
当前版本: oldturkey03 (投票详情)


ana, sounds like you have a stuck lens. Look at it straight on and see if it looks center in the housing. Sometimes dirt, sand and grime can prevent it from opening. In case like that I usually try to use a vacuum cleaner at the front of the lens and try to assist it with that suction, while turning the camera on. Take a look [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] for some more information. Hope this helps, good luck.



编辑: mayer (投票详情)


ana, sounds like you have a stuck lens. Look at it straight on and see if it looks center in the housing. Sometimes dirt, sand and grime can prevent it from opening. In case like that I usually try to use a vacuum cleaner at the front of the lens and try to assist it with that suction, while turning the camera on. Take a look [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] for some more information. Hope this helps, good luck.



原帖由: oldturkey03


ana, sounds like you have a stuck lens. Look at it straight on and see if it looks center in the housing. Sometimes dirt, sand and grime can prevent it from opening. In case like that I usually try to use a vacuum cleaner at the front of the lens and try to assist it with that suction, while turning the camera on. Take a look [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] for some more information. Hope this helps, good luck.

