
苹果又一次尝试将iPad Pro作为一个新生产力工具(这次是10.5寸)。我们很期待苹果往这块地板上加点硅胶扣篮,但又是什么让这玩意能在王者之间存活?这块iPad有没有能力在球场上占领一块地,还是直接挂点掉?只有一个方法才能了解!来 打球 拆解吧!

想加油吗?我们已经快追上香港记者了,但我们还是挺关心同事的。关注我们的Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, 新浪微博, 或微信公众号:iFixit中文站 来获取最新拆解新闻。





本篇指南是分解流程而非维修指南。 如果您要维修您的iPad Pro 10.5",应参考我们的维修指南

  1. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解, 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解, 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 你可以休息了—这款iPad真的是非常专业的。玩笑开完了,给你们看看这些强大的设备参数:

    • 全压层(金属)材料,10.5寸与LED背光屏幕,具有Oxide TFT "Ture Tone"显示屏,屏幕分辨率2224 x 1668 (264 ppi),具有ProMotion(自适应屏幕刷新率)技术

    • 第四代-64位-Apple A10X处理器,内置M10动作协处理器

    • 1200万像素 OIS 后置镜头,可录制刷新率为30fps的4K视频,700万像素的前置FaceTime 1080p镜头

    • 自平衡,4个扬声器

    • Touch ID传感器,2个麦克风,环境光感应器,加速感应器,气压计,3轴陀螺仪

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 双频MIMO Wi-Fi + 蓝牙4.2

    • 64,256或512 GB 的内置储存

  2. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 随着全新的性能参数和全新的屏幕尺寸,苹果同时也带给我们一个新的型号A1701.

    • 多大才算是大?去年的9.7寸iPad Pro的二围是240×169.5mm, 而这台新的iPad Pro的三围是250.6×174.1 (厚度则是6.1mm,它们几乎是一样薄)

    • 简而言之: 只是大了那么一丢丢.

    • 话虽如此,可以很明显地看到屏幕边框变窄了。因此,新的Pro在手掌上并没有显得很大,而显示区域确实变广了。

    • 其他改动包括:麦克风孔位从后置摄像头旁边移到了自拍摄像头区域。

  3. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 如同 大多数的 iPad,想要突破守卫进入其中必须通过厚实的粘合胶——然而采用窄边框就意味着相对来说更容易意外将撬片卡入显示屏及夹层玻璃之间。

    • 幸运地是,我们是熟练的拆解人员,还装备了专用工具来对付它。

    • 之前盲目拆解新款的iPad很危险,那样很容易割断显示线缆……

    • 但这次不同了!苹果公司将显示线缆放置在了右侧中间,不容易损坏了。

    • 我们之前在iPad上看到过这样的内部安排,而苹果似乎也终于设法将Ipad Pro系列统一为更加对称的设计。

  4. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在,苹果在显示电缆的支架上使用了飞利浦螺丝钉,而不是我们在iPhone 7 上发现的令人讨厌的三点螺丝。与此同时,苹果赚了不少钱。

    • 他们还将显示电缆连接在闪电端口的附近,而不是链接在“死中心”。使修复显得不那么糟糕。

    • 但是看起来它还需要让我们移除另一块被胶粘死的逻辑板。让我们在电池拉环上交叉我们的手指

    • 当我们准备对其发起进攻时,我们打开了X光透视的开关(由我们的好友Creative Electron提供)来研究所有的这些黑盒子。

    Battery connector should be separated from its terminal with a plastic card or pick. Should be done first before unplugging the screen. I expect this from YouTube but not from ifixit!

