
This Nintendo DS Lite was released in 2006 as the successor to the Nintendo DS. Getting inside this device is simple, making for easy fixes.

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Orange light flashes when plugged in, looks like liquid damage

I've got a ds lite here with no signs of life aside from a brief orange flash when I plug it in. It won't charge, won't turn on, just flashes at me. (Someone else had a similar problem, but theirs at least turned on)

I've tried another battery, checked both fuses, made sure the battery is making contact, and checked the voltage from both the adapter and charging port.

I also checked the voltage on the battery connectors, and got 0.00V. Not sure what to do about that

Judging from the residue and corrosion I found, I'm guessing someone spilled pepsi or something similar on it. Is this fixable? Where do I go from here?

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Update (04/25/24)

The via in question:

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Are you able to take photos of the motherboard and post it?


@honakrisi can't believe i forgot that part lol. I'll have them up in a sec


@darthmango Check out this video. Might be a good idea to clean it with isopropyl alcohol if the corrosion causes a short



@darthmango when did you "checked the voltage on the battery connectors, and got 0.00V" get this? with the new battery or on charging power?


@oldturkey03 On charging power. Also, in case it's relevant, this was with everything disconnected from the mobo, exactly like the pictures






@darthmango okay that is interesting. No power from the charger to the battery. You did say you've checked the fuses for continuity correct? 2nd image top left quadrant, measure the voltage on VIN and VGND. Further down also check the BT- and BT+ TP (with the charger and the battery), see what you get.

It's somewhat hard to see but the solder joint just above the VIN TP looks a bit odd and so does BT-Try to resolder that connector. Could of course be perfectly okay just my old eyes failing :-))

Check EM10 for continuity. That is your choke coil (filter) for the charging circuit but can interrupt your power circuitry.

Like @markusnorstroem already said, clean your board with some 90%+ isopropyl alcohol and see if that cleans up. Use something like this guide 修复iPhone 的进水故障 to show how it's done :-) Yes, it was written for an iPhone 3G but all points are still pertinent to your board as well.


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@oldturkey03 Yep, I checked the fuses. Got 5.45V across VIN & VGND with the charger, 0.00V with the battery. As for BT+ and BT-, I'm getting 0.01V with the charger and 0.00 with the battery. Not sure about that first joint you mentioned, but you're definitely right about BT- looking odd. I've already cleaned the board 2 or 3 times, so i'll grab a soldering iron and hopefully be back in a few mins


@darthmango yep, check EM10 and reflow your battery connector.


@oldturkey03 Well that took a LOT longer than I was hoping. Got it reflowed in the end though (I think, I don't see any obvious way to double check the positive side). EM10 checks out too.


@darthmango life happens :-) Any change on the BT+ and BT- voltages?


@oldturkey03 Yes! It's up to 1.2V with the battery, and 0.02V with the charger.





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