使用本指南更换 Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 (15") 上磨损或没电的电池。
为了你的安全,在拆卸笔记本电脑之前,请将电池放电至 25% 以下。 如果电池在维修过程中意外损坏,这可以降低发生危险热事件的风险。
你需要更换电池粘合剂才能完成此维修。建议使用强力双面胶带,如 Tesa 61395。
Excellent instructions. Just replaced my upper case. Also thanks for the tip for replacement rubber feet.
What do I do if I accidentally disconnected the ribbon on the keyboard side. I can’t figure out how to reconnect it
Wow - that was easy! Thanks!
John McKee - 回复
使用 T3 Torx 螺丝刀卸下固定散热槽的十颗螺丝:
两颗 2.5 毫米螺丝
三颗 2.0 毫米螺丝
一颗 3.0 毫米螺丝
两颗 4.1 毫米螺丝
两颗 3.4 毫米螺丝
Le reinstale el windows 10 a la Microsoft surface laptop 3 y ya no reconoce el teclado ni el mouse interno
I initially was plying the silver bits on this step. Make sure you're plying the black bits! The foam covered bar also came off separately (first)
I've accidentally shorted out some capacitor while doing this step. Be careful about using non plastic tools
使用 T3 Torx 螺丝刀卸下固定主板的六颗 2 毫米螺丝。
Step 40 : I agree with the previous comment, and I'd add that it's also easier to get the motherboard in and out if the silver strip above the USB-A, USB-C and audio jack is also removed. It's held in by 3 tiny T3 Torx screws.
John McKee - 回复
The right side moves but the left side seems really stuck
Try removing the far left metal bracket before removing the motherboard.
如果你的电池底部预装了粘合剂,请将其翻转过来并小心地剥去衬里以露出粘合剂。如果你的电池没有附带粘合剂,请使用薄的双面胶带(例如 Tesa 61395)将电池固定到位。
小心放置电池并将其放置到位。牢牢按住每个电池组 5-10 秒,将其固定到下壳上。
将你的电子垃圾送到 R2 或 e-Stewards 认证回收商。
维修没有按计划进行?尝试一些基本的 疑难解答 或搜索我们的 [链接|https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/Device/Mi...|论坛]寻求帮助。
将你的电子垃圾送到 R2 或 e-Stewards 认证回收商。
维修没有按计划进行?尝试一些基本的 疑难解答 或搜索我们的 [链接|https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/Device/Mi...|论坛]寻求帮助。
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Wow, that was hard. but I did it and it worked. however. a couple of things. two of the mounting holes in the ifixit battery do not line up with the holes in the case - not a big deal, as the adhesive does most of the holding. And, two elongated dump-bell-shaped washers/bushings fell out somewhere when taking the motherboard out. I just found them lying in the case. I have no idea where they go (i can send an image of them).. like i said, it appears to work without them -- for now.
I'll check on those battery mounting holes! Those two washers are mentioned in step 40. They live under the motherboard.
Got through that. The author did a great job with the instructions, thank you!
The laptop powers up and operates just fine but is not charging. We have ordered another Surface 127W power supply but does anyone know of any issues with the Microsoft power supply not being happy with the replacement battery?
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Wow, what a job... Should probably have a caption saying "do not try this at home"! Amazing that Microsoft made it so extraordinarily complicated just to change the battery - obviously a design choice to get people to buy new machines rather than replacing batteries! This sort of design should be prohibited by law. Be warned, removing the various shields is awful, and prising the battery cells out with isopropanol is messy. However, with the fantastic instructions here, and care and perseverance it is certainly possible. Only additional note I would add is to take precautions for static. Finally completed at 3 in the morning and the laptop is back to together, runs and charges. Thanks for the guidance iFixit :)