    Jonathan Faulk - 回复

    @fau1ker iFixit teardowns aren’t meant to be used as instructions (hence the large banner at the top of this page that says “this is not a repair guide.”) Teardowns are fast-paced, often destructive, and we purposely skip a lot of details. If you’re looking for the proper procedure, use a repair guide.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  5. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 从肉眼看,这个屏幕看起来和前几代比起来并不是那么的不同。它的分辨率是264ppi,这并不是第一台高清视网膜屏幕的iPad。

    • 同样,120hz是对于那么多像素点来说一种超前的刷新率。这就是为什么这块屏幕需要4(!)条连接电缆。(它的大哥哥得到了只有两条。)

    • 与此同时,更薄的面板和True Tone(自适应环境光调节)技术将这块屏幕分开-我们的目的就是来找刺激的。当我们融化了这一对“护盾”后,我们找到了:

    • 英赛尔 23882B R703CM

    • 普瑞科技 DP825 定时控制器(就像是旧款iPad Pro上的升级版)

    • 德州仪器 TPS565158

    Which manufacturers is the Display? Not Samsung, not LG. A good question.

    Brian Wehrhahn - 回复

    Will iPad Pro 10.5” display fit and work on iPad Air 3?

    mail2augus87 - 回复

    What is the core component for True Tone tech’s operation.

    Dause Johnson - 回复

  6. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 在我们Wi-Fi版本的iPad Pro 10.5后中,苹果留下了一些神秘的塑料块,在那里可以找到LTE天线。

    • 为了更神秘一些,在12“9 iPad Pro 的Wi-Fi版本中并没有这些......

    • 我们猜测这添加了对显示部件的支撑,而不是像早期iPad中的闲置空间。

    • 除非我们移除主板的保护板之前,否则我们并不能看到其他东西。是时候打开它去看看我们能找到什么。

    What is on the other side of the front-facing camera? (I assume that's the top there - but what are the "microphone holes" next to the audio jack doing at the *top*?) My guess is that the plastic block is not just support for the display, but to balance the weight.

    What are the regularly spaced "black bosses" (the engineering sense..) behind the spacer? They look like rubber shock absorbers for the screen. To reduce errant motion if the thing is being flung hither and thither when used when hunting flying Pokemon? (Courtesy of ARKit of course)

    And - ahoy! Are those normal **Phillips** screws I see there? Inconceivable!

    jimwitte - 回复

    Remember, there are four speakers—two on top, and two on the bottom. ;) That's what the row of holes is for (you can see them in Step 8). The plastic blocks are hollow and weigh virtually nothing, so I tend to favor the "display support" theory.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    The LTE version that I’m holding open right now does not have those “spacers”, it actually holds the WiFi/LTE antenna in there. iPad Pro 10.5 (a1709) (2007).

    I would like to get some feedback/confirmation on my statement.

    Dante Estus - 回复

    So has Apple FINALLY put a DAC in this tablet? I generally use my Astell & Kern PDA for listening to music. I have the Tidal app and I noticed that my iPad Pro 10” sounded like it has a DAC onboard , but I thought maybe it was just because I was tilting it or something. Looked at getting a iFi headphone amp as it’s suppose to playback Master Quality Audio from Tidal. I have a home setup that allows me to play MQA disc I purchased from Japan and some are really good, others are not as good as the Platinum SHM (24Bit/192kHz). Queen is a good example of the MQA Disc sounding less than stellar compared to the Platinum SHM version. I don’t use my iPhone for much but a phone. I might look into an iFi device now, for Tidal streaming.

    James - 回复

    Hi, where do I find this electromagnetic cover for the motherboard?


    kris - 回复

  7. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 正当我们对这部设备发起更深的探索时,我们意识到,目前为止还没有看到任何内部的连接线。

    • 就在我们期待的地方,发现了3.5毫米耳机孔和扬声器。

    • Apple将线缆非常不方便的藏在了扬声器下方,像三明治夹心一样处在扬声器和后壳之间。这并不像12.9寸那样将连接线布置在扬声器上方。

    • 提起一条导电胶带,我们找到了螺丝!上一次我们移除iPad Pro12.9的扬声器非常不顺,所以这次的螺丝是一个好兆头。

    • 哎 - 这些螺丝并没有解救我们。还是要通过去除讨厌的粘合剂来移除扬声器。

  8. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 果然,所~有的连接线缆都被藏到了扬声器共振腔的下方。

