的维修指南

  1. iPhone5 拆解, iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解, iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解, iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    Pro Tech Toolkit
    • 发布会后的次日早晨,苹果带给我们我们一直在期待的:新的iPhone 5!

    • 非常感谢澳大利亚MacFixit让我们使用他们在墨尔本的场地进行此次拆解。 他们有售卖Mac和iPhone升级配件和普通配件,以及我们的iFixit工具包

    '''Techno Related''' now imagine reassembling it a few hundred times and that's your average day at foxconn....oh and you're 12 years old...

    Techno Related - 回复

  2. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 重磅来袭!这就是iPhone5:

    • ‎4英寸1136 × 640 像素 (326 ppi) 视网膜显示‎屏

    • ‎苹果 A6 芯片 (SoC)‎

    • 800万像素摄像头 iSight 摄像头‎

    • ‎8 针闪电连接器‎

    • ‎4g LTE 连接‎

    • iOS 6

    can you test to see how easy the black comes off from the case.. Big question in forums called "Scuff Gate"

    chrisfromalbany - 回复

    I replaced the battery. But only last week I put it on charge. With genuine apple charger. But in the morning the battery had swollen up. Popping the screen.. I still have my i fixit tool kit so i checked the battery and it was soft like jelly. I checked about replacement and I was directed to the Australian site. Where the price is double the price i paid for the same battery i had sent from I fixit in CA. Also the postage in Australia. Was over "$15 dollars. Looks like the Australian store is robbing us locals and the last one from the US WAS shipped by air … Would management care to explain . The reasons.. ?????

    hughgray - 回复

  3. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 你不会把iPhone 5错看成iPhone 4或4S。iPhone 5的外观发生了很大的变化。

    • 手机底部最明显的改变是将大型 30 针接口更换为小型的闪电接口。

    • 耳机插孔现在在iPhone的底部,在一系列小的扬声器麦克风开孔旁边,而不是防尘网覆盖的大开孔。

    • 其他显着的差异包括深蓝灰色的金属包边,以及边框和前/后壳之间的倒角边缘,与环绕着iPhone 4S的不锈钢带风格迥异。

  4. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
    • 麻烦的五角螺丝! 好在我们的五角螺丝刀仍然有用。

    • 苹果在iPhone 4和4S上使用了两年来一直使用的相同的五角螺丝,这是非常方便的。 螺丝轴与我们的iPhone 4 / 4S拆解套装中的螺丝略有不同,所以我们制作了一款新的iPhone 5拆卸套装!

    • 一体式的后壳让人联想到iPhone 3GS,同时仍然保留了iPhone 4的正方形结构(虽然现在边框已经被倒角了)。

    a heads up about the volume/silent button/ power button ribbon cable that runs width wise under the upper part of the battery would have been AWESOME, you can just change step 9 to broke my phone...

    Allan - 回复

  5. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 这是什么? 吸盘?自从iPhone 3GS以来,我们不需要一个吸盘来打开iPhone!

    • 因为iPhone 5是从前面打开的,更换破损的屏幕将比以前更容易。 谢谢你,苹果

    • 与iPhone 4S进行比较,拆解出显示器组件需要38个步骤,而这个iPhone可能是我们在一段时间内看到的可修复性最高的iPhone。

    Can we give the iPhone 5 a tentative 9 out of 10 just because of the screen? It already looks more repairable than the Retina MBP.

    plink53 - 回复

  6. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 屏幕排线用几个简单的十字螺丝固定在主板上。

    • 用我们的撬棒挑开屏幕排线,就可以取下屏幕。

    • 恍惚间我们似乎看到了iPhone 3GS那易于拆卸额屏幕组件。

    • 手残党和屏幕修理党欢呼吧!

    I have noticed that the 3 screws that remove the plate that connects the digitizer and the glass , 2 of which are magnetic and one 1 non magnetic, does anyone know the reason for this?

    Brennan Babb - 回复

    I read somewhere here that it's to prevent GPS interference, as the GPS module is located right next to it.

    stretchymantis -

    Uhh just a quick one! I was not paying attention as to which hole the non magnetised screw came out of. Can anyone tell me which hole it came out of please?

    tyronne888 - 回复

  7. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • iPhone 5掀开盖子,向我们展示了里面所有有趣的部分。

    • 那么,我们能从这里看到什么呢?一个更大的电池?天线?扬声器?相机?震动马达?Home键?

