The Canon EOS 60D is a 18 MP DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera with an articulating LCD screen. The camera was released August 2010 and is identified by the EOS 60D printed on the front of the camera.
when i was going on a bike with my camara it fell down and its top part near the flash broken in away that i cam see inside . so i want to know that how much it will cost to repare or is it possible to repare???
aravindmohan20000 to try to answer that, it would help if you post some images of the damage. Use this guide 在已经存在的问题里加入图片 for that. It will allow us to see what you see.
aravindmohan20000 to try to answer that, it would help if you post some images of the damage. Use this guide 在已经存在的问题里加入图片 for that. It will allow us to see what you see.
由 oldturkey03 完成的