
Model A1225 / Mid 2007 and Early 2008 / 2.4, 2.8, or 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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Power supply needs to be fixed!

I got an old iMac 2008 from my brother-in-law. It had been sitting in his house for years without being used. He said it was running very slowly so he upgraded.

When I plugged in the machine and turned it on, it made 2 loud popping and snapping sounds and then went quiet.

After some research I am trying to fix the power supply. Any ideas on how to go about doing this? I am planning on replacing the damaged (bulging) capacitors. I want to check the power supply before I put it back in the machine. I don't want to rebuild the computer and find out that the power supply is still bad. Any ideas on how to test the power supply?


Update (07/26/2017)

Block Image

Any chance this could be fixed?

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That's what the diagnostic LEDs are for:

iMac Intel 24" EMC 2134 and 2211 Diagnostic LED's

UPDATE 7/29/17

This should be Apple part#661-4478 about $100 Please check your exact model before ordering




得分 5


Yes, thank you Mayer for your response. The LED diagnostic would be helpful but they did not light up. So am guessing the power supply is bad. I removed the power supply and I can see at least one bad capacitor. I have not yet changed the capacitor - that is totally a new experience for me. Once I switch it out I was hoping I could check the power supply with a pinout chart but I don't know where to get one and how to interpret it. I only know that a "pinout" of the power supply is supposed to be the way that a person checks a power supply.


China was clearing these out last summer for about $25 each for brand new ones. I have spent a lot of time over the years trying to repair a few, mostly to no avail.


Hi mayer,

Thanks again for your response. It sounds like you don't think it's worth trying to fix the power supply. Am I hearing you right? To some degree I will have to agree with you because the power supply is in pretty bad shape. I am attaching a photo for you to look at. I've already removed one bad capacitor but my main concern is in this area of the power supply. You can see the resistors have been burned out. Any hope of fixing this? If there is a chance I would like to try for it.


Bin it, get a new PSU. They're cheep enough and that way you'll know it is working.


After you've worked with certain models for years you get to know what to try to fix and what to replace. On this model the order of failure is the PSU, GPU, inverter and then the hard drive. I would just replace the hard drive.





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