Dropped laptop, Bent Corner Repair
I dropped my Mac Book Pro and it bent the top left side of the lid/screen.. And dinged the bottom left corner of the base. Can it be fixed to look new? If so, how much would this cost?
In a word, No. Your options are to replace the parts or put a hard cover on it.
This is an on going problem, see my question on tools for repairing it: https://meta.ifixit.com/Answers/View/601...
Alternatively - I had a chance to get a MacBook Pro the other day. Dented corner and broken glass. If not concerned about it looking new, can it be bent back well enough for a new glass to install and seat?
@bartidog - yes, here's the tool: http://www.pliertek.com/collections/macb...
But the problem comes replacing the guts on a retina display which is something I have not done yet.
I’m much interested too. I understand how to bend it back, but will the screen survive? This is the main questions. Suggest us please how to perform it safely? Did anybody try and has an experience to share with us?
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