So I turned my laptop off last night. This morning when I turned it on, it started up, then went straight to a “Choose an Option” page. My two options are troubleshoot or turn of PC.
When you click on troubleshoot, 6 more options are given.
The first one is system restore. I tried that, and a error sign comes up:
Clicking close takes me back to the original page.
The second option restarts the computer but says they couldn’t fix the problem. [br]
The third option give me two more options: to uninstall latest quality update or uninstalling feature update. Neither of these are successful.
Option numbers 4-6 - I don’t know enough about to work with them, however 4 is some sort of coding.. 5 you need a cd in the drive to set up a specific system and 6 restarts the computer and brings you to another page which I also don’t know anything about. [br]
Not sure what else to do, but I’m sure someone can help me out somewhere! [br]
So I turned my laptop off last night. This morning when I turned it on, it started up, then went straight to a “Choose an Option” page. My two options are troubleshoot or turn of PC.
When you click on troubleshoot, 6 more options are given.
The first one is system restore. I tried that, and a error sign comes up:
Clicking close takes me back to the original page.
The second option restarts the computer but says they couldn’t fix the problem. [br]
The third option give me two more options: to uninstall latest quality update or uninstalling feature update. Neither of these are successful.
Option numbers 4-6 - I don’t know enough about to work with them, however 4 is some sort of coding.. 5 you need a cd in the drive to set up a specific system and 6 restarts the computer and brings you to another page which I also don’t know anything about. [br]
Not sure what else to do, but I’m sure someone can help me out somewhere! [br]