    • 至少扬声器共振腔和驱动器一起被完整的取出了。不像12.9寸的iPad pro,这是个无损伤的过程。扬声器甚至连弹簧触点都没多少,所以我们把它干净完整的取出来了。

    • 然而,对于粘在后盖上的带状线缆来说,情况并非如此。

  9. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 跟粘住扬声器的胶水的战斗的奖励——我们见到了后置摄像头和光线传感器。

    • 光线传感器上面覆盖有绿/白/透明的滤镜,可能对 True Tone 系统有所帮助。

    • 10.5寸的iPad pro采用了和iPhone 7一样强大的摄像头。

    • 得益于光学防抖的使用,后置摄像头现在可以拍摄1200万像素的静态相片和30帧的4K视频。这是从2015年的iPad pro的800万像素静态相片和1080p视频拍摄升级而来。

    • 前置自拍摄像头也不错,可以拍700万像素照片和1080p视频。

  10. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 平板电脑的性能由处理器们决定。这些是让它性能强劲的处理器们:

    • 苹果/Apple APL1071 苹果 A10X Fusion 芯片,拥有64位架构和嵌入式M10协处理器。

    • 镁光/Micron MT53B256M64D2PX-0621600 MHz 2 GB LPDDR4 内存(2片一共组成4GB容量)

    • 东芝/Toshiba THGBX669D4LLDXG 64GB NAND 闪存

    • 恩智浦/NXP 67V04 NFC 控制器 (在iPad 5,iPhone 7和 Apple Watch Series 2 里见过)

    • 村田Mutara/苹果Apple 339S00249 无线模块

    • 两个 博通/Broadcom BCM15900B0 触摸屏控制器

    • 苹果/Apple 343S00118-A0, 343S00120-A0,和 343S00121-A1


    Do you know where can I buy 343S00121-A1? My IPAD pro 2017 restarting time to time

    Pasan Madusanka - 回复

    I believe the flash memory part number is “THGBX6G9D4LLDXG” (with a G in the middle instead of a 6), not “…X669D…”. “G9” fits into the Toshiba NAND flash part number as meaning “512 (=2⁹) Gbits =64GB”, whereas “69” isn’t listed in any of the part number decode specs I found (all the characters for those spots are a letter followed by a number, not two numbers). Also, looking at the full-res (7042x5282) photo here, the character looks a bit closer to the “G” earlier in the part number, and less like the “6” right next to it.

    Slipp Douglas Thompson - 回复

  11. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,2
    • 拆解更新——近距离观察逻辑板揭示出了一些有意思的东西:

    • 赛普拉斯/Cypress CYPD2104 USB Type-C 接口控制器。

    • 这个USB-C控制器在这里是干什么的?iPad连个USB-C接口都没有。

    • 啊哈,如果你把这枚小芯片和Lighting至USB-C线缆以及苹果的29W USB-C充电器连接起来,你就解锁了一项隐藏技能:USB PD充电协议,也就是快充。

    • 在此之前只有12.9寸的iPad pro才有这项功能。快充使得充电时间减少了一半。(这对于12.9寸的iPad尤为重要,否则你要花5个小时才能充满电)

    Do you know if fast charging would work with a 87w TouchBar MacBook Pro charger?

    Joshua Karns - 回复

    Do these Type-C controllers present in the smaller iPad Pro 9.7 (before this time), 'cause I am buying a referbrished iPad Pro 9.7

    Xavier Jiang - 回复

  12. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 由于是拉条式粘胶固定电池,我们认为第一代iPad pro 是第一部真正意义上的可回收的iPad。为了验证我们的想法,我们小心翼翼的揭下了电池边缘的一些胶带。

    • 真是挫败!更多的塑料垫片,只发现了粘糊糊的胶水,而不是好清理的可剥离粘胶。

    • 苹果你下次准备干嘛?非要我求你吗?

