Nintendo Wii 前面板更换

Nintendo Wii 前面板更换

Andrew Bookholt

Andrew Bookholt7 其他贡献者

最后更新于 October 22, 2024

5 - 15 分钟

参照本指南为 Wii 更换前面板,同时更换吸入式光驱开口旁的蓝色 LED 。





  1. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换, 前面板: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Nintendo Wii 前面板更换, 前面板: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 用一个金属小铲子(小撬棍应该也可以)来拆开主机上的螺丝保护盖

    Die Abdeckungen sind geklebt, stecken also nicht.

    Ludger - 回复

    Don’t mistakenly remove the rubber case feet

    Bob Trout - 回复

    I just did. That picture could be better.

    B G -

    Thanks I almost removed the rubber feet

    Lushane - 回复

    If you’re wondering what to use for this, the main blade of a pocket knife from the corner of the plastic works well.

    Cameron Holman - 回复

    As you remove the hardware in each step, place them together on a sheet of paper and circle them with the step number.

    Tom J - 回复

    Very helpful suggestion, thanks!

    Christopher Reese -

    Caution: Before you begin disassembly. If possible, power on your Wii, and attempt to eject whatever disk you may have in the drive.

    Steve - 回复


    I'd recommend removing the RTC Battery before starting to completely remove all power. You can see how in step 15.


    When removing the screw covers I'd recommend inserting tweezers in the bottom corners facing away from the rubber feet.

    When the tweezers are inserted you should push them down to grab on to the cover and pull it off.

    Macro Man - 回复

  2. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆掉这两颗8.3毫米的三角螺丝(注:如果你不明白三角螺丝的含义,你可以参考奔驰车标的样子),它们藏在你刚刚拆下的盖子下面。

    Before you start, get a small plastic tray with at least 15 small bins in it, and put the screws you take out in each step in the bins in order. It makes reassembly a LOT easier.

    larry - 回复

    NOTE: You need a Y1 screwdriver. Be careful when buying the little red screwdrivers on Amazon that claim to fit the Wii - they don’t!! From personal experience.

    Robotai - 回复

    I have an ifixit kit and the Y1 didn't fit. I ended up using a Y0 and it worked.

    Macro Man -

    Just to add to Robotai’s comment, if you do get the little red/orange screwdrivers on Amazon, file off the tip. It if’s mostly blunt, it fits the tri-wing screws much better.

    jeff - 回复

    1/16 x 1 craftsman Phillips mini screwdriver works for this if you don’t have the tri-wing driver

    grace nicosin - 回复

    How do you make one ? If you don’t have the screwdriver

    Ethan - 回复

    I am using a 18ct empty egg carton to hold the screws/parts removed in the steps.

    karenmparamore - 回复

    Larry’s idea about the bins was great and helpful.

    Robots is right- you NEED a Y1. Just buy the thing with the drive. I didn’t, tried many other options, none worked. Had to order the thing separately with shipping. Mistake….

    David Ryan - 回复

    My two screws hidden are on the backend of the Wii. This picture shows them on the front.

    Leah Wendleton - 回复

    I had to hold the tri point driver in a vice-grip to get the leverage to get these screws out

    Bob Schwarz - 回复

    These screws were really tough for me too. Amazon screw driver was stripping them. I attached a 7 mm socket to the end of the screwdriver and got enough force to get them out.

    NateB - 回复

  3. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆下靠近手柄连接端口附近的一颗5.9毫米的十字螺丝

    Pry the square rubber piece in the middle, not the hard plastic square frame.

    David Will - 回复

  4. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    • 用刚才的小铲子移除光驱开口的橡胶垫片(注:在Wii的商标下面)

    All of the rubber feet on my very old Wii had literally melted into a gooey mess and just needed to be scraper off and cleaned with alcohol.

    Bob Robins - 回复

  5. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆掉一颗5.9毫米的十字螺丝,它在你刚刚拆掉的橡胶垫下面

    please help! my lil sis got a disc stuck in my wii while it was off!!! please help fast!!!

    Leah Vegan - 回复

    It won’t come out, it will turn and go up but it won’t go fully out

    Mmbb - 回复

  6. Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 Nintendo Wii 前面板更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 小心的把Wii的面板拉开

    • 镊子把LED的排线从主板拔出

    • 移开面板

    surprisingly, this was the trickiest step for me. I almost completely mangled the wires when my tweezers slipped as I was attempting to remove the connector.

    rbelknap - 回复

    I removed it with a spudger, gently lift from each side until it pops out.

    For those reassembling

    line up the pins push it in with your spudger gently until it's in. Then line up the front plate, push gently, confirm everything is where it should be and push firmly, I found it needed a strong push to sit flush with the other body panels.

    James middleton -

    I ended up using needle nose pliars on this step.

