
LTE-enabled variant of the fifth generation of iPad, released in March 2017. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options featuring a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A9 processor.

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Is there a board view for the iPad 5 LTE?

I went to replace the tristar chip on this board, and accidentally knocked off a component next to tristar. I couldn’t find the component to put it back, and I didn’t pay enough attention before hand to know what it was, nor do I have a donor board for this model. I decided to test if it might have been a filter capacitor or something, and reassembled things, just to get a boot loop, so I need to find out what the component was and replace it. It was likely either a resistor or a diode, but I’m not sure.

ZXW tool and Easy Draw both have schematics and board views for the 4th generation iPad and the iPad Air/2 models, but they don’t seem to have the 5th gen schematics and board view. On the other models, it appears that there are a couple zero ohm resistors in that area, but things look different enough I don’t want to just try it without more information.

Is there a board view for the iPad 5 so I can figure out what the components are surrounding tristar on this board?

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As far as I know, there is no publicly available board view for this model. However, the Tristar circuit is pretty much a universal design since it’s introduction and the iPad 5 is essentially an updated Air (even iFixit has used the same guide with with a different title!).

So what I would do is do a little bit of reverse engineering and see what exactly this component connects to and find the same thing in the Air documentation.


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It seems iPads in general are quite a weak spot with ZXW boardview, the iPad 3 is incomplete, the Air misses power/data lines references..is Easy Draw any better ?


@arbaman Actually, the last time I checked (about 2-3 months ago), EasyDraw has less info when it comes to iPads. I just received a dongle for Wu Xin Ji so I'll check that out. I should write up a blog post on this :>).


Good to know, thank you. I'll keep an eye out for your blog news :)



you can go to www.jcprogrammer.com/download install JCID repair operation platform, in the software you go to JCID Drawing, then you choose the board you need, there is iPad mini 1 to iPad pro 5gen also all iPhone model !! Of course its not free but not too expensive.

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What Tristar did you use? Is it the same as the 7/7+ or is it the same as the iPhone 6/Air 1??


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