



Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi Troubleshooting

Camera won't turn on

The camera does not turn on after pressing the on button.

Faulty Battery

If the battery is inserted and has been charged for the recommended amount of time and the camera does not power on, it is possible that you have a faulty battery or charger. If you replace the battery and the camera still does not power on, the problem may be the charger. If the camera does power on then the problem was the battery and your problem should be resolved. For instructions on how to replace the battery refer to the Battery Guide

Camera not saving pictures

You can not locate your pictures on your SD card after they have been taken.

Faulty Memory Card

If the camera is not saving pictures to the inserted memory card slot, the first thing to take a look at is the availability of space on the memory card. If there is enough space on the card, and the XTi still cannot save pictures, then the problem is most likely not with the memory card. For instructions on how to replace the memory card refer to the Memory Card Guide

Debris in memory card slot

Another simple thing to check when having issues saving pictures is to take a look at the memory card slot. If there is any build up of dust and dirt, it is possible that it is interfering with the camera’s ability to read the memory card. To clear the slot, use compressed air out of a can similar to what is used to clean computer keyboards to blow out the debris.

Faulty memory card reader

If the aforementioned quick fixes don’t work, then the underlying problem is likely to be with the memory card reader. Troubleshooting is not something that is going to work for this because the only option is to replace the memory reader.

Camera will not mount on a tripod

When attempting to mount the camera on a tripod it will not completely thread leaving the camera free to move.

Stripped mount threads

If the camera does not mount properly onto a tripod, it is possible that the threads are stripped on the tripod mount because of over tightening or long term use. To replace the mount, follow the steps found in the Tripod Mount Guide

Buttons stick in a pushed position

When you try to take pictures, the snapshot button will not depress or release into its normal position.

Displaced snapshot/shutter button

It is possible that the snapshot/shutter button was pushed too firmly and was pushed into a position in which it was unable to release into its natural position. If this is the problem, the solution may simply be to re-position the button by partially taking the device apart.

Long term stress on snapshot/shutter button

After long-term use, it is possible that the rubber/plastic mechanism found underneath the button itself is worn to the point where the button does not properly push or release. If this seem to be the problem, it is possible that the entire button fixture needs be replaced. For instructions on how to remove the snapshot fixture, refer to the Snapshot Button Guide

Flash module sticks/won’t release

when trying to take a picture with the flash, the flash light will only open by manually lifting the module.

Cracked spring on flash module

In the case that the flash module won’t release to allow the flash module to pop up, apply a gentle force to pry it open and inspect the flash latch to see if it is bent or broken. If this is the case then these parts will need to be replaced, if it is not, then the issues lies somewhere else with the module. For instructions on how to replace the flash module, refer to the Flash Module Guide

Selector dial and on/off switch button don’t index correctly

when you trying to change settings or modes on the camera. the dial will not stay in place making it difficult to preform desired task.

Worn indexing detents

The first step to troubleshoot this problem is to press the dial downwards to force it into an indexed position. If the problem persists, disassemble the module and replace the selector dial.

Soft touch grip is ripped

The soft touch grip is ripped, which makes the camera difficult and uncomfortable to hold.

Grip is weak due to long term use

After the camera has been used for a long period of time in different environments it is possible that the rubber soft touch grip has become weak and prone to rips and tears. The only way to fix this problem would be to simply replace the grip. Replacing the grip will allow you to regain proper functionality of the camera. For instructions on how to replace the grip refer to the Soft Touch Grip Guide

Nicholas Abate


656 声望



USF Tampa, Team 8-6, Eyestone Fall 2015 USF Tampa, Team 8-6, Eyestone Fall 2015 的会员


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Camera always says busy after taking a picture and we have to wait. Any suggestions to make it take pictures quicker?

pmmiller716 - 回复

Blue light flash camera will not turn on

Jeffrey Godbolt - 回复

I haven’t used my camera for a few years and I’ve charged all my batteries and even used different chargers to make sure nothing was faulty. My camera refuses to power up! Anyone else have this frustration with this camera? Cannon Rebel XT digital

Terri - 回复

I have an older Cannon Rebel XT and I’ve charged my many batteries and used different chargers to ensure nothing was faulty. The camera will not even power up let alone take a photo! Anyone have this problem before? I’m looking for advice/ solutions.

Terri - 回复



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