    • 别担心,忠实的果粉:我们一定会仔细拆解它们。

  8. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 和往常一样,在继续拆解之前,我们首先断开电池,以防止任何东西带电,包括我们自己。

    • 3颗Phillips #000号螺丝和金属支架将电池排线固定在主板上。

    • 嗯,开始觉得很熟悉了。

    • iPhone 3GS中,屏幕很容易取出,但电池很麻烦。在4和4s中,屏幕拆除用了38个步骤,而电池很容易取出。我们倾向于认为,苹果已经开始根据我们的喜好进行调整,允许我们在短短几步内拆卸屏幕和电池。

  9. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 用电池拆卸标签拉出电池。不要试图撬开电池,因为这可能导致电池过热!

    • iPhone 5 苹果采用了不同的电池化学物质,电压更高,容量略大于iPhone 4S。让我们看看电池的规格是怎样的。

    • iPhone 5电池:3.8V - 5.45Wh-1440mAh。通话时间:3G通话时间最长可达8小时。待机时间:225小时。

    • iPhone 4S电池:3.7V - 5.3Wh - 1432mAh。通话时间:3G通话时间最长可达8小时。待机时间:200小时。

    • 三星Galaxy S III电池:3.8V - 7.98Wh - 2100mAh。通话时间:3G通话11小时40分钟。待机时间:790小时。

    • 在电池背面,我们看到“MFR索尼”和“新加坡制造的电池”。谷歌一下,很有可能是索尼制造的。

    Does anyone have the X,Y,and Z dimensions of the battery? The battery is clearly bigger than the iPhone4 battery in the XY dimension and I am wondering if it got thicker or thinner for the iPhone5.

    gary - 回复

    I was looking at the conversion for 5.45 Wh to mAh and noticed that the value is actually closer to 1434 mAh when using the following math: (5.45Wh * 1000)/3.8V ≈ 1432 mAh. Am I missing something?

    Kaz Kimura - 回复

    Wrong picture in middle one, that one is Iphone 4S batt.

    Queens BB - 回复

    Hi, what is the physical size of the iphone 5 battery (LxWxH)? I can find this info for older iphones but can't seem to find for this one. thx!

    yoshi chin - 回复

    Theres no removal tab on my battery. Could someone have been in my phone before?

    Black Hat - 回复

  10. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • iPhone 5内部有各种各样的金属触点。

    • 弹簧触点易于维修,但要求在重新组装前仔细注意清洗所有部件。手指油脂会妨碍金属接触,导致部件故障。

    • 该触点将前置摄像头周围的金属框架连接到后置摄像头周围的框架。也许这个框架是某种天线?只有时间能证明一切。

    • 说到天线,撬棒可以很容易将天线连接器的一端从电池附近的主板上撬下来。

    • 在iPhone 4S中,这个天线位置是预留给蜂窝天线的。在我们继续拆解之前,我们无法确定这个天线的用途。

    What is the little metal box on the top right called

    Jordan Higgins - 回复

    Back camera?

    Vatsan - 回复

  11. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 在机身顶部,我们发现一些天线紧紧地固定在机身内部。

    • 拧完最后的螺丝,就可以把主板从后盖上取出。

    • 主板和800万像素的iSight摄像头一起被取出,后壳上只留有最后几个组件,这是模块化的另一个优势。

    • 可修复性加1分。

  12. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 他们(植入式广告工程师)说,如果我们写科技文章的人都很好,而且工作到很晚,那么当我们完成拆卸工作时,就可以选择一种饮料。

    • 然后他们马上把饮料拿走了……

    • 把它们放进冰箱里!!

