
A sleek 13.3” Ultrabook manufactured in 2012. The Lenovo IdeaPad U310 features long battery life and Lenovo smart update.

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Should I upgrade my RAM?

At only 4GB of RAM, it seems like my Ideapad can hardly do anything heavy-duty. Whenever I’m online, everything slows to a crawl, no matter which browser I use (Safari, Firefox, Chrome). I don’t believe this is a Wi-Fi issue, as the problem only gets worse when I open programs such as Photoshop and Premiere Pro, causing the entire computer to crash. I want to replace the 4GB RAM with a larger one, but I’m not sure if that’s the right course of action. Anyone here have any advice concerning the RAM?

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Upgrading your RAM from 4GB to 8GB is likely the best solution to your problem. Generally, “heavy-duty” programs like the ones you mentioned would need something a lot more powerful than a Lenovo Ideapad, and upgrading to 8GB is the best you can likely do with that given device. The only thing you’ll want to be aware of is that opening your device will void the warranty, so be sure this is what you want before you proceed.

A user from the Lenovo forums described the process of removing the back panel to access the RAM as follows: “Basically you pry off the rubber feet, unscrew the 4 screws you'll find, then (VERY) carefully work your way around the space between the back panel and the silver plastic.”

Any additional information you may need can be found on iFixit’s troubleshooting guide for the U310: Lenovo IdeaPad U310 Troubleshooting

If your laptop is running progressively slower and the hard drive activity LED is blinking constantly, use this Lenovo IdeaPad U530 Touch is Running Progressively Slower problem page for possible causes and solutions.


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