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HTC One  电池更换

HTC One 电池更换

AJ Skiles

AJ Skiles8 其他贡献者

最后更新于 May 9, 2024








  1. HTC One  电池更换, 电池: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 在本步骤中您将撬起屏幕。 动作一定要柔和不然您将会弄坏它。 在侧面靠上的黑色塑料挡板和玻璃屏幕的边角处插入塑料打开工具,小心地松开粘合剂。 屏幕将仍然在底部固定 ,就像铰链一样。

    • 你也许需要使用吹风机或者热风枪来软化将设备固定在一起的粘合剂。 小心不要过热加热设备,这样可能会损坏设备。

    It is not required to remove the display!!! Skip this step!

    Christian Stangier - 回复

  2. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,1
    • 将塑料打开工具楔入顶部,左侧和右侧的屏幕周围的开口。

    Don't bother doing this step as it is not necessary to remove the glass/lcd first. I have proven this many times. Jump straight to step 4.

    seaniepie - 回复

    True -can’t believe this was included as a step. Just separate the bottom of the trim under the LCD from the back metal cover er ...carefully and in a manner than implies you have all day to do it. Rushing this procedure will only gain you additional damage that will be your reminders from when you tried too hard to get your phone apart. That is unless you’re like me and keep the whole thing in an Otterbox.

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复

  3. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,1
    • 一旦手机屏幕顶部和左右边缘被松开,提起屏幕。

    • 屏幕将保持在铰链上,直到最后一步。

  4. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    • 后壳被胶水和8个卡扣与屏幕挡板所固定。在音量键侧顶部有一个底部有三个。 剩下的在SIM卡槽底部。将塑料打开工具插入后壳和屏幕挡板之间,来松开后壳上的胶水和卡扣。

    The best 'in' for prying open the screen bezel from the back (or in other words, to pry off the back cover) is to insert a pick or pry tool just where the sim card slot is. The plastic here is a little more flexible and allows more freedom of movement. Don't apply too much force unless you don't mind the plastic snapping at the sim port. It won't be much more than cosmetic damage.

    Move the prier towards the bottom. There is one of the holding clips just below the sim port and is rarely held by glue making it the easiest to pry apart. The next clip is about 2inches down from there.

    Once the left side is pried apart fully (keep pulling the back case away till the glue snaps - there are no cables attached to worry about) force the back case to the right to remove it away from the clips on the right hand side. This is relatively easy in comparison to opening the left side.

    seaniepie - 回复

    This step scared the shiznit outta me and I take small electronics apart for a living; just not phones and especially not MINE. In my opinion, this was by-far the hardest step as the seam between the bottom of the plastic trim under the LCD and the back cover is infinitesimally small. It is also the most cosmetically visible once you’ve completed the procedure, so take your time and do it right. The idea is to make the tiny seam big enough to slide a spudger down the seam line which slowly pushes the 2 sides apart. There are “clip points” all around this device (already described). Wedging and prying will only leave marks; even with a spudger or similar plastic tool. Unlike SeaniePie I used the screw holes at the top of the phone to get my “in” and work on it until the gap got bigger then slid several plastic tools down the seam. It was very slow going, but my reward is that it’s hardly visible that I had the phone open. keep with it, it feels impossible for a while.

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复

    Also make sure you get the right seam, my battery was already swelling which made the LCD bulge up in 1 place which made it tempting to separate it from the trim, however it’s the wrong 2 surfaces. You want the bottom of the trim piece and the metal back cover to separate I checked the photo twice before proceeding just to make sure I was separating the right sections.

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复

  5. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 撬开后松开一下,抬起。 后面板会随之脱落。

    Don’t pry, not unless the back is loosened almost all the way off.

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复

  6. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用 #000 十字螺丝刀拧下 所有的#000 螺丝。

    • 有些螺丝被胶带所覆盖,撕下胶带来找到螺丝。

    There's about a billion (minor exaggeration) steps missing here! Watch the video from 2m30s to see the plethora of ribbons and screws to remove. In fact, for replacing the battery most of the marked screws don't need removing. Concentrate on everything connected to just the top board (which sits on top of the battery).

    seaniepie - 回复

  7. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 用镊子从手机中完全取出主板(有可能被底部的胶带粘连)

  8. HTC One  电池更换: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用蓝色的打开工具来将电池从框架中撬起。

    • 电池被粘在框架中所以需要用些力气。

    • 拆卸时请勿弄坏电池。

    When i change battery finish.

    Do I have to use glue to put the screen back on the body?

    Viriya Nopparat - 回复

    what is the serial number for the new battery i need ! or do i need to take the phone apart to get a serial number off the old battery !

    My phone is the same as shown in your demo

    Mick Stride - 回复

    what is the serial number of the battery i need ! or do i need to take the phone apart to get the serial number off the old battery

    My phone is the same as shown in your demo

    Mick Stride - 回复

    I wouldn’t do that Viriya, there will still be some residual “stick” left anyway, but if you ever have to go back into it, you’ll hate yourself for that additional glue you added.

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复

    It’s weird this DIY write-up is the same one, but the comments are different. During this step another commenter saved my butt by adding a warning about how a cable went over the battery. Which was true, the upper corner of the battery nearest to the LEDs/Flash has a delicate cable precariously going over the corner of the battery. The only way to not damage this is to gently get the adhesive detached from the bottom of the battery using a long spudger without removing it. You only lift the battery enough to get the spudger in and then gently separate the two surfaces. When you’re sure that nothing else is holding the battery in, you add gentle, careful pressure to the corner of the battery that has the cable going over it. This will push the battery out enough to clear the overlap of the cable and then you insert the new battery in the same manner that you removed the old one. I am grateful to say for all the eggshells I walked on during this procedure that all functions work as before & no damage done -yay

    Jonathan Wolff - 回复





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Removing the screen first may make it easier to insert the plastic tool between the bezel and the case, however in my instance despite being as careful as I was able I still damaged the screen whilst doing this.

Furthermore, since both the bezel and the case edge are plastic I found that they were not strong enough to withstand damage whilst I loosened the glue that held them together. Whilst I was able to access and replace the battery, cosmetically speaking the phone is a ruin.

Hardest device disassembly I have _ever_ attempted.

Ian Silvester - 回复

Why do you need to remove the screen? Step 3 says the screen will stay hinged until the final step, but after step 3 there is no more mention of the screen.

Leo Taro - 回复

I got away without prying the LCD off (omitting step 2+3). I was lucky and the back coverpopped off rather easily. All in all it took me about an hour.

Christian Egger - 回复

If i change batterry finish.

Do I have to use glue to put the screen back on the body?

Viriya Nopparat - 回复

Where can I get a new battery

Felix - 回复

Is the battery for HTC one and HTC M7 similar?

Ramesh Utharala - 回复

They are both the same phone

Ding Dong -

the worst guide out there

Mujib Hashir - 回复

My old HTC One x died after 8 years, several years ago. It was my favorite phone. Unfortunately I lost all my pictures that were on it. Is there a SIM card reader that can read the unusual size SIM card ? The old card is too big to fit in a newer phone.

Kathy Norris - 回复



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