    • 我们很快乐。

  13. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 主板上的许多部件都是用螺丝和支架固定的。

    • 显然,苹果非常关心的是确保所有的连接器都牢牢地固定在一起,不会随着时间的推移而松动。给苹果点赞。

    • 在我们进一步讨论之前:感谢Chipworks,他们坚持到深夜,帮助我们识别逻辑板上的芯片。他们的作品(还有我们的!)可以在下面看到。

  14. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 主板的背面充满了电子元件。

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)77352-15 GSM/GPRS/EDGE功放模块

    • SWUA 147 228 射频天线开关模块

    • 超群半导体(TriQuint)用于UMTS频段的WCDMA / HSUPA功率放大器/双工器模块

    • 安华高(Avago)AFEM-7813双频LTE B1/B3 PA+FBAR双工模块

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)77491-158 CDMA功放模块

    • 安华高(Avago)A5613 ACPM-5613 LTE 13频段 功放

    So, guessing by the Avago PA chips, is this a A1429 CDMA?

    And how about the internals for A1429 GSM and A1428 GSM?

    iFixit, any chance you can blow away another $650 x 2 for the other two models?

    Bhuv - 回复

    How do you remove the plates without messing them up? Looks like they are soldered on the motherboard.

    Angela Penaherrera - 回复

    Through either desoldering, cutting, or straightup ripping them off the board -- whichever method yields the least-destructive, but also speedy result.

    We love it when a motherboard has a frame that's soldered, and little covers that go on top of the frame. We can remove those without any damage whatsoever.

    Miroslav Djuric -

  15. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 主板背面的更多芯片:

    • 高通(Qualcomm)PM8018射频电源管理IC

    • 海力士(Hynix) H2JTDG2MBR 128Gb (16GB) NAND闪存

    • 苹果(Apple) 338S1131对话电源管理IC*

    • 苹果(Apple)338S1117 凌云逻辑(Cirrus Logic)D类放大器。里面的芯片是凌云逻辑(Cirrus Logic)的(第二张图片),但它看起来不像音频编解码器。

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)L3G4200D (AGD5/2235/G8SBI)低功耗三轴陀螺仪,与iPhone 4S、iPad 2和其他主流智能手机相同。

    • 村田制作所(Murata) 339S0171(基于博通(Broadcom) BCM4334) Wi-Fi模块

    Apple 338S1117 chip can't be Elpida memory MCP for LTE, because the LTE chipset in on the other edge of the board.

    miguel angel - 回复

    In addition to Alexander Zuev comment : is the GPS chipset BCM47511, or a new combo one?

    Francis - 回复

    The response is: No! Qualcomm MDM9615M is a Gobi™ modem which includes a built-in GPS chip GLONASS enable. No specs are available for this chip (sensitivity, number of channels, SBAS)

    Francis -

  16. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 现在我们来看一下主角:A6处理器。

    • A6处理器是第一个使用基于ARMv7指令集的定制设计的苹果系统芯片(SoC)

    • 由于A6不是ARM公版的CPU设计,这使得苹果能够根据自己的需要定制A6。

    • 据Chipworks称,丝印B8164B3PM表示1GB尔必达(Elpida) LPDDR2 SDRAM。

    • 相反,苹果在主题演讲中展示的信息图表清楚地显示了A6上的是三星(Samsung)的RAM (K3PE7E700F)。

    • 不久前,苹果公司决定减少来自三星的RAM芯片订单。是时候投资尔必达了?还是三星准备在下一款手机上憋大招?仁者见仁,智者见智了。

  17. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,1
    • 有人要苹果(Apple)338S1077 凌云逻辑(Cirrus)音频芯片的特写吗?

    • 音频芯片是做什么的?简而言之,它是既可以进行数字信号转化为模拟信号,也可模拟信号转化为数字信号,从而正确的编码和解码音频输入和输出信号的单芯片。

    That is Apple 338S1077 Speaker ic,Apple 338S1117 Cirrus Logic is the Audio Codec!

    Filip Pusca - 回复

    Dear people if you disassemble an device never use tools to pry up any connectors flexes, use your finger nails to exclude damage of SMD parts,some people guided to use such tools when take off GPS flex cable on iPhone 5 they damage IMEI ic which stay in corner of simholder after that ic damages you can trash your phone,and there are many other faults caused by such tools so be careful!