    • 这台iPad pro有一块3.77 V, 8134 mAh, 30.8 Wh的电池,比12.9寸的iPad的38.8Wh电池少。但是比9.7寸的27.91Wh电池要强。

  13. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 别急,还有一件事。

    • 上次我们拆解苹果的Smart Keyboard的时候,结果并不是很好。但是这次,情况不一样了,我们有了超能力。(好吧,是我们的朋友们有超能力)

    • 立柱顶部的黑条是Smart Connector。它还是黑色的:各种各样的磁铁让他在自己的位置呆着

    • 希望单开关的空格键不会让我们用的太痛苦。但是看看这个孤零零的窗格吧,哎。

  14. 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 10.5寸 iPad Pro拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 这就是所有的零件啦!

    • 特别感谢Creative Electron将他们的X光护目镜借给我们!

  15. 最后的想法
    • 虽然没有被焊接到逻辑板上,但电池被胶水固定得非常牢固,没有像我们在12.9寸iPad Pro 中看到的拉片。
    • Smart Connector几乎不可能更换,但不包含可移动得部件,几乎不可能发生故障。
    • LCD屏幕和前面板玻璃融合在一起。,这略微简化了拆解程序。
    • 融合的前面板增加了屏幕修复的成本,以及打开时损坏LCD屏幕的风险。
    • 胶水把所有东西都固定到位,使所有修理更加困难。


en zh


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Hey Guys! I would love to know what's the RAM memory of the new iPad Pro 12.9... When can we see a teardown of that iPad? cheers!

hansdesigns - 回复

Both 10.5" and 12.9" iPad Pro use Apple A10X processor, the system memory 12.9" uses should be same as 10.5", LPDDR4.

JJ Wu - 回复

I was waiting for iFixit.com to teardown the iPad Pro 10.5 but the LTE version because it could let us know what's Apple's plan with next iphone modem. This new iPad is supposed to support CDMA Network so I want to know if it is using an INTEL modem or a Qualcomm modem. If this iPad uses an Intel modem with CDMA it means intel is ready to substitute Qualcomm on Verizon/Sprint iPhone. The specs in Apple website shows this new iPad Pro supports up to 450 Mbps so it could be using Intel XMM 7480 modem. It also could be using Qualcomm Snapdragon X12 LTE Modem (600 Mbps) and Apple slowed the speed down to 450 Mbps just to have equal specs for both iPads (GSM and CDMA).

Piogan Dominicano - 回复

From the tech spec of new iPad Pro Apple released on product web site, most likely, it is still Qualcomm modem inside due to CDMA support. Unlike iPhone 7, there are several models which is base band tech dependent. For new iPad Pro, there is one model only to support all telecommunication tech, especially CDMA. Intel's first chip to support CDMA will be XMM7650 announced in Feb.

JJ Wu -

Will you teardown the new 12.9 model?

imjosejab - 回复

Is the Touch ID the same as on the iPhone 7, a tactile one or still the (not so) good old clickable one ? Thanks !

Stephane Grienenberger - 回复

It's the older mechanical clicky button version. ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

What is the NFC chip doing inside a iPad?

RaySajuuk - 回复

It's for Apple Pay.

Paul Motz -

NFC is useful for pairing bluetooth speakers, for example. Probably more so than for paying for stuff using a massive ipad..

Patrik Floding -

Right now with the NFC Chip and IOS11 you can skip the whole installation/activation process buy touching the iPad with your iPhone, and it is going to setup all your settings and accounts ;-)

djlsb - 回复

Hello, I just received my iPad Pro 10,5. I have a stylus with 3 magnets in it, and it attaches perfectly to the sides of the iPad. My question is: Is it dangerous or is prepared to that?

