
The Lenovo IdeaPad 310 Touch-15ISK was released in July of 2016. The Lenovo IdeaPad 310 Touch is specialized for multimedia endeavors.

13 个问题 查看全部

Why won’t it start up?

So I turned my laptop off last night. This morning when I turned it on, it started up, then went straight to a “Choose an Option” page. My two options are troubleshoot or turn of PC.

When you click on troubleshoot, 6 more options are given.

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The first one is system restore. I tried that, and a error sign comes up:

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Clicking close takes me back to the original page.

The second option restarts the computer but says they couldn’t fix the problem.

The third option give me two more options: to uninstall latest quality update or uninstalling feature update. Neither of these are successful.

Option numbers 4-6 - I don’t know enough about to work with them, however 4 is some sort of coding.. 5 you need a cd in the drive to set up a specific system and 6 restarts the computer and brings you to another page which I also don’t know anything about.

Not sure what else to do, but I’m sure someone can help me out somewhere!


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You probably have some corrupted system files. Sometimes the “Start-Up Repair” option needs to be run 3 or 4 times for it to work and even then says it cannot fix it and then boots up fine the next time. Is does this because it may only fix some of the corruption on the first, etc. pass so it takes a few tries to get it all. I have experience this problem a number of times.


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If your laptop is showing no signs of life and refuses to turn on, use this Lenovo IdeaPad U530 Touch Does Not Turn On problem page for possible causes and solutions.


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