    Filip Pusca - 回复

  18. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,1
    • 主板上的芯片。有点像木头上的蚂蚁。

    • 意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)LIS331DLH (2233/DSH/GFGHA)超低功耗、高性能三轴直线加速度计

    • 德州仪器(Texas Instruments)343S0628触摸屏SoC

    • 博通(Broadcom)BCM5976触摸屏控制器

    • 苹果没有采用单一触摸屏控芯片,而是采用多芯片解决方案来处理更大的屏幕尺寸,就像iPad那样。

    • 苹果(Apple)A6处理器

    • 高通(Qualcomm)MDM9615M LTE 调制解调器

    • 高通(Qualcomm)RTR8600 多频段/模式射频收发器,与三星Galaxy S III相同

  19. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 支持4G的iPhone?这比你想象的更有可能。

    • 我们现在可以确认高通(Qualcomm)MDM9615M是支持这一新功能的4G LTE调制解调器。

    • 在被安卓系统的恶霸们取笑了一年多之后,iPhone的忠实用户终于拥有了4G LTE。他们将如何利用这些新发现的力量?只有时间能证明一切。

    • 高通(Qualcomm)MDM9615M基带采用28nm工艺,支持 LTE (FDDTDD)、HSPA+、EV-DO Rev B、TD-SCDMA

    • MDM9615支持多频谱、多模式LTE。它负责在LTE上传输同步语音和数据传输(前提是运营商具备同步语音和数据传输的基础设施)。

    • 我们也发现高通(Qualcomm)RTR8600多频段/多模射频收发器。RTR8600与MDM9615配对以支持各种频段,包括5个UMTS频段、5个LTE频段和4个EDGE频段。

  20. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,1
    • 凑近看看博通(Broadcom)BCM5976触摸控制器。

    • 苹果在MacBook Air上使用了同样的芯片来控制触控板。在这里,它与德州仪器(Texas Instruments)的触摸屏控制器一起工作来处理视网膜显示屏上的触摸输入。

  21. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 21 中的图像 3,3
    • 在完全分析主板之后,我们把注意力转回到后盖上。

    • 即使是大量的胶粘剂也经不起我们强大的撬棒!

    • 接下来取出的是闪电接口组件,其中包括耳机插孔,扬声器,和底部的麦克风。

    • 看来Wi-Fi天线也被嵌入到组件中。iPhone 5现在支持2.4 GHz和5 GHz。

    • 天线的尺寸是全波长的一部分,所以2.4 GHz四分之一波长(1.23英寸)与5 GHz半波长(1.18英寸)非常接近,一个天线可以同时为两个频率服务。

    So you still haven't updated this about the Wi-Fi antenna? There's already another guide telling where the Wi-Fi antenna is. The Murata Wi-Fi module is far from the speaker so this coaxial connector should belong to mobile phone functions. iPhone 5 Wi-Fi天线更换

    Wayne - 回复

    I think you mean that the antenna has to be a "harmonic" of the wavelength, not just a "fraction." Big difference.

    bob - 回复

  22. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,1
    • 三个麦克风中的第一个和闪电接口一起出现在iPhone 5上。

    • 可以合理推断位于设备前端底部的麦克风用于语音命令和语音呼叫。

    • 另外两个麦克风还在机身中,在手机的顶部。

  23. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 23 中的图像 3,3
    • 30针接口看起来大到能吞掉闪电接口。

    • 在这里,我们可以清楚地看到新的闪电接口的八个引脚。

    • 虽然还没有任何关于闪电接口的官方消息,但我们可以肯定地说其中两个将用于电源和接地。至于其他6个,好吧,还任人猜测。

    • 更新:我们现在知道闪电接口的引脚定义了。

    • 苹果公司声称闪电接口是全数字化的。然而,他们还声称iPhone 5支持模拟音频输出和VGA视频,这表明线缆内部可能正在有某种数模转换机制。

    Everyone seems to focus on the connector, but it's the socket that makes for a smaller device. What is the difference in area and volume between the 30-pin socket and the Lightning socket.

    Gary - 回复

    As for conversion D/A and A/D in a Lightening cable,(to support analog A/V output) it is also possible that the port is mode sensing. I have seen a number of devices now that mode sense on USB ports to provide analog A/V out, as well as USB/OTG functions depending on which cable is plugged in.

