前置摄像头组件包括一个标准的前置摄像头、一个红外(IR)摄像头和一个点投影仪。这三个组件是苹果 Face ID 技术的组成部分。
前置摄像头组件与主板配对,因此只有苹果公司可以更换组件并维护 Face ID 功能。如果可以接受 Face ID 的丢失,则可以使用此指南更换前置摄像头。
将透明胶带条重叠地放在 iPhone 屏幕上,直至覆盖整个表面。
在这个步骤中使用的工具:Clampy - Anti-Clamp$24.95
将支撑臂滑过 iPhone 的左边缘或右边缘。
将吸盘放置在 iPhone 底部边缘附近 - 一个位于正面,一个位于背面。
加热 iOpener 并将其穿过反向钳。
折叠 iOpener,使其位于 iPhone 的底部边缘。
移除 Taptic Engine 和扬声器下方的金属保护罩上的 7 颗螺丝:
两颗 1.9mm Y000型螺丝
一颗 1.2mm Y000型螺丝
一颗 1.6mm Y000型螺丝
一颗 2.4mm 十字螺丝
一颗 1.7mm 十字螺丝
一颗 1.5mm 十字螺丝
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Hey I want to try this but dont you also need new glue for the screen and battery
Indeed you do. The fact that they aren't included in the parts list is due to the way preexisting guides are combined together to create a new guide such as this one. They inherit the parts and tools from previous guides, and in this case the iFixit-created guides that form the basis for this guide did not include those parts, so my guide didn't inherit them.
Here are the adhesives I would recommend to do this job.
iPhone X Display Assembly Adhesive
iPhone X Battery Adhesive Strips
iPhone X Front Facing Camera Cables Conductive Adhesive Set
iPhone X Loudspeaker Adhesive Gasket
You'll note that I added a couple of items to your list; you can get away without the front camera cables adhesives since they sit under the battery so they're not going anywhere, but I would suggest the last one. It's something that's rarely mentioned, but removing the speaker will generally ruin the sealant on it, thereby reducing the water resistance of the phone overall, so I've taken to ordering that gasket along with the others.
I would also like to point out that depending on exactly why you want to replace the front camera assembly, you may be able to do so without losing Face ID. You see, only the IR camera and dot projector are paired to the motherboard; the selfie camera itself is not. So it is possible to cut open the metal bracket that holds the selfie camera and replace just the camera, keeping the paired parts and thus keeping Face ID working. Both the replacement bracket and the camera alone are available for sale on sites like eBay, AliExpress and Amazon. But again, that only helps. if it's just the camera that's broken; if either of the other parts isn't working then you've lost Face ID permanently - well, unless you pay Apple to replace the camera assembly, that is.