Nintendo Switch 使用 JIS 螺丝,但是使用 Phillips 螺丝刀也是可以的。注意不要磨光螺纹。iFixit 的 Phillips 套件可以兼容 JIS 式螺丝。
卸下屏蔽板时,您需要更换屏蔽板和散热器之间的导热膏。 一般的散热硅脂并不适用于填补散热管和屏蔽罩之间较大的缝隙,使用K5 Pro这类粘性较大的硅脂更为合适。
使用 JIS000 螺丝刀,或者 iFixIt PH000 螺丝刀取下用于固定后面板的螺丝:
在这个步骤中使用的工具:iFixit Adhesive Remover$19.99
在电池槽内沿顶部边缘滴几滴粘合剂去除剂或高浓度(90% 或更高)异丙醇以削弱粘合剂(的黏性)。
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Can anyone confirm that Switch will NOT work with the battery removed or dead (dead as in once it’s totally non-functional as all lithium batteries eventually are, not dead as in just discharged but the battery works).
PSP works with the battery dead or pulled, as far as I know DS, 3DS, Vita and Switch do NOT, which is a gigantic design flaw.
Yes. The battery of my Switch has been wearing down over some time, to the point where I had to charhe the device for some hours to even activate it - it isn't functional without a working battery.
I would highly recommend against keeping dead batteries in any system, as this can cause damage to the motherboard of the device. If you experience your Switch randomly turning off while its battery is dead, immediately seek to get the battery removed or replaced.
While it is considered rare, dead batteries can sometimes reverse in polarity when its voltage is too low. This can damage the motherboard or other components unexpectedly.
Reboot -
Why can't you reuse the switch's battery?, if I'm just replacing the shell of the switch and have to move the battery why can't I reuse the battery in the new shell?
Good question!
For safety reasons, we strongly discourage people from reusing a battery once it has been removed. Bending a lithium-ion battery even slightly can create uneven spots between the thin layers inside the battery. The battery may function fine for awhile, but over time and charge cycles, the uneven area can wear down faster, eventually resulting in an electrical short. The battery would fail, swell up, and possibly catch on fire.