
The Inspiron 15-3521 has an optional touch screen feature and has a 15.6" display. This laptop is also complete with a matte finish and keyboard complete with number pad.

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What hard drive comes with the Dell 15-3521 laptop

What hard drive comes factory with a Dell 15 - 3521 laptop computer

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Hi @jpicking85 ,

According to the specifications it is capable of taking a sata 3 HDD or SSD. sata 1 and sata 2 drives will work because sata 3 is backward compatible but they will work at the slower speed

The capacity is not specified.

Here’s a link that shows what SSD are compatible with the laptop


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Correction: A lot of the cheaper SATA SSDs are Fixed III now, so what you may find is that if the system is from the Core Duo/Core 2 Duo/pre-2011 with Dell, some are SATA I OR II limited due to Option ROM support or HW like the 1525/1545 with a non SATA III ready chipset since it's just from that era with Dell.

This will have NO ISSUES with Fixed III as it's Ivy Bridge (2012, give or take), but you CANNOT ASSUME with older Dell equipment pre-Sandy. Check the chipset and see if it has support, and if they bothered to support it in the BIOS... When in doubt, Samsung.



According to the specs I linked it supports all 3 i.e. sata I, II and III unless I'm reading it wrong.

From the specifications:

"Storage Interface

• SATA 1.5 Gbps

• SATA 3.0 Gbps

• SATA 6.0 Gbps"




From the factory, a 500GB SATA III drive if what I’m finding is correct based on Amazon. Most likely a Seagate hard drive since Dell loves them for the lower capacity drives like the one yours came with.

The problem with these Dells which use Seagate drives from the factory is the FAILURE RATE of the drive, not the computer. The laptops are fine, but these original drives are failure prone after a few years to the point they cannot be relied upon to not fail. Seagate has had problems with this since the 7.01 (headstack data scraping), 7200.11(BSY) and 7200.12("fixed" 7200.11). The new ones are still troublesome, especially Seagate Rosewood, which is also known for platter scraping (with no recall like the 7.01 where they had to because they were once called out for it or files class actions against them)!!! All of the "Made in China" Seagates are junk.

Due to their tendency to fail (even if it works), I would replace it with an SSD when you can afford to do so due to the age of the laptop (5 years). This is about the time the POH/POC gets high and they often have problems. NOTE: Not all of them fail, but the risk of it is higher then normal for a good WD drive. Consider it preventive maintenance.


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