

Does your Lenovo IdeaPad U530 Touch laptop run slower the more it is used? Is the hard drive activity LED blinking constantly? Lenovo IdeaPad U530 Touch laptop computers are susceptible to a range of problems that could cause them to run progressively slower. Check the following possible causes to identify and solve the problem.

Cause 1: Computer is Out of RAM

RAM (random access memory) is an important component that determines your computer’s performance. RAM is designed to give applications a place to store and access data, so the more programs your system is running, the more RAM you’ll need. The speed and performance of your computer are directly related to the amount of RAM installed on the device. To check how much RAM your laptop has, open ‘Start’ on your laptop (the Windows logo on the bottom right of your screen). Open ‘Settings’ (the gear-shaped icon) —> ‘System’ (laptop-shaped icon) —> ‘About’ (in lower left-hand corner). Then, review the ‘Installed RAM’ section and note how much RAM your computer has installed. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to open your computer’s task manager. Navigate to the ‘Performance’ tab to see how much RAM your computer is using. If your computer’s RAM is at capacity and your computer has been running progressively slower, you may need to upgrade your computer’s RAM.

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Arielle Sampson


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