    Brian - 回复

  24. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 24 中的图像 3,3
    • 对闪电接口的进一步研究显示,它有一排整齐的引脚和一个固定线缆的夹子。

    • 从第二张高分辨率图片中可以看出,有两个最外面的引脚插入到其他引脚中。这是标准做法,以确保所有其他信号和电源在接地或电源之前连接(取决于 Apple 是否决定通过外部金属屏蔽或接地供电)。

    • 通常的做法是首先连接信号线和地线,然后通过较短的引脚接供电。时间会告诉拥有电压表的人到底哪个是供电(引脚还是外壳)。

    • 每个引脚(如第三张图所示)都有弹性,末端镀金,以确保闪电线缆和插座之间能够紧密接触。

  25. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 2,3 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 25 中的图像 3,3
    • 即使还有几个组件在,后盖仍是令人印象深刻的轻。

    • 使用高科技、先进的精密秤,我们得出结论,iPhone 5 的整个后壳仅比 4S 的玻璃后面板重一点点。

  26. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,1
    • 震动马达上的压力触点意味着更换它不需要焊接或撬开排线。

    • 不像iPhone 4S使用的是线性振动的马达,苹果已经回归到带有平衡力的旋转马达。

    • 我们过去曾称赞苹果采用了更安静、不那么烦人的线性震动马达(三星制造),但现在我们却在挠头,不知道他们为什么要牙膏倒吸。

    You could barely feel the linear oscillator. I'm glad they went back to the rotational motor. At least now you'll be able to feel it vibrating in your pocket.

    Hayden Boroski - 回复

    I think this patent (below) is the reason Apple no longer uses a linear oscillator. Oh and who owns the patent I hear you ask? A: Samsung.


    Nick Gilbert - 回复

    I agree, the linear oscillator is terrible. Sure, its quieter, but you can hardly feel it. I definitely missed more calls with my 4S than any previous phone. Also, the rotational motor is smaller than the linear oscillator.

    nbidgood - 回复

  27. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,1
    • 拧下两颗螺钉即可轻松取出听筒,听筒通过弹簧触点连接到显示组件。

    • iPhone 4S 中的扬声器粘在脆弱的电源按钮带状电缆上,需要花费很多工作才能拆除。现在它可以直接从显示器组件上弹出——可修复性万岁!

  28. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 28 中的图像 2,2
    • 苹果最新版的经典home键采用了集成的金属支架,我们希望这将大大加强这个经常使用按键的耐用性。

    • 许多iPhone 4和4S用户都经历过home键故障的痛苦,但他们都没有足够的勇气尝试修复。这种新设计不仅可以延长使用寿命,还可以大大减少更换home键的麻烦。

    • 并排比较iPhone 4和iPhone 5的屏幕。iPhone 4s有一个集成的home键。

    Hi. On photo 28, those pair of contacts on printed pcb from the home button are going to be connected to a pair of contacts-springs that are near the lightning connector. Where do these contacts-springs are connected to ? I have a case of faulty home button that after replacing the home-button assembly, it is still failing. What could be the cause ? I’ve read that the home button when it fails, 9 out of 10 cases is due to the button itself. My case is 10% remaining. Any idea? Thanks.

    Carlos - 回复

    Just for clarification. The pair of contacts-springs that I mentioned before, are visible on photo of step 21

    Carlos - 回复

  29. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 29 中的图像 1,1
    • 乍一看像是是LCD屏幕组件的一部分,在拧下几个螺丝之后就可以很容易地拆卸下来。

    • 这块金属屏蔽板可能用于屏蔽和散热。螺丝附近的弹簧触点表明,金属屏蔽板也可以用来接地。

    • 有人问过我们这块金属屏蔽板是不是液态金属做的。很抱歉让大家失望了,但它似乎不是。这块金属屏蔽板与不锈钢的电阻相同,具有轻微的磁性,就像不锈钢一样。

  30. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 30 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 30 中的图像 2,2
    • 根据用户的要求,我们研究了对“磨损门”的担忧,即担心黑色涂层太容易磨损。

    • 我们发现这面很硬,但是倒角的边缘很容易磨损,使得侧面有一道闪亮的条纹。

    • 这表明:小心,要不就得换外壳。或者可以放飞自我。

    Good point! more of us need to learn how to be free like the wind.

    Collin Reisdorf - 回复

  31. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 31 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 31 中的图像 2,2
    • iPhone 5最大的卖点之一是升级后的800万像素iSight摄像头。

    • 尽管从外观上看,这款相机与去年的机型差别不大,但索尼还是进行了一些重大升级,包括改善了弱光性能,图像捕捉速度提高了40%。iPhone 5的摄像头是左边的那个。

    • 你的照片会这么好看吗?这要看你是否会花时间在晚餐以外的事情上去拍照。

  32. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 32 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 32 中的图像 2,2
    • 苹果公司对他们在新改进的相机中使用蓝宝石水晶感到非常自豪。

    • 由于蓝宝石是一种非常坚硬的材料,因此相机的最外层元件由蓝宝石制成是明智的。

    • 我们试着用一把钢镊子去划镜片,镜片仍然没有划痕。

    • 虽然这并不能证实镜片是由蓝宝石水晶制成的,但这确实意味着它相当坚硬且耐刮擦。

    • 经过一番思考,我们认为用镊子划几下相机镜头涂层的划痕测试不够彻底。

    • iPhone 5的后盖承受不住砂纸和钥匙的冲击,但镜头盖依然晶莹剔透。厉害了。

  33. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 33 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 33 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们找到他们了!正如苹果所承诺的那样,设备顶部有更多麦克风。

    • 首先,我们找到了前置顶部麦克风,大概用于 FaceTime 和通话降噪功能。

    • 背面呢?它开始看起来像一个三麦克风了!后置麦克风与后置摄像头配合录制视频,还用于消除通话时的背景噪音。

    My amend suggesting the purpose of the rear mic was deleted by Brett, but the rear mic is *definitely* used for recording sound when filming video. To verify, blow on the mic during recording, then temporarily cover it with your finger for comparison. Covering this mic with your finger totally mutes the wind noise.

    Nick Gilbert - 回复

    I m having camera n cellular network problemin my iPhone 5, can someone tell me how to fix it. Email me waleeddhch or whatsapp me 0345-4494079

    waleedbch - 回复

  34. iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 34 中的图像 1,2 iPhone5 拆解: 步骤 34 中的图像 2,2
    • iPhone 5的可修复性:7/10(10是最容易修复的)

    • 我们很高兴 iPhone 5 上的玻璃/显示屏是最先拆出的。大多数 iPhone 维修都是由于屏幕玻璃破碎造成的。

    • 拆下屏幕后,稍微撬一下电池就可以取出来了。

    • iPhone 5的外部仍然使用了五角螺丝,这使得它更难打开。

    • 玻璃盖板,触摸板,和液晶显示器都是一个组件,因此增加了维修成本。

    • 许多较小的部件焊接在一条带状电缆上,增加了仅修复一个部件的成本。

    I'm very happy to see Apple including a SIM card tool again, but how do you get the nanoSIM to stay in the full-size holder?

    Kit Halsted - 回复

    What about removing the top and bottom panels of the rear casing? What are they? What are they made out of? How are they removed?

    Phil - 回复


en zh


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Keep it coming guys...great.

Juan Bobby - 回复

Please remove all the cans so we can see the baseband, transceiver, antenna setup, etc... Thanks!

JaCar - 回复

Great job .. this is what exactly i was waiting for

prakash dahal - 回复

AMAZING! Thanks for getting this out there! I've suspected that this phone was going to be easier to replace the screen ever since the leaked parts started pouring in.

Thank God it's not like the iPod Touch 4th Gen display.

When are you going to do a tear-down on the 5th Gen iPod touch?

justfinethanku - 回复

cool and looks so nice too

Kwame Owusu - 回复

It's great job.

Please remove all black color label on the battery, to identify more details, Thanks

Masa - 回复

Excellent description and beautiful photos as always. You folks do an excellent job.... with one minor request for more... The details of the antennas are not clear. In particular, where exactly are the 3G/4G antennas? Is the metallic ring around the perimeter of the phone part of an antennae again as in "antennagate?" (I don't think so, but would like confirmation). Also, are the diversity antennas used over all the bands?

Stephen Wilkus - 回复

Have you opened the lightning cable? Seems to be an authentification chip inside..

3gfisch - 回复

quick one: which chip is used for GPS and does it dual GPS/GLONASS as it was in 4S?

Alexander Zuev - 回复

Is the LCD & Lens separate like the 3G/GS? Or, is it put together as one piece like the 4/4s?

Scott - 回复

is it possible to remove the glass/ceramic sections on the rear case,

to allow a black front case, and black rear sections, to be fitted into a silver iphone?

jimbo - 回复

Any chance you can acually rate the repairability of Samsung Galaxy S3 as well? Seems kinda weird that you "don't feel it's right to judge a device through the intertubes" only for that one...

Nick - 回复

Omg coming from fixing over a dozen 4's this is amazing for fixing a cracked front screen, I seriously think I'm gonna run around the block naked and rejoice!!!! THANK U APPLE!!!!!


What kind of plastic does the iPhone 5 casing use? (The part that connected to the aluminum stripe across the back). I dropped my phone down some stairs and the plastic part cracked.

Edward - 回复

Sadly, those parts in the rear case are glass, so there isn't much you can do to fix them short of replacement. Check out this Answers post about taking those parts out.

Andrew Optimus Goldheart -


GaoYuming - 回复

Looks like Chipworks has their teardown up: http://goo.gl/H65BgS

Phil - 回复

Hi I have water damage on my iPhone 5 and I would like to fix it.

I've read your water damage guide and I didn't understand if you can/have to clean all the parts where there's some corrosion visible or just the logic board and LCD? Will it help if I clean everything with a cloth moistened in isopropyl alcohol?

Thanks, and I commented here because the last article about water damage is very old and outdated it's on the iPhone 3G so I posted on this active guide.

Noel - 回复

wow i have just finished replacing my iphone 5 screen scary at first but not so complicated. make sure you dont drop any screw, the suction pad didnt work for me, i had to pry the bottom screen, do it gently so you dont leave any marks on the phone. once out every thing is straight forward, carefull with the home button, on mine it was stuck on original phone with adhesive. so taking out the flat cable was a delicate process. other wise phone is brand new and works well and look brand new. thanks Ifixit.com

mwanzie - 回复

Where to find the quartz oscillator?

nihatozkan94 - 回复

i need help wit the 821-1441-a pcb antenna switch , i want a tutorial how to remove and install a new one , some1 can help!?

Chris - 回复

This part will also fix a broken home button if the little copper contacts have been ripped off by a co worker that messed with your broken down phone after you told him not to

Athena Strong - 回复

Hi who is the author of this? I would like to cite it in my project.

thanks! :-)

Nick - 回复

I have a problem in My iPhone 5! It do not recognize da the original Lightning cable charge or usb on the computer.. I already try to change the conector... Is saem thing in the main board! Sorry about My english! Please help!

Fernando De Martino - 回复

The iPhone 5 was the most beautiful iPhone, especially the silver one. It was the the lightest until now and quite fast. I wished I hadn't sold mine. It was the last iPhone Steve Jobs commissioned. It is just beautiful, elegant and light. Very fast on the iOS 10 with long battery life. I like the headphone jack.

Cosmo Karma - 回复

informative post!!! thanxx for sharing .do give a post on iphone 7

lily cyrus - 回复

i can't stop laughing at step 12

Cheer !

Đô Phạm - 回复

it is really helpful for me since i started my repairing please keep going on and thanks a lot for helping individual repairer to run their shops.

thanks again ifixit you are doing great job for no cost. ummmaaah

saif ullah - 回复

اين اجد مذر بورد ايفون 4s?

Jaman - 回复

My iphone 5 have a problem when it is turned on it works properly but when its battery drain to zero and phone turned off then it don't picking up charging.Help me.

Punjabi Club - 回复

Any ideas?

I replaced the battery and the screen on my daughter’s iPhone 5. Now the mic does not work on normal voice calls. Speaker phone works fine, just not ordinary voice calls. Has anybody got a suggestion as to where I should begin looking?

Ian Wales - 回复

Really enjoyed Reading this! Helped med out big Time.. good work

Patrick Dahl - 回复

How to re assemble it set it to the position it was on before

Maxem - 回复



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