Adrián Iriarte - 回复

The iPad relies on magnets to secure the Apple made covers, and has a line of magnets on the case you can see in a few steps. So don't worry, it's supposed to do that =)

Sam Goldheart -

who is the manifacturer of microphones, ambient light sensor, accelerometer, barometer, and 3-axis gyro? cheers

Marco Leo - 回复

Could you precisely measure the size of the new A10X chip? It would be fantastic to get a indication of the die size!

Ewout - 回复

I just finished checking them out at Best Buy. Both the new 12.9" and the 10.5". I have to say WOW. The 12.9" is just to big for my needs, but I got to try the pencil on it for the first time and have to say, WOW is it responsive. Having used them on Windows type systems over the years and being laggy and really not very good, I can't see any lag. It's so responsive. I can't draw worth a crap, but I could see some uses for having it, just on the 10.5" version instead. Right now I have a iPad 3 and it's really laggy. It wasn't super fast either then NEW which is why Apple released the iPad 4 6 months later with a faster CPU and the lightning port. So I think this new 10.5" iPad will be the perfect upgrade. I don't need a keyboard.

It's a really nice Tablet. For the few things it might not do as well, I still have my Custom Windows 10 Pro Desktop at home. For tablet needs. I don't want a so called full OS. Don't want to deal with all the Windows issues I've have to deal with over the years.

JBDragon - 回复

What's the audio codec in iPad Pro 10.5?

cuiimws - 回复

seems, it is Cirrus Logic CS42L83A. Refer to Step 11, there is one chip next to Toshiba chip.

JJ Wu -

I received an iPad Pro 10.5" LTE and Bluetooth is dead. WLAN and everything else works. Never had this before. You can switch BT off and on but the device can't be found nor does it find anything. Restored it twice with 10.3.3 and nothing works. How can this be? I thought the WLAN/BT is on one chip? Lost connection to the antenna? Very strange...


plant agoo - 回复

can anyone tell me who manufactured those speakers?

jon aarin - 回复

Any clue as to the wiring/schematic behind the smart connector? Which contacts might be the pos/neg used in charging for the Logitech base?

Kyle Hatton - 回复

Ok, I recently deiscovered a small bulge on the back of my iPad directly above the charging port. Also, the metal frame right underneath the home button somehow got dented inwards. I was wonder what might have gotten pushed up, as I didn’t see it here in the tear down. Thanks!

iDeas Guy - 回复

Hi everybody!

I trying to find if is possible to buy original part - lcd assembly for ipad pro 10.5 (a1701). Or if the parts from china are the same like original part (which manufacturer is best?). Eventualy which diferences are between the apple factory display and china spare parts? I am afraid of bad quality of china spare parts.

Thank you very much for reply - I am hopeless…

adm_ferrum - 回复

hey there adm_ferrum,

I’m on the same boat as you. Did you ever buy a chinese LCD?

Paul -

Hi there, is it possible to replace the power button on the ipad pro 10.5” model?

tony.john1 - 回复

Hi , From where can i get the original back case of the i pad ? Please i need help

Leen Baattiyah - 回复

Where can I find a screen replacement for the iPad Pro 10.5? Is there any plan to demonstrate replacing the digitizer from the LCD display?

Michael Gomez - 回复

Unfortunately, replacing a digitizer that’s bonded to the display like this is not really a DIY—it requires expensive equipment (far more than the value of the device) and a lot of time and practice. For most owners and repair shops, it’s much more practical to replace the entire display assembly. Not sure when that part will be available though.

Jeff Suovanen -

Does anyone findout a white spot on the lcd nearly 4-5cm above the home screen? I always take care my iPad Pro 10.5, suddenly after 13 month of usage, the white spot appeared. Many iPad Pro 10.5 users have this issue. Apple won’t replace the screen if it already out of warranty, but I believe that this problem is not caused by user, but the design of the iPad Pro 10.5 itself… Let me know if you also have the same issue with yours. Thanks.