    Awesome detailed guide made this very easy, thank you author!

    Glenn Woodard - 回复

    Can someone direct me to what I need to do? My tweezers slipped and I cut one of the wires on the connector. Where can I find a new Y plug for the wii?

    jaredslaweski - 回复

    I also broke my wire trying to use tweezers. I should have known better. I use (normally do) a spudger on one side and my fingernail on the other to gently pry these types of connectors out. I ended up buying a replacement faceplate on ebay.

    Tyler - 回复

    This was the hardest part for me. I tried using my fingernails, two different tweezers, and needle nose pliers, but I ended up cutting both the wires. Anyway, I put some electric tape over the exposed wires and just reassembled the system. Funny thing is that the LED still works and I have not noticed any difference. I'm not sure what those wires did, but they seem to not be important.

    Nick - 回复

    For people still wondering after all these years, :), The connector is for the blue leds around the dvd when loading and unloading a disk.

    Niels -

    I also broke off the flimsy wires at the connector. To NOT break the wires, alternate pressing on the right and left sides of the connector with a small flathead screwdriver. Be patient, it will eventually work itself free. There isn't enough to grab onto with the tweezers and you'll only succeed in having them slip off, grab the wires, and yank the wires out.

    Good news is that if you do rip out the wires, no worries... I didn't reconnect them and the unit works just fine. I have no idea what those wires are even for. Power LED continues to work no problem.

    jasendorf - 回复

    I used two small flat head screw drivers, one on each side to pry out the connector. This created less pressure from me and reduced my chance of cutting the wires.

    mulkey - 回复

    This guide is really marvellous - works a treat. But I would definitely recommend needle nose pliers for this step rather than tweezers. It's really easy if you use pliers and potentially damaging if not, and you get it wrong. I had one sniff at it with tweezers then immediate nipped out to the garage for my pliers!

    thepitcanary - 回复

    Definitely a tricky step with that connector. I also cut broke the wire accidentally and was going to just give up trying to fix the Wii. However, as others stated the Wii works just fine, including the lights. I do wonder what those wire are for.

    darcaesar - 回复

    I also had a lot of trouble trying to get the connector off with tweezers. Ended up leaving it attached. It does not really get in the way of remaining steps.

    Ron Even - 回复

    Needlenose pliers did the trick for us!

    Ron Cormier - 回复

    Needlenose pliers did it for us!

    Ron Cormier - 回复

    You can save yourself some trouble at this point and skip the rest of the disassembly: See that green tab to the left of the sd card slot? THAT’S the wifi board (and that green tab, in hindsight, seems designed to make it accessible without taking apart the whole device, don’t you think?) A little careful spudging, and you’ve got it out, ready to replace! (There’s a guy who shows the process on youtube, if you want to review first)

    Will - 回复

    I got the connector out ok thanks to the suggestions here, but I couldn’t figure out how to reattach it. In the end, I just kind of threw it in and it worked fine.

    Christine Wittmer - 回复

    Very clear instructions - thanks! Faceplate needed replacing after one of my son’s friends accidentally kicked it across the room. $10 bucks to fix, thanks to ebay and these instructions. I’d never heard of a “tri-wing” screw before.

    LInda Rawlins - 回复

    I just left the connector alone and kept it connected while working on it. There is enough wire to allow you to do what you need if you are just careful not to snag it on anything.

    Michael Payne - 回复

    I, too, left the connector attached and just took care that the loose faceplate did not stretch the (not crucial) wire when moving rest of the Wii.

    Matti Haveri -

    This was the trickiest part, I almost broke the wires using tweezers and pliers, so instead use a flat end screwdriver to pry it out, when putting it back in use needlenose pliers to start it then use your fingernail to go the rest of the way.

    grace nicosin - 回复

    After I got the connector out I noticed the little locking flap on the top side of the connector. I think prying this first is the key to easier removal.

    Will B - 回复

    Anyone know of a method to replace the connector if you end up breaking the wires? Bits of wire are stuck in the white plastic connector, so I'm wondering if I can buy a connector online somewhere without replacing the whole face plate. Thanks :)

    Bronze Owl - 回复

    I severed both wires. If you want to avoid removing the connector, you can lengthen the two wires by unserpentining them from the wire holder that's in the cover.

    Griff Derryberry - 回复

    Make sure there is no SD card in your unit before pulling this off, otherwise it'll get stuck and you could snap your sd card in half!

    carlosahiciano - 回复





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Any more to do if pressing the on button does nothing, its still red power light?

Kyrre - 回复

Tanks for this guide Btw

Kyrre - 回复

Thanks for the guide, I just wish it continued with replacing the components within the faceplate, as I wanted to replace the white shell. Still helpful though!

Cynthia - 回复



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