Ivan Putera Pratama - 回复

@ivanputeraa Just a guess, but this sounds like what happens when something is pressing against the back of the screen from inside the device.

Jeff Suovanen -

It´s also known problem with this model, what I understood, it is usually only cosmetic problem. But the white spot might get brighter after some time.

Further reading: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/bri...

Kristian Hukka -

I have the same issue. Started recently, that’s why I’m curious what that white rectangle component is above the home component on the Logitech board. If something was pushing, there would be an obvious bulge, I’m guessing. It would be nice to solve this mystery seeing as so many people have had the same issue.

Leah Beth -

I’ve had a diagnostic done on an iPad Pro 10.5 (2017) model which won’t power on - it did power on a couple of times then went off after 1-2 minutes but won’t come on at all now. The result of this diagnostic says the company is that it’s not repairable as the issue related to CPU. My question is does this sound like it’s the end of the road for this iPad? Is it worth a second opinion? Can a CPU be replaced?

Terry Newman - 回复

Does anyone know what the white rectangle component is right above the home component on the Logitech board.? I’ve been searching but it’s all mapped out except that one. Would love to know, thank you

Leah Beth - 回复

Will iPad Pro 10.5” display fit and work on iPad Air 3?

mail2augus87 - 回复

My mom’s ipad has a different storage module. It’s sandisk.

Jc Soriano - 回复

My version of this iPad stopped being able to charge. I got a new one because repairing it would take too much time (and I wanted the 2018 model).

I gave it to someone else who took it to a store to get repaired.

I had described the issue as being an issue with the lightning port. I said I thought that was the issue because if I wiggled the plug when it was connected, I could sometimes get it to connect and start charging. It would stop when I let go of the pressure I put on the plug.

But now the store has said that that did not fix it. I assume they mean they replaced the port.

So I’m just wondering, what else COULD be the problem? Given the description of how it was behaving.

(Hope that made sense. English is not my native language)

Eirik Havre - 回复

What would need to be repaired if this was submersed in water. The repair places says just buy a new one but can it be repaired?

Jeremiah Bowles - 回复

Okay, as much trouble as this is, and the fact that I don’t have $2,000 to spend on a new 2020 iPad Pro, what would I need to replace my bent back plate? I have the back plate, but it’s apparent that many of the items are still glued into the back plate in this tear down. Speaker cables, screw mounts , etc.

I noticed it was bent, I guess from being stuffed into my messenger bag, as I noticed light leaking slightly out of the top. I’ve had some issues with the screen going darker and the LED lights on the edge by the home button become visible sometimes. I had planned to buy a battery pack. Mine will no longer hold a charge for very long. I’m essentially tethered to a power bank most of the time. Now, I am guessing I will need a battery pack to fix the batteries, a new LCD screen digitizer and the screen retention set that glues everything goes back together. I’m also assuming I’d need to purchase new speaker cables, etc that are glued in. Looking more like a pro job now. Bend is by the 3 dot keyboard link.

James - 回复

Instead of a complete teardown, I’ve considered buying a new LCD digitizer and a battery pack. While I have these items removed , try to bend the back plate back into position as close as flat as possible. I never use the keyboard connection and the device works fine when the Digitizer is pushed back into place until the glue comes loose again. All of this glue and the screen is loose? The screen has a few blue streaks on a couple of apps, and a couple of small bright spots that are permanently there. I know that a 2020 iPad Pro is in my future. Also waiting to see if Apple is going to push for a new device every year! It’s BS as we buy our devices outright! I expect about 4yrs out of them & No contract! If they start making devices that don’t upgrade for more than a year or two, I’m done with Apple!

If I replace the battery pack and the LCD screen, the issues should not be issues with the device working properly until I get another device. Anyone think this is a better option than a complete teardown?